{"draft":"draft-ietf-ntp-mode-6-cmds-11","doc_id":"RFC9327","title":"Control Messages Protocol for Use with Network Time Protocol Version 4","authors":["B. Haberman, Ed."],"format":["HTML","TEXT","PDF","XML"],"page_count":"21","pub_status":"HISTORIC","status":"HISTORIC","source":"Network Time Protocols","abstract":"This document describes the structure of the control messages that\r\nwere historically used with the Network Time Protocol (NTP) before\r\nthe advent of more modern control and management approaches. These\r\ncontrol messages have been used to monitor and control the NTP\r\napplication running on any IP network attached computer. The\r\ninformation in this document was originally described in Appendix B\r\nof RFC 1305. The goal of this document is to provide an updated\r\ndescription of the control messages described in RFC 1305 in order to\r\nconform with the updated NTP specification documented in RFC 5905.\r\n\r\nThe publication of this document is not meant to encourage the\r\ndevelopment and deployment of these control messages. This document\r\nis only providing a current reference for these control messages\r\ngiven the current status of RFC 1305.","pub_date":"November 2022","keywords":["NTP","mode 6","mode 7"],"obsoletes":[],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":[],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC9327","errata_url":null}