{"draft":"draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc793bis-28","doc_id":"RFC9293","title":"Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)","authors":["W. Eddy, Ed."],"format":["HTML","TEXT","PDF","XML"],"page_count":"98","pub_status":"INTERNET STANDARD","status":"INTERNET STANDARD","source":"TCP Maintenance and Minor Extensions","abstract":"This document specifies the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). TCP\r\nis an important transport-layer protocol in the Internet protocol\r\nstack, and it has continuously evolved over decades of use and growth\r\nof the Internet. Over this time, a number of changes have been made\r\nto TCP as it was specified in RFC 793, though these have only been\r\ndocumented in a piecemeal fashion. This document collects and brings\r\nthose changes together with the protocol specification from RFC 793. \r\nThis document obsoletes RFC 793, as well as RFCs 879, 2873, 6093,\r\n6429, 6528, and 6691 that updated parts of RFC 793. It updates RFCs\r\n1011 and 1122, and it should be considered as a replacement for the\r\nportions of those documents dealing with TCP requirements. It also\r\nupdates RFC 5961 by adding a small clarification in reset handling\r\nwhile in the SYN-RECEIVED state. The TCP header control bits from\r\nRFC 793 have also been updated based on RFC 3168.","pub_date":"August 2022","keywords":[],"obsoletes":["RFC0793","RFC0879","RFC2873","RFC6093","RFC6429","RFC6528","RFC6691"],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":["RFC1011","RFC1122","RFC5961"],"updated_by":[],"see_also":["STD0007"],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC9293","errata_url":null}