{"draft":"draft-ietf-ippm-testplan-rfc2679-03","doc_id":"RFC6808","title":"Test Plan and Results Supporting Advancement of RFC 2679 on the Standards Track","authors":["L. Ciavattone","R. Geib","A. Morton","M. Wieser"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"29","pub_status":"INFORMATIONAL","status":"INFORMATIONAL","source":"IP Performance Measurement","abstract":"This memo provides the supporting test plan and results to advance\r\nRFC 2679 on one-way delay metrics along the Standards Track,\r\nfollowing the process in RFC 6576. Observing that the metric\r\ndefinitions themselves should be the primary focus rather than the\r\nimplementations of metrics, this memo describes the test procedures\r\nto evaluate specific metric requirement clauses to determine if the\r\nrequirement has been interpreted and implemented as intended. Two\r\ncompletely independent implementations have been tested against the\r\nkey specifications of RFC 2679. This memo also provides direct input\r\nfor development of a revision of RFC 2679. This document is not an \r\nInternet Standards Track specification; it is published for \r\ninformational purposes.","pub_date":"December 2012","keywords":["One-way Delay","IP Performance Metrics","IPPM"],"obsoletes":[],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":[],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC6808","errata_url":null}