{"draft":"draft-hardie-alt-consensus-02","doc_id":"RFC3929","title":"Alternative Decision Making Processes for Consensus-Blocked Decisions in the IETF ","authors":["T. Hardie"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"11","pub_status":"EXPERIMENTAL","status":"EXPERIMENTAL","source":"IETF - NON WORKING GROUP","abstract":" This document proposes an experimental set of alternative decision-making processes for use in IETF working groups. There are a small number of cases in IETF working groups in which the group has come to consensus that a particular decision must be made but cannot agree on the decision itself. This document describes alternative mechanisms for reaching a decision in those cases. This is not meant to provide an exhaustive list, but to provide a known set of tools that can be used when needed. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community. ","pub_date":"September 2004","keywords":[],"obsoletes":[],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":[],"updated_by":["RFC8717"],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC3929","errata_url":"https:\/\/www.rfc-editor.org\/errata\/rfc3929"}