{"draft":"draft-vaudreuil-1892bis-02","doc_id":"RFC3462","title":" The Multipart\/Report Content Type for the Reporting of Mail System Administrative Messages ","authors":["G. Vaudreuil"],"format":["ASCII","HTML"],"page_count":"7","pub_status":"DRAFT STANDARD","status":"DRAFT STANDARD","source":"IETF - NON WORKING GROUP","abstract":" The Multipart\/Report Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) content-type is a general \"family\" or \"container\" type for electronic mail reports of any kind. Although this memo defines only the use of the Multipart\/Report content-type with respect to delivery status reports, mail processing programs will benefit if a single content-type is used to for all kinds of reports. This document is part of a four document set describing the delivery status report service. This collection includes the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) extensions to request delivery status reports, a MIME content for the reporting of delivery reports, an enumeration of extended status codes, and a multipart container for the delivery report, the original message, and a human-friendly summary of the failure. [STANDARDS-TRACK]","pub_date":"December 2002","keywords":["MIME-RPT","Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions","Report"],"obsoletes":["RFC1892"],"obsoleted_by":["RFC6522"],"updates":[],"updated_by":["RFC5337"],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC3462","errata_url":null}