systemd-libs-219-62.el7_6.7$>WKGji.Pփ@>=^ ?]d  0tx  \ z   # G/ 6 `66(8-9-:K->N@NBNGNHO IO\XOl/YP(/ZPt[Px\P|]P^RbRdSeSfS"lS$tS<uSxvS wXxYyYP*]Csystemd-libs21962.el7_6.7systemd librariesLibraries for systemd and udev, as well as the systemd PAM module.]*CentOSLGPLv2+ and MITCentOS BuildSystem Unspecified[HtiqL]]]q]]q]]q]]q]]q]]q]]6389475cf4ef9a02629d2fe4d17e370c4a0bdf055ed8642384ebd8418aab12e0376b1381476956e764460e14e91cb4c3849c5fa549c7d6d97a24e0d8df739d04af5f45aafb5bea3647358d102982e1a195711b85fde0fbad2d14e0ba0d8c735ca0fd1d179693e0321fdbd99a2dcfc2de92ced1be0d3d7022782ce548e5f67a373d85b4e39e46c7286673eb0f32816cc898e6f84e1b788fd5c06eb137d6de17aca67b504cc34a03c51   @ /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/\O\|\eX@\\\?\3?@[@[h@[-[v[Xf@[+@Z Z@Zz@ZyZTZ2gZ&@Z%8Z Z@Z }YeY˒Y@Y3YRHY>@Y-^YtXXQ@Xh@X@X@XsX@XX lXx@X&W@W@W@W@W^@WWW.@WWWj}WBVaVVV +V@VBU@UU@U5@UĝUc@UUUUU@UY@UT@U-@U@U@TT@TmTmTi@T`T`T\@TR(@TFJT5'@T3T)IS;S5d@S"@Sc@SS @S SR@Rb@RRURRx@RkRR@RRR@RRxR].@RJ@R:@R2@R)R@RNR@RQ@QMQp@Q@QQ4QQQyQyQ@Q@QQQQw@Qq1Qo@QdQb@Qb@QU@QU@QQQQQGQC @QC @Q@j@Q9Q8@Q8@QP9@P @PPP7@P@PpP@P@P)P@P@PPPuc@Pl(Pe@PaP\VP\VP[@PQPPy@P6@P6@P,P&I@P"TP"TPw@PPOOO^@O@OF@OF@OF@OỌ@O]@O"Or@OpZ@Ohq@Oc+@OKp@O;@O6X@O3@O3@O1@O!@@OOOO@O@OO yO yO yNT@N0NN/N]N]NN|tN|tN_sNV9@NNP@N98@N2N/N/NM@MMd@MM@M@MM@MUM@M@M@MMx@Mv@MlM[@MY@MRMRMRMOM:M5M(QLOLOLfLLLL,@L@L*@LA@LLLX@LcLcL@L@L@LwLvW@LuLc@Lc@La?@L[@L[@LYV@LYV@LN@LJLJLJL - 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208-5Lukáš Nykrýn - 208-4Lukáš Nykrýn - 208-3Michal Sekletar - 208-2Michal Sekletar - 208-1Daniel Mach - 207-14Lukáš Nykrýn - 207-13Lukáš Nykrýn - 207-12Daniel Mach - 207-11Lukas Nykryn - 207-10Lukas Nykryn - 207-9Lukas Nykryn - 207-8Lukas Nykryn - 207-7Harald Hoyer 207-6Lukas Nykryn - 207-5Lukas Nykryn - 207-4Lukas Nykryn - 207-3Lukas Nykryn - 207-2Harald Hoyer 207-1Harald Hoyer 206-8Harald Hoyer 206-7Harald Hoyer 206-6Harald Hoyer 206-5Harald Hoyer 206-4Lukáš Nykrýn - 206-3Lukáš Nykrýn - 206-2Kay Sievers - 206-1Lennart Poettering - 205-1Michal Schmidt 204-10Michal Schmidt 204-9Harald Hoyer 204-8Harald Hoyer 204-7Harald Hoyer 204-6Lennart Poettering - 204-5Harald Hoyer 204-4Kay Sievers - 204-3Lennart Poettering - 204-2Harald Hoyer 203-2Lennart Poettering - 203-1Harald Hoyer 202-3Harald Hoyer 202-2Lennart Poettering - 202-1Michal Schmidt - 201-2Lennart Poettering - 201-1Lennart Poettering - 200-4Lennart Poettering - 200-3Lennart Poettering - 200-2Lennart Poettering - 199-2Lennart Poettering - 199-1Michal Schmidt 198-7Harald Hoyer 198-6Harald Hoyer 198-5Harald Hoyer 198-4Harald Hoyer 198-3Lennart Poettering - 198-2Lennart Poettering - 198-1Peter Robinson 197-3Michal Schmidt - 197-2Lennart Poettering - 197-1Michal Schmidt - 196-4Michal Schmidt - 196-3Michal Schmidt - 196-2Lennart Poettering - 196-1Lennart Poettering - 195-8Michal Schmidt - 195-7Michal Schmidt - 195-6Kay Sievers - 195-5Michal Schmidt - 195-4Kay Sievers - 195-3Lennart Poettering - 195-2Lennart Poettering - 195-1Michal Schmidt - 194-2Lennart Poettering - 194-1Lennart Poettering - 193-1Lennart Poettering - 192-1Lennart Poettering - 191-2Lennart Poettering - 191-1Lennart Poettering - 190-1Lennart Poettering - 189-4Lennart Poettering - 189-3Lennart Poettering - 189-2Lennart Poettering - 189-1Ray Strode 188-4Lennart Poettering - 188-3Rex Dieter - 188-2Lennart Poettering - 188-1Kay Sievers - 187-3Kalev Lember - 187-2Lennart Poettering - 187-1Harald Hoyer 186-2Lennart Poettering - 186-1Nils Philippsen - 185-7.gite7aee75Michal Schmidt - 185-6.gite7aee75Kay Sievers - 185-5.gita2368a3Michal Schmidt - 185-4.gita2368a3Ray Strode - 185-3Kay Sievers - 185-2Kay Sievers - 185-1Lennart Poettering - 184-1Kay Sievers - 183-1Michal Schmidt - 44-4Dennis Gilmore - 44-3Michal Schmidt - 44-2Lennart Poettering - 44-1Dennis Gilmore - 43-2Lennart Poettering - 43-1Lennart Poettering - 42-1Adam Williamson - 41-2Lennart Poettering - 41-1Lennart Poettering - 40-1Kay Sievers - 39-3Harald Hoyer 39-2Kay Sievers - 39-1.1Lennart Poettering - 39-1Michal Schmidt - 38-6.git9fa2f41Michal Schmidt - 38-5Dan Horák - 38-4Lennart Poettering - 38-3Lennart Poettering - 38-2Lennart Poettering - 38-1Michal Schmidt - 37-4Michal Schmidt - 37-3Michal Schmidt - 37-2Lennart Poettering - 37-1Michal Schmidt - 36-5Michal Schmidt - 36-4Michal Schmidt - 36-3Lennart Poettering - 36-2Lennart Poettering - 36-1Lennart Poettering - 35-1Lennart Poettering - 34-1Harald Hoyer 33-2Lennart Poettering - 33-1Lennart Poettering - 32-1Lennart Poettering - 31-2Lennart Poettering - 31-1Lennart Poettering - 30-1Lennart Poettering - 29-1Michal Schmidt - 28-4Michal Schmidt - 28-3Lennart Poettering - 28-2Lennart Poettering - 28-1Lennart Poettering - 26-2Lennart Poettering - 26-1Lennart Poettering - 25-1Lennart Poettering - 24-1Lennart Poettering - 23-1Lennart Poettering - 22-1Lennart Poettering - 21-2Lennart Poettering - 21-1Matthias Clasen - 20-2Lennart Poettering - 20-1Lennart Poettering - 19-1Lennart Poettering - 18-1Bill Nottingham - 17-6Tom Callaway - 17-5Fedora Release Engineering - 17-4Lennart Poettering - 17-3Bill Nottingham - 17-2Lennart Poettering - 17-1Lennart Poettering - 16-2Lennart Poettering - 16-1Lennart Poettering - 15-1Lennart Poettering - 14-1Lennart Poettering - 13-1Bill Nottingham 12-3Lennart Poettering - 12-2Lennart Poettering - 12-1Matthias Clasen - 11-2Lennart Poettering - 11-1Jesse Keating - 10-6Bill Nottingham - 10-5Bill Nottingham - 10-4Bill Nottingham - 10-3Lennart Poettering - 10-2Lennart Poettering - 10-1Bill Nottingham - 9-3Lennart Poettering - 9-2Lennart Poettering - 9-1Lennart Poettering - 8-3Lennart Poettering - 8-2Lennart Poettering - 8-1Lennart Poettering - 7-3Lennart Poettering - 7-2Lennart Poettering - 7-1Lennart Poettering - 6-2Lennart Poettering - 6-1Lennart Poettering - 5-2Lennart Poettering - 5-1Bill Nottingham - 4-4Lennart Poettering - 4-3Lennart Poettering - 4-2Lennart Poettering - 4-1Lennart Poettering - 3-3Lennart Poettering - 3-2Lennart Poettering - 3-1Lennart Poettering - 2-0Lennart Poettering - 1-0Lennart Poettering - 0-0.7.20100629git4176e5Lennart Poettering - 0-0.6.20100622gita3723bLennart Poettering - 0-0.5.20100622gita3723bRahul Sundaram - 0-0.4.20100614git393024Rahul Sundaram - 0-0.3.20100610git2f198eRahul Sundaram - 0-0.2.20100610git2f198eRahul Sundaram - 0-0.1.20090609git2f198eRahul Sundaram - 0-0.0.git2010-06-02- rules: fix memory hotplug rule so systemd-detect-virt does not run too often (#1701230)- Revert "bus: when dumping string property values escape the chars we use as end-of-line and end-of-item marks" (#1643172)- sd-bus: if we receive an invalid dbus message, ignore and proceeed (#1667871)- Refuse dbus message paths longer than BUS_PATH_SIZE_MAX limit. (#1667870) - Allocate temporary strings to hold dbus paths on the heap (#1667870)- journald: free cmdline buffers owned by iovec (#1666646)- journald: do not store the iovec entry for process commandline on stack (#1657788) - journald: set a limit on the number of fields (1k) (#1657792) - journal-remote: set a limit on the number of fields in a message (#1657792)- dhcp6: make sure we have enough space for the DHCP6 option header (CVE-2018-15688)- cryptsetup-generator: introduce basic keydev support (#1619743) - cryptsetup-generator: don't return error if target directory already exists (#1619743) - cryptsetup-generator: allow whitespace characters in keydev specification (#1619743) - Make sure the mount units pulled by 'RequiresMountsFor=' are loaded (if they exist) (#1619743)- restart automounts unit on update (#1596241)- Revert "rules: mark hotplugged memory as movable" (#1614686) - rules: implement new memory hotplug policy (#1614686) - Revert "rules: add udev rule that automatically offline HW attached to ACPI container" (#1597958)- man: correct the meaning of TimeoutStopSec= (#1305509) - rules: mark hotplugged memory as movable (#1563532) - udev: add ID_INPUT_SWITCH for devices with switch capability (#5057) (#1597240) - rules: disable support for Dell IR cameras (#1591316) - rpm: fix if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then systemctl preset \--global >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi () macro. (#1582383) - rpm: remove confusing --user before --global (#1582383) - automount: handle state changes of the corresponding mount unit correctly (#1596241) - man: document that SIGCONT always follows SIGTERM (#1601794) - rules: add udev rule that automatically offline HW attached to ACPI container (#1597958)- tmpfiles: don't skip cleanup of read-only root owned files if TMPFILES_AGE_ALL is set (#1533638) - timer: we already got the trigger before, no need to call UNIT_TRIGGER again (#1549119) - doc: fix links to binfmt_misc kernel documentation (#1572244) - man/udevadm: remove superfluous --version from subcommand (#1553076) - man/udevadm: correctly show the short version of --exit (#1552712) - core/timer: downgrade message about random time addition (#5229) (#1587906) - fd-util: add new acquire_data_fd() API helper (#1446095) - systemd-analyze: make dump work for large # of units (#1446095) - use max. message size allowed by DBus spec (#8936) (#1446095) - cryptsetup: support LUKS2 on-disk format (#1573838) - units: don't put udev to its own mount namespace with slave propagation (#1432211) - rules: disable support for Lenovo IR cameras (#1540418) - core: make sure "systemctl reload-or-try-restart is actually a noop if a unit is not running (#1191920) - core: fix confusing logging of instantaneous jobs (#1506256) - core: correct return value from reload methods (#1506256) - core: always try harder to get unit status message format string (#1506256) - core: unit_get_status_message_format() never returns NULL (#1506256) - core: try harder to get job completion messages too (#1506256) - core: remove generic job completion messages from unit vtables (#1506256) - core: do not log done failed-condition jobs as if unit started (#1506256) - core: log completion of remaining job types (#1506256) - core: adjust job completion message log levels (#1506256) - mount: add new LazyUnmount= setting for mount units, mapping to umount(8)'s "-l" switch (#3827) (#1497264) - rules: Add MODEL_ID for NVMe device (#7037) (#1397264) - umount: always use MNT_FORCE in umount_all() (#7213) (#1571098) - core: Implement timeout based umount/remount limit (#1571098) - core: Implement sync_with_progress() (#1571098) - journal: forward messages from /dev/log unmodified to syslog.socket (#1409659) - tmpfiles: use safe_glob() (#1436004) - core: delay adding target dependencies until all units are loaded and aliases resolved (#8381) (#1368856)- sd-journal: properly handle inotify queue overflow (#1540538) - sd-journal: make sure it's safe to call sd_journal_process() before the first sd_journal_wait() (#1540538) - journalctl: Periodically call sd_journal_process in journalctl (#1540538) - sd-journal: when picking up a new file, compare inode/device info with previous open file by same name (#1540538)- core: don't choke if a unit another unit triggers vanishes during reload (#1545676)- sparse: avoid clash with __bitwise and __force from 4.10 linux/types.h (#5061) (#1447937) - core: Let two more booleans survive a daemon-reload (#1542391)- automount: ack automount requests even when already mounted (#1535135) - udev: net_id add support for platform bus (ACPI, mostly arm64) devices (#1529633) - journald-native: Fix typo in MANDLOCK message (#1501017) - process-util: make our freeze() routine do something useful (#1540941) - dbus: propagate errors from bus_init_system() and bus_init_api() (#1541061) - bus-util.c: fix TasksMax= property assignment (#1537147)- shared/cgroup-utils: _CGROUP_CONTROLLER_MASK_ALL does not cover CGROUP_PIDS (#1532586)- cryptsetup: when unlocking always put path to the object into Id (#1511043) - cryptsetup: use more descriptive name for the variable and drop redundant function (#1511043) - cryptsetup-generator: do not bind to the decrypted device unit (#6538) (#1511043) - introduce naming based on phys_port_name for nfp via udev rule (#1516283)- revert substitute PACKAGE_STRING with the actual package NVR (#1453153)- core: fix the reversed sanity check when setting StartupBlockIOWeight over dbus (#1302305) - shared/dropin: ignore ENAMETOOLONG when checking drop-in directories (#7525) (#1489095) - enable display manager only on systemd installation (#1464893) - remove unnecessary dependency on dracut (#1466676) - substitute PACKAGE_STRING with the actual package NVR (#1453153)- journald: fix accuracy of watchdog timer event (#1511565)- journald: never block when sending messages on NOTIFY_SOCKET socket (#1511565) - journal: restore watchdog support (#1511565) - cgroup resource property setting ignored if einval (rhbz#1302305) - fileio: add new helper call read_line() as bounded getline() replacement (#1503106) - def: add new constant LONG_LINE_MAX (#1503106) - fileio: rework read_one_line_file() on top of read_line() (#1503106) - cgroup-util: replace one use of fgets() by read_line() (#1503106) - conf-parse: remove 4K line length limit (#1503106) - test-conf-parser: add tests for config parser (#1503106) - fileio: use _cleanup_ for FILE unlocking (#1503106) - test-fileio: also test read_line() with actual files (#1503106) - fileio: return 0 from read_one_line_file on success (#1503106) - man: fix description of --force in halt(8) (#7392) (#1515130) - journal: return better error for empty files (#1465759) - journalctl: continue operation, even if we run into an invalid file (#1465759) - journal: remove error check that never happens (#1465759) - sd-journal: various clean-ups and modernizations (#1465759) - journalctl: when we fail to open a journal file, print why (#1465759)- cryptsetup-generator: use after free (#1477757) - manager: fix connecting to bus when dbus is actually around (#7205) (#1465737) - journal-remote: make --url option support arbitrary url (#1505385) - journald: make maximum size of stream log lines configurable and bump it to 48K (#6838) (#1442262) - service: serialize information about currently executing command (#1404657,#1471230) - tests: add new test for issue #518 (#1404657,) - tests: in RHEL-7 we don't have python3 by default (#1404657,) - service: attempt to execute next main command only for oneshot services (#6619) (#1404657,) - timedatectl: stop using xstrftime (#1503942) - Add support to read lz4 compressed journals (rhbz#1431687)- Support 'rdma' as a ListenNetlink= argument (#6626) (#1494610) - core/namespace: Protect /usr instead of /home with ProtectSystem=yes (#1493047) - udev: Use parent bus id for virtio disk builtin path-id (#5500) (#1496697) - socket-util: socket_address_parse() should not log errors on its own (#1497639) - test: fix failing test-socket-util when running with ipv6.disable=1 kernel param (#1497639) - scsi_id: add missing options to getopt_long() (#6501) (#1476910) - unmount: Pass in mount options when remounting read-only (#1312002) - shutdown: don't remount,ro network filesystems. (#6588) (#1312002) - shutdown: fix incorrect fscanf() result check (#6806) (#1312002) - path-util: make use of "mnt_id" field exported in /proc/self/fdinfo/ (#1472439) - support ranges when parsing CPUAffinity (#1493976) - man: Update man page documentation for CPUAffinity (#1493976) - test-path-util: force rm_rf (#1472439) - Export NVMe WWID udev attribute (#5348) (#1503253) - mount: make sure we unmount tmpfs mounts before we deactivate swaps (#7076) (#1437518) - journald: never accept fds from file systems with mandatory locking enabled (#1501017) - udev: builtin-keyboard: move fetching the device node up (#1500119) - udev: builtin-keyboard: immediately EVIOCSKEYCODE when we have a pair (#1500119) - udev: builtin-keyboard: move actual key mapping to a helper function (#1500119) - udev: builtin-keyboard: invert a condition (#1500119) - udev: builtin-keyboard: add support for EVDEV_ABS_* (#1500119) - hwdb: sync 60-evdev.hwdb from systemd v235 (rhbz#1500119) - journal: ensure open journals from find_journal() (#3973) (#1493846) - journal: only check available space when journal is open (#1493846) - automount: if an automount unit is masked, don't react to activation anymore (#5445) (#1498318) - units: add [Install] section to (#1477757) - units: replace with (#1477757) - man: add a note about _netdev usage (#1477757) - units: make also after (#1477757)- journal: implicitly flush to var on recovery (#4028) (#1364092) - journal: add/use flushed_flag_is_set() helper (#4041) (#1364092) - journald: don't flush to /var/log/journal before we get asked to (#1364092) - path-util: make use of "mnt_id" field exported in /proc/self/fdinfo/ (#1472439) - Revert "Revert "journald: allow restarting journald without losing stream connections"" (#1359939) - journald: make sure we retain all stream fds across restarts (#6348) (#1359939) - Allow systemd-tmpfiles to set the file/directory attributes (#1299714) - tmpfiles: rework file attribute code (#1299714) - tmpfiles: warn if we get an argument on lines that don't take any (#1299714) - tmpfiles: substitute % specifiers in arguments for writing files and xattrs (#1299714) - btrfs-util: introduce btrfs_is_filesystem() and make use of it where appropriate (#1299714) - journal: don't force FS_NOCOW_FL on new journal files, but warn if it is missing (#1299714) - tmpfiles: Add +C attrib to the journal files directories (#1299714) - Revert "path-util: make use of "mnt_id" field exported in /proc/self/fdinfo/" (#1472439) - device: make sure to remove all device units sharing the same sysfs path (#6679) (#1408916) - manager: when reexecuting try to connect to bus only when dbus.service is around (#6773) (#1465737) - doc: document service exit codes (#1178929) - units: order before (#1384014) - man: add an explicit description of _netdev to systemd.mount(5) (#1384014) - units: add and (#1384014) - cryptsetup-generator: use when _netdev is present (#1384014)- core: unset sysfs path after transition to dead state (#1408916) - sysctl: fix uninitialized variable (#1485121) - udev: ignore SIGCHLD from unexpected processes (#1306539) (#1306539) - compile with -Werror (#1447937) - myhostname: don't return any ipv6 entries when ipv6 is disabled (#1444824) - core:execute: fix fork() fail handling in exec_spawn() (#1437114) - fix compilation after commit 382877acc6c029e59e359a076d203ca03b4b9e9e (#1447937) - Redefine 32bit time_t format to signed (#1447937) - sd-bus/bus-kernel.c: fix format errors on ppc64le (#1447937) - tmpfiles: with "e" don't attempt to set permissions when file doesn't exist (#1445732) - units: introduce (#6667) (#1173080) - units: order container and console getty units after (#1173080) - log: never log into foreign fd #2 in PID 1 or its pre-execve() children (#1420505) - nspawn: new option to start as PID2 (#1417387)- tests: use XFS as root filesystem for system tests (#1475870) - tests: use fdisk instead of sfdisk (#1475870) - Revert "udev: net_id: add support for phys_port_name attribute (#4506)" (#1477285) - reintroduce naming based on phys_port_name for mlxsw and rocker via udev rule- Revert "rules: move cpu hotplug rule to separate file" (#1465108)- rules: move cpu hotplug rule to separate file (#1266322)- readahead-collect: don't print warning message when handling symlink (#1387095) - tmpfiles: don't recursively descend into journal directories in /var (#1411199) - tmpfiles: also set acls on /var/log/journal (#1411199) - tmpfiles: set acls on system.journal explicitly (#1411199) - sysctl: configure kernel parameters in the order they occur in each sysctl configuration files (#4205) (#1382244) - units: drop explicit NotifyAccess setting from journald's unit file (#5749) (#1444356) - systemd-notify: Always pass a valid pid to sd_pid_notify (#1381743) - sd_pid_notify_with_fds: fix computing msg_controllen (#1381743)- tests: set tasks_max to infinity (#1337244) - Avoid forever loop for journalctl --list-boots command (#4278) (#1294516) - sd-journal: return SD_JOURNAL_INVALIDATE only if journal files were actually deleted/moved (#5580) (#1446140) - load-fragment: don't print error about incorrect syntax when IPv6 is disabled (#1377055) - core: manager: add some missing dbus properties (#1427927) - core: manager: expose DefaultLimit* as properties on dbus (#1427927) - fstab-generator: remove bogus condition (#1446171)- core: properly handle jobs that are suppressed to JOB_NOPs when propagating restarts (#1436021)- core: add support for the "pids" cgroup controller (#1337244) - core: add new DefaultTasksMax= setting for system.conf (#1337244) - logind: add a new UserTasksMax= setting to logind.conf (#1337244) - core: support percentage specifications on TasksMax= (#1337244) - core: reinstate propagation of stop/restart jobs via RequsiteOf dependencies (#1436021) - core: when propagating restart requests due to deps, downgrade restart to try-restart (#1436021)- spec cleanup (#1439787, #1392300, #1368929)- tmpfiles: add new 'e' action which cleans up a dir without creating it (#1225739) - util:bind_remount_recursive(): handle return 0 of set_consume() (#1433687)- rules/40-redhat.rules: rules should be on one line (#1274401)- execute: Add new PassEnvironment= directive (#1426214) - test-execute: Add tests for new PassEnvironment= directive (#1426214) - test-execute: Clarify interaction of PassEnvironment= and MANAGER_USER (#1426214) - load-fragment: resolve specifiers in RuntimeDirectory (#1428110) - Add microphone mute keymap for Dell Precision (#1413477) - hwdb: update micmute YCODE on device node at DELL LATITUDE laptops for mic mute button. (#5012) (#1413477) - udev/path_id: improve and enhance bus detection for Linux on z Systems (#1274401) - core: port config_parse_bounding_set to extract_first_word (#1387398) - core: simplify parsing of capability bounding set settings (#1387398) - test: add test for capability bounding set parsing (#1387398) - capabilities: keep bounding set in non-inverted format. (#1387398) - capabilities: added support for ambient capabilities. (#1387398) - man: add AmbientCapabilities entry. (#1387398) - test-capability: rebase to upstream version (#1387398) - namespace: don't fail on masked mounts (#1433687) - sysv-generator: Provides: $network should also pull to transaction (#5652) (#1438749) - Install: correctly report symlink creations (#1435098)- udev: fix crash with invalid udev.log-priority (#1245293) - core: make exec code a bit more readable (#1421181) - core: Private*/Protect* options with RootDirectory (#1421181) - core: if the start command vanishes during runtime don't hit an assert (#1421658) - systemctl: make sure that --now is carried out (#5209) (#1417459) - udev: inform systemd how many workers we can potentially spawn (#4036) (#1361601) - service: log_unit consumes id of unit not a unit (#1421658) - automount: add expire support (#1354410) - fstab-generator: fix memleak (#1354410) - remove bus-proxyd (#1317518)- If the notification message length is 0, ignore the message (#4237) (#1380175) - systemctl: suppress errors with "show" for nonexistent units and properties (#1380259) - 40-redhat.rules: disable auto-online of hot-plugged memory on IBM z Systems (#1375603) - pid1: don't return any error in manager_dispatch_notify_fd() (#4240) (#1380259) - pid1: process zero-length notification messages again (#1380259 - pid1: more informative error message for ignored notifications (#1380259) - manager: 219 needs u->id in log_unit_debug (#1380259) - virt: add possibility to skip the check for chroot (#1379852) - load-fragment: fix parsing values in bytes and prevent returning -ERANGE incorrectly (#1396277) - core: fix assertion check (#1396312) - tmp.mount.hm4: After (#3087) (#1298355) - make sure all swap units are ordered before the swap target (#1298355) - Recognise Lustre as a remote file system (#4530) (#1390542) - unit: don't add Requires for tmp.mount (#1372249) - core: return 0 from device_serialize() (#1403249) - mtd_probe: include stdint (#1404251) - tests: fix failure of test-execute if /dev/mem is not available (#5028) (#1410056) - sd-journal: properly export has_{persistent|runtime}_files() (#1409527) - core: add possibility to set action for ctrl-alt-del burst (#4105) (#1353028) - failure-action: generalize failure action to emergency action (#1353028) - core: use emergency_action for ctr+alt+del burst (#1353028) - udev/path_id: introduce support for NVMe devices (#4169) (#1373150) - core: fix CapabilityBoundingSet merging (#1409586) - core: fix capability bounding set parsing (#1409586) - core: make parsing of RLIMIT_NICE aware of actual nice levels (#1409588) - shared: fix double free in unmask (#5005) (#1409997) - shared: fix double free in link (#1409997) - shared: check strdup != NULL (#1409997) - core: improve error message when RefuseManualStart(Stop) is hit (#5132) (#1026648) - systemctl: fix 'is-enabled' exit status on failure when executed in chroot (#4773) (#1413964) - man: document that the automatic journal limits are capped to 4G by default (#1418547) - random-seed: raise POOL_SIZE_MIN to 1024 (#1386824) - bash-completion: add support for --now (#5155) (#1351806) - basic: fix touch() creating files with 07777 mode (#1416062) - udev: net_id: add support for phys_port_name attribute (#4506) (#1392426) - install: introduce UnitFileFlags (#1413041) - shared, systemctl: teach is-enabled to show installation targets (#1413041)- better version of vmware trigger- on update from systemd version 219-21 and older generate udev rules that preserve old network interface names on VMware VMs (#1391944)- virt: add possibility to skip the check for chroot (#1379852)- mtd_probe: add include for stdint (#1381573)- manager: 219 needs u->id in log_unit_debug (#1381573)- If the notification message length is 0, ignore the message (#4237) (#1381573) - systemctl: suppress errors with "show" for nonexistent units and properties (#1380686) - 40-redhat.rules: disable auto-online of hot-plugged memory on IBM z Systems (#1381123) - pid1: don't return any error in manager_dispatch_notify_fd() (#4240) (#1381573) - pid1: process zero-length notification messages again (#1381573) - pid1: more informative error message for ignored notifications (#1381573)- systemctl,pid1: do not warn about missing install info with "preset" (#1373950) - systemctl/core: ignore masked units in preset-all (#1375097) - shared/install: handle dangling aliases as an explicit case, report nicely (#1375097) - shared/install: ignore unit symlinks when doing preset-all (#1375097) - 40-redhat.rules: don't hoplug memory on s390x (#1370161)- fix gcc warnings about uninitialized variables (#1318994) - journalctl: rework code that checks whether we have access to /var/log/journal (#1318994) - journalctl: Improve boot ID lookup (#1318994) - journalctl: only have a single exit path from main() (#1318994) - journalctl: free all command line argument objects (#1318994) - journalctl: rename boot_id_t to BootId (#1318994) - util: introduce CMSG_FOREACH() macro and make use of it everywhere (#1318994) - journald: don't employ inner loop for reading from incoming sockets (#1318994) - journald: fix count of object meta fields (#1318994) - journal-cat: return a correct error, not -1 (#1318994) - journalctl: introduce short options for --since and --until (#1318994) - journal: s/Envalid/Invalid/ (#1318994) - journald: dispatch SIGTERM/SIGINT with a low priority (#1318994) - lz4: fix size check which had no chance of working on big-endian (#1318994) - journal: normalize priority of logging sources (#1318994) - Fix miscalculated buffer size and uses of size-unlimited sprintf() function. (#1318994) - journal: Drop monotonicity check when appending to journal file (#1318994) - journalctl: unify how we free boot id lists a bit (#1318994) - journalctl: don't trust the per-field entry tables when looking for boot IDs (#1318994) - units: remove udev control socket when systemd stops the socket unit (#49) (#1370133) - logind: don't assert if the slice is missing (#1371437) - core: enable transient unit support for slice units (#1370299) - sd-bus: bump message queue size (#1371205) - install: fix disable when /etc/systemd/system is a symlink (#1285996) - rules: add NVMe rules (#3136) (#1274651) - rules: introduce disk/by-id (model_serial) symlinks for NVMe drives (#3974) (#1274651) - rules: fix for possible whitespace in the "model" attribute (#1274651)- tmpfiles: enforce ordering when executing lines (#1365870) - Introduce bus_unit_check_load_state() helper (#1256858) - core: use bus_unit_check_load_state() in transaction_add_job_and_dependencies() (#1256858) - udev/path_id: correct segmentation fault due to missing NULL check (#1365556) - rules: load sg driver also when scsi_target appears (#45) (#1322773)- install: do not crash when processing empty (masked) unit file (#1159308) - Revert "install: fix disable via unit file path" (#1348208) - systemctl: allow disable on the unit file path, but warn about it (#3806) (#1348208)- units: increase watchdog timeout to 3min for all our services (#1267707) - core: bump net.unix.max_dgram_qlen really early during boot (#1267707) - core: fix priority ordering in notify-handling (#1267707) - tests: fix personality tests on ppc64 and aarch64 (#1361049) - systemctl: consider service running only when it is in active or reloading state (#3874) (#1362461)- manager: don't skip sigchld handler for main and control pid for services (#3738) (#1342173)- udevadm: explicitly relabel /etc/udev/hwdb.bin after rename (#1350756) - systemctl: return diffrent error code if service exist or not (#3385) (#1047466) - systemctl: Replace init script error codes with enum (#3400) (#1047466) - systemctl: rework "systemctl status" a bit (#1047466) - journal-verify: don't hit SIGFPE when determining progress (#1350232) - journal: avoid mapping empty data and field hash tables (#1350232) - journal: when verifying journal files, handle empty ones nicely (#1350232) - journal: explain the error when we find a non-DATA object that is compressed (#1350232) - journalctl: properly detect empty journal files (#1350232) - journal: uppercase first character in verify error messages (#1350232) - journalctl: make sure 'journalctl -f -t unmatched' blocks (#1350232) - journalctl: don't print -- No entries -- in quiet mode (#1350232) - sd-event: expose the event loop iteration counter via sd_event_get_iteration() (#1342173) - manager: Only invoke a single sigchld per unit within a cleanup cycle (#1342173) - manager: Fixing a debug printf formatting mistake (#1342173) - core: support IEC suffixes for RLIMIT stuff (#1351415) - core: accept time units for time-based resource limits (#1351415) - time-util: add parse_time(), which is like parse_sec() but allows specification of default time unit if none is specified (#1351415) - core: support ranges for RLIMIT options (#1351415) - core: fix rlimit parsing (#1351415) - core: dump rlim_cur too (#1351415) - install: fix disable via unit file path (#1348208)- nspawn: when connected to pipes for stdin/stdout, pass them as-is to PID 1 (#1307080) - mount: remove obsolete -n (#1339721) - core: don't log job status message in case job was effectively NOP (#3199) (#1280014) - core: use an AF_UNIX/SOCK_DGRAM socket for cgroup agent notification (#1305608) - logind: process session/inhibitor fds at higher priority (#1305608) - Teach bus_append_unit_property_assignment() about 'Delegate' property (#1337922) - sd-netlink: fix deep recursion in message destruction (#1330593) - add REMOTE_ADDR and REMOTE_PORT for Accept=yes (#1341154) - core: don't dispatch load queue when setting Slice= for transient units (#1343904) - run: make --slice= work in conjunction with --scope (#1343904) - myhostname: fix timeout if ipv6 is disabled (#1330973) - readahead: do not increase nr_requests for root fs block device (#1314559) - manager: reduce complexity of unit_gc_sweep (#3507) (#1344556) - hwdb: selinuxify a bit (#3460) (#1343648)- path_id: reintroduce by-path links for virtio block devices (#952567) - journal: fix error handling when compressing journal objects (#1292447) - journal: irrelevant coding style fixes (#1292447) - install: follow unit file symlinks in /usr, but not /etc when looking for [Install] data (#1159308) - core: look for instance when processing template name (#1159308) - core: improve error message when starting template without instance (#1142369) - man/tmpfiles.d: add note about permissions and ownership of symlinks (#1296288) - tmpfiles: don't follow symlinks when adjusting ACLs, fille attributes, access modes or ownership (#1296288) - udev: filter out non-sensically high onboard indexes reported by the kernel (#1230210) - test-execute: add tests for RuntimeDirectory (#1324826) - core: fix group ownership when Group is set (#1324826) - fstab-generator: cescape device name in root-fsck service (#1306126) - core: add new RandomSec= setting for time units (#1305279) - core: rename Random* to RandomizedDelay* (#1305279) - journal-remote: change owner of /var/log/journal/remote and create /var/lib/systemd/journal-upload (#1327303) - Add Seal option in the configuration file for journald-remote (#1329233) - tests: fix make check failure (#1159308) - device: make sure to not ignore re-plugged device (#1332606) - device: Ensure we have sysfs path before comparing. (#1332606) - core: fix memory leak on set-default, enable, disable etc (#1331667) - nspawn: fix minor memory leak (#1331667) - basic: fix error/memleak in socket-util (#1331667) - core: fix memory leak in manager_run_generators() (#1331667) - modules-load: fix memory leak (#1331667) - core: fix memory leak on failed preset-all (#1331667) - sd-bus: fix memory leak in test-bus-chat (#1331667) - core: fix memory leak in transient units (#1331667) - bus: fix leak in error path (#1331667) - shared/logs-show: fix memleak in add_matches_for_unit (#1331667) - logind: introduce LockedHint and SetLockedHint (#3238) (#1335499) - import: use the old curl api (#1284974) - importd: drop dkr support (#1284974) - import: add support for gpg2 for verifying imported images (#1284974)- run: synchronously wait until the scope unit we create is started (#1272368) - device: rework how we enter tentative state (#1283579) - core: Do not bind a mount unit to a device, if it was from mountinfo (#1283579) - logind: set RemoveIPC=no by default (#1284588) - sysv-generator: follow symlinks in /etc/rc.d/init.d (#1285492) - sysv-generator test: always log to console (#1279034) - man: RemoveIPC is set to no on rhel (#1284588) - Avoid /tmp being mounted as tmpfs without the user's will (#1298109) - test sysv-generator: Check for (#1279034) - arm/aarch64: detect-virt: check dmi (#1278165) - detect-virt: dmi: look for KVM (#1278165) - Revert "journald: turn ForwardToSyslog= off by default" (#1285642) - terminal-util: when resetting terminals, don't wait for carrier (#1266745) - basic/terminal-util: introduce SYSTEMD_COLORS environment variable (#1247963) - ask-password: don't abort when message is missing (#1261136) - sysv-generator: do not join dependencies on one line, split them (#1288600) - udev: fibre channel: fix NPIV support (#1266934) - ata_id: unreverse WWN identifier (#1273306) - Fixup WWN bytes for big-endian systems (#1273306) - sd-journal: introduce has_runtime_files and has_persistent_files (#1082179) - journalctl: improve error messages when the specified boot is not found (#1082179) - journalctl: show friendly info when using -b on runtime journal only (#1082179) - journalctl: make "journalctl /dev/sda" work (#947636) - journalctl: add match for the current boot when called with devpath (#947636) - man: clarify what happens when journalctl is called with devpath (#947636) - core: downgrade warning about duplicate device names (#1296249) - udev: downgrade a few warnings to debug messages (#1289461) - man: LEVEL in systemd-analyze set-log level is not optional (#1268336) - Revert "udev: fibre channel: fix NPIV support" (#1266934) - udev: path-id: fibre channel NPIV - use fc_vport's port_name (#1266934) - systemctl: is-active/failed should return 0 if at least one unit is in given state (#1254650) - rules: set SYSTEMD_READY=0 on DM_UDEV_DISABLE_OTHER_RULES_FLAG=1 only with ADD event (#1312011) - s390: add personality support (#1300344) - socket_address_listen - do not rely on errno (#1316452)- udev: make naming for virtio devices opt-in (#1269216) - tmpfiles.d: don't clean SAP sockets either (#1186044)- tmpfiles.d: don't clean SAP lockfiles and logs (#1186044)- sd-event: fix prepare priority queue comparison function (#1266479) - units: run ldconfig also when cache is unpopulated (#1265539) - selinux: fix regression of systemctl subcommands when absolute unit file paths are specified (#1185120)- login: fix gcc warning, include missing header file (#1264073) - shutdown: make sure /run/nologin has correct label (#1264073)- login: fix label on /run/nologin (#1264073) - udev-rules: prandom character device node permissions (#1264112)- Revert "sysctl.d: default to fq_codel, fight bufferbloat" (#1263158) - loginctl: print nontrivial properties in logictl show-* (#1260465)- udev: net_id - support predictable ifnames on virtio buses (#1259015)- selinux: fix check for transient units (#1255129) - socket: fix setsockopt call. SOL_SOCKET changed to SOL_TCP. (#1135599) - selinux: fix missing SELinux unit access check (#1185120) - selinux: always use *_raw API from libselinux (#1256888)- journald-server: don't read audit events (#1252409) - everything: remove traces of --user (#1071363)- Revert "journald: move /dev/log socket to /run" (#1249968)- units: add [Install] section to tmp.mount - bus-util: add articles to explanation messages (#1016680) - bus-util: print correct warnings for units that fail but for which we have a NULL result only (#1016680)- sysv-generator test: Fix assertion (#1222517) - man: avoid line break in url (#1222517) - Add VARIANT as a standard value for /etc/os-release (#1222517) - Fix permissions on /run/systemd/nspawn/locks (#1222517) - generators: rename add_{root,usr}_mount to add_{sysroot,sysroot_usr}_mount (#1222517) - Generate systemd-fsck-root.service in the initramfs (#1222517) - units: fix typo in systemd-resolved.service (#1222517) - core: don't consider umask for SocketMode= (#1222517) - timedate: fix memory leak in timedated (#1222517) - coredump: make sure we vacuum by default (#1222517) - tmpfiles: don't fail if we cannot create a subvolume because a file system is read-only but a dir already exists anyway (#1222517) - resolved: fix crash when shutting down (#1222517) - resolved: allow DnsAnswer objects with no space for RRs (#1222517) - id128: add new sd_id128_is_null() call (#1222517) - journalctl: Improve boot ID lookup (#1222517) - test-hashmap: fix an assert (#1222517) - units: make sure systemd-nspawn@.slice instances are actually located in machine.slice (#1222517) - Revert "journald-audit: exit gracefully in the case we can't join audit multicast group" (#1222517) - journald: handle more gracefully when bind() fails on audit sockets (#1222517) - udev: link-config - fix corruption (#1222517) - udev/net_id: Only read the first 64 bytes of PCI config space (#1222517) - shared: generator - correct path to systemd-fsck (#1222517) - logind: Save the user’s state when a session enters SESSION_ACTIVE (#1222517) - small fix ru translation (#1222517) - kmod-setup: don't warn when ipv6 can't be loaded (#1222517) - Partially revert "ma-setup: simplify" (#1222517) - ima-setup: write policy one line at a time (#1222517) - ata_id: unbotch format specifier (#1222517) - install: explicitly return 0 on success (#1222517) - systemd.service.xml: document that systemd removes the PIDFile (#1222517) - core: handle --log-target=null when calling systemd-shutdown (#1222517) - man: ProtectHome= protects /root as well (#1222517) - timedatectl: trim non-local RTC warning to 80 chars wide (#1222517) - escape: fix exit code (#1222517) - man: information about available properties (#1222517) - journal: in persistent mode create /var/log/journal, with all parents. (#1222517) - sysv-generator: fix wrong "Overwriting existing symlink" warnings (#1222517) - mount: don't claim a device is gone from /proc/self/mountinfo before it is gone from *all* lines (#1222517) - mount: properly check for mounts currently in /proc/self/mountinfo (#1222517)- udev: fix crash in path_id builtin (#957112)- sd-bus: don't inherit connection creds into message creds when we have a direct connection (#1230190)- Revert "core: one step back again, for nspawn we actually can't wait for cgroups running empty since systemd will get exactly zero notifications about it" (#1199644) - bus-creds: always set SD_BUS_CREDS_PID when we set pid in the mask (#1230190) - sd-bus: do not use per-datagram auxiliary information (#1230190) - sd-bus: store selinux context at connection time (#1230190) - journald: simplify context handling (#1230190) - bash-completion: add verb set-property (#1235635)- core: Fix assertion with empty Exec*= paths (#1222517) - rules: load sg module (#1186462) - util: add shell_maybe_quote() call for preparing a string for shell cmdline inclusion (#1016680) - bus-util: be more verbose if dbus job fails (#1016680) - notify: fix badly backported help message (#1199644) - cryptsetup: craft a unique ID with the source device (#1226333) - systemctl: introduce --now for enable, disable and mask (#1233081) - udev: also create old sas paths (#957112) - journald: do not strip leading whitespace from messages (#1227396)- console-getty.service: don't start when /dev/console is missing (#1222517) - resolved: Do not add .busname dependencies, when compiling without kdbus. (#1222517) - man: add journal-remote.conf(5) (#1222517) - mount: don't run quotaon only for network filesystems (#1222517) - mount: fix up wording in the comment (#1222517) - udev: net_id - fix copy-paste error (#1222517) - man: don't mention "journalctl /dev/sda" (#1222517) - units: move After=systemd-hwdb-update.service dependency from udev to udev-trigger (#1222517) - units: explicitly order systemd-user-sessions.service after (#1222517) - zsh-completion: update loginctl (#1222517) - zsh-completion: add missing -M completion for journalctl (#1222517) - zsh-completion: update hostnamectl (#1222517) - shell-completion: systemctl switch-root verb (#1222517) - core/automount: beef up error message (#1222517) - man: remove 'fs' from 'rootfsflags' (#1222517) - shared: fix memleak (#1222517) - udevd: fix synchronization with settle when handling inotify events (#1222517) - python-systemd: fix is_socket_inet to cope with ports (#1222517) - man: fix examples indentation in tmpfiles.d(5) (#1222517) - systemctl: avoid bumping NOFILE rlimit unless needed (#1222517) - exit-status: Fix "NOTINSSTALLED" typo (#1222517) - tmpfiles: there's no systemd-forbid-user-logins.service service (#1222517) - kmod-setup: load ip_tables kmod at boot (#1222517) - util: Fix assertion in split() on missing ' (#1222517) - units: set KillMode=mixed for our daemons that fork worker processes (#1222517) - unit: don't add automatic dependencies on device units if they aren't supported (#1222517) - update-done: ignore nanosecond file timestamp components, they are not reliable (#1222517) - sd-daemon: simplify sd_pid_notify_with_fds (#1222517) - fstab-generator: add x-systemd.requires and x-systemd.requires-mounts-for (#1164334)- udev: restore udevadm settle timeout (#1210981) - udev: settle should return immediately when timeout is 0 (#1210981) - udev: Fix ping timeout when settle timeout is 0 (#1210981) - detect-virt: use /proc/device-tree (#1207773) - ARM: detect-virt: detect Xen (#1207773) - ARM: detect-virt: detect QEMU/KVM (#1207773) - Persistent by_path links for ata devices (#1045498) - man: document forwarding to syslog better (#1177336) - man: fix typos in previous comimt (#1177336) - LSB: always add to services with priority over 10 (#1189253) - rules: enable memory hotplug (#1105020) - rules: reload sysctl settings when the bridge module is loaded (#1182105)- workaround build issues on ppc and s390 - some more patches- steal more patches from fedora- steal patches from fedora- rebase to 219- rebase to 218 - remove networkd tmpfiles snipets due to packaging issues - add resolved subpackage - backport some nspawn features from upstream- split systemd and networkd tmpfiles snippets- spec fixes - core: introduce new Delegate=yes/no property controlling creation of cgroup subhierarchies- rebase to 217- cgroups-agent: really down-grade log level (#1044386)- login: rerun vconsole-setup when switching from vgacon to fbcon (#1002450)- udev: net_id dev_port is base 10 (#1155996) - udev: Fix parsing of udev.event-timeout kernel parameter (#1154778)- logind: use correct "who" enum values with KillUnit. (#1155502) - logind: always kill session when termination is requested (#1155502) - udev: net_id - correctly name netdevs based on dev_port when set (#1155996)- core: do not segfault if /proc/swaps cannot be opened (#1151239) - man: we don't have 'Wanted' dependency (#1152487) - environment: append unit_id to error messages regarding EnvironmentFile (#1147691) - udevd: add --event-timeout commandline option (#1154778)- core: don't allow enabling if unit is masked (#1149299)- tmpfiles: minor modernizations (#1147524) - install: when looking for a unit file for enabling, search for templates only after traversing all search directories (#1147524) - install: remove unused variable (#1147524) - bootctl: typo fix in help message (#1147524) - logind: ignore failing close() on session-devices (#1147524) - sysfs-show.c: return negative error (#1147524) - core: only send SIGHUP when doing first kill, not when doing final sigkill (#1147524) - cgroup: make sure to properly send SIGCONT to all processes of a cgroup if that's requested (#1147524) - core: don't send duplicate SIGCONT when killing units (#1147524) - efi: fix Undefined reference efi_loader_get_boot_usec when EFI support is disabled (#1147524) - macro: better make IN_SET() macro use const arrays (#1147524) - macro: make sure we can use IN_SET() also with complex function calls as first argument (#1147524) - core: fix property changes in transient units (#1147524) - load-modules: properly return a failing error code if some module fails to load (#1147524) - core/unit: fix unit_add_target_dependencies() for units with no dependencies (#1147524) - man: there is no ExecStopPre= for service units (#1147524) - man: document that per-interface sysctl variables are applied as network interfaces show up (#1147524) - journal: downgrade vaccuum message to debug level (#1147524) - logs-show: fix corrupt output with empty messages (#1147524) - journalctl: refuse extra arguments with --verify and similar (#1147524) - journal: assume that next entry is after previous entry (#1147524) - journal: forget file after encountering an error (#1147524) - man: update link to LSB (#1147524) - man: systemd-bootchart - fix spacing in command (#1147524) - man: add missing comma (#1147524) - units: Do not unescape instance name in systemd-backlight@.service (#1147524) - manager: flush memory stream before using the buffer (#1147524) - man: multiple sleep modes are to be separated by whitespace, not commas (#1147524) - man: fix description of systemctl --after/--before (#1147524) - udev: properly detect reference to unexisting part of PROGRAM's result (#1147524) - gpt-auto-generator: don't return OOM on parentless devices (#1147524) - man: improve wording of systemctl's --after/--before (#1147524) - cgroup: it's not OK to invoke alloca() in loops (#1147524) - core: don't try to relabel mounts before we loaded the policy (#1147524) - systemctl: --kill-mode is long long gone, don't mention it in the man page (#1147524) - ask-password: when the user types a overly long password, beep and refuse (#1147524) - logind: don't print error if devices vanish during ACL-init (#1147524) - tty-ask-password-agent: return negative errno (#1147524) - journal: cleanup up error handling in update_catalog() (#1147524) - bash completion: fix __get_startable_units (#1147524) - core: check the right variable for failed open() (#1147524) - man: sd_journal_send does nothing when journald is not available (#1147524) - man: clarify that the ExecReload= command should be synchronous (#1147524) - conf-parser: never consider it an error if we cannot load a drop-in file because it is missing (#1147524) - socket: properly handle if our service vanished during runtime (#1147524) - Do not unescape unit names in [Install] section (#1147524) - util: ignore_file should not allow files ending with '~' (#1147524) - core: fix invalid free() in killall() (#1147524) - install: fix invalid free() in unit_file_mask() (#1147524) - unit-name: fix detection of unit templates/instances (#1147524) - journald: make MaxFileSec really default to 1month (#1147524) - bootchart: it's not OK to return -1 from a main program (#1147524) - journald: Fix off-by-one error in "Missed X kernel messages" warning (#1147524) - man: drop references to removed and obsolete 'systemctl load' command (#1147524) - units: fix BindsTo= logic when applied relative to services with Type=oneshot (#1147524)- units/serial-getty@.service: add [Install] section (#1083936) - units: order after (#1072431) - util: consider both fuse.glusterfs and glusterfs network file systems (#1080229) - core: make StopWhenUnneeded work in conjunction with units that fail during their start job (#986949) - cgroups-agent: down-grade log level (#1044386) - random-seed: raise POOL_SIZE_MIN constant to 1024 (#1066517) - delta: do not use unicode chars in C locale (#1088419) - core: print debug instead of error message (#1105608) - journald: always add syslog facility for messages coming from kmsg (#1113215) - fsck,fstab-generator: be lenient about missing fsck. (#1098310) - rules/60-persistent-storage: add nvme pcie ssd scsi_id ENV (#1042990) - cgls: fix running with -M option (#1085455) - getty: Start getty on 3270 terminals available on Linux on System z (#1075729) - core: Added support for ERRNO NOTIFY_SOCKET message parsing (#1106457) - socket: add SocketUser= and SocketGroup= for chown()ing sockets in the file system (#1111761) - tmpfiles: add --root option to operate on an alternate fs tree (#1111199) - units: make ExecStopPost action part of ExecStart (#1036276) - machine-id: only look into KVM uuid when we are not running in a container (#1123452) - util: reset signals when we fork off agents (#1134818) - udev: do not skip the execution of RUN when renaming a network device fails (#1102135) - man: mention System Administrator's Guide in systemctl manpage (#978948) - vconsole: also copy character maps (not just fonts) from vt1 to vt2, vt3, ... (#1002450) - localed: consider an unset model as a wildcard (#903776) - systemd-detect-virt: detect s390 virtualization (#1139149) - socket: introduce SELinuxContextFromNet option (#1113790) - sysctl: make --prefix allow all kinds of sysctl paths (#1138591) - man: mention localectl in locale.conf (#1049286) - rules: automatically online hot-added CPUs (#968811) - rules: add rule for naming Dell iDRAC USB Virtual NIC as 'idrac' (#1054477) - bash-completion: add verb set-property (#1064487) - man: update journald rate limit defaults (#1145352) - core: don't try to connect to d-bus after switchroot (#1083300) - localed: check for partially matching converted keymaps (#1109145) - fileio: make parse_env_file() return number of parsed items (#1069420)- logind-session: save stopping flag (#1082692) - unit: add waiting jobs to run queue in unit_coldplug (#1083159)- require redhat-release >= 7.0 Resolves: rhbz#1070114- fixes crashes in logind and systemd (#1073994) - run fsck before mouting root in initramfs (#1056661)- rules: mark loop device as SYSTEMD_READY=0 if no file is attached (#1067422) - utmp: make sure we don't write the utmp reboot record twice on each boot (#1053600) - rework session shutdown logic (#1047614) - introduce new stop protocol for unit scopes (#1064976)- setup tty permissions and group for /dev/sclp_line0 (#1070310) - cdrom_id: use the old MMC fallback (#1038015) - mount: don't send out PropertiesChanged message if actually nothing got changed (#1069718)- fix boot if SELINUX=permissive in configuration file and trying to boot in enforcing=1 (#907841)- reintroduce 60-alias-kmsg.rules (#1032711)- fstab-generator: revert wrongly applied patch- dbus-manager: fix selinux check for enable/disable- require redhat-release package - call systemd-tmpfiles after package installation (#1059345) - move preset policy out of systemd package (#903690)- rebase to systemd-208 (#1063332) - do not create symlink /etc/systemd/system/syslog.service (#1055421)- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- fix SELinux check for transient units (#1008864)- shell-completion: remove load and dump from systemctl (#1048066) - delta: ensure that d_type will be set on every fs (#1050795) - tmpfiles: don't allow label_fix to print ENOENT when we want to ignore it (#1044871) - udev/net_id: Introduce predictable network names for Linux on System z (#870859) - coredumpctl: in case of error free pattern after print (#1052786)- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- cgroup_show: don't call show_pid_array on empty arrays- treat reload failure as failure (#1036848) - improve journal performance (#1029604) - backport bugfixes (#1043525) - fix handling of trailing whitespace in split_quoted (#984832) - localed: match converted keymaps before legacy (#903776) - improve the description of parameter X in tmpfiles.d page (#1029604) - obsolete ConsoleKit (#1039761) - make rc.local more backward comaptible (#1039465)- tmpfiles: introduce m (#1030961)- introduce DefaultStartLimit (#821723)- changed systemd-journal-gateway login shell to /sbin/nologin - backported a lot of bugfixes - udev: path_id - fix by-path link generation for scm devices Resolves: rhbz#888707- create /etc/rc.d/rc.local (#968401) - cgroup: always enable memory.use_hierarchy= for all cgroups (#1011575) - remove user@.service (#1019738) - drop some out-of-date references to cgroup settings (#1000004) - explain NAME in systemctl man page (#978954)- core: whenever a new PID is passed to us, make sure we watch it- presets: add tuned.service- Advertise hibernation only if there's enough free swap - swap: create .wants symlink to 'auto' swap devices - Verify validity of session name when received from outside - polkit: Avoid race condition in scraping /proc Resolves: rhbz#1005142- version 207- support "debug" kernel command line parameter - journald: fix fd leak in journal_file_empty - journald: fix vacuuming of archived journals - libudev: enumerate - do not try to match against an empty subsystem - cgtop: fixup the online help - libudev: fix memleak when enumerating childs- fixed cgroup hashmap corruption Resolves: rhbz#997742 rhbz#995197- cgroup.c: check return value of unit_realize_cgroup_now() Resolves: rhbz#997742 rhbz#995197- obsolete upstart Resolves: rhbz#978014 - obsolete hal Resolves: rhbz#975589 - service: always unwatch PIDs before forgetting old ones Resolves: rhbz#995197 - units: disable kmod-static-nodes.service in containers - use CAP_MKNOD ConditionCapability - fstab-generator: read rd.fstab=on/off switch correctly - backlight: add minimal tool to save/restore screen brightness - backlight: instead of syspath use sysname for identifying - sysctl: allow overwriting of values specified in "later" - systemd-python: fix initialization of _Reader objects - udevd: simplify sigterm check - libudev: fix hwdb validation to look for the *new* file - units: make fsck units remain after exit - udev: replace CAP_MKNOD by writable /sys condition - libudev-enumerate.c:udev_enumerate_get_list_entry() fixed - journal: fix parsing of facility in syslog messages- journal: handle multiline syslog messages - man: Fix copy&paste error - core: synchronously block when logging - journal: immediately sync to disk as soon as we receieve an EMERG/ALERT/CRIT message - initctl: use irreversible jobs when switching runlevels - udev: log error if chmod/chown of static dev nodes fails - udev: static_node - don't touch permissions uneccessarily - tmpfiles: support passing --prefix multiple times - tmpfiles: introduce --exclude-prefix - tmpfiles-setup: exclude /dev prefixes files - logind: update state file after generating the session fifo, not before - journalctl: use _COMM= match for scripts - man: systemd.unit: fix volatile path - man: link up scope+slice units from systemd.unit(5) - man: there is no session mode, only user mode - journal: fix hashmap leak in mmap-cache - systemd-delta: Only print colors when on a tty - systemd: fix segv in snapshot creation - udev: hwdb - try reading modalias for usb before falling back to the composed one - udevd: respect the log-level set in /etc/udev/udev.conf - fstab-generator: respect noauto/nofail when adding sysroot mount- add dependency on kmod >= 14 - remove /var/log/journal to make journal non-persistant (#989750) - add hypervkvpd.service to presets (#924321)- 80-net-name-slot.rules: only rename network interfaces on ACTION==add- New upstream release Resolves (#984152)- New upstream release- Split systemd-journal-gateway subpackage (#908081).- Rename nm_dispatcher to NetworkManager-dispatcher in default preset (#977433)- fix, which helps to sucessfully browse journals with duplicated seqnums- fix duplicate message ID bug Resolves: rhbz#974132- introduce 99-default-disable.preset- Rename 90-display-manager.preset to 85-display-manager.preset so that it actually takes precedence over 90-default.preset's "disable *" line (#903690)- Fix kernel-install (#965897)- Fix kernel-install (#965897)- New upstream release - disable isdn by default (#959793)- forward port kernel-install-grubby.patch- New upstream release- fix ENOENT for getaddrinfo - Resolves: rhbz#954012 rhbz#956035 - crypt-setup-generator: correctly check return of strdup - logind-dbus: initialize result variable - prevent library underlinking- nspawn create empty /etc/resolv.conf if necessary - python wrapper: add sd_journal_add_conjunction() - fix s390 booting - Resolves: rhbz#953217- New upstream release- Automatically discover whether to run autoreconf and add autotools and git BuildRequires based on the presence of patches to be applied. - Use find -delete.- New upstream release- Update preset file- Remove NetworkManager-wait-online.service from presets file again, it should default to off- New upstream release- Add NetworkManager-wait-online.service to the presets file- New upstream release- Drop /usr/s?bin/ prefixes.- run autogen to pickup all changes- do not mount anything, when not running as pid 1 - add for systemd in the initrd- fix switch-root and problem - patch kernel-install to use grubby, if available- add Conflict with dracut < 026 because of the new switch-root isolate- Create required users- New release - Enable journal persistancy by default- Bump for ARM- Added qemu-guest-agent.service to presets (Lennart, #885406). - Add missing pygobject3-base to systemd-analyze deps (Lennart). - Do not require hwdata, it is all in the hwdb now (Kay). - Drop dependency on dbus-python.- New upstream release- Enable rngd.service by default (#857765).- Disable hardening on s390(x) because PIE is broken there and produces text relocations with __thread (#868839).- added spice-vdagentd.service to presets (Lennart, #876237) - BR cryptsetup-devel instead of the legacy cryptsetup-luks-devel provide name (requested by Milan Brož). - verbose make to see the actual build flags- New upstream release- - Revert udev killing cgroup patch for F18 Beta. - Fix cyclical dep between systemd and systemd-libs. - Avoid broken build of test-journal-syslog. - - require 'sed', limit HOSTNAME= match- add dmraid-activation.service to the default preset - add yum protected.d fragment - - Migrate /etc/sysconfig/ i18n, keyboard, network files/variables to systemd native files- Provide syslog because the journal is fine as a syslog implementation- New upstream release - - - - - - - - - - - Add scriptlets for migration away from New upstream release - - New upstream release- New upstream release- Fix journal mmap header prototype definition to fix compilation on 32bit- New upstream release - Enable all display managers by default, as discussed with Adam Williamson- New upstream release - Take possession of /etc/localtime, and remove /etc/sysconfig/clock - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Don't pull in pkg-config as dep - Update preset policy - Rename preset policy file from 99-default.preset to 90-default.preset so that people can order their own stuff after the Fedora default policy if they wish- Update preset policy - New upstream release- more scriptlet fixes (move dm migration logic to %posttrans so the service files it's looking for are available at the time the logic is run)- Remount file systems MS_PRIVATE before switching roots - fix scriptlets- New upstream release - Enable gdm and avahi by default via the preset file - Convert /etc/sysconfig/desktop to display-manager.service symlink - Enable hardened build- Obsolete: system-setup-keyboard- Run ldconfig for the new -libs subpackage- New upstream release- fixed dracut conflict version- New upstream release- add obsoletes/conflicts so multilib systemd -> systemd-libs updates work- Update to current git- disable plymouth in configure, to drop the .wants/ symlinks- Update to current git snapshot - Add systemd-readahead-analyze - Drop upstream patch - Split systemd-libs - Drop duplicate doc files - Fixed License headers of subpackages- Drop plymouth files - Conflict with old plymouth- selinux udev labeling fix - conflict with older dracut versions for new udev file names- New upstream release - udev selinux labeling fixes - new man pages - systemctl help - New upstream release- New upstream release including udev merge.- Add triggers from Bill Nottingham to correct the damage done by the obsoleted systemd-units's preun scriptlet (#807457).- apply patch from upstream so we can build systemd on arm and ppc - and likely the rest of the secondary arches- Don't build the gtk parts anymore. They're moving into systemd-ui. - Remove a dead patch file.- New upstream release - Closes #798760, #784921, #783134, #768523, #781735- don't conflict with fedora-release systemd never actually provided - /etc/os-release so there is no actual conflict- New upstream release - Closes #789758, #790260, #790522- New upstream release - Save a bit of entropy during system installation (#789407) - Don't own /etc/os-release anymore, leave that to fedora-release- rebuild for fixed binutils- New upstream release- New upstream release- provide /sbin/shutdown- increment release- install everything in /usr New upstream release- Update to a current git snapshot. - Resolves: #781657- Build against libgee06. Reenable gtk tools. - Delete unused patches. - Add easy building of git snapshots. - Remove legacy spec file elements. - Don't mention implicit BuildRequires. - Configure with --disable-static. - Merge -units into the main package. - Move section 3 manpages to -devel. - Fix unowned directory. - Run ldconfig in scriptlets. - Split systemd-analyze to a subpackage.- fix build on big-endians- Disable building of gtk tools for now- Fix a few (build) dependencies- New upstream release- Run authconfig if /etc/pam.d/system-auth is not a symlink. - Resolves: #753160- Fix and its ordering. - Resolves: #749940- A couple of fixes from upstream: - Fix a regression in bash-completion reported in Bodhi. - Fix a crash in isolating. - Resolves: #717325- New upstream release - Resolves: #744726, #718464, #713567, #713707, #736756- Undo the workaround. Kay says it does not belong in systemd. - Unresolves: #741655- Workaround for the crypto-on-lvm-on-crypto disk layout - Resolves: #741655- Revert an upstream patch that caused ordering cycles - Resolves: #741078- Add /etc/timezone to ghosted files- New upstream release - Resolves: #735013, #736360, #737047, #737509, #710487, #713384- New upstream release - Update post scripts - Resolves: #726683, #713384, #698198, #722803, #727315, #729997, #733706, #734611- New upstream release- fix ABRT on service file reloading - Resolves: rhbz#732020- New upstream release- New upstream release- Fix access mode of modprobe file, restart logind after upgrade- New upstream release- New upstream release- New upstream release- Apply patches from current upstream. - Fixes memory size detection on 32-bit with >4GB RAM (BZ712341)- Apply patches from current upstream - - - Pull in nss-myhostname- New upstream release- Bugfix release - - - - New upstream release - - - - - New upstream release - - - - - - - New upstream release - - - - New upstream release - Include systemd-sysv-convert- New upstream release- The quota services are now pulled in by mount points, hence no need to enable them explicitly- New upstream release- Apply upstream patch to not send untranslated messages to plymouth- New upstream release- New upstream release- New upstream release- bump upstart obsoletes (#676815)- add macros.systemd file for %{_unitdir}- Rebuilt for Fix popen() of systemctl, #674916- add epoch to readahead obsolete- New upstream release- Drop console.conf again, since it is not shipped in pamtmp.conf- New upstream release- New upstream release- Upstream update - Enable hwclock-load by default - Obsolete readahead - Enable /var/run and /var/lock on tmpfs- new upstream release- Fix clash- Don't clash with initscripts for now, so that we don't break the builders- New upstream release- Rebuild with newer vala, libnotify- New upstream release- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- merge -sysvinit into main package- obsolete upstart-sysvinit too- Drop upstart requires- Enable audit - New upstream release - - - - move fedora-specific units to initscripts; require newer version thereof- Add missing tarball- New upstream version - Closes 501720, 614619, 621290, 626443, 626477, 627014, 627785, 628913- Reexecute after installation, take ownership of /var/run/user - - Properly create link- New upstream release- Fix Fix New upstream release- properly hide output on package installation - pull in coreutils during package installtion- New upstream release - Fixes #621200- Add tarball- Prepare release 5- Add 'sysvinit-userspace' provide to -sysvinit package to fix upgrade/install (#618537)- Add libselinux to build dependencies- Use the right tarball- New upstream release, and make default- Used wrong tarball- Own /cgroup jointly with libcgroup, since we don't dpend on it anymore- New upstream release- New upstream release- First upstream release- New snapshot - Split off -units package where other packages can depend on without pulling in the whole of systemd- Add missing libtool dependency.- Update snapshot- Pull the latest snapshot that fixes a segfault. Resolves rhbz#603231- More minor fixes as per review- Spec improvements from David Hollis- Address review comments- Initial spec (adopted from Kay Sievers)/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfiglibudev -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tablesdrpmxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnu ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=11e83e87af11107e0f4fb5531273964c510d7fb2, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=e1ba388cec48f3a1021896c3367995eceee05eef, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a17f242f4b6ebf69342db19957d9fc0217653d2e, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f3bfbcabc2db3a8d7931174d4d37de0ab40a84dd, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8dffe4e92029e7a7f422ed4134d1f1af7d10ca91, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f3d0cac12813c8b39592080ed6ac76962f7af4d8, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ed52acbf0d3626cbcffc4e26ea193d1c37306b6e, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=2d07b36af079d86e5c9b176f0fc5cfd876ac1fdf, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a9108eac97931fe89517a8b893c447446a6a6d62, stripped5Mc0#/"#PR.RRR*R+RRRRRRRRR"R-RRRR)RRR4PR.RRRR+R*RRRRR RR RRR R RRRR"R-RRRR)RRR4PPRRR*R+R.R/RR RRRRR-RR"RRRR)RRR4PPR.RRRR+R*RRRRR-RR"RRRR)RRR4PPPP P P P P PPPPPR!R.RRRRR+R*RRRRRRRRRR R RR0R RRRR-RR"RRRR)RRR4PPPPPPPPPPPR.RRR+R*RRRRR RRRRR-RR"RRRR)RRR4PP P!P"P#P$P%P&PR!RR.R/RRRR+R*RRRRRRRRRRR R RRR"R-R0R RRRR,RRRR)RRR4P(P)P*P+P,P'R.RRRR+R*RRR RR RR RRR RRR-RR"RRRR)RRR4R.RRR(RR%R$R&R+R*RRRRR RR RRR R RRR-RR"R#R'RRRR)RRR4?07zXZ !#,p]"k%jzNl͎0+H)]Bm-P2z~, ?Fߡ]@ Â" .~ΰT/xI%_mCw5CRjV9haQ([x>Wf̌f)67 ez"T4<~UÇv@PϳI>=s h5_dx H`d`l0tM;oNR&X|! qd}B@#hJ͍JAA"ԥYIA-f4qR WH?&j8Zx[d/OAcC퍆I ?W9-JF33[)~n ?'"R5 ics"pOjkFκ+, o-;ۋ𦜕:~9T@|h"DDۍK_)AFqX4;\B1D^ʬ^oN"M)OP}PW=f6\.R-R&D/ 76/M)] u&QMpE.Eӵz{9d%/$] 7%@:bMb?1E*xNRC4 ȽG)2TWLrʃ*KNж؂j7G]D{QtnLd}Kƾ地;ǕXm~UHs`pb,d.-CY<+â T]շȅ!@ze^t1< &Qh-M j[|T*T&fuxH/e T(QuaQ̒˚KT+.x)>_<Ȩ^9Kr`H۽zIm`c64PHFb `Ojd_zX 9O1qq[Sӡ42 wBԇ*G-t5!]1chCaqhne.ݳNVH*jN߇ft` aP>66m6k32c"4G8ADKomu&n 2j\bi\,x=HüWsRЏY 0 v4Xpcf[EǾ$"rρA]px̛> ]#O}ďI@`olv803UN& PU &BƯ-;Qgmg$?;\.*ɛOa( xd `)>Œzu#]pY&ηlL|1`6*5s}E b^&^r ͙}'rZ]%r67)u|@WBT9#ya'IOPF`FP"5o< ^dF !{a~/|4L8ME^) d; x0 '$g۷͉!БLEz(Es6* /qiwM( lu51r`O>q{z. an9,N.~>PtDuULK{܊Z&3=[?-Ԛ#+RH?dx Dt!dȸɰi<.-Q9˄n|z;OZiߛh\!n$iFK>]J]D&9e6PTOXfT֗`T4z D%mqIuJ B6dX'˂nN;.@YZM(ޡ]!I4-|Q&\.(2"aT<=9ḓRG·^Ka%C2.OS@NSф:lၒ,N!˷/;DY1MIK1;}7.!%S(\k+9ZCwɝaF[(`(Žѵ]Fb_Fh՛ͰG+3 ZOE^%a]qkfB+wmcI:0wO$.3RX΀K7(@֒ETi7m)^J 6{R/0/(otƘG^$a=y6~ٰן|M/? 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