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0.1.0-1- Resolves: rhbz#1690759 - RHEL STIG pointing sssd Packaging issue [rhel-7.6.z] - Part 2.- Resolves: rhbz#1690759 - RHEL STIG pointing sssd Packaging issue [rhel-7.6.z]- Resolves: rhbz#1683578 - sssd_krb5_locator_plugin introduces delay in cifs.upcall krb5 calls [rhel-7.6.z]- Resolves: rhbz#1659507 - SSSD's LDAP authentication provider does not work if ID provider is authenticated with GSSAPI [rhel-7.6.z]- Resolves: rhbz#1659083 - SSSD must be cleared/restarted periodically in order to retrieve AD users through IPA Trust [rhel-7.6.z]- Resolves: rhbz#1656833 - sssd_nss memory leak [rhel-7.6.z]- Resolves: Bug 1649784 - SSSD not fetching all sudo rules from AD [rhel-7.6.z]- Resolves: rhbz#1645047 - sssd only sets the SELinux login context if it differs from the default [rhel-7.6.z]- Resolves: rhbz#1593756 - sssd needs to require a newer version of libtalloc and libtevent to avoid an issue in GPO processing- Resolves: rhbz#1610667 - sssd_ssh leaks file descriptors when more than one certificate is converted into an SSH key - Resolves: rhbz#1583360 - The IPA selinux provider can return an error if SELinux is completely disabled- Resolves: rhbz#1602781 - Local users failed to login with same password- Resolves: rhbz#1586127 - Spurious check in the sssd nss memcache can cause the memory cache to be skipped- Resolves: rhbz#1522928 - sssd doesn't allow user with expired password- Resolves: rhbz#1607313 - When sssd is running as non-root user, the sudo pipe is created as sssd:sssd but then the private pipe ownership fails- Resolves: rhbz#1600822 - SSSD bails out saving desktop profiles in case an invalid profile is found- Resolves: rhbz#1582975 - The search filter for detecting POSIX attributes in global catalog is too broad and can cause a high load on the servers- Resolves: rhbz#1583725 - SSSD AD uses LDAP filter to detect POSIX attributes stored in AD GC also for regular AD DC queries - Resolves: rhbz#1416528 - sssd in cross realm trust configuration should be able to use AD KDCs from a client site defined in sssd.conf or a snippet - Resolves: rhbz#1592964 - Groups go missing with PAC enabled in sssd- Resolves: rhbz#1590603 - EMBARGOED CVE-2018-10852 sssd: information leak from the sssd-sudo responder [rhel-7] - Resolves: rhbz#1450778 - Full information regarding priority of lookup of principal in keytab not in man page- Resolves: rhbz#1494690 - kdcinfo files are not created for subdomains of a directly joined AD client - Resolves: rhbz#1583343 - Login with sshkeys stored in ipa not working after update to RHEL-7.5 - Resolves: rhbz#1527662 - Handle conflicting e-mail addresses more gracefully - Resolves: rhbz#1509691 - Document how to change the regular expression for SSSD so that group names with an @-sign can be parsed- Related: rhbz#1558498 - Rebase sssd to the latests upstream release of the 1.16 branch- Resolves: rhbz#1558498 - Rebase sssd to the latests upstream release of the 1.16 branch - Resolves: rhbz#1523019 - Reset password with two factor authentication fails - Resolves: rhbz#1534749 - Requesting an AD user's private group and then the user itself returns an emty homedir - Resolves: rhbz#1537272 - SSH public key authentication keeps working after keys are removed from ID view - Resolves: rhbz#1537279 - Certificate is not removed from cache when it's removed from the override - Resolves: rhbz#1562025 - externalUser sudo attribute must be fully-qualified - Resolves: rhbz#1577335 - /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_autofs SIGABRT crash daily - Resolves: rhbz#1508530 - How should sudo behave without sudoHost attribute? - Resolves: rhbz#1546754 - The man page of sss_ssh_authorizedkeys can be enhanced to better explain how the keys are retrieved and how X.509 certificates can be used - Resolves: rhbz#1572790 - getgrgid/getpwuid fails in setups with multiple domains if the first domain uses mid_id/max_id - Resolves: rhbz#1561562 - sssd not honoring dyndns_server if the DNS update process is terminated with a signal - Resolves: rhbz#1583251 - home dir disappear in sssd cache on the IPA master for AD users - Resolves: rhbz#1514061 - ID override GID from Default Trust View is not properly resolved in case domain resolution order is set - Resolves: rhbz#1571466 - Utilizing domain_resolution_order in sssd.conf breaks SELinux user map - Resolves: rhbz#1571526 - SSSD with ID provider 'ad' should give a warning in case the ldap schema is manually changed to something different than 'ad'.- Resolves: rhbz#1547782 - The SSSD IPA provider allocates information about external groups on a long lived memory context, causing memory growth of the sssd_be process- Related: rhbz#1578291 - Samba can not register sss idmap module because it's using an outdated SMB_IDMAP_INTERFACE_VERSION- Resolves: rhbz#1578291 - Samba can not register sss idmap module because it's using an outdated SMB_IDMAP_INTERFACE_VERSION- Resolves: rhbz#1516266 - Give a more detailed debug and system-log message if krb5_init_context() failed - Resolves: rhbz#1503802 - Smartcard authentication fails if SSSD is offline and 'krb5_store_password_if_offline = True' - Resolves: rhbz#1385665 - Incorrect error code returned from krb5_child (updated) - Resolves: rhbz#1547234 - SSSD's GPO code ignores ad_site option - Resolves: rhbz#1459348 - extend sss-certmap man page regarding priority processing - Resolves: rhbz#1220767 - Group renaming issue when "id_provider = ldap" is set - Resolves: rhbz#1538555 - crash in nss_protocol_fill_netgrent. sssd_nss[19234]: segfault at 80 ip 000055612688c2a0 sp 00007ffddf9b9cd0 error 4 in sssd_nss[55612687e000+39000]- Resolves: rhbz#1565774 - After updating to RHEL 7.5 failing to clear the sssd cache- Resolves: rhbz#1566782 - memory management issue in the sssd_nss_ex interface can cause the ns-slapd process on IPA server to crash- Related: rhbzrhbz#1544943 - sssd goes offline when renewing expired ticket- Resolves: rhbz#1543348 - sssd_be consumes more memory on RHEL 7.4 systems. - Resolves: rhbz#1544943 - sssd goes offline when renewing expired ticket- Resolves: rhbz#1523282 - sssd used wrong search base with wrong AD server- Resolves: rhbz#1538643 - SSSD crashes when retrieving a Desktop Profile with no specific host/hostgroup set - Related: rhbz#1441908 - SELINUX: Use getseuserbyname to get IPA seuser - Related: rhbz#1327705 - [RFE] Automatic creation of user private groups on RHEL clients joined to AD via sssd [RHEL 7]- Resolves: rhbz#1517971 - AD Domain goes offline immediately during subdomain initialization - IPA AD Trust - Related: rhbz#1482555 - sysdb index improvements - missing ghost attribute indexing, unneeded objectclass index etc.. - Related: rhbz#1327705 - [RFE] Automatic creation of user private groups on RHEL clients joined to AD via sssd [RHEL 7] - Resolves: rhbz#1527149 - AD provider - AD BUILTIN groups are cached with gidNumber = 0 - Related: rhbz#1461899 - Loading enterprise principals doesn't work with a primed cache - Related: rhbz#1473571 - ipa-extdom-extop plugin can exhaust DS worker threads- Resolves: rhbz#1525644 - dbus-send unable to find user by CAC cert- Resolves: rhbz#1523010 - IPA user able to authenticate with revoked cert on smart card- Resolves: rhbz#1512027 - NSS by-id requests are not checked against max_id/min_id ranges before triggering the backend- Related: rhbz#1507614 - Improve Smartcard integration if multiple certificates or multiple mapped identities are available - Resolves: rhbz#1523010 - IPA user able to authenticate with revoked cert on smart card - Resolves: rhbz#1520984 - getent output is not showing home directory for IPA AD trusted user - Related: rhbz#1473571 - ipa-extdom-extop plugin can exhaust DS worker threads- Resolves: rhbz#1421194 - SSSD doesn't use AD global catalog for gidnumber lookup, resulting in unacceptable delay for large forests- Resolves: rhbz#1482231 - sssd_nss consumes more memory until restarted or machine swaps - Resolves: rhbz#1512508 - SSSD fails to fetch group information after switching IPA client to a non-default view- Resolves: rhbz#1490120 - SSSD complaining about corrupted mmap cache and logging error in /var/log/messages and /var/log/sssd/sssd_nss.log- Resolves: rhbz#1272214 - [RFE] Create a local per system report about who can access that IDM client (attestation) - Resolves: rhbz#1482555 - sysdb index improvements - missing ghost attribute indexing, unneeded objectclass index etc.. - Resolves: rhbz#888739 - Enumerating large number of users makes sssd_be hog the cpu for a long time. - Resolves: rhbz#1373547 - SSSD performance issue with malloc and brk calls - Resolves: rhbz#1472255 - Improve SSSD performance in the 7.5 release- Related: rhbz#1460724 - SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER is different - Related: rhbz#1432010 - SSSD ships a drop-in configuration snippet in /etc/systemd/system - Related: rhbz#1507614 - Improve Smartcard integration if multiple certificates or multiple mapped identities are available- Resolves: rhbz#1507614 - Improve Smartcard integration if multiple certificates or multiple mapped identities are available - Related: rhbz#1499659 - CVE-2017-12173 sssd: unsanitized input when searching in local cache database [rhel-7.5] - Resolves: rhbz#1408294 - SSSD authentication fails when two IPA accounts share an email address without a clear way to debug the problem - Resolves: rhbz#1502686 - crash - /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_nss in nss_setnetgrent_timeout- Related: rhbz#1460724 - SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER is different - Related: rhbz#1459609 - When sssd is configured with id_provider proxy and auth_provider ldap, login fails if the LDAP server is not allowing anonymous binds.- Resolves: rhbz#1473571 - ipa-extdom-extop plugin can exhaust DS worker threads- Resolves: rhbz#1484376 - [RFE] Add a configuration option to SSSD to disable the memory cache - Resolves: rhbz#1327705 - Automatic creation of user private groups on RHEL clients joined to AD via sssd [RHEL 7] - Resolves: rhbz#1505277 - Race condition between refreshing the cr_domain list and a request that is using the list can cause a segfault is sssd_nss - Resolves: rhbz#1462343 - document information on why SSSD does not use host-based security filtering when processing AD GPOs - Resolves: rhbz#1498734 - sssd_be stuck in an infinite loop after completing full refresh of sudo rules - Resolves: rhbz#1400614 - [RFE] sssd should remember DNS sites from first search - Resolves: rhbz#1460724 - SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER is different - Resolves: rhbz#1459609 - When sssd is configured with id_provider proxy and auth_provider ldap, login fails if the LDAP server is not allowing anonymous binds.- Resolves: rhbz#1469791 - Rebase SSSD to version 1.16+ - Resolves: rhbz#1132264 - Allow sssd to retrieve sudo rules of local users whose sudo rules stored in ldap server - Resolves: rhbz#1301740 - sssd can be marked offline if a trusted domain is not reachable - Resolves: rhbz#1399262 - Use TCP for kerberos with AD by default - Resolves: rhbz#1416150 - RFE: Log to syslog when sssd cannot contact servers, goes offline - Resolves: rhbz#1441908 - SELINUX: Use getseuserbyname to get IPA seuser - Resolves: rhbz#1454559 - python-sssdconfig doesn't parse hexadecimal debug _level, resulting in set_option(): /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/SSSDConfig/ killed by TypeError - Resolves: rhbz#1456968 - MAN: document that attribute 'provider' is not allowed in section 'secrets' - Resolves: rhbz#1460689 - KCM/secrets: Storing many secrets in a rapid succession segfaults the secrets responder - Resolves: rhbz#1464049 - Idle nss file descriptors should be closed - Resolves: rhbz#1468610 - sssd_be is utilizing more CPU during sudo rules refresh - Resolves: rhbz#1474711 - Querying the AD domain for external domain's ID can mark the AD domain offline - Resolves: rhbz#1479398 - samba shares with sssd authentication broken on 7.4 - Resolves: rhbz#1479983 - id root triggers an LDAP lookup - Resolves: rhbz#1489895 - Issues with certificate mapping rules - Resolves: rhbz#1490501 - sssd incorrectly checks 'try_inotify' thinking it is the wrong section - Resolves: rhbz#1490913 - MAN: Document that full_name_format must be set if the output of trusted domains user resolution should be shortnames only - Resolves: rhbz#1499659 - CVE-2017-12173 sssd: unsanitized input when searching in local cache database [rhel-7.5] - Resolves: rhbz#1461899 - Loading enterprise principals doesn't work with a primed cache - Resolves: rhbz#1482674 - SUDO doesn't work for IPA users on IPA clients after applying ID Views for them in IPA server - Resolves: rhbz#1486053 - Accessing IdM kerberos ticket fails while id mapping is applied - Resolves: rhbz#1486786 - sssd going in offline mode due to sudo search filter. - Resolves: rhbz#1500087 - SSSD creates bad override search filter due to AD Trust object with parenthesis - Resolves: rhbz#1502713 - SSSD can crash due to ABI changes in libldb >= 1.2.0 (1.1.30) - Resolves: rhbz#1461462 - sssd_client: add mutex protected call to the PAC responder - Resolves: rhbz#1489666 - Combination sssd-ad and postfix recieve incorrect mail with asterisks or spaces - Resolves: rhbz#1525052 - sssd_krb5_localauth_plugin fails to fallback to otheri localname rules- Require the 7.5 libldb version which broke ABI - Related: rhbz#1469791 - Rebase SSSD to version 1.16+- Resolves: rhbz#1457926 - Wrong search base used when SSSD is directly connected to AD child domain- Resolves: rhbz#1450107 - SSSD doesn't handle conflicts between users from trusted domains with the same name when shortname user resolution is enabled- Resolves: rhbz#1459846 - krb5: properly handle 'password expired' information retured by the KDC during PKINIT/Smartcard authentication- Resolves: rhbz#1430415 - ldap_purge_cache_timeout in RHEL7.3 invalidate most of the entries once the cleanup task kicks in- Resolves: rhbz#1455254 - Make domain available as user attribute- Resolves: rhbz#1449731 - IPA client cannot change AD Trusted User password- Resolves: rhbz#1457927 - getent failed to fetch netgroup information after changing default_domain_suffix to ADdomin in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf- Resolves: rhbz#1440132 - fiter_users and filter_groups stop working properly in v 1.15- Resolves: rhbz#1449728 - LDAP to IPA migration doesn't work in master- Resolves: rhbz#1445445 - Smart card login fails if same cert mapped to IdM user and AD user- Resolves: rhbz#1449729 - org.freedesktop.sssd.infopipe.GetUserGroups does not resolve groups into names with AD- Resolves: rhbz#1450094 - Properly support IPA's promptusername config option- Resolves: rhbz#1457644 - Segfault in access_provider = krb5 is set in sssd.conf due to an off-by-one error when constructing the child send buffer - Resolves: rhbz#1456531 - Option name typos are not detected with validator function of sssctl config-check command in domain sections- Resolves: rhbz#1428906 - sssd intermittently failing to resolve groups for an AD user in IPA-AD trust environment.- Resolves: rhbz#1389796 - Smartcard authentication with UPN as logon name might fail - Fix Coverity issues in patches for rhbz#1445445- Resolves: rhbz#1445445 - Smart card login fails if same cert mapped to IdM user and AD user- Resolves: rhbz#1446302 - crash in sssd-kcm due to a race-condition between two concurrent requests- Resolves: rhbz#1389796 - Smartcard authentication with UPN as logon name might fail- Resolves: rhbz#1306707 - Need better debug message when krb5_child returns an unhandled error, leading to a System Error PAM code- Resolves: rhbz#1446535 - Group resolution does not work in subdomain without ad_server option- Resolves: rhbz#1449726 - sss_nss_getlistbycert() does not return results from multiple domains - Resolves: rhbz#1447098 - sssd unable to search dbus for ipa user by certificate - Additional patch for rhbz#1440132- Reapply patch by Lukas Slebodnik to fix upgrade issues with libwbclient - Resolves: rhbz#1439457 - SSSD does not start after upgrade from 7.3 to 7.4 - Resolves: rhbz#1449107 - error: %pre(sssd-common-1.15.2-26.el7.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 3- Resolves: rhbz#1440132 - fiter_users and filter_groups stop working properly in v 1.15 - Also apply an additional patch for rhbz#1441545- Resolves: rhbz#1445445 - Smart card login fails if same cert mapped to IdM user and AD user- Resolves: rhbz#1434992 - Wrong pam return code for user from subdomain with ad_access_filter- Resolves: rhbz#1430494 - expect sss_ssh_authorizedkeys and sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy manuals to be packaged into sssd-common package- Resolves: rhbz#1427749 - SSSD in server mode iterates over all domains for group-by-GID requests, causing unnecessary searches- Resolves: rhbz#1446139 - Infopipe method ListByCertificate does not return the users with overrides- Resolves: rhbz#1441545 - With multiple subdomain sections id command output for user is not displayed for both domains- Resolves: rhbz#1428866 - Using ad_enabled_domains configuration option in sssd.conf causes nameservice lookups to fail.- Remove an unused variable from the sssd-secrets responder - Related: rhbz#1398701 - [sssd-secrets] https proxy talks plain http - Improve two DEBUG messages in the client trust code to aid troubleshooting - Fix standalone application domains - Related: rhbz#1425891 - Support delivering non-POSIX users and groups through the IFP and PAM interfaces- Allow completely server-side unqualified name resolution if the domain order is set, do not require any client-side changes - Related: rhbz#1330196 - [RFE] Short name input format with SSSD for users from all domains when domain autodiscovery is used or when IPA client resolves trusted AD domain users- Resolves: rhbz#1402532 - D-Bus interface of sssd is giving inappropriate group information for trusted AD users- Resolves: rhbz#1431858 - Wrong principal found with ad provider and long host name- Resolves: rhbz#1415167 - pam_acct_mgmt with fails in unprivileged container unless selinux_provider = none is used- Resolves: rhbz#1438388 - [abrt] [faf] sssd: unknown function(): /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_pam killed by 6- Resolves: rhbz#1432112 - sssctl config-check does not give any error when default configuration file is not present- Resolves: rhbz#1438374 - [abrt] [faf] sssd: vfprintf(): /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_be killed by 11- Resolves: rhbz#1427195 - sssd_nss consumes more memory until restarted or machine swaps- Resolves: rhbz#1414023 - Create troubleshooting tool to determine if a failure is in SSSD or not when using layered products like RH-SSO/CFME etc- Resolves: rhbz#1398701 - [sssd-secrets] https proxy talks plain http- Fix off-by-one error in the KCM responder - Related: rhbz#1396012 - [RFE] KCM ccache daemon in SSSD- Resolves: rhbz#1425891 - Support delivering non-POSIX users and groups through the IFP and PAM interfaces- Resolves: rhbz#1434991 - Issue processing ssh keys from certificates in ssh respoder- Resolves: rhbz#1330196 - [RFE] Short name input format with SSSD for users from all domains when domain autodiscovery is used or when IPA client resolves trusted AD domain users - Also backport some buildtime fixes for the KCM responder - Related: rhbz#1396012 - [RFE] KCM ccache daemon in SSSD- Resolves: rhbz#1396012 - [RFE] KCM ccache daemon in SSSD- Resolves: rhbz#1340711 - [RFE] Use one smartcard and certificate for authentication to distinct logon accounts- Update to upstream 1.15.2 - - Resolves: rhbz#1418728 - IPA - sudo does not handle associated conflict entries - Resolves: rhbz#1386748 - sssd doesn't update PTR records if A/PTR zones are configured as non-secure and secure - Resolves: rhbz#1214491 - [RFE] Make it possible to configure AD subdomain in the SSSD server mode- Drop "NOUPSTREAM: Bundle http-parser" patch Related: rhbz#1393819 - New package: http-parser- Update to upstream 1.15.1 - - Resolves: rhbz#1327085 - Don't prompt for password if there is already one on the stack - Resolves: rhbz#1378722 - [RFE] Make GETSIDBYNAME and GETORIGBYNAME request aware of UPNs and aliases - Resolves: rhbz#1405075 - [RFE] Add PKINIT support to SSSD Kerberos provider - Resolves: rhbz#1416526 - Need correction in sssd-krb5 man page - Resolves: rhbz#1418752 - pam_sss crashes in do_pam_conversation if no conversation function is provided by the client app - Resolves: rhbz#1419356 - Fails to accept any sudo rules if there are two user entries in an ldap role with the same sudo user - Resolves: rhbz#1421622 - SSSD - Users/Groups are cached as mixed-case resulting in users unable to sign in- Fix several packaging issues, notably the p11_child is no longer setuid and the libwbclient used a wrong version number in the symlink- Update to upstream 1.15.0 - Resolves: rhbz#1393824 - Rebase SSSD to version 1.15 - Resolves: rhbz#1407960 - wbcLookupSid() fails in pdomain is NULL - Resolves: rhbz#1406437 - sssctl netgroup-show Cannot allocate memory - Resolves: rhbz#1400422 - Use-after free in resolver in case the fd is writeable and readable at the same time - Resolves: rhbz#1393085 - bz - ldap group names don't resolve after upgrading sssd to 1.14.0 if ldap_nesting_level is set to 0 - Resolves: rhbz#1392444 - sssd_be keeps crashing - Resolves: rhbz#1392441 - sssd fails to start after upgrading to RHEL 7.3 - Resolves: rhbz#1382602 - autofs map resolution doesn't work offline - Resolves: rhbz#1380436 - sudo: ignore case on case insensitive domains - Resolves: rhbz#1378251 - Typo In SSSD-AD Man Page - Resolves: rhbz#1373427 - Clock skew makes SSSD return System Error - Resolves: rhbz#1306707 - Need better handling of "Server not found in Kerberos database" - Resolves: rhbz#1297462 - Don't include 'enable_only=sssd' in the localauth plugin config- Resolves: rhbz#1382598 - IPA: Uninitialized variable during subdomain check- Resolves: rhbz#1378911 - No supplementary groups are resolved for users in nested OUs when domain stanza differs from AD domain- Resolves: rhbz#1372075 - AD provider: SSSD does not retrieve a domain-local group with the AD provider when following AGGUDLP group structure across domains- Resolves: rhbz#1376831 - sssd-common is missing dependency on sssd-sudo- Resolves: rhbz#1371631 - login using gdm calls for gdm-smartcard when smartcard authentication is not enabled- Resolves: rhbz#1373420 - sss_override fails to export- Resolves: rhbz#1375299 - sss_groupshow fails with error "No such group in local domain. Printing groups only allowed in local domain"- Resolves: rhbz#1375182 - SSSD goes offline when the LDAP server returns sizelimit exceeded- Resolves: rhbz#1372753 - Access denied for user when access_provider = krb5 is set in sssd.conf- Resolves: rhbz#1373444 - unable to create group in sssd cache - Resolves: rhbz#1373577 - unable to add local user in sssd to a group in sssd- Resolves: rhbz#1369118 - Don't enable the default shadowtils domain in RHEL- Fix permissions for the private pipe directory - Resolves: rhbz#1362716 - selinux avc denial for vsftp login as ipa user- Resolves: rhbz#1371977 - resolving IPA nested user groups is broken in 1.14- Resolves: rhbz#1368496 - sssd is not able to authenticate with alias- Resolves: rhbz#1371152 - SSSD qualifies principal twice in IPA-AD trust if the principal attribute doesn't exist on the AD side- Apply forgotten patch - Resolves: rhbz#1368496 - sssd is not able to authenticate with alias - Resolves: rhbz#1366470 - sssd: throw away the timestamp cache if re-initializing the persistent cache - Fix deleting non-existent secret - Related: rhbz#1311056 - Add a Secrets as a Service component- Resolves: rhbz#1362716 - selinux avc denial for vsftp login as ipa user- Resolves: rhbz#1368496 - sssd is not able to authenticate with alias- Resolves: rhbz#1364033 - sssd exits if clock is adjusted backwards after boot- Resolves: rhbz#1362023 - SSSD fails to start when ldap_user_extra_attrs contains mail- Resolves: rhbz#1368324 - is packaged in two packages sssd-common and libsss_autofs- Fix RPM scriptlet plumbing for the sssd-secrets responder - Related: rhbz#1311056 - Add a Secrets as a Service component- Add socket-activation plumbing for the sssd-secrets responder - Related: rhbz#1311056 - Add a Secrets as a Service component- Own the secrets directory - Related: rhbz#1311056 - Add a Secrets as a Service component- Resolves: rhbz#1268874 - Add an option to disable checking for trusted domains in the subdomains provider- Resolves: rhbz#1271280 - sssd stores and returns incorrect information about empty netgroup (ldap-server: 389-ds)- Resolves: rhbz#1290500 - [feat] command to manually list fo_add_server_to_list information- Add several small fixes related to the config API - Related: rhbz#1072458 - [RFE] SSSD configuration file test tool (sssd_check)- Resolves: rhbz#1349900 - gpo search errors out and gpo_cache file is never created- Fix regressions in the simple access provider - Resolves: rhbz#1360806 - sssd does not start if sub-domain user is used with simple access provider - Apply a number of specfile patches to better match the upstream spefile - Related: rhbz#1290381 - Rebase SSSD to 1.14.x in RHEL-7.3- Cherry-pick patches from upstream that fix several regressions - Avoid checking local users in all cases - Resolves: rhbz#1353951 - sssd_pam leaks file descriptors- Resolves: rhbz#1364118 - [abrt] [faf] sssd: unknown function(): /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_nss killed by 11 - Resolves: rhbz#1361563 - Wrong pam error code returned for password change in offline mode- Resolves: rhbz#1309745 - Support multiple principals for IPA users- Resolves: rhbz#1304992 - Handle overriden name of members in the memberUid attribute- handle unresolvable sites more gracefully - Resolves: rhbz#1346011 - sssd is looking at a server in the GC of a subdomain, not the root domain. - fix compilation warnings in unit tests- fix capaths output - Resolves: rhbz#1344940 - GSSAPI error causes failures for child domain user logins across IPA - AD trust - also fix Coverity issues in the secrets responder and suppress noisy debug messages when setting the timestamp cache- Resolves: rhbz#1356577 - sssctl: Time stamps without time zone information- Resolves: rhbz#1354414 - New or modified ID-View User overrides are not visible unless rm -f /var/lib/sss/db/*cache*- Resolves: rhbz#1211631 - [RFE] Support of UPN for IdM trusted domains- Resolves: rhbz#1350520 - [abrt] sssd-common: ipa_dyndns_update_send(): sssd_be killed by SIGSEGV- Resolves: rhbz#1349882 - sssd does not work under non-root user - Also cherry-pick a few patches from upstream to fix config schema - Related: rhbz#1072458 - [RFE] SSSD configuration file test tool (sssd_check)- Sync a few minor patches from upstream - Fix sssctl manpage - Fix nss-tests unit test on big-endian machines - Fix several issues in the config schema - Related: rhbz#1072458 - [RFE] SSSD configuration file test tool (sssd_check)- Bundle http-parser - Resolves: rhbz#1311056 - Add a Secrets as a Service component- Sync a few minor patches from upstream - Fix a failover issue - Resolves: rhbz#1334749 - sssd fails to mark a connection as bad on searches that time out- Explicitly BuildRequire newer ding-libs - Resolves: rhbz#1072458 - [RFE] SSSD configuration file test tool (sssd_check)- New upstream release 1.14.0 - Resolves: rhbz#1290381 - Rebase SSSD to 1.14.x in RHEL-7.3 - Resolves: rhbz#835492 - [RFE] SSSD admin tool request - force reload - Resolves: rhbz#1072458 - [RFE] SSSD configuration file test tool (sssd_check) - Resolves: rhbz#1278691 - Please fix rfc2307 autofs schema defaults - Resolves: rhbz#1287209 - default_domain_suffix Appended to User Name - Resolves: rhbz#1300663 - Improve sudo protocol to support configurations with default_domain_suffix - Resolves: rhbz#1312275 - Support authentication indicators from IPA- Resolves: rhbz#1290381 - Rebase SSSD to 1.14.x in RHEL-7.3 - Resolves: rhbz#790113 - [RFE] "include" directive in sssd.conf - Resolves: rhbz#874985 - [RFE] AD provider support for automount lookups - Resolves: rhbz#879333 - [RFE] SSSD admin tool request - status overview - Resolves: rhbz#1140022 - [RFE]Allow sssd to add a new option that would specify which server to update DNS with - Resolves: rhbz#1290380 - RFE: Improve SSSD performance in large environments - Resolves: rhbz#883886 - sssd: incorrect checks on length values during packet decoding - Resolves: rhbz#988207 - sssd does not detail which line in configuration is invalid - Resolves: rhbz#1007969 - sssd_cache does not remove have an option to remove the sssd database - Resolves: rhbz#1103249 - PAC responder needs much time to process large group lists - Resolves: rhbz#1118257 - Users in ipa groups, added to netgroups are not resovable - Resolves: rhbz#1269018 - Too much logging from sssd_be - Resolves: rhbz#1293695 - sssd mixup nested group from AD trusted domains - Resolves: rhbz#1308935 - After removing certificate from user in IPA and even after sss_cache, FindByCertificate still finds the user - Resolves: rhbz#1315766 - SSSD PAM module does not support multiple password prompts (e.g. Password + Token) with sudo - Resolves: rhbz#1316164 - SSSD fails to process GPO from Active Directory - Resolves: rhbz#1322458 - sssd_be[11010]: segfault at 0 ip 00007ff889ff61bb sp 00007ffc7d66a3b0 error 4 in[7ff889fcf000+5d000]- Resolves: rhbz#1290381 - Rebase SSSD to 1.14.x in RHEL-7.3 - The rebase includes fixes for the following bugzillas: - Resolves: rhbz#789477 - [RFE] SUDO: Support the IPA schema - Resolves: rhbz#1059972 - RFE: SSSD: Automatically assign new slices for any AD domain - Resolves: rhbz#1233200 - man sssd.conf should clarify details about subdomain_inherit option. - Resolves: rhbz#1238144 - Need better libhbac debuging added to sssd - Resolves: rhbz#1265366 - sss_override segfaults when accidentally adding --help flag to some commands - Resolves: rhbz#1269512 - sss_override: memory violation - Resolves: rhbz#1278566 - crash in sssd when non-Englsh locale is used and pam_strerror prints non-ASCII characters - Resolves: rhbz#1283686 - groups get deleted from the cache - Resolves: rhbz#1290378 - Smart Cards: Certificate in the ID View - Resolves: rhbz#1292238 - extreme memory usage in libnfsidmap plug-in when resolving groups with many members - Resolves: rhbz#1292456 - sssd_be AD segfaults on missing A record - Resolves: rhbz#1294670 - Local users with local sudo rules causes LDAP queries - Resolves: rhbz#1296618 - Properly remove OriginalMemberOf attribute in SSSD cache if user has no secondary groups anymore - Resolves: rhbz#1299553 - Cannot retrieve users after upgrade from 1.12 to 1.13 - Resolves: rhbz#1302821 - Cannot start sssd after switching to non-root - Resolves: rhbz#1310877 - [RFE] Support Automatic Renewing of Kerberos Host Keytabs - Resolves: rhbz#1313014 - sssd is not closing sockets properly - Resolves: rhbz#1318996 - SSSD does not fail over to next GC - Resolves: rhbz#1327270 - local overrides: issues with sub-domain users and mixed case names - Resolves: rhbz#1342547 - sssd-libwbclient: wbcSidsToUnixIds should not fail on lookup errors- Build the PAC plugin with krb5-1.14 - Related: rhbz#1336688 - sssd tries to resolve global catalog servers from AD forest sub-domains in AD-IPA trust setup- Resolves: rhbz#1336688 - sssd tries to resolve global catalog servers from AD forest sub-domains in AD-IPA trust setup- Resolves: rhbz#1290853 - [sssd] Trusted (AD) user's info stays in sssd cache for much more than expected.- Resolves: rhbz#1336706 - sssd_nss memory usage keeps growing when trying to retrieve non-existing netgroups- Resolves: rhbz#1296902 - In IPA-AD trust environment access is granted to AD user even if the user is disabled on AD.- Resolves: rhbz#1334159 - IPA provider crashes if a netgroup from a trusted domain is requested- Resolves: rhbz#1308913 - sssd be memory leak in sssd's memberof plugin - More patches from upstream related to the memory leak- Resolves: rhbz#1308913 - sssd be memory leak in sssd's memberof plugin- Resolves: rhbz#1300740 - [RFE] IPA: resolve external group memberships of IPA groups during getgrnam and getgrgid- Resolves: rhbz#1284814 - sssd: [sysdb_add_user] (0x0400): Error: 17- Resolves: rhbz#1270827 - local overrides: don't contact server with overridden name/id- Resolves: rhbz#1267837 - sssd_be crashed in ipa_srv_ad_acct_lookup_step- Resolves: rhbz#1267176 - Memory leak / possible DoS with krb auth.- Resolves: rhbz#1267836 - PAM responder crashed if user was not set- Resolves: rhbz#1266107 - AD: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value- Resolves: rhbz#1250135 - Detect re-established trusts in the IPA subdomain code- Fix a Coverity warning in dyndns code - Resolves: rhbz#1261155 - nsupdate exits on first GSSAPI error instead of processing other commands- Resolves: rhbz#1261155 - nsupdate exits on first GSSAPI error instead of processing other commands- Resolves: rhbz#1263735 - Could not resolve AD user from root domain- Remove -d from sss_override manpage - Related: rhbz#1259512 - sss_override : The local override user is not found- Patches required for better handling of failover with one-way trusts - Related: rhbz#1250135 - Detect re-established trusts in the IPA subdomain code- Resolves: rhbz#1263587 - sss_override --name doesn't work with RFC2307 and ghost users- Resolves: rhbz#1259512 - sss_override : The local override user is not found- Resolves: rhbz#1260027 - sssd_be memory leak with sssd-ad in GPO code- Resolves: rhbz#1256398 - sssd cannot resolve user names containing backslash with ldap provider- Resolves: rhbz#1254189 - sss_override contains an extra parameter --debug but is not listed in the man page or in the arguments help- Resolves: rhbz#1254518 - Fix crash in nss responder- Support import/export for local overrides - Support FQDNs for local overrides - Resolves: rhbz#1254184 - sss_override does not work correctly when 'use_fully_qualified_names = True'- Resolves: rhbz#1244950 - Add index for 'objectSIDString' and maybe to other cache attributes- Resolves: rhbz#1250415 - sssd: p11_child hardening- Related: rhbz#1250135 - Detect re-established trusts in the IPA subdomain code- Resolves: rhbz#1202724 - [RFE] Add a way to lookup users based on CAC identity certificates- Resolves: rhbz#1232950 - [IPA/IdM] sudoOrder not honored as expected- Fix wildcard_limit=0 - Resolves: rhbz#1206571 - [RFE] Expose D-BUS interface- Fix race condition in invalidating the memory cache - Related: rhbz#1206575 - [RFE] The fast memory cache should cache initgroups- Resolves: rhbz#1249015 - KDC proxy not working with SSSD krb5_use_kdcinfo enabled- Bump release number - Related: rhbz#1246489 - sss_obfuscate fails with "ImportError: No module named pysss"- Fix missing dependency of sssd-tools - Resolves: rhbz#1246489 - sss_obfuscate fails with "ImportError: No module named pysss"- More memory cache related fixes - Related: rhbz#1206575 - [RFE] The fast memory cache should cache initgroups- Remove binary blob from SC patches as patch(1) can't handle those - Related: rhbz#854396 - [RFE] Support for smart cards- Resolves: rhbz#1244949 - getgrgid for user's UID on a trust client prevents getpw*- Fix memory cache integration tests - Resolves: rhbz#1206575 - [RFE] The fast memory cache should cache initgroups - Resolves: rhbz#854396 - [RFE] Support for smart cards- Remove OTP from PAM stack correctly - Related: rhbz#1200873 - [RFE] Allow smart multi step prompting when user logs in with password and token code from IPA - Handle sssd-owned keytabs when sssd runs as root - Related: rhbz#1205144 - RFE: Support one-way trusts for IPA- Resolves: rhbz#1183747 - [FEAT] UID and GID mapping on individual clients- Resolves: rhbz#1206565 - [RFE] Add dualstack and multihomed support - Resolves: rhbz#1187146 - If v4 address exists, will not create nonexistant v6 in ipa domain- Resolves: rhbz#1242942 - well-known SID check is broken for NetBIOS prefixes- Resolves: rhbz#1234722 - sssd ad provider fails to start in rhel7.2- Add support for InfoPipe wildcard requests - Resolves: rhbz#1206571 - [RFE] Expose D-BUS interface- Also package the initgr memcache - Related: rhbz#1205554 - Rebase SSSD to 1.13.x- Rebase to 1.13.0 upstream - Related: rhbz#1205554 - Rebase SSSD to 1.13.x - Resolves: rhbz#910187 - [RFE] authenticate against cache in SSSD - Resolves: rhbz#1206575 - [RFE] The fast memory cache should cache initgroups- Don't default to SSSD user - Related: rhbz#1205554 - Rebase SSSD to 1.13.x- Related: rhbz#1205554 - Rebase SSSD to 1.13.x - GPO default should be permissve- Resolves: rhbz#1205554 - Rebase SSSD to 1.13.x - Relax the libldb requirement - Resolves: rhbz#1221992 - sssd_be segfault at 0 ip sp error 6 in - Resolves: rhbz#1221839 - SSSD group enumeration inconsistent due to binary SIDs - Resolves: rhbz#1219285 - Unable to resolve group memberships for AD users when using sssd-1.12.2-58.el7_1.6.x86_64 client in combination with ipa-server-3.0.0-42.el6.x86_64 with AD Trust - Resolves: rhbz#1217559 - [RFE] Support GPOs from different domain controllers - Resolves: rhbz#1217350 - ignore_group_members doesn't work for subdomains - Resolves: rhbz#1217127 - Override for IPA users with login does not list user all groups - Resolves: rhbz#1216285 - autofs provider fails when default_domain_suffix and use_fully_qualified_names set - Resolves: rhbz#1214719 - Group resolution is inconsistent with group overrides - Resolves: rhbz#1214718 - Overridde with --login fails trusted adusers group membership resolution - Resolves: rhbz#1214716 - idoverridegroup for ipa group with --group-name does not work - Resolves: rhbz#1214337 - Overrides with --login work in second attempt - Resolves: rhbz#1212489 - Disable the cleanup task by default - Resolves: rhbz#1211830 - external users do not resolve with "default_domain_suffix" set in IPA server sssd.conf - Resolves: rhbz#1210854 - Only set the selinux context if the context differs from the local one - Resolves: rhbz#1209483 - When using id_provider=proxy with auth_provider=ldap, it does not work as expected - Resolves: rhbz#1209374 - Man sssd-ad(5) lists Group Policy Management Editor naming for some policies but not for all - Resolves: rhbz#1208507 - sysdb sudo search doesn't escape special characters - Resolves: rhbz#1206571 - [RFE] Expose D-BUS interface - Resolves: rhbz#1206566 - SSSD does not update Dynamic DNS records if the IPA domain differs from machine hostname's domain - Resolves: rhbz#1206189 - [bug] sssd always appends default_domain_suffix when checking for host keys - Resolves: rhbz#1204203 - sssd crashes intermittently - Resolves: rhbz#1203945 - [FJ7.0 Bug]: getgrent returns error because sss is written in nsswitch.conf as default - Resolves: rhbz#1203642 - GPO access control looks for computer object in user's domain only - Resolves: rhbz#1202245 - SSSD's HBAC processing is not permissive enough with broken replication entries - Resolves: rhbz#1201271 - sssd_nss segfaults if initgroups request is by UPN and doesn't find anything - Resolves: rhbz#1200873 - [RFE] Allow smart multi step prompting when user logs in with password and token code from IPA - Resolves: rhbz#1199541 - Read and use the TTL value when resolving a SRV query - Resolves: rhbz#1199533 - [RFE] Implement background refresh for users, groups or other cache objects - Resolves: rhbz#1199445 - Does sssd-ad use the most suitable attribute for group name? - Resolves: rhbz#1198477 - ccname_file_dummy is not unlinked on error - Resolves: rhbz#1187103 - [RFE] User's home directories are not taken from AD when there is an IPA trust with AD - Resolves: rhbz#1185536 - In ipa-ad trust, with 'default_domain_suffix' set to AD domain, IPA user are not able to log unless use_fully_qualified_names is set - Resolves: rhbz#1175760 - [RFE] Have OpenLDAP lock out ssh keys when account naturally expires - Resolves: rhbz#1163806 - [RFE]ad provider dns_discovery_domain option: kerberos discovery is not using this option - Resolves: rhbz#1205160 - Complain loudly if backend doesn't start due to missing or invalid keytab- Resolves: rhbz#1226119 - Properly handle AD's binary objectGUID- Filter out domain-local groups during AD initgroups operation - Related: rhbz#1201840 - SSSD downloads too much information when fetching information about groups- Resolves: rhbz#1201840 - SSSD downloads too much information when fetching information about groups- Initialize variable in the views code in one success and one failure path - Resolves: rhbz#1202170 - sssd_be segfault on IPA(when auth with AD trusted domain) client at src/providers/ipa/ipa_s2n_exop.c:1605- Resolves: rhbz#1202170 - sssd_be segfault on IPA(when auth with AD trusted domain) client at src/providers/ipa/ipa_s2n_exop.c:1605- Handle case where there is no default and no rules - Resolves: rhbz#1192314 - With empty ipaselinuxusermapdefault security context on client is staff_u- Set a pointer in ldap_child to NULL to avoid warnings - Related: rhbz#1198759 - ccname_file_dummy is not unlinked on error- Resolves: rhbz#1199143 - With empty ipaselinuxusermapdefault security context on client is staff_u- Resolves: rhbz#1198759 - ccname_file_dummy is not unlinked on error- Run the restart in sssd-common posttrans - Explicitly require libwbclient - Resolves: rhbz#1187113 - sssd deamon was not running after RHEL 7.1 upgrade- Resolves: rhbz#1187113 - sssd deamon was not running after RHEL 7.1 upgrade- Fix endianess bug in fill_id() - Related: rhbz#1109331 - [RFE] Allow SSSD to be used with smbd shares- Resolves: rhbz#1168904 - gid is overridden by uid in default trust view- Resolves: rhbz#1187192 - IPA initgroups don't work correctly in non-default view- Resolves: rhbz#1184982 - Need to set different umask in selinux_child- Bump the release number - Related: rhbz#1184140 - Users saved throug extop don't have the originalMemberOf attribute- Add a patch dependency - Related: rhbz#1184140 - Users saved throug extop don't have the originalMemberOf attribute- Process ghost members only once - Fix processing of universal groups with members from different domains - Related: rhbz#1168904 - gid is overridden by uid in default trust view- Related: rhbz#1184140 - Users saved throug extop don't have the originalMemberOf attribute- Resolves: rhbz#1185188 - Uncached SIDs cannot be resolved- Handle GID override in MPG domains - Handle views with mixed-case domains - Related: rhbz#1168904 - gid is overridden by uid in default trust view- Open socket to the PAC responder in krb5_child before dropping root - Related: rhbz#1184140 - Users saved throug extop don't have the originalMemberOf attribute- Resolves: rhbz#1184140 - Users saved throug extop don't have the originalMemberOf attribute- Resolves: rhbz#1182183 - pam_sss(sshd:auth): authentication failure with user from AD- Resolves: rhbz#889206 - On clock skew sssd returns system error- Related: rhbz#1168904 - gid is overridden by uid in default trust view- Resolves: rhbz#1177140 - gpo_child fails if "log level" is enabled in smb.conf - Related: rhbz#1168904 - gid is overridden by uid in default trust view- Resolves: rhbz#1175408 - SSSD should not fail authentication when only allow rules are used - Resolves: rhbz#1175705 - sssd-libwbclient conflicts with Samba's and causes crash in wbinfo - in addition to the patch is filtered out of the Provides list of the package- Resolves: rhbz#1171215 - Crash in function get_object_from_cache - Resolves: rhbz#1171383 - getent fails for posix group with AD users after login - Resolves: rhbz#1171382 - getent of AD universal group fails after group users login - Resolves: rhbz#1170300 - Access is not rejected for disabled domain - Resolves: rhbz#1162486 - Error processing external groups with getgrnam/getgrgid in the server mode - Resolves: rhbz#1168904 - gid is overridden by uid in default trust view- Resolves: rhbz#1169459 - sssd-ad: The man page description to enable GPO HBAC Policies are unclear - Related: rhbz#1113783 - sssd should run under unprivileged user- Rebuild to add several forgotten Patch entries - Resolves: rhbz#1173482 - MAN: Document that only user names are checked for pam_trusted_users - Resolves: rhbz#1167324 - pam_sss domains option: User auth should fail when domains=- Remove Coverity warnings in krb5_child code - Related: rhbz#1113783 - sssd should run under unprivileged user- Resolves: rhbz#1173482 - MAN: Document that only user names are checked for pam_trusted_users - Resolves: rhbz#1167324 - pam_sss domains option: User auth should fail when domains=- Don't error out on chpass with OTPs - Related: rhbz#1109756 - Rebase SSSD to 1.12- Resolves: rhbz#1124320 - [FJ7.0 Bug]: getgrent returns error because sss is written in nsswitch.conf as default.- Resolves: rhbz#1169739 - selinuxusermap rule does not apply to trusted AD users - Enable running unit tests without cmocka - Related: rhbz#1113783 - sssd should run under unprivileged user- krb5_child and ldap_child do not call Kerberos calls as root - Related: rhbz#1113783 - sssd should run under unprivileged user- Resolves: rhbz#1168735 - The Kerberos provider is not properly views-aware- Fix typo in libwbclient-devel alternatives invocation - Related: rhbz#1109331 - [RFE] Allow SSSD to be used with smbd shares- Resolves: rhbz#1166727 - pam_sss domains option: Untrusted users from the same domain are allowed to auth.- Handle migrating clients between views - Related: rhbz#891984 - [RFE] ID Views: Support migration from the sync solution to the trust solution- Use alternatives for libwbclient - Related: rhbz#1109331 - [RFE] Allow SSSD to be used with smbd shares- Resolves: rhbz#1165794 - sssd does not work with custom value of option re_expression- Add an option that describes where to put generated krb5 files to - Related: rhbz#1135043 - [RFE] Implement localauth plugin for MIT krb5 1.12- Handle IPA group names returned from the extop plugin - Related: rhbz#891984 - [RFE] ID Views: Support migration from the sync solution to the trust solution- Resolves: rhbz#1165792 - automount segfaults in sss_nss_check_header- Resolves: rhbz#1163742 - "debug_timestamps = false" and "debug_microseconds = true" do not work after enabling journald with sssd.- Resolves: rhbz#1153593 - Manpage description of case_sensitive=preserving is incomplete- Support views for IPA users - Related: rhbz#891984 - [RFE] ID Views: Support migration from the sync solution to the trust solution- Update man page to clarify TGs should be disabled with a custom search base - Related: rhbz#1161741 - TokenGroups for LDAP provider breaks in corner cases- Use upstreamed patches for the rootless sssd - Related: rhbz#1113783 - sssd should run under unprivileged user- Resolves: rhbz#1153603 - Proxy Provider: Fails to lookup case sensitive users and groups with case_sensitive=preserving- Resolves: rhbz#1161741 - TokenGroups for LDAP provider breaks in corner cases- Resolves: rhbz#1162480 - dereferencing failure against openldap server- Move adding the user from pretrans to pre, copy adding the user to sssd-krb5-common and sssd-ipa as well in order to work around yum ordering issue - Related: rhbz#1113783 - sssd should run under unprivileged user- Resolves: rhbz#1113783 - sssd should run under unprivileged user- Fix two regressions in the new selinux_child process - Related: rhbz#1113783 - sssd should run under unprivileged user - Resolves: rhbz#1132365 - Remove password from the PAM stack if OTP is used- Include the ldap_child and selinux_child patches for rootless sssd - Related: rhbz#1113783 - sssd should run under unprivileged user- Support overriding SSH public keys with views - Support extended attributes via the extop plugin - Related: rhbz#1109756 - Rebase SSSD to 1.12 - Resolves: rhbz#1137010 - disable midpoint refresh for netgroups if ptask refresh is enabled- Resolves: rhbz#1153518 - service lookups returned in lowercase with case_sensitive=preserving - Resolves: rhbz#1158809 - Enumeration shows only a single group multiple times- Include the responder and packaging patches for rootless sssd - Related: rhbz#1113783 - sssd should run under unprivileged user- Amend the sssd-ldap man page with info about lockout setup - Related: rhbz#1109756 - Rebase SSSD to 1.12 - Resolves: rhbz#1137014 - Shell fallback mechanism in SSSD - Resolves: rhbz#790854 - 4 functions with reference leaks within sssd (src/python/pyhbac.c)- Fix regressions caused by views patches when SSSD is connected to a pre-4.0 IPA server - Related: rhbz#1109756 - Rebase SSSD to 1.12- Add the low-level server changes for running as unprivileged user - Package the libsss_semange library needed for SELinux label changes - Related: rhbz#1113783 - sssd should run under unprivileged user - Resolves: rhbz#1113784 - sssd should audit selinux user map changes- Use libsemanage for SELinux label changes - Resolves: rhbz#1113784 - sssd should audit selinux user map changes- Rebase SSSD to 1.12.2 - Related: rhbz#1109756 - Rebase SSSD to 1.12- Sync with upstream - Related: rhbz#1109756 - Rebase SSSD to 1.12- Rebuild against ding-libs with fixed SONAME - Related: rhbz#1109756 - Rebase SSSD to 1.12- Rebase SSSD to 1.12.1 - Related: rhbz#1109756 - Rebase SSSD to 1.12- Require ldb 2.1.17 - Related: rhbz#1133914 - Rebase libldb to version 1.1.17 or newer- Fix fully qualified IFP lookups - Related: rhbz#1109756 - Rebase SSSD to 1.12- Rebase SSSD to 1.12.0 - Related: rhbz#1109756 - Rebase SSSD to 1.12- Squash in upstream review comments about the PAC patch - Related: rhbz#1097286 - Expanding home directory fails when the request comes from the PAC responder- Backport a patch to allow krb5-utils-test to run as root - Related: rhbz#1097286 - Expanding home directory fails when the request comes from the PAC responder- Resolves: rhbz#1097286 - Expanding home directory fails when the request comes from the PAC responder- Fix a DEBUG message, backport two related fixes - Related: rhbz#1090653 - segfault in sssd_be when second domain tree users are queried while joined to child domain- Resolves: rhbz#1090653 - segfault in sssd_be when second domain tree users are queried while joined to child domain- Resolves: rhbz#1082191 - RHEL7 IPA selinuxusermap hbac rule not always matching- Resolves: rhbz#1077328 - other subdomains are unavailable when joined to a subdomain in the ad forest- Resolves: rhbz#1078877 - Valgrind: Invalid read of int while processing netgroup- Resolves: rhbz#1075092 - Password change w/ OTP generates error on success- Resolves: rhbz#1078840 - Error during password change- Resolves: rhbz#1075663 - SSSD should create the SELinux mapping file with format expected by pam_selinux- Related: rhbz#1075621 - Add another Kerberos error code to trigger IPA password migration- Related: rhbz#1073635 - IPA SELinux code looks for the host in the wrong sysdb subdir when a trusted user logs in- Related: rhbz#1066096 - not retrieving homedirs of AD users with posix attributes- Related: rhbz#1072995 - AD group inconsistency when using AD provider in sssd-1.11-40- Resolves: rhbz#1073631 - sssd fails to handle expired passwords when OTP is used- Resolves: rhbz#1072067 - SSSD Does not cache SELinux map from FreeIPA correctly- Resolves: rhbz#1071903 - ipa-server-mode: Use lower-case user name component in home dir path- Resolves: rhbz#1068725 - Evaluate usage of sudo LDAP provider together with the AD provider- Fix idmap documentation - Bump idmap version info - Related: rhbz#1067361 - Check IPA idranges before saving them to the cache- Pull some follow up man page fixes from upstream - Related: rhbz#1060389 - Document that `sssd` cache needs to be cleared manually, if ID mapping configuration changes - Related: rhbz#1064908 - MAN: Remove misleading memberof example from ldap_access_filter example- Resolves: rhbz#1060389 - Document that `sssd` cache needs to be cleared manually, if ID mapping configuration changes- Resolves: rhbz#1064908 - MAN: Remove misleading memberof example from ldap_access_filter example- Resolves: rhbz#1068723 - Setting int option to 0 yields the default value- Resolves: rhbz#1067361 - Check IPA idranges before saving them to the cache- Resolves: rhbz#1067476 - SSSD pam module accepts usernames with leading spaces- Resolves: rhbz#1033069 - Configuring two different provider types might start two parallel enumeration tasks- Resolves: rhbz#1068640 - 'IPA: Don't call tevent_req_post outside _send' should be added to RHEL7- Resolves: rhbz#1063977 - SSSD needs to enable FAST by default- Resolves: rhbz#1064582 - sss_cache does not reset the SYSDB_INITGR_EXPIRE attribute when expiring users- Resolves: rhbz#1033081 - Implement heuristics to detect if POSIX attributes have been replicated to the Global Catalog or not- Resolves: rhbz#872177 - [RFE] subdomain homedir template should be configurable/use flatname by default- Resolves: rhbz#1059753 - Warn with a user-friendly error message when permissions on sssd.conf are incorrect- Resolves: rhbz#1037653 - Enabling ldap_id_mapping doesn't exclude uidNumber in filter- Resolves: rhbz#1059253 - Man page states default_shell option supersedes other shell options but in fact override_shell does. - Use the right domain for AD site resolution - Related: rhbz#743503 - [RFE] sssd should support DNS sites- Resolves: rhbz#1028039 - AD Enumeration reads data from LDAP while regular lookups connect to GC- Resolves: rhbz#877438 - sudoNotBefore/sudoNotAfter not supported by sssd sudoers plugin- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- Resolves: rhbz#1054639 - sssd_be aborts a request if it doesn't match any configured idmap domain- Resolves: rhbz#1054899 - explicitly suggest krb5_auth_timeout in a loud DEBUG message in case Kerberos authentication times out- Resolves: rhbz#1037653 - Enabling ldap_id_mapping doesn't exclude uidNumber in filter- Resolves: rhbz#1051360 - [FJ7.0 Bug]: [REG] sssd_be crashes when ldap_search_base cannot be parsed. - Fix a typo in the man page - Related: rhbz#1034920 - RHEL7 sssd not setting IPA AD trusted user homedir- Resolves: rhbz#1054639 - sssd_be aborts a request if it doesn't match any configured idmap domain - Fix return value when searching for AD domain flat names - Resolves: rhbz#1048102 - Access denied for users from gc domain when using format DOMAIN\user- Resolves: rhbz#1034920 - RHEL7 sssd not setting IPA AD trusted user homedir- Resolves: rhbz#1048102 - Access denied for users from gc domain when using format DOMAIN\user- Resolves: rhbz#1053106 - sssd ad trusted sub domain do not inherit fallbacks and overrides settings- Resolves: rhbz#1051016 - FAST does not work in SSSD 1.11.2 in Fedora 20- Resolves: rhbz#1033133 - "System Error" when invalid ad_access_filter is used- Resolves: rhbz#1032983 - sssd_be crashes when ad_access_filter uses FOREST keyword. - Fix two memory leaks in the PAC responder (Related: rhbz#991065)- Resolves: rhbz#1048184 - Group lookup does not return member with multiple names after user lookup- Resolves: rhbz#1049533 - Group membership lookup issue- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- Resolves: rhbz#894068 - sss_cache doesn't support subdomains- Re-initialize subdomains after provider startup - Related: rhbz#1038637 - If SSSD starts offline, subdomains list is never read- The AD provider is able to resolve group memberships for groups with Global and Universal scope - Related: rhbz#1033096 - tokenGroups do not work reliable with Global Catalog- Resolves: rhbz#1033096 - tokenGroups do not work reliable with Global Catalog - Resolves: rhbz#1030483 - Individual group search returned multiple results in GC lookups- Resolves: rhbz#1040969 - sssd_nss grows memory footprint when netgroups are requested- Resolves: rhbz#1023409 - Valgrind sssd "Syscall param socketcall.sendto(msg) points to uninitialised byte(s)"- Resolves: rhbz#1037936 - sssd_be crashes occasionally- Resolves: rhbz#1038637 - If SSSD starts offline, subdomains list is never read- Resolves: rhbz#1029631 - sssd_be crashes on manually adding a cleartext password to ldap_default_authtok- Resolves: rhbz#1036758 - SSSD: Allow for custom attributes in RDN when using id_provider = proxy- Resolves: rhbz#1034050 - Errors in domain log when saving user to sysdb- Resolves: rhbz#1036157 - sssd can't retrieve auto.master when using the "default_domain_suffix" option in- Resolves: rhbz#1028057 - Improve detection of the right domain when processing group with members from several domains- Resolves: rhbz#1033084 - sssd_be segfaults if empty grop is resolved using ad_matching_rule- Resolves: rhbz#1031562 - Incorrect mention of access_filter in sssd-ad manpage- Resolves: rhbz#991549 - sssd fails to retrieve netgroups with multiple CN attributes- Skip netgroups that don't provide well-formed triplets - Related: rhbz#991549 - sssd fails to retrieve netgroups with multiple CN attributes- New upstream release 1.11.2 - Remove upstreamed patches - - Resolves: rhbz#991065- Resolves: rhbz#1019882 - RHEL7 ipa ad trusted user lookups failed with sssd_be crash - Resolves: rhbz#1002597 - ad: unable to resolve membership when user is from different domain than group- New upstream release 1.11.1 - - Resolves: rhbz#991065 - Rebase SSSD to 1.11.0- New upstream release 1.11.0 - - Resolves: rhbz#991065- New upstream release 1.11 beta 2 - - Related: rhbz#991065- Resolves: #906427 - Do not use %{_lib} in specfile for the nss and pam libraries- Resolves: #983587 - sss_debuglevel did not increase verbosity in sssd_pac.log- Resolves: #983580 - Netgroups should ignore the 'use_fully_qualified_names' setting- Apply several important fixes from upstream 1.10 branch - Related: #966757 - SSSD failover doesn't work if the first DNS server in resolv.conf is unavailable- New upstream release 1.10.1 - Remove libcmocka dependency- sssd-tools should require sssd-common, not sssd- Move sssd_pac to the sssd-ipa and sssd-ad subpackages - Trim out RHEL5-specific macros since we don't build on RHEL 5 - Trim out macros for Fedora older than F18 - Update libldb requirement to 1.1.16 - Trim RPM changelog down to the last year- Move sssd_pac to the sssd-krb5 subpackage- Fix Obsoletes: to account for dist tag - Convert post and pre scripts to run on the sssd-common subpackage - Remove old conversion from SYSV- New upstream release 1.10 - the cmocka toolkit exists only on selected arches- Apply a number of patches from upstream to fix issues found post-beta, in particular: -- segfault with a high DEBUG level -- Fix IPA password migration (upstream #1873) -- Fix fail over when retrying SRV resolution (upstream #1886)- Only BuildRequire libcmocka on Fedora- Fix typo in Requires that prevented an upgrade (#973916) - Use a hardcoded version in Conflicts, not less-than-current- New upstream release 1.10 beta2 - - BuildRequire libcmocka-devel in order to run all upstream tests during build - BuildRequire libnl3 instead of libnl1 - No longer BuildRequire initscripts, we no longer use /sbin/service - Remove explicit krb5-libs >= 1.10 requires; this platform doensn't carry any older krb5-libs version- Enable hardened build for RHEL7- Apply a couple of patches from upstream git that resolve crashes when ID mapping object was not initialized properly but needed later- Resolves: rhbz#961357 - Missing dyndns_update entry in sssd.conf during realm join - Resolves: rhbz#961278 - Login failure: Enterprise Principal enabled by default for AD Provider - Resolves: rhbz#961251 - sssd does not create user's krb5 ccache dir/file parent directory when logging in- Explicitly Require libini_config >= to work around a SONAME bug in ding-libs - Fix SSH integration with fully-qualified domains - Add the ability to dynamically discover the NetBIOS name- New upstream release 1.10 beta1 - Add a patch to fix krb5 ccache creation issue with krb5 1.11- New upstream release 1.10 alpha1 - Split internal helper libraries into a shared object - Significantly reduce disk-space usage- Fix the Kerberos password expiration warning (#912223)- Do not write out dots in the domain-realm mapping file (#905650)- Include upstream patch to build with krb5-1.11- Rebuild against new libldb- Fix build with new automake versions- Recreate Kerberos ccache directory if it's missing - Resolves: rhbz#853558 - [sssd[krb5_child[PID]]]: Credential cache directory /run/user/UID/ccdir does not exist- Fix changelog dates to make F19 rpmbuild happy- New upstream release 1.9.4- New upstream release 1.9.3- Resolve groups from AD correctly- Check the validity of naming context- Move the sss_cache tool to the main package- Include the 1.9.2 tarball- New upstream release 1.9.2- New upstream release 1.9.1- require the latest libldb- Use mcpath insted of mcachepath macro to be consistent with upsteam spec file- New upstream release 1.9.0- New upstream release 1.9.0 rc1- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta7 - obsoletes patches #1-#3- Rebuild against libldb 1.12- Rebuild against libldb 1.11- Change the default ccache location to DIR:/run/user/${UID}/krb5cc and patch man page accordingly - Resolves: rhbz#851304- Rebuild against libldb 1.10- Only create the SELinux login file if there are SELinux mappings on the IPA server- Don't discard HBAC rule processing result if SELinux is on Resolves: rhbz#846792 (CVE-2012-3462)- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 6 - - A new option, override_shell was added. If this option is set, all users managed by SSSD will have their shell set to its value. - Fixes for the support for setting default SELinux user context from FreeIPA. - Fixed a regression introduced in beta 5 that broke LDAP SASL binds - The SSSD supports the concept of a Primary Server and a Back Up Server in failover - A new command-line tool sss_seed is available to help prime the cache with a user record when deploying a new machine - SSSD is now able to discover and save the domain-realm mappings between an IPA server and a trusted Active Directory server. - Packaging changes to fix ldconfig usage in subpackages (#843995) - Rebuild against libldb 1.1.9- Rebuilt for New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 5 - Obsoletes the patch for missing DP_OPTION_TERMINATOR in AD provider options - - Many fixes for the support for setting default SELinux user context from FreeIPA, most notably fixed the specificity evaluation - Fixed an incorrect default in the krb5_canonicalize option of the AD provider which was preventing password change operation - The shadowLastChange attribute value is now correctly updated with the number of days since the Epoch, not seconds- Fix broken ARM build - Add missing DP_OPTION_TERMINATOR in AD provider options- Own several directories create during make install (#839782)- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 4 - - Add a new AD provider to improve integration with Active Directory 2008 R2 or later servers - SUDO integration was completely rewritten. The new implementation works with multiple domains and uses an improved refresh mechanism to download only the necessary rules - The IPA authentication provider now supports subdomains - Fixed regression for setups that were setting default_tkt_enctypes manually by reverting a previous workaround.- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 3 - - Add a new PAC responder for dealing with cross-realm Kerberos trusts - Terminate idle connections to the NSS and PAM responders- Switch unicode library from libunistring to Glib - Drop unnecessary explicit Requires on keyutils - Guarantee that versioned Requires include the correct architecture- Fix accidental disabling of the DIR cache support- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 2 - - Add support for the Kerberos DIR cache for storing multiple TGTs automatically - Major performance enhancement when storing large groups in the cache - Major performance enhancement when performing initgroups() against Active Directory - SSSDConfig data file default locations can now be set during configure for easier packaging- Fix regression in endianness patch- Rebuild SSSD against ding-libs 0.3.0beta1 - Fix endianness bug in service map protocol- Fix several regressions since 1.5.x - Ensure that the RPM creates the /var/lib/sss/mc directory - Add support for Netscape password warning expiration control - Rebuild against libldb 1.1.6- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 1 - - Add native support for autofs to the IPA provider - Support for ID-mapping when connecting to Active Directory - Support for handling very large (> 1500 users) groups in Active Directory - Support for sub-domains (will be used for dealing with trust relationships) - Add a new fast in-memory cache to speed up lookups of cached data on repeated requests- New upstream release 1.8.3 - - Numerous manpage and translation updates - LDAP: Handle situations where the RootDSE isn't available anonymously - LDAP: Fix regression for users using non-standard LDAP attributes for user information- New upstream release 1.8.2 - - Several fixes to case-insensitive domain functions - Fix for GSSAPI binds when the keytab contains unrelated principals - Fixed several segfaults - Workarounds added for LDAP servers with unreadable RootDSE - SSH knownhostproxy will no longer enter an infinite loop preventing login - The provided SYSV init script now starts SSSD earlier at startup and stops it later during shutdown - Assorted minor fixes for issues discovered by static analysis tools- Don't duplicate in two packages - Set explicit package contents instead of globbing- Fix uninitialized value bug causing crashes throughout the code - Resolves: rhbz#804783 - [abrt] Segfault during LDAP 'services' lookup- New upstream release 1.8.1 - Resolve issue where we could enter an infinite loop trying to connect to an auth server - Fix serious issue with complex (3+ levels) nested groups - Fix netgroup support for case-insensitivity and aliases - Fix serious issue with lookup bundling resulting in requests never completing - IPA provider will now check the value of nsAccountLock during pam_acct_mgmt in addition to pam_authenticate - Fix several regressions in the proxy provider - Resolves: rhbz#743133 - Performance regression with Kerberos authentication against AD - Resolves: rhbz#799031 - --debug option for sss_debuglevel doesn't work- New upstream release 1.8.0 - Support for the service map in NSS - Support for setting default SELinux user context from FreeIPA - Support for retrieving SSH user and host keys from LDAP (Experimental) - Support for caching autofs LDAP requests (Experimental) - Support for caching SUDO rules (Experimental) - Include the IPA AutoFS provider - Fixed several memory-corruption bugs - Fixed a regression in group enumeration since 1.7.0 - Fixed a regression in the proxy provider - Resolves: rhbz#741981 - Separate Cache Timeouts for SSSD - Resolves: rhbz#797968 - sssd_be: The requested tar get is not configured is logged at each login - Resolves: rhbz#754114 - [abrt] sssd-1.6.3-1.fc16: ping_check: Process /usr/sbin/sssd was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV) - Resolves: rhbz#743133 - Performance regression with Kerberos authentication against AD - Resolves: rhbz#773706 - SSSD fails during autodetection of search bases for new LDAP features - Resolves: rhbz#786957 - sssd and kerberos should change the default location for create the Credential Cashes to /run/usr/USERNAME/krb5cc- Change default kerberos credential cache location to /run/user/- New upstream release 1.8.0 beta 3 - - Fixed a regression in group enumeration since 1.7.0 - Fixed several memory-corruption bugs - Finalized the ABI for the autofs support - Fixed a regression in the proxy provider- Rebuild against PCRE 8.30- New upstream release - - Fix two minor manpage bugs - Include the IPA AutoFS provider- New upstream release - - Support for the service map in NSS - Support for setting default SELinux user context from FreeIPA - Support for retrieving SSH user and host keys from LDAP (Experimental) - Support for caching autofs LDAP requests (Experimental) - Support for caching SUDO rules (Experimental)- Resolves: rhbz#773706 - SSSD fails during autodetection of search bases for new LDAP features - fix netgroups and sudo as well- Fixes a serious memory hierarchy bug causing unpredictable behavior in the LDAP provider.- Resolves: rhbz#773706 - SSSD fails during autodetection of search bases for new LDAP features- Rebuilt for New upstream release 1.7.0 - - Support for case-insensitive domains - Support for multiple search bases in the LDAP provider - Support for the native FreeIPA netgroup implementation - Reliability improvements to the process monitor - New DEBUG facility with more consistent log levels - New tool to change debug log levels without restarting SSSD - SSSD will now disconnect from LDAP server when idle - FreeIPA HBAC rules can choose to ignore srchost options for significant performance gains - Assorted performance improvements in the LDAP provider- New upstream release 1.6.4 - Rolls up previous patches applied to the 1.6.3 tarball - Fixes a rare issue causing crashes in the failover logic - Fixes an issue where SSSD would return the wrong PAM error code for users that it does not recognize.- Rebuild against libldb 1.1.4- Resolves: rhbz#753639 - sssd_nss crashes when passed invalid UTF-8 for the username in getpwnam() - Resolves: rhbz#758425 - LDAP failover not working if server refuses connections- Rebuild for libldb 1.1.3- Resolves: rhbz#752495 - Crash when apply settings- New upstream release 1.6.3 - - Fixes a major cache performance issue introduced in 1.6.2 - Fixes a potential infinite-loop with certain LDAP layouts- Rebuilt for glibc bug#747377- Change selinux policy requirement to Conflicts: with the old version, rather than Requires: the supported version.- Add explicit requirement on selinux-policy version to address new SBUS symlinks.- Remove %files reference to sss_debuglevel copied from wrong upstreeam spec file.- Improved handling of users and groups with multi-valued name attributes (aliases) - Performance enhancements Initgroups on RFC2307bis/FreeIPA HBAC rule processing - Improved process-hang detection and restarting - Enabled the midpoint cache refresh by default (fewer cache misses on commonly-used entries) - Cleaned up the example configuration - New tool to change debug level on the fly- New upstream release 1.6.1 - - Fixes a serious issue with LDAP connections when the communication is dropped (e.g. VPN disconnection, waking from sleep) - SSSD is now less strict when dealing with users/groups with multiple names when a definitive primary name cannot be determined - The LDAP provider will no longer attempt to canonicalize by default when using SASL. An option to re-enable this has been provided. - Fixes for non-standard LDAP attribute names (e.g. those used by Active Directory) - Three HBAC regressions have been fixed. - Fix for an infinite loop in the deref code- Build with _hardened_build macro- New upstream release 1.6.0 - - Add host access control support for LDAP (similar to pam_host_attr) - Finer-grained control on principals used with Kerberos (such as for FAST or - validation) - Added a new tool sss_cache to allow selective expiring of cached entries - Added support for LDAP DEREF and ASQ controls - Added access control features for Novell Directory Server - FreeIPA dynamic DNS update now checks first to see if an update is needed - Complete rewrite of the HBAC library - New libraries: libipa_hbac and libipa_hbac-python- New upstream release 1.5.11 - - Fix a serious regression that prevented SSSD from working with ldaps:// URIs - IPA Provider: Fix a bug with dynamic DNS that resulted in the wrong IPv6 - address being saved to the AAAA record- New upstream release 1.5.10 - - Fixed a regression introduced in 1.5.9 that could result in blocking calls - to LDAP- New upstream release 1.5.9 - - Support for overriding home directory, shell and primary GID locally - Properly honor TTL values from SRV record lookups - Support non-POSIX groups in nested group chains (for RFC2307bis LDAP - servers) - Properly escape IPv6 addresses in the failover code - Do not crash if inotify fails (e.g. resource exhaustion) - Don't add multiple TGT renewal callbacks (too many log messages)- New upstream release 1.5.8 - - Support for the LDAP paging control - Support for multiple DNS servers for name resolution - Fixes for several group membership bugs - Fixes for rare crash bugs- Resolves: rhbz#706740 - Orphaned links on rc0.d-rc6.d - Make sure to properly convert to systemd if upgrading from newer - updates for Fedora 14- Fix segfault in TGT renewal- Resolves: rhbz#700891 - CVE-2011-1758 sssd: automatic TGT renewal overwrites - cached password with predicatable filename- Re-add manpage translations- New upstream release 1.5.6 - - Fixed a serious memory leak in the memberOf plugin - Fixed a regression with the negative cache that caused it to be essentially - nonfunctional - Fixed an issue where the user's full name would sometimes be removed from - the cache - Fixed an issue with password changes in the kerberos provider not working - with kpasswd- Resolves: rhbz#697057 - kpasswd fails when using sssd and - kadmin server != kdc server - Upgrades from SysV should now maintain enabled/disabled status- Fix %postun- Fix systemd conversion. Upgrades from SysV to systemd weren't properly - enabling the systemd service. - Fix a serious memory leak in the memberOf plugin - Fix an issue where the user's full name would sometimes be removed - from the cache- Install systemd unit file instead of sysv init script- New upstream release 1.5.5 - - Fixes for several crash bugs - LDAP group lookups will no longer abort if there is a zero-length member - attribute - Add automatic fallback to 'cn' if the 'gecos' attribute does not exist- New upstream release 1.5.4 - - Fixes for Active Directory when not all users and groups have POSIX attributes - Fixes for handling users and groups that have name aliases (aliases are ignored) - Fix group memberships after initgroups in the IPA provider- Resolves: rhbz#683267 - sssd 1.5.1-9 breaks AD authentication- New upstream release 1.5.3 - Support for libldb >= 1.0.0- New upstream release 1.5.2 - - Fixes for support of FreeIPA v2 - Fixes for failover if DNS entries change - Improved sss_obfuscate tool with better interactive mode - Fix several crash bugs - Don't attempt to use START_TLS over SSL. Some LDAP servers can't handle this - Delete users from the local cache if initgroups calls return 'no such user' - (previously only worked for getpwnam/getpwuid) - Use new translations - Better support for automatic TGT renewal (now survives restart) - Netgroup fixes- Rebuild sssd against libldb 1.0.2 so the memberof module loads again. - Related: rhbz#677425- Resolves: rhbz#677768 - name service caches names, so id command shows - recently deleted users- Ensure that SSSD builds against libldb-1.0.0 on F15 and later - Remove .la for memberOf- Fix memberOf install path- Add support for libldb 1.0.0- Rebuilt for Fix nested group member filter sanitization for RFC2307bis - Put translated tool manpages into the sssd-tools subpackage- Restore Requires: cyrus-sasl-gssapi as it is not auto-detected during - rpmbuild- New upstream release 1.5.1 - Addresses CVE-2010-4341 - DoS in sssd PAM responder can prevent logins - Vast performance improvements when enumerate = true - All PAM actions will now perform a forced initgroups lookup instead of just - a user information lookup - This guarantees that all group information is available to other - providers, such as the simple provider. - For backwards-compatibility, DNS lookups will also fall back to trying the - SSSD domain name as a DNS discovery domain. - Support for more password expiration policies in LDAP - 389 Directory Server - FreeIPA - ActiveDirectory - Support for ldap_tls_{cert,key,cipher_suite} config options -Assorted bugfixes- CVE-2010-4341 - DoS in sssd PAM responder can prevent logins- New upstream release 1.5.0 - Fixed issues with LDAP search filters that needed to be escaped - Add Kerberos FAST support on platforms that support it - Reduced verbosity of PAM_TEXT_INFO messages for cached credentials - Added a Kerberos access provider to honor .k5login - Addressed several thread-safety issues in the sss_client code - Improved support for delayed online Kerberos auth - Significantly reduced time between connecting to the network/VPN and - acquiring a TGT - Added feature for automatic Kerberos ticket renewal - Provides the kerberos ticket for long-lived processes or cron jobs - even when the user logs out - Added several new features to the LDAP access provider - Support for 'shadow' access control - Support for authorizedService access control - Ability to mix-and-match LDAP access control features - Added an option for a separate password-change LDAP server for those - platforms where LDAP referrals are not supported - Added support for manpage translations- Solve a shutdown race-condition that sometimes left processes running - Resolves: rhbz#606887 - SSSD stops on upgrade- Log startup errors to the syslog - Allow cache cleanup to be disabled in sssd.conf- New upstream release 1.4.1 - Add support for netgroups to the proxy provider - Fixes a minor bug with UIDs/GIDs >= 2^31 - Fixes a segfault in the kerberos provider - Fixes a segfault in the NSS responder if a data provider crashes - Correctly use sdap_netgroup_search_base- Fix incorrect tarball URL- New upstream release 1.4.0 - Added support for netgroups to the LDAP provider - Performance improvements made to group processing of RFC2307 LDAP servers - Fixed nested group issues with RFC2307bis LDAP servers without a memberOf plugin - Build-system improvements to support Gentoo - Split out several libraries into the ding-libs tarball - Manpage reviewed and updated- Fix pre and post script requirements- Resolves: rhbz#606887 - sssd stops on upgrade- Resolves: rhbz#626205 - Unable to unlock screen- Resolves: rhbz#637955 - libini_config-devel needs libcollection-devel but - doesn't require it- Resolves: rhbz#632615 - the krb5 locator plugin isn't packaged for multilib- Resolves: CVE-2010-2940 - sssd allows null password entry to authenticate - against LDAP- Rebuilt for New upstream version 1.2.91 (1.3.0rc1) - Improved LDAP failover - Synchronous sysdb API (provides performance enhancements) - Better online reconnection detection- New stable upstream version 1.2.1 - Resolves: rhbz#595529 - spec file should eschew %define in favor of - %global - Resolves: rhbz#593644 - Empty list of simple_allow_users causes sssd service - to fail while restart. - Resolves: rhbz#599026 - Makefile typo causes SSSD not to use the kernel - keyring - Resolves: rhbz#599724 - sssd is broken on Rawhide- New stable upstream version 1.2.0 - Support ServiceGroups for FreeIPA v2 HBAC rules - Fix long-standing issue with auth_provider = proxy - Better logging for TLS issues in LDAP- New LDAP access provider allows for filtering user access by LDAP attribute - Reduced default timeout for detecting offline status with LDAP - GSSAPI ticket lifetime made configurable - Better offline->online transition support in Kerberos- Release new upstream version 1.1.91 - Enhancements when using SSSD with FreeIPA v2 - Support for deferred kinit - Support for DNS SRV records for failover- Bump up release number to avoid library sub-packages version issues with previous releases.- New upstream release 1.1.1 - Fixed the IPA provider (which was segfaulting at start) - Fixed a bug in the SSSDConfig API causing some options to revert to - their defaults - This impacted the Authconfig UI - Ensure that SASL binds to LDAP auto-retry when interrupted by a signal- Release SSSD 1.1.0 final - Fix two potential segfaults - Fix memory leak in monitor - Better error message for unusable confdb- Release candidate for SSSD 1.1 - Add simple access provider - Create subpackages for libcollection, libini_config, libdhash and librefarray - Support IPv6 - Support LDAP referrals - Fix cache issues - Better feedback from PAM when offline- Rebuild against new libtevent- Fix licenses in sources and on RPMs- Fix regression on 64-bit platforms- Fixes link error on platforms that do not do implicit linking - Fixes double-free segfault in PAM - Fixes double-free error in async resolver - Fixes support for TCP-based DNS lookups in async resolver - Fixes memory alignment issues on ARM processors - Manpage fixes- Fixes a bug in the failover code that prevented the SSSD from detecting when it went back online - Fixes a bug causing long (sometimes multiple-minute) waits for NSS requests - Several segfault bugfixes- Fix CVE-2010-0014- Patch SSSDConfig API to address - New upstream stable release 1.0.0- New upstream bugfix release 0.99.1- New upstream release 0.99.0- Fix segfault in sssd_pam when cache_credentials was enabled - Update the sample configuration - Fix upgrade issues caused by data provider service removal- Fix upgrade issues from old (pre-0.5.0) releases of SSSD- New upstream release 0.7.0- Fix missing file permissions for sssd-clients- Add SSSDConfig API - Update polish translation for 0.6.0 - Fix long timeout on ldap operation - Make dp requests more robust- Ensure that the configuration upgrade script always writes the config file with 0600 permissions - Eliminate an infinite loop in group enumerations- New upstream release 0.6.0- New upstream release 0.5.0- Fix for CVE-2009-2410 - Native SSSD users with no password set could log in without a password. (Patch by Stephen Gallagher)- Rebuilt for Fix a couple of segfaults that may happen on reload- add missing configure check that broke stopping the daemon - also fix default config to add a missing required option- latest upstream release. - also add a patch that fixes debugging output (potential segfault)- release out of the official 0.3.2 tarball- bugfix release 0.3.2 - includes previous release patches - change permissions of the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf to 0600- Add last minute bug fixes, found in testing the package- Version 0.3.1 - includes previous release patches- Try to fix build adding automake as an explicit BuildRequire - Add also a couple of last minute patches from upstream- Version 0.3.0 - Provides file based configuration and lots of improvements- Version 0.2.1- Version 0.2.0- package git snapshot- fixed items found during review - added initscript- added sss_client- Small cleanup and fixes in the spec file- Initial release (based on version 0.1.0 upstream code)/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shuk1.16.2-13.el7_6.81.16.2-13.el7_6.8sssd-kcm.servicesssd-kcm.socketsssd_kcmsssd-kcm.8.gzsssd-kcm.8.gzsssd-kcmkcm_default_ccache/usr/lib/systemd/system//usr/libexec/sssd//usr/share/man/man8//usr/share/man/uk/man8//usr/share//usr/share/sssd-kcm/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=a165f35b374dfbb04b6dc3dc7feee7512ca0a060, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)troff or preprocessor input, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)directory7R4R0R8R!RRR6RR RRRRRR2R#RRR R RR7R.R%R RR R&R3RRRRR$R R+R)R,R*R(R'RRRRRR"R-R5R1RR/RRR<? 7zXZ !#,U]"k%w+p}}^Xɕv}$( "Br}0n۸R/5G.c(bݖ2>E郈!Y U3MuΙ;ۯ)u{h7d-SA;v+F@k $r仄N#*E./<xxs4x> w݁FyFcnos+s-^=D5{0O{FjJ1ǀ=x5e_ԩϴxx)haWQ9)ebQkhl0b9$Ƶn?RN6!q櫔twVrR~'hay6 z׭[8dW+9a)zC:mdl;FxSB䢀%2[u^0T.#߬Ґڴ;g oQJΦs?iAi'f; 8&DAK{~XܴL+11P$KlX"_lVÑV50vSC;m)׺,ӢBFI aT4vzmm@4zίbo"л#ˇIfQ'-!DU樺hN e'd0aNδAך+ B{OcvSYQebNCL[15f}޻Wx ~8^A{ϭ086o[&s|Ppr5FsuH&si\?=. s3gJRx6X:>`XLmAq| %GU73g |mU& Y]>1HE?>42!}y _> kDniI]}֐V;Tl/qV{¹4k+:AX) s2klwifM[ ?Q0}# Qozrk<,B+Ez c0OfT댇+e,U͇jy)z-{ƐTvn9tZ]<_buTomZdLX8 L+c 'Q^Y ulڒ:2 dY-C4T]J(7K2͓&fH߻S5 pxISl?fY`{J{'KJJdͷL;^?,qejek~(UJE |L<1|T9"W= 77N6;CỦ]2QN"J,lэP+MZgYn$,9.ޥHh/R^j\17P4>-e"pEEOF<2ϾH6_ J ͺۮ%l)̹d*aJ<$-?7 cXXH_[',2|#=2vfh4/s`?L}px: 8Ҩ{)*KY9rKhXWΒ芌bE4v={/m(fPhVLB[L~R[ݭcGh+_a374 F}mHxZftvF9leV '0+w#06 l}u̬3\N'vɠm=m||=D/Pw슬8R| /Puи#*kyc K*YC!!&QILًPD ,j4 jigw%Z^ԑ&_*m̔@Im@[ws.$:_BO%ׄt7tkZtTgnZpfIӂOζlY~-q߾TmW㛌lQ<^w0O/]oX0z O8f[q-ģfC~xE?s #̔4ٝzNRa8$4˧r4x G_xLm}5WgRc*)fK);-L6'Z4zЀA' NMϸl4zH"=W#Z$NvPax%}-_;13zyaHF\[Q~:L^ jw+ǰ + ثqZn~ܸn 绮|Ds1ҳ7>Bʻ^ ٴ3!qo/+P;Bnʎ  !of Ó3?JoTc:D Gs$^ShPz/fTw_y}1ɑivB ć~"v0DHH!u~R|D<8 .D=p#v? b#cXlZBPP>MvձU|o|։E߱sd\00tzQ gQn5*k(٣7&q豥 Z\ r:#wҀ\z P[iS,O'ًu$2u۽ xrd~&d¢i܎ONð-`PT[Q @7FTZd`:nٜlvLKAZr/x&!jE$1ᨠ&7/B:Wf^3L;r)C \Ng MýQxv f _/'o }hj><ݵy]_rdn \](]9@4AvB:F CUp>YIBb1&G5/R6ZHr w@(Ik3R@l& OK&k@9frhNi)j,($@LkT,f?x*Ӯ:r35&yo! 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