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Jones - 1.0.3-2Jiri Denemark - 1.0.3-1Jiri Denemark - 1.0.2-1Jiri Denemark - 1.0.1-1Jiri Denemark - 1.0.0-1Cole Robinson - Robinson - Robinson - 0.10.2-4Richard W.M. Jones - 0.10.2-3Daniel Veillard - 0.10.2-1Richard W.M. Jones - 0.10.1-5Richard W.M. Jones - 0.10.1-4Cole Robinson - 0.10.1-3Daniel P. Berrange - 0.10.1-2Daniel Veillard - 0.10.1-1Daniel Veillard - 0.10.0-1Daniel Veillard - 0.10.0-0rc1Daniel P. Berrange - 0.10.0-0rc0.2Daniel Veillard - 0.10.0-0rc0.1Daniel Veillard - 0.10.0-0rc0Richard W.M. Jones - 0.9.13-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.9.13-2Daniel Veillard - 0.9.13-1Daniel Veillard - 0.9.12-1Cole Robinson - P. Berrange - 0.9.11-1Daniel P. Berrange - 0.9.10-4Daniel P. Berrange - 0.9.10-3Daniel P. Berrange - 0.9.10-2Daniel P. Berrange - 0.9.10-1Daniel P. Berrange - 0.9.9-2Daniel Veillard - 0.9.9-1Daniel P. Berrange - 0.9.8-2Daniel Veillard - 0.9.8-1Justin M. Forbes - 0.9.7-3Daniel P. Berrange - 0.9.7-2Daniel P. Berrange - 0.9.7-1Dan Horák - 0.9.6-3Laine Stump - 0.9.6-2Daniel Veillard - 0.9.6-1Daniel Veillard - 0.9.5-1Daniel Veillard - 0.9.4-1Dan Hor?k - 0.9.3-3Peter Robinson - 0.9.3-2Daniel Veillard - 0.9.3-1Richard W.M. Jones - 0.9.2-3Laine Stump - 0.9.2-2Daniel Veillard - 0.9.2-1Richard W.M. Jones - 0.9.1-3Daniel Veillard - 0.9.1-1Daniel Veillard - 0.9.0-1Daniel Veillard - 0.8.8-3Daniel P. Berrange - 0.8.8-2Daniel Veillard - 0.8.8-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.8.7-2Daniel Veillard - 0.8.7-1Daniel Veillard - 0.8.5-1jkeating - 0.8.4-3Dan Horák - 0.8.4-2Daniel Veillard - 0.8.4-1Daniel P. Berrange - 0.8.3-2Daniel P. Berrange - 0.8.3-1David Malcolm - 0.8.2-3Daniel P. Berrange - 0.8.2-2Daniel Veillard - 0.8.2-1Daniel Veillard - 0.8.1-1Daniel Veillard - 0.8.0-1Richard W.M. Jones - 0.7.7-3.fc14Cole Robinson - 0.7.7-2.fc14Daniel Veillard - 0.7.7-1Adam Jackson 0.7.6-2Daniel Veillard - 0.7.6-1Chris Weyl 0.7.5-3Daniel P. Berrange - 0.7.5-2Daniel Veillard - 0.7.5-1Daniel Veillard - 0.7.4-1Daniel P. Berrange - 0.7.2-6Daniel P. Berrange - 0.7.2-5Daniel P. Berrange - 0.7.2-4Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.2-3Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.2-2Daniel Veillard - 0.7.2-1Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.1-12Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.1-11Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.1-10Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.1-9Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.1-8Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.1-7Chris Weyl - 0.7.1-6Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.1-5Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.1-4Daniel Veillard - 0.7.1-3Daniel Veillard - 0.7.1-2Daniel Veillard - 0.7.1-1Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.1-0.2.gitfac3f4cMark McLoughlin - 0.7.1-0.1.gitg3ef2e05Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.0-6Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.0-5Daniel P. Berrange - 0.7.0-4Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.0-3Mark McLoughlin - 0.7.0-2Daniel Veillard - 0.7.0-1Daniel Veillard - 0.6.5-1Daniel Veillard - 0.6.4-1Daniel Veillard - 0.6.3-1Daniel Veillard - 0.6.2-1Daniel Veillard - 0.6.1-1Daniel Veillard - 0.6.0-1Daniel Veillard - 0.5.0-1Daniel Veillard - 0.4.6-1Daniel Veillard - 0.4.5-1Daniel Veillard - 0.4.4-1Daniel Veillard - 0.4.3-1Daniel Veillard - 0.4.2-1Daniel Veillard - 0.4.1-1Daniel Veillard - 0.4.0-1Daniel Veillard - 0.3.3-1Daniel Veillard - 0.3.2-1Daniel Veillard - 0.3.1-1Daniel Veillard - 0.3.0-1Daniel Veillard - 0.2.3-1Daniel Veillard - 0.2.2-1Jeremy Katz - 0.2.1-2.fc7Daniel Veillard - 0.2.1-1Daniel P. Berrange - 0.2.0-4.fc7Daniel P. Berrange - 0.2.0-3.fc7Daniel P. Berrange - 0.2.0-2.fc7Daniel Veillard 0.2.0-1.fc7Daniel Veillard 0.1.11-1.fc7Daniel Veillard 0.1.10-1.fc7Jeremy Katz - 0.1.9-2Daniel Veillard 0.1.9-1Daniel Veillard 0.1.8-3Daniel Veillard 0.1.8-2Daniel Veillard 0.1.8-1Daniel Veillard 0.1.7-1Daniel Veillard 0.1.6-1Jeremy Katz - 0.1.5-3Daniel Veillard 0.1.5-2Daniel Veillard 0.1.5-1Daniel Berrange - 0.1.4-5Jeremy Katz - 0.1.4-4Daniel Veillard 0.1.4-3Daniel Veillard 0.1.4-2Daniel Veillard 0.1.4-1Jeremy Katz - 0.1.3-6Jeremy Katz - 0.1.3-5Jeremy Katz - 0.1.3-4Daniel Veillard 0.1.3-3Mark McLoughlin - 0.1.3-2Jesse Keating - 0.1.3-1.1Daniel Veillard 0.1.3-1Daniel Veillard 0.1.2-1Daniel Veillard 0.1.1-1Daniel Veillard 0.1.0-1Daniel Veillard 0.0.6-1Daniel Veillard 0.0.5-1Daniel Veillard 0.0.4-1Daniel Veillard 0.0.3-1Daniel Veillard 0.0.2-1Daniel Veillard 0.0.1-1- qemu: Don't cache microcode version (CVE-2018-12127, CVE-2018-12126, CVE-2018-12130)- cpu_x86: Do not cache microcode version (CVE-2018-12126, CVE-2018-12127, CVE-2018-12130) - cputest: Add data for Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 (CVE-2018-12126, CVE-2018-12127, CVE-2018-12130) - cpu_map: Define md-clear CPUID bit (CVE-2018-12126, CVE-2018-12127, CVE-2018-12130)- cputest: Add data for Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 (rhbz#1687515) - cputest: Add data for Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7600U (rhbz#1687515) - cputest: Add data for Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7540 (rhbz#1687515) - cputest: Add data for Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 (rhbz#1687515) - cputest: Add data for Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_x86: Separate signature parsing from x86ModelParse (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_x86: Add x86ModelCopySignatures helper (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_x86: Store CPU signature in an array (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_x86: Allow multiple signatures for a CPU model (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_map: Add hex representation of signatures (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_map: Add more signatures for Conroe CPU model (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_map: Add more signatures for Penryn CPU model (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_map: Add more signatures for Nehalem CPU models (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_map: Add more signatures for Westmere CPU model (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_map: Add more signatures for SandyBridge CPU models (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_map: Add more signatures for IvyBridge CPU models (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_map: Add more signatures for Haswell CPU models (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_map: Add more signatures for Broadwell CPU models (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_map: Add more signatures for Skylake-Client CPU models (rhbz#1687515) - cpu: Don't access invalid memory in virCPUx86Translate (rhbz#1687515) - cpu_x86: Log decoded CPU model and signatures (rhbz#1687515) - util: Modify virStorageFileGetSCSIKey return (rhbz#1687715) - storage: Rework virStorageBackendSCSISerial (rhbz#1687715) - util: Introduce virStorageFileGetNPIVKey (rhbz#1687715) - storage: Fetch a unique key for vHBA/NPIV LUNs (rhbz#1687715)- RHEL: spec: Require new enough librbd1 (rhbz#1679569)- virfile: Detect ceph as shared FS (rhbz#1672178) - util: Don't overflow in virRandomBits (rhbz#1667329) - virrandom: Avoid undefined behaviour in virRandomBits (rhbz#1667329)- qemu: Fix post-copy migration on the source (rhbz#1654732) - RHEL: cpu_map: Mark arch-facilities feature as non-migratable (rhbz#1664793)- virfile: Take symlink into account in virFileIsSharedFixFUSE (rhbz#1641798) - qemu: Properly report VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_FROM_SNAPSHOT (rhbz#1634759) - qemu: Report more appropriate running reasons (rhbz#1634759) - qemu: Pass running reason to RESUME event handler (rhbz#1634759) - qemu: Map running reason to resume event detail (rhbz#1634759) - qemu: Avoid duplicate resume events and state changes (rhbz#1634759) - qemu: Don't ignore resume events (rhbz#1634759)- virfile: fix cast-align error (rhbz#1635705) - virfiletest: Fix test name prefix for virFileInData test (rhbz#1635705) - virfiletst: Test virFileIsSharedFS (rhbz#1635705) - virFileIsSharedFSType: Detect direct mount points (rhbz#1635705) - virfile: Rework virFileIsSharedFixFUSE (rhbz#1635705)- security: dac: also label listen UNIX sockets (rhbz#1635228) - qemu: fix up permissions for pre-created UNIX sockets (rhbz#1635228) - virFileIsSharedFSType: Check for fuse.glusterfs too (rhbz#1635705)- conf: correct false boot order error during domain parse (rhbz#1601318)- virDomainDefCompatibleDevice: Relax alias change check (rhbz#1621910) - virDomainDetachDeviceFlags: Clarify update semantics (rhbz#1621910) - virDomainNetDefCheckABIStability: Check for MTU change too (rhbz#1623157)- storage: Add --shrink to qemu-img command when shrinking vol (rhbz#1613746) - access: Fix nwfilter-binding ACL access API name generation (rhbz#1611320) - qemu: mdev: Use vfio-pci 'display' property only with vfio-pci mdevs (rhbz#1624735)- qemu_migration: Avoid writing to freed memory (rhbz#1593137) - qemu: hotplug: Fix asynchronous unplug of 'shmem' (rhbz#1618622) - tests: rename hugepages to hugepages-default (rhbz#1591235) - tests: extract hugepages-numa-default-dimm out of hugepages-numa (rhbz#1591235) - tests: rename hugepages-numa into hugepages-numa-default (rhbz#1591235) - tests: remove unnecessary XML elements from hugepages-numa-default (rhbz#1591235) - tests: extract pages-discard out of hugepages-pages (rhbz#1591235) - tests: rename hugepages-pages into hugepages-numa-nodeset (rhbz#1591235) - tests: rename hugepages-pages2 into hugepages-numa-default-2M (rhbz#1591235) - tests: extract pages-discard-hugepages out of hugepages-pages3 (rhbz#1591235) - tests: rename hugepages-pages3 into hugepages-numa-nodeset-part (rhbz#1591235) - tests: rename hugepages-pages4 into hugepages-numa-nodeset-nonexist (rhbz#1591235) - tests: rename hugepages-pages5 into hugepages-default-2M (rhbz#1591235) - tests: rename hugepages-pages6 into hugepages-default-system-size (rhbz#1591235) - tests: rename hugepages-pages7 into pages-dimm-discard (rhbz#1591235) - tests: rename hugepages-pages8 into hugepages-nodeset-nonexist (rhbz#1591235) - tests: introduce hugepages-default-1G-nodeset-2M (rhbz#1591235) - tests: introduce hugepages-nodeset (rhbz#1591235) - conf: Move hugepage XML validation check out of qemu_command (rhbz#1591235) - conf: Move hugepages validation out of XML parser (rhbz#1591235) - conf: Introduce virDomainDefPostParseMemtune (rhbz#1591235) - tests: sev: Test launch-security with specific QEMU version (rhbz#1612009) - qemu: Fix probing of AMD SEV support (rhbz#1612009) - qemu: caps: Format SEV platform data into qemuCaps cache (rhbz#1612009)- qemu: Exempt video model 'none' from getting a PCI address on Q35 (rhbz#1609087) - conf: Fix a error msg typo in virDomainVideoDefValidate (rhbz#1607825)- esx storage: Fix typo lsilogic -> lsiLogic (rhbz#1571759) - networkGetDHCPLeases: Don't always report error if unable to read leases file (rhbz#1600468) - nwfilter: Resolve SEGV for NWFilter Snoop processing (rhbz#1599973) - qemu: Remove unused bypassSecurityDriver from qemuOpenFileAs (rhbz#1589115) - qemuDomainSaveMemory: Don't enforce dynamicOwnership (rhbz#1589115) - domain_nwfilter: Return early if net has no name in virDomainConfNWFilterTeardownImpl (rhbz#1607831) - examples: Add clean-traffic-gateway into nwfilters (rhbz#1603115)- qemu: hotplug: don't overwrite error message in qemuDomainAttachNetDevice (rhbz#1598311) - qemu: hotplug: report error when changing rom enabled attr for net iface (rhbz#1599513) - qemu: Fix setting global_period cputune element (rhbz#1600427) - tests: qemucaps: Add test data for upcoming qemu 3.0.0 (rhbz#1475770) - qemu: capabilities: Add capability for werror/rerror for 'usb-device' frontend (rhbz#1475770) - qemu: command: Move graphics iteration to its own function (rhbz#1475770) - qemu: address: Handle all the video devices within a single loop (rhbz#1475770) - conf: Introduce virDomainVideoDefClear helper (rhbz#1475770) - conf: Introduce virDomainDefPostParseVideo helper (rhbz#1475770) - qemu: validate: Enforce compile time switch type checking for videos (rhbz#1475770) - tests: Add capabilities data for QEMU 2.11 x86_64 (rhbz#1475770) - tests: Update capabilities data for QEMU 3.0.0 x86_64 (rhbz#1475770) - qemu: qemuBuildHostdevCommandLine: Use a helper variable mdevsrc (rhbz#1475770) - qemu: caps: Introduce a capability for egl-headless (rhbz#1475770) - qemu: Introduce a new graphics display type 'headless' (rhbz#1475770) - qemu: caps: Add vfio-pci.display capability (rhbz#1475770) - conf: Introduce virDomainGraphicsDefHasOpenGL helper (rhbz#1475770) - conf: Replace 'error' with 'cleanup' in virDomainHostdevDefParseXMLSubsys (rhbz#1475770) - conf: Introduce new attribute 'display' (rhbz#1475770) - qemu: command: Enable formatting vfio-pci.display option onto cmdline (rhbz#1475770) - docs: Rephrase the mediated devices hostdev section a bit (rhbz#1475770) - conf: Introduce new video type 'none' (rhbz#1475770) - virt-xml-validate: Add schema for nwfilterbinding (rhbz#1600330) - tools: Fix typo generating adapter_wwpn field (rhbz#1601377) - src: Fix memory leak in virNWFilterBindingDispose (rhbz#1603025)- qemu: hotplug: Do not try to add secret object for TLS if it does not exist (rhbz#1598015) - qemu: monitor: Make qemuMonitorAddObject more robust against programming errors (rhbz#1598015) - spec: Explicitly require matching libvirt-libs (rhbz#1600122) - virDomainConfNWFilterInstantiate: initialize @xml to avoid random crash (rhbz#1599545) - qemuProcessStartPRDaemonHook: Try to set NS iff domain was started with one (rhbz#1470007) - qemuDomainValidateStorageSource: Relax PR validation (rhbz#1470007) - virStoragePRDefFormat: Suppress path formatting for migratable XML (rhbz#1470007) - qemu: Wire up PR_MANAGER_STATUS_CHANGED event (rhbz#1470007) - qemu_monitor: Introduce qemuMonitorJSONGetPRManagerInfo (rhbz#1470007) - qemu: Fetch pr-helper process info on reconnect (rhbz#1470007) - qemu: Fix ATTRIBUTE_NONNULL for qemuMonitorAddObject (rhbz#1598015) - virsh.pod: Fix a command name typo in nwfilter-binding-undefine (rhbz#1600329) - docs: schema: Add missing to vsock device (rhbz#1600345) - virnetdevtap: Don't crash on !ifname in virNetDevTapInterfaceStats (rhbz#1595184)- qemu: Add capability for the HTM pSeries feature (rhbz#1525599) - conf: Parse and format the HTM pSeries feature (rhbz#1525599) - qemu: Format the HTM pSeries feature (rhbz#1525599) - qemu: hotplug: Don't access srcPriv when it's not allocated (rhbz#1597550) - qemuDomainNestedJobAllowed: Allow QEMU_JOB_NONE (rhbz#1598084) - src: Mention DEVICE_REMOVAL_FAILED event in virDomainDetachDeviceAlias docs (rhbz#1598087) - virsh.pod: Drop --persistent for detach-device-alias (rhbz#1598087) - qemu: don't use chardev FD passing with standalone args (rhbz#1598281) - qemu: remove chardevStdioLogd param from vhostuser code path (rhbz#1597940) - qemu: consolidate parameters of qemuBuildChrChardevStr into flags (rhbz#1597940) - qemu: don't use chardev FD passing for vhostuser backend (rhbz#1597940) - qemu: fix UNIX socket chardevs operating in client mode (rhbz#1598440) - qemuDomainDeviceDefValidateNetwork: Check for range only if IP prefix set (rhbz#1515533)- Rebased to libvirt-4.5.0 (rhbz#1563169) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1291851, rhbz#1393106, rhbz#1468422, rhbz#1469338, rhbz#1526382 rhbz#1529059, rhbz#1541921, rhbz#1544869, rhbz#1552092, rhbz#1568407 rhbz#1583623, rhbz#1584091, rhbz#1585108, rhbz#1586027, rhbz#1588295 rhbz#1588336, rhbz#1589730, rhbz#1590214, rhbz#1591017, rhbz#1591561 rhbz#1591628, rhbz#1591645, rhbz#1593549- build: Don't install sysconfig files as scripts (rhbz#1563169)- Rebased to libvirt-4.4.0 (rhbz#1563169) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1149445, rhbz#1291851, rhbz#1300772, rhbz#1400475, rhbz#1456165 rhbz#1470007, rhbz#1480668, rhbz#1534418, rhbz#1549531, rhbz#1559284 rhbz#1559835, rhbz#1560946, rhbz#1566416, rhbz#1569861, rhbz#1572491 rhbz#1574089, rhbz#1576916, rhbz#1583484, rhbz#1583927, rhbz#1584071 rhbz#1584073- Rebased to libvirt-4.3.0 (rhbz#1563169) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1509870, rhbz#1530451, rhbz#1577920, rhbz#1283700, rhbz#1425757 rhbz#1448149, rhbz#1454709, rhbz#1502754, rhbz#1507737, rhbz#1519130 rhbz#1519146, rhbz#1522706, rhbz#1523564, rhbz#1524399, rhbz#1525496 rhbz#1527740, rhbz#1550980, rhbz#916061, rhbz#1494454, rhbz#1515533 rhbz#1532542, rhbz#1538570, rhbz#1544325, rhbz#1544659, rhbz#1546971 rhbz#1347550, rhbz#1367238, rhbz#1483816, rhbz#1543775, rhbz#1551000 rhbz#1552127, rhbz#1553075, rhbz#1553085, rhbz#1554876, rhbz#1556828 rhbz#1558317, rhbz#1425058, rhbz#1490158, rhbz#1492597, rhbz#1520821 rhbz#1529256, rhbz#1547250, rhbz#1557769, rhbz#1560917, rhbz#1560976 rhbz#1568148, rhbz#1569678, rhbz#1576464- conf: move 'generated' member from virMacAddr to virDomainNetDef (rhbz#1529338)- Revert "qemu: Expose rx/tx_queue_size in qemu.conf too" (rhbz#1541960)- util: Check if kernel-provided info is consistent with itself (rhbz#1540780) - qemu: Refresh capabilities when creating resctrl allocation (rhbz#1540780) - qemu: Expose rx/tx_queue_size in qemu.conf too (rhbz#1541960) - util: bitmap: Fix value of 'map_alloc' when shrinking bitmap (rhbz#1540817) - qemu: driver: Extract vcpu halted state directly (rhbz#1534585) - qemu: Remove unused 'cpuhalted' argument from qemuDomainHelperGetVcpus (rhbz#1534585) - qemu: domain: Store vcpu halted state as a tristate (rhbz#1534585) - qemu: Limit refresh of CPU halted state to s390 (rhbz#1534585)- qemu: migration: Refresh device information after transferring state (rhbz#1463168) - qemuDomainRemoveMemoryDevice: unlink() memory backing file (rhbz#1461214) - util: Fix possible leak in virResctrlAllocMasksAssign (rhbz#1540817) - util: Clear unused part of the map in virBitmapShrink (rhbz#1540817) - tests: Add test for properly removing cachetune entries (rhbz#1540817)- storage: util: Properly ignore errors when backing volume is inaccessible (rhbz#1540022) - util: json: Add helper to return string or number properties as string (rhbz#1540290) - util: storage: Parse 'lun' for iSCSI protocol from JSON as string or number (rhbz#1540290) - util: Introduce virFormatIntPretty (rhbz#1289368) - util: Make prefix optional in virBitampString (rhbz#1289368) - util: Rename virBitmapString to virBitmapToString (rhbz#1289368) - util: Rename virBitmapDataToString to virBitmapDataFormat (rhbz#1289368) - util: Don't output too many zeros from virBitmapToString (rhbz#1289368) - util: Introduce virBitmapNewString (rhbz#1289368) - util: Reintroduce virBitmapSubtract (rhbz#1289368) - util: Introduce virBitmapShrink (rhbz#1289368) - conf: Sort cache banks in capabilities XML (rhbz#1289368) - conf: Format cache banks in capabilities with virFormatIntPretty (rhbz#1289368) - tests: Remove executable bits on plain data files (rhbz#1289368) - tests: Minor adjustments for test data (rhbz#1289368) - tests: Add resctrl-skx-twocaches test case to vircaps2xmltest (rhbz#1289368) - util: Fix leak in virStringTrimOptionalNewline (rhbz#1289368) - Rename virResctrlInfo to virResctrlInfoPerCache (rhbz#1289368) - util: Add virResctrlInfo (rhbz#1289368) - conf: Use virResctrlInfo in capabilities (rhbz#1289368) - util: Remove now-unneeded resctrl functions (rhbz#1289368) - fixup_resctrlinfo (rhbz#1289368) - resctrl: Add functions to work with resctrl allocations (rhbz#1289368) - conf: Add support for cputune/cachetune (rhbz#1289368) - tests: Add virresctrltest (rhbz#1289368) - qemu: Add support for resctrl (rhbz#1289368) - tests: Clean up and modify some vircaps2xmldata (rhbz#1289368) - resctl: stub out functions with Linux-only APIs used (rhbz#1289368) - util: Check for empty allocation instead of just NULL pointer (rhbz#1289368) - util: Use "resctrl" instead of "resctrlfs" spelling (rhbz#1289368) - util: Make it possible for virResctrlAllocSetMask to replace existing mask (rhbz#1289368) - util: Remove unused variable in virResctrlGetInfo (rhbz#1289368) - util: Don't check if entries under /sys/fs/resctrl/(info/) are directories (rhbz#1289368) - util: Add helpers for getting resctrl group allocs (rhbz#1289368) - util: Use default group's mask for unspecified resctrl allocations (rhbz#1289368) - util: Don't overwrite mask in virResctrlAllocFindUnused (rhbz#1289368) - qemu: Restore machinename even without cgroups (rhbz#1289368) - util: Extract path formatting into virResctrlAllocDeterminePath (rhbz#1289368) - qemu: Restore resctrl alloc data after restart (rhbz#1289368)- qemu: Fix crash in offline migration (rhbz#1536351) - Revert "qemu: monitor: do not report error on shutdown" (rhbz#1536461) - qemu: Refresh caps cache after booting a different kernel (rhbz#1525182) - qemu: Don't initialize struct utsname (rhbz#1525182)- qemuDomainAttachDeviceMknodHelper: Remove symlink before creating it (rhbz#1528502) - RHEL: cpu: Fix EPYC-IBRS CPU model (CVE-2017-5715) - cpu_x86: Copy CPU signature from ancestor (rhbz#1533125) - qemu: Ignore fallback CPU attribute on reconnect (rhbz#1532980) - qemu: Fix type of a completed job (rhbz#1523036)- conf: Add infrastructure for disk source private data XML (rhbz#1523261) - util: storage: Add helpers to parse and format relPath into privateData (rhbz#1523261) - qemu: domain: Parse and format relPath into disk source private data (rhbz#1523261) - qemu: remove input device after receiving the event (rhbz#1524837) - conf: honor maxnames in nodeListDevices API (rhbz#1528572) - storage: Fixing missing 'backingStore' tag from volume XML dumps. (rhbz#1529663) - util: add virFileReadHeaderQuiet wrapper around virFileReadHeaderFD (CVE-2017-5715) - util: introduce virHostCPUGetMicrocodeVersion (CVE-2017-5715) - cpu_x86: Rename virCPUx86MapInitialize (CVE-2017-5715) - conf: include x86 microcode version in virsh capabiltiies (CVE-2017-5715) - qemu: capabilities: force update if the microcode version does not match (CVE-2017-5715) - cpu: add CPU features and model for indirect branch prediction protection (CVE-2017-5715)- security: introduce virSecurityManager(Set|Restore)ChardevLabel (rhbz#1465833) - qemu: fix security labeling for attach/detach of char devices (rhbz#1465833) - nwfilter: don't crash listing filters in unprivileged daemon (rhbz#1522879) - docs: domain: Fix documentation of the 'snapshot' attribute for (rhbz#1523070) - storage: Don't dereference driver object if virStorageSource is not initialized (rhbz#1522682) - qemu: blockjob: Reset disk source index after pivot (rhbz#1519745) - qemu: Separate fetching CPU definitions from filling qemuCaps (rhbz#1521202) - qemu: Make sure host-model uses CPU model supported by QEMU (rhbz#1521202) - qemu: Avoid comparing size_t with -1 (rhbz#1521202) - migration.html: Clarify configuration file handling docs (rhbz#1514930)- conf: fix migratable XML for graphics if socket is generated based on config (rhbz#1511407) - storage: Extract error reporting for broken chains (rhbz#1509110) - qemu: domain: Refactor control flow in qemuDomainDetermineDiskChain (rhbz#1509110) - qemu: process: Move handling of non-backing files into qemuDomainDetermineDiskChain (rhbz#1509110) - qemu: domain: Fix backing store terminator for non-backing local files (rhbz#1509110) - numa: describe siblings distances within cells (rhbz#1454889) - xenconfig: add domxml conversions for xen-xl (rhbz#1454889) - virDomainNumaGetNodeDistance: Fix input arguments validation (rhbz#1454889) - numa: Introduce virDomainNumaNodeDistanceIsUsingDefaults (rhbz#1454889) - qemu_capabilities: Introcude QEMU_CAPS_NUMA_DIST (rhbz#1454889) - qemu: Support setting NUMA distances (rhbz#1454889) - conf: Fix memory leak for distances in virDomainNumaFree (rhbz#1454889) - virDomainDiskSourceNetworkParse: Don't leak @tlsCfg or @haveTLS (rhbz#1519759) - virDomainDiskBackingStoreParse: Don't leak @idx (rhbz#1519759) - qemuStateInitialize: Don't leak @memoryBackingPath (rhbz#1519759) - Introduce virDomainDeviceAliasIsUserAlias (rhbz#1518148) - qemu: prefer the PCI bus alias from status XML (rhbz#1518148) - virQEMUCapsHasPCIMultiBus: use def->os.arch (rhbz#1518148) - virQEMUCapsHasPCIMultiBus: assume true if we have no version information (rhbz#1518148) - qemu: add vmcoreinfo support (rhbz#1395248)- nodedev: Restore setting of privileged (rhbz#1517372) - spec: Turn on verbose build (rhbz#1335534) - spec: Make the build reproducible (rhbz#1335534) - Introduce virDomainInputDefGetPath (rhbz#1509866) - security: Introduce functions for input device hot(un)plug (rhbz#1509866) - qemu: Introduce functions for input device cgroup manipulation (rhbz#1509866) - qemu: functions for dealing with input device namespaces and labels (rhbz#1509866) - qemu: Properly label and create evdev on input device hotplug (rhbz#1509866) - qemu: Add QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_SPAPR_VTY (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - qemu: rename QEMU_CAPS_SCLP_S390 to QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_SCLPCONSOLE (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - qemu: add QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_SCLPLMCONSOLE (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - conf, qemu: Use type-aware switches where possible (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - docs: Improve documentation for serial consoles (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - qemu: Introduce qemuDomainChrDefPostParse() (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - conf: Run devicePostParse() again for the first serial device (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - conf: Introduce VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_SERIAL_TARGET_TYPE_NONE (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - conf: Drop virDomainChrDeviceType.targetTypeAttr (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - conf: Introduce virDomainChrTargetDefFormat() (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - conf: Improve error handling in virDomainChrDefFormat() (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - conf: Check virDomainChrSourceDefFormat() return value (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - conf: Improve virDomainChrTargetDefFormat() (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - conf: Remove ATTRIBUTE_FALLTHROUGH from virDomainChrTargetDefFormat() (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - qemu: Introduce qemuDomainChrTargetDefValidate() (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - qemu: Improve qemuDomainChrTargetDefValidate() (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - conf: Parse and format virDomainChrSerialTargetModel (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - qemu: Set targetModel based on targetType for serial devices (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - qemu: Validate target model for serial devices (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - qemu: Format targetModel for serial devices (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - qemu: Remove redundancy in qemuBuildSerialChrDeviceStr() (rhbz#1449265, rhbz#1512929, rhbz#1511421, rhbz#1512934) - conf: Add target type and model for spapr-vty (rhbz#1511421) - qemu: Support usb-serial and pci-serial on pSeries (rhbz#1512934) - conf: Add target type and model for pl011 (rhbz#1512929) - conf: add VIR_DOMAIN_CHR_SERIAL_TARGET_TYPE_SCLP (rhbz#1449265) - qemu: switch s390/s390x default console back to serial (rhbz#1449265) - qemu: Add QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_ISA_SERIAL (rhbz#1512929) - qemu: Require QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_ISA_SERIAL for isa-serial (rhbz#1512929) - qemu: Add QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_PL011 (rhbz#1512929) - qemu: Require QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_PL011 for pl011 (rhbz#1512929)- tests: Rename ppc64le caps to ppc64 (rhbz#1308743) - tests: Add caps for QEMU 2.10.0 on ppc64 (rhbz#1308743) - qemu: Enable configuration of HPT resizing for pSeries guests (rhbz#1308743) - tests: Add tests for configuration of HPT resizing (rhbz#1308743) - qemuBuildDriveDevStr: Prefer default aliases for IDE bus (rhbz#1434451) - virQEMUCapsHasPCIMultiBus: Fix @def type (rhbz#1434451) - qemuBuildDriveDevStr: Prefer default alias for SATA bus (rhbz#1434451) - qemuBuildDeviceAddressStr: Prefer default alias for PCI bus (rhbz#1434451) - qemu: domain: Don't call namespace setup for storage already accessed by vm (rhbz#1506072) - qemu: Properly skip "char device redirected to" in QEMU log (rhbz#1335534) - vierror: Define VIR_ERROR_MAX_LENGTH macro (rhbz#1335534) - qemu: Use the end of QEMU log for reporting errors (rhbz#1335534) - qemu: Move snapshot disk validation functions into one (rhbz#1511480) - qemu: domain: Despaghettify qemuDomainDeviceDefValidate (rhbz#1511480) - qemu: domain: Move hostdev validation into separate function (rhbz#1511480) - qemu: domain: Move video device validation into separate function (rhbz#1511480) - qemu: domain: Refactor domain device validation function (rhbz#1511480) - qemu: block: Add function to check if storage source allows concurrent access (rhbz#1511480) - qemu: domain: Reject shared disk access if backing format does not support it (rhbz#1511480) - qemu: snapshot: Disallow snapshot of unsupported shared disks (rhbz#1511480) - qemu: Disallow pivot of shared disks to unsupported storage (rhbz#1511480) - qemu: caps: Add capability for 'share-rw' disk option (rhbz#1378242) - qemu: command: Mark disks as such in qemu (rhbz#1378242)- conf: Don't inline virDomainNetTypeSharesHostView (rhbz#1472263) - conf: s/virDomainObjGetShortName/virDomainDefGetShortName/ (rhbz#1461214) - qemu: Move memPath generation from memoryBackingDir to a separate function (rhbz#1461214) - qemu: Set alias for memory cell in qemuBuildMemoryCellBackendStr (rhbz#1461214) - qemu: Rename qemuProcessBuildDestroyHugepagesPath (rhbz#1461214) - qemu: Destroy whole memory tree (rhbz#1461214) - qemu: Use predictable file names for memory-backend-file (rhbz#1461214) - conf: Properly parse (rhbz#1509110) - qemu: parse: Allocate disk definition with private data (rhbz#1510781) - qemu: Tolerate storage source private data being NULL (rhbz#1510323) - qemu: domain: Don't allocate storage source private data if not needed (rhbz#1510323) - conf: Fix message when maximum vCPU count is less than current (rhbz#1509151) - Revert "virNetDevSupportBandwidth: Enable QoS for vhostuser" (rhbz#1497410)- Rebased to libvirt-3.9.0 (rhbz#1472263) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1343919, rhbz#1379218, rhbz#1379603, rhbz#1427049, rhbz#1434451 rhbz#1439991, rhbz#1447169, rhbz#1458630, rhbz#1460143, rhbz#1460602 rhbz#1460677, rhbz#1460962, rhbz#1463285, rhbz#1464300, rhbz#1464832 rhbz#1469552, rhbz#1472263, rhbz#1475250, rhbz#1484341, rhbz#1490279 rhbz#1494400, rhbz#1495171, rhbz#1495511, rhbz#1497396, rhbz#1497410 rhbz#1501239, rhbz#1501715, rhbz#1504592, rhbz#1506494- Rebased to libvirt-3.8.0 (rhbz#1472263) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1075520, rhbz#1325066, rhbz#1341866, rhbz#1366446, rhbz#1368753 rhbz#1373783, rhbz#1439991, rhbz#1445600, rhbz#1448268, rhbz#1450317 rhbz#1454671, rhbz#1455023, rhbz#1455825, rhbz#1457610, rhbz#1460086 rhbz#1461301, rhbz#1462092, rhbz#1463168, rhbz#1464313, rhbz#1471225 rhbz#1472263, rhbz#1475227, rhbz#1476775, rhbz#1477880, rhbz#1481252 rhbz#1481309, rhbz#1485022, rhbz#1490705, rhbz#1490826, rhbz#1491217 rhbz#1494327- m4: Disable -Wdisabled-optimization (rhbz#1472263)- Rebased to libvirt-3.7.0 (rhbz#1472263) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#815702, rhbz#1233129, rhbz#1242801, rhbz#1316370, rhbz#1436065 rhbz#1436574, rhbz#1445325, rhbz#1458146, rhbz#1282859, rhbz#1371892 rhbz#1419760, rhbz#1430988, rhbz#1431112, rhbz#1447618, rhbz#1448149 rhbz#1451557, rhbz#1451983, rhbz#1455819, rhbz#1459091, rhbz#1459785 rhbz#1460962, rhbz#1461270, rhbz#1464975, rhbz#1352529, rhbz#1445596 rhbz#1445598, rhbz#1452053, rhbz#1452441, rhbz#1458708, rhbz#1459592 rhbz#1462060, rhbz#1463957, rhbz#1464821, rhbz#1467826, rhbz#1472277 rhbz#1225339, rhbz#1254971, rhbz#1267191, rhbz#1436042, rhbz#1437797 rhbz#1442947, rhbz#1443434, rhbz#1448766, rhbz#1449712, rhbz#1449715 rhbz#1453194, rhbz#1458630, rhbz#1458638, rhbz#1462653, rhbz#1467245 rhbz#1484230, rhbz#1484234, rhbz#1487705- qemu: Do not skip virCPUUpdateLive if priv->origCPU is set (rhbz#1441662)- qemu: Change coalesce settings on hotplug when they are different (rhbz#1414627)- util: storage: Make @backingFormat optional in virStorageFileGetMetadataInternal (rhbz#1461303)- util: storage: Output parsed network backing store string to debug log (rhbz#1461638) - util: storage: Add missing return to virStorageSourceParseBackingJSONGluster (rhbz#1461638) - util: storage: make virStorageSourceParseBackingJSONGlusterHost universal (rhbz#1461638) - util: storage: Add support for type 'inet' in virStorageSourceParseBackingJSONSocketAddress (rhbz#1461638) - util: storage: Split out parsing of TCP network host from JSON pseudoprotocol (rhbz#1461638) - util: storage: Report errors when source host data is missing (rhbz#1461638) - util: storage: Add JSON parser for new options in iSCSI protocol (rhbz#1461638) - util: storage: adapt to changes in JSON format for NBD (rhbz#1461638) - util: storage: adapt to changes in JSON format for ceph/rbd (rhbz#1461638) - util: storage: adapt to changes in JSON format for ssh (rhbz#1461638) - util: storage: adapt to changes in JSON format for sheepdog (rhbz#1461638) - qemu: Allow live-updates of coalesce settings (rhbz#1414627) - qemu: Pass the number of heads even with -vga qxl (rhbz#1283207) - util: storage: Export virStorageIsRelative (rhbz#1461303) - storage: Add helper to retrieve the backing store string of a storage volume (rhbz#1461303) - qemu: snapshot: Load data necessary for relative block commit to work (rhbz#1461303)- qemu: Set iface MTU on hotplug (rhbz#1408701) - Use a separate buffer for subelements (rhbz#1283251) - Use a separate buffer for (rhbz#1283251) - Use a separate buffer for (rhbz#1283251) - Use a separate buffer for (rhbz#1283251) - conf: introduce virDomainControllerDriverFormat (rhbz#1283251) - conf: add iotlb attribute to iommu (rhbz#1283251) - qemu: format device-iotlb on intel-iommu command line (rhbz#1283251) - qemuxml2xmltest: add virtio-options test (rhbz#1283251) - conf: use a leading space in virDomainVirtioNetDriverFormat (rhbz#1283251) - Add virtio-related options to interfaces (rhbz#1283251) - add virtio-related options to memballoon (rhbz#1283251) - Add virtio-related options to disks (rhbz#1283251) - Add virtio-related options to controllers (rhbz#1283251) - Add virtio-related options to filesystems (rhbz#1283251) - Add virtio-related options to rng devices (rhbz#1283251) - Add virtio-related options to video (rhbz#1283251) - Add virtio-related options to input devices (rhbz#1283251) - qemuxml2argvtest: add virtio-options test case (rhbz#1283251) - qemu: format virtio-related options on the command line (rhbz#1283251) - qemu: Allow memAccess for hugepages again (rhbz#1214369, rhbz#1458638) - qemu: Prefer hugepages over mem source='file' (rhbz#1214369) - qemu: Don't try to use hugepages if not enabled (rhbz#1214369) - qemu: Introduce qemuDomainDefFromXML helper (rhbz#1460952) - qemu: Add qemuDomainMigratableDefCheckABIStability (rhbz#1460952) - qemu: Add qemuDomainCheckABIStability (rhbz#1460952) - qemu: Use qemuDomainCheckABIStability where needed (rhbz#1460952)- Rebuild- qemu: mkdir memory_backing_dir on startup (rhbz#1214369) - qemu: Don't error out if allocation info can't be queried (rhbz#1452045) - daemon: Don't initialize SASL context if not necessary (rhbz#1450095) - virDomainXMLOption: Introduce virDomainABIStabilityDomain (rhbz#1450349) - virQEMUDriverDomainABIStability: Check for memoryBacking (rhbz#1450349) - qemu: process: Save vcpu ordering information on reconnect (rhbz#1451251) - audit: Fix the output message for shmem (rhbz#1218603) - qemu: Set operation on completed migration job (rhbz#1457052) - qemu: Conditionally allow block-copy for persistent domains (rhbz#1459113) - virsh: Add support for VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_COPY_TRANSIENT_JOB (rhbz#1459113) - qemu: Fix serial stub console allocation (rhbz#1434278) - conf: Make error reporting in virCPUDefIsEqual optional (rhbz#1441662) - conf: Refactor virCPUDefParseXML (rhbz#1441662) - conf: Make virDomainSnapshotDefFormat easier to read (rhbz#1441662) - conf: Pass xmlopt to virDomainSnapshotDefFormat (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Rename xml_len in virQEMUSaveHeader as data_len (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Fix memory leaks in qemuDomainSaveImageOpen (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Introduce virQEMUSaveData{New,Free} (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Introduce virQEMUSaveDataFinish (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Refactor qemuDomainSaveHeader (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Introduce virQEMUSaveData structure (rhbz#1441662) - conf: Introduce virSaveCookie (rhbz#1441662) - conf: Add save cookie callbacks to xmlopt (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Implement virSaveCookie object and callbacks (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Store save cookie in save images and snapshots (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Remember CPU def from domain start (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Report the original CPU in migratable xml (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Always send persistent XML during migration (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Send updated CPU in migration cookie (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Store updated CPU in save cookie (rhbz#1441662) - qemu: Use updated CPU when starting QEMU if possible (rhbz#1441662) - docs: correct improper information about domain states in virsh manpage (rhbz#1408778)- conf: Resolve corner case on fc_host deletion (rhbz#1420740) - pci: fix link maximum speed detection (rhbz#1455017) - qemu: Use correct variable in qemuDomainSetBlockIoTune (rhbz#1455510) - virsh: Track when create pkttyagent (rhbz#1374126) - conf: add eim attribute to (rhbz#1451282, rhbz#1289153) - qemu: format eim on intel-iommu command line (rhbz#1451282, rhbz#1289153) - rpc: Double buffer size instead of quadrupling buffer size. (rhbz#1440683) - rpc: Allow up to 256K records to be returned per domain from virConnectGetAllDomainStats. (rhbz#1440683) - nodedev: Increase the netlink socket buffer size to the one used by udev (rhbz#1450960, rhbz#1442307) - util: hostcpu: Correctly report total number of vcpus in virHostCPUGetMap (rhbz#1456793) - qemu: Report shutdown event details (rhbz#1384007) - qemu: json: Fix daemon crash on handling domain shutdown event (rhbz#1384007)- util: introduce virStringMatch (rhbz#1446980) - util: introduce virBufferEscapeRegex (rhbz#1446980) - qemu: improve detection of UNIX path generated by libvirt (rhbz#1446980) - Adding POWER9 cpu model to cpu_map.xml (rhbz#1450189) - qemu: driver: Allow passing disk target as top image with block commit (rhbz#1451394) - qemu: monitor: Don't bother extracting vCPU halted state in text monitor (rhbz#1452106) - conf: Don't assign value from ..TypeFromString directly to enum (rhbz#1452454) - nodedev: Make use of the compile-time missing enum in switch error (rhbz#1452072) - conf: nodedev: Split virNodeDeviceDefFormat into more functions (rhbz#1452072) - docs: Provide a nodedev driver stub documentation (rhbz#1452072) - mdev: Pass a uuidstr rather than an mdev object to some util functions (rhbz#1452072) - nodedev: conf: Split PCI sub-capability parsing to separate methods (rhbz#1452072) - nodedev: Introduce new mdev_types and mdev nodedev capabilities (rhbz#1452072) - nodedev: Introduce the mdev capability to a PCI parent device (rhbz#1452072) - nodedev: Introduce mdev capability for mediated devices (rhbz#1452072) - docs: Document the mediated devices within the nodedev driver (rhbz#1452072) - Do not release unreserved address in qemuDomainAttachRNGDevice (rhbz#1452581) - qemu: process: Clear priv->namespaces on VM shutdown (rhbz#1453142) - Revert "qemu: propagate bridge MTU into qemu "host_mtu" option" (rhbz#1449346) - qemu: Properly check return value of VIR_STRDUP in qemuDomainGetBlockIoTune (rhbz#1433183) - rpc: Bump maximum message size to 32M (rhbz#1440683) - Split out virDomainIOMMUDefFormat (rhbz#1427005) - qemu: allow conditional device property probing (rhbz#1427005) - qemu: refactor qemuBuildIOMMUCommandLine (rhbz#1427005) - conf: add to (rhbz#1427005) - qemu: format kernel_irqchip on the command line (rhbz#1427005) - conf: add to (rhbz#1427005) - qemu: format intel-iommu, intremap on the command line (rhbz#1427005) - conf: add caching_mode attribute to iommu device (rhbz#1427005) - qemu: format caching-mode on iommu command line (rhbz#1427005) - conf: split out virDomainIOMMUDefCheckABIStability (rhbz#1427005) - conf: add ABI stability checks for IOMMU options (rhbz#1427005)- util: mdev: Use a local variable instead of a direct pointer access (rhbz#1446455) - mdev: Fix daemon crash on domain shutdown after reconnect (rhbz#1446455) - qemu: Provide a much clearer message on device hot-plug (rhbz#1450072) - virsh: Add --tls description for the virsh man page (rhbz#1448806) - conf: Check CPU cache for ABI stability (rhbz#1449595) - qemuDomainBuildNamespace: Move /dev/* mountpoints later (rhbz#1449510) - qemuDomainCreateDeviceRecursive: pass a structure instead of bare path (rhbz#1449510) - qemuDomainCreateDeviceRecursive: Don't try to create devices under preserved mount points (rhbz#1449510) - qemuDomainAttachDeviceMknodRecursive: Don't try to create devices under preserved mount points (rhbz#1449510) - qemuDomainDetachDeviceUnlink: Don't unlink files we haven't created (rhbz#1449510)- conf: add a new parse flag VIR_DOMAIN_DEF_PARSE_ABI_UPDATE_MIGRATION (rhbz#1373184) - qemu_domain: use correct default USB controller on ppc64 (rhbz#1373184) - qemu: hotplug: Unexport qemuDomainHotplugDelVcpu (rhbz#1439452) - qemu: hotplug: Don't save status XML when monitor is closed (rhbz#1439452) - util: check ifa_addr pointer before accessing its elements (rhbz#1444408) - util: allow ignoring SIOCSIFHWADDR when errno is EPERM (rhbz#1415609) - qemu: Ignore missing query-migrate-parameters (rhbz#1441934) - locking: Add support for sanlock_strerror (rhbz#1409511) - RHEL: spec: Require sanlock >= 3.5 (rhbz#1409511) - qemu: Properly reset non-p2p migration (rhbz#1425003) - qemu: Don't fail if physical size can't be updated in qemuDomainGetBlockInfo (rhbz#1442344) - qemu: process: Clean automatic NUMA/cpu pinning information on shutdown (rhbz#1445627) - qemu: process: Don't leak priv->usbaddrs after VM restart (rhbz#1445627) - qemu: process: Clean up priv->migTLSAlias (rhbz#1445627) - Add VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION typed parameter (rhbz#1441563) - qemu: Report VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_OPERATION (rhbz#1441563) - conf: Rename mode parameter in virCPUDefParseXML (rhbz#1428952) - Add support for CPU cache specification (rhbz#1428952) - qemu: Add support for guest CPU cache (rhbz#1428952) - qemu: Don't reset "events" migration capability (rhbz#1441165) - qemu: Fix persistent migration of transient domains (rhbz#1446205) - Fix padding of encrypted data (rhbz#1447297) - cpu: Introduce virCPUCopyMigratable (rhbz#1444421) - qemu: Move common code in virQEMUCapsInitCPUModel one layer up (rhbz#1444421) - qemu: Add migratable parameter to virQEMUCapsInitCPUModel (rhbz#1444421) - qemu: Introduce virQEMUCapsSetHostModel (rhbz#1444421) - qemu: Move qemuCaps CPU data copying into a separate function (rhbz#1444421) - qemu: Introduce virQEMUCapsHostCPUDataClear (rhbz#1444421) - qemu: Move qemuCaps host CPU data in a struct (rhbz#1444421) - qemu: Prepare qemuCaps for multiple host CPU defs (rhbz#1444421) - qemu: Pass migratable host CPU model to virCPUUpdate (rhbz#1444421) - cpu: Drop feature filtering from virCPUUpdate (rhbz#1444421) - cpu: Introduce virCPUGetHostIsSupported (rhbz#1444421) - qemu: Use more data for comparing CPUs (rhbz#1444421) - qemu: don't kill qemu process on restart if networkNotify fails (rhbz#1442700) - network: better log message when network is inactive during reconnect (rhbz#1442700) - disk: Resolve issues with disk partition build/start checks (rhbz#1439132) - disk: Force usage of parted when checking disk format for "bsd" (rhbz#1439132) - storage: Modify storageBackendWipeLocal to allow zero from end of device (rhbz#1439132) - storage: Introduce virStorageBackendZeroPartitionTable (rhbz#1439132) - logical: Use virStorageBackendZeroPartitionTable (rhbz#1373711, rhbz#1439132) - logical: Increase the size of the data to wipe (rhbz#1373711, rhbz#1439132) - disk: Use virStorageBackendZeroPartitionTable (rhbz#1439132) - util: Add virNetDevSetCoalesce function (rhbz#1414627) - conf, docs: Add support for coalesce setting(s) (rhbz#1414627) - Set coalesce settings for domain interfaces (rhbz#1414627) - docs: fix typo in closing HTML element (rhbz#1414627) - Don't leak str in virDomainNetDefCoalesceParseXML (rhbz#1414627) - Remove pointless check for !ret in virDomainNetDefCoalesceParseXML (rhbz#1414627) - Define ETHTOOL_[GS]COALESCE when building on older kernels (rhbz#1414627) - qemu: change the logic of setting default USB controller (rhbz#1438682) - qemu: use nec-usb-xhci as a default controller for aarch64 if available (rhbz#1438682) - qemu: introduce QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_QEMU_XHCI (rhbz#1438682) - qemu: add support for qemu-xhci USB controller (rhbz#1438682) - qemu: use qemu-xhci USB controller by default for ppc64 and aarch64 (rhbz#1438682) - util: make macvtap/macvlan generated name #defines available to other files (rhbz#1335798) - conf: don't ignore for macvtap interfaces (rhbz#1335798) - util: rename/move VIR_NET_GENERATED_PREFIX to be consistent (rhbz#1335798)- qemu: Fix mdev checking for VFIO support (rhbz#1441291) - pci: recognize/report GEN4 (PCIe 4.0) card 16GT/s Link speed (rhbz#1442831) - qemu: refactor qemuDomainMachine* functions (rhbz#1441964) - qemu: report IDE bus in domain capabilities only if it's supported (rhbz#1441964) - qemu: do not crash on USB address with no port and invalid bus (rhbz#1441589) - spec: Avoid RPM verification errors on nwfilter XMLs (rhbz#1378774) - conf: Add check for non scsi_host parent during vport delete (rhbz#1420740)- storage: Fix capacity value for LUKS encrypted volumes (rhbz#1371892) - qemu: Add device id for mediated devices on qemu command line (rhbz#1438431) - qemu: hotplug: Iterate over vcpu 0 in individual vcpu hotplug code (rhbz#1437013) - qemu: hotplug: Fix formatting strings in qemuDomainFilterHotplugVcpuEntities (rhbz#1437010) - qemu: hotplug: Clear vcpu ordering for coldplug of vcpus (rhbz#1437010) - qemu: hotplug: Add validation for coldplug of individual vcpus (rhbz#1437010) - qemu: hotplug: Validate that vcpu-hotplug does not break config (rhbz#1437010) - qemu: Split virQEMUCapsInitArchQMPBasic() (rhbz#1429509) - tests: Initialize basic capabilities properly (rhbz#1429509) - qemu: Remove redundant capabilities (rhbz#1429509) - qemu: Advertise ACPI support for aarch64 guests (rhbz#1429509) - qemu: Enforce ACPI, UEFI requirements (rhbz#1429509) - tests: Test ACPI, UEFI requirements (rhbz#1429509) - qemu: Fix regression when hyperv/vendor_id feature is used (rhbz#1439736) - qemu: Fix resource leak in qemuDomainAddChardevTLSObjects error path (rhbz#1300769) - qemu: Break endless loop if qemuMigrationResetTLS fails (rhbz#1300769) - qemu: Properly reset TLS in qemuProcessRecoverMigrationIn (rhbz#1425003) - qemu: Drop resume label in qemuProcessRecoverMigrationOut (rhbz#1425003) - qemu: Always reset TLS in qemuProcessRecoverMigrationOut (rhbz#1425003) - qemu: Don't reset TLS in qemuMigrationRun (rhbz#1425003) - qemu: Don't reset TLS in qemuMigrationCancel (rhbz#1425003) - qemu: Introduce qemuMigrationReset (rhbz#1425003) - qemu: Simplify qemuMigrationResetTLS (rhbz#1425003) - qemu: Properly reset all migration capabilities (rhbz#1425003) - qemu: Don't overwrite existing error in qemuMigrationReset (rhbz#1439130)- Rebased to libvirt-3.2.0 (rhbz#1382640) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#822148, rhbz#824989, rhbz#1004676, rhbz#1018251, rhbz#1181659 rhbz#1181899, rhbz#1270403, rhbz#1292451, rhbz#1300769, rhbz#1329090 rhbz#1366088, rhbz#1371617, rhbz#1372581, rhbz#1389313, rhbz#1398087 rhbz#1404627, rhbz#1406791, rhbz#1408808, rhbz#1410225, rhbz#1415609 rhbz#1422318, rhbz#1426176, rhbz#1428209, rhbz#1428893, rhbz#1429551 rhbz#1430275, rhbz#1430634, rhbz#1430672, rhbz#1430679, rhbz#1431112 rhbz#1431793, rhbz#1431852, rhbz#1433180, rhbz#1433183, rhbz#1434882 rhbz#1436119, rhbz#1436999- qemuDomainSaveImageUpdateDef: Don't overwrite errors from virDomainDefCheckABIStability (rhbz#1379200) - qemu_process: don't probe iothreads if it's not supported by QEMU (rhbz#1430258)- Rebased to libvirt-3.1.0 (rhbz#1382640) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1268906, rhbz#1316774, rhbz#1330024, rhbz#1336564, rhbz#1343094 rhbz#1344897, rhbz#1346566, rhbz#1349441, rhbz#1352529, rhbz#1374128 rhbz#1375410, rhbz#1375417, rhbz#1378540, rhbz#1382640, rhbz#1383039 rhbz#1397440, rhbz#1408701, rhbz#1410188, rhbz#1412834, rhbz#1414393 rhbz#1417203, rhbz#1420205, rhbz#1420668, rhbz#1420718, rhbz#1421036- Enable use of namespaces by default (rhbz#1382640) - virProcessRunInMountNamespace: Report errors from child - util: Introduce virFileReadLink - qemuDomainPrepareDisk: Fix ordering - qemuSecurityRestoreAllLabel: Don't use transactions - qemu_security: Use more transactions - qemuDomain{Attach,Detach}Device NS helpers: Don't relabel devices - qemuDomainCreateDevice: Properly deal with symlinks - qemuDomainCreateDevice: Don't loop endlessly - qemuDomainAttachDeviceMknod: Deal with symlinks - qemuDomainAttachDeviceMknod: Don't loop endlessly - qemuDomainAttachSCSIVHostDevice: Prefer qemuSecurity wrappers - qemuDomainAttachSCSIVHostDevice: manage /dev entry - qemu_security: Drop qemuSecuritySetRestoreAllLabelData struct - qemu_domain: Don't pass virDomainDeviceDefPtr to ns helpers - qemuDomainNamespaceSetupDisk: Drop useless @src variable - qemuDomainNamespace{Setup,Teardown}Disk: Don't pass pointer to full disk - qemuDomainDiskChainElement{Prepare,Revoke}: manage /dev entry - qemuDomainNamespaceSetupDisk: Simplify disk check - qemu_security: Introduce ImageLabel APIs- Rebased to libvirt-3.0.0 (rhbz#1382640) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1191901, rhbz#1257813, rhbz#1292984, rhbz#1300177, rhbz#1302168 rhbz#1302171, rhbz#1332019, rhbz#1336564, rhbz#1349696, rhbz#1363586 rhbz#1370357, rhbz#1373711, rhbz#1386466, rhbz#1396040, rhbz#1397940 rhbz#1402690, rhbz#1402726, rhbz#1403691, rhbz#1404952, rhbz#1405269 rhbz#1406442- Rebased to libvirt-2.5.0 (rhbz#1382640) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1106416, rhbz#1106419, rhbz#1207095, rhbz#1247005, rhbz#1300776 rhbz#1343858, rhbz#1347049, rhbz#1349898, rhbz#1354253, rhbz#1356769 rhbz#1356881, rhbz#1357358, rhbz#1357416, rhbz#1358181, rhbz#1359135 rhbz#1360533, rhbz#1365779, rhbz#1366108, rhbz#1366460, rhbz#1366505 rhbz#1368351, rhbz#1368368, rhbz#1369633, rhbz#1370357, rhbz#1370360 rhbz#1371039, rhbz#1371358, rhbz#1371758, rhbz#1372580, rhbz#1373535 rhbz#1373783, rhbz#1373849, rhbz#1374718, rhbz#1375268, rhbz#1375424 rhbz#1375524, rhbz#1375887, rhbz#1375920, rhbz#1375939, rhbz#1376009 rhbz#1376083, rhbz#1377602, rhbz#1377913, rhbz#1378290, rhbz#1378401 rhbz#1379196, rhbz#1379212, rhbz#1379895, rhbz#1382079, rhbz#1386976 rhbz#1387665, rhbz#1387666, rhbz#1393854, rhbz#1396597, rhbz#1399260 rhbz#1401054- virtlogd: Don't stop or restart along with libvirtd (rhbz#1372576)- Add helper for removing transient definition (rhbz#1368774) - qemu: Remove stale transient def when migration fails (rhbz#1368774) - qemu: Don't use query-migrate on destination (rhbz#1374613) - conf: allow hotplugging "legacy PCI" device to manually addressed PCIe slot (rhbz#1337490) - conf: Add support for virtio-net.rx_queue_size (rhbz#1366989) - qemu_capabilities: Introduce virtio-net-*.rx_queue_size (rhbz#1366989) - qemu: Implement virtio-net rx_queue_size (rhbz#1366989) - audit: Audit information about shmem devices (rhbz#1218603) - qemu: monitor: Use a more obvious iterator name (rhbz#1375783) - qemu: monitor: qemuMonitorGetCPUInfoHotplug: Add iterator 'anycpu' (rhbz#1375783) - qemu: monitor: Add vcpu state information to monitor data (rhbz#1375783) - qemu: domain: Don't infer vcpu state (rhbz#1375783)- util: storage: Properly set protocol type when parsing gluster json string (rhbz#1372251) - conf: Add IOThread quota and period scheduler/cputune defs (rhbz#1356937) - qemu: Add support to get/set IOThread period and quota cgroup values (rhbz#1356937) - network: new network forward mode 'open' (rhbz#846810) - virtlogd.socket: Tie lifecycle to libvirtd.service (rhbz#1372576) - cpu_x86: Fix minimum match custom CPUs on hosts with CMT (rhbz#1365500) - qemu: cgroup: Extract temporary relaxing of cgroup setting for vcpu hotplug (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: process: Fix start with unpluggable vcpus with NUMA pinning (rhbz#1097930)- qemu: caps: Always assume QEMU_CAPS_SMP_TOPOLOGY (rhbz#1097930) - conf: Extract code formatting vCPU info (rhbz#1097930) - conf: Rename virDomainVcpuInfoPtr to virDomainVcpuDefPtr (rhbz#1097930) - conf: Don't report errors from virDomainDefGetVcpu (rhbz#1097930) - tests: qemuxml2xml: Format status XML header dynamically (rhbz#1097930) - conf: convert def->vcpus to a array of pointers (rhbz#1097930) - conf: Add private data for virDomainVcpuDef (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: domain: Add vcpu private data structure (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: domain: Extract formating and parsing of vCPU thread ids (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: Add cpu ID to the vCPU pid list in the status XML (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: Store vCPU thread ids in vcpu private data objects (rhbz#1097930) - Fix logic in qemuDomainObjPrivateXMLParseVcpu (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: Add qemuProcessSetupPid() and use it in qemuProcessSetupIOThread() (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: Use qemuProcessSetupPid() in qemuProcessSetupEmulator() (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: Use qemuProcessSetupPid() in qemuProcessSetupVcpu() (rhbz#1097930) - qemuBuildCpuCommandLine: Don't leak @buf (rhbz#1097930) - conf: Make really sure we don't access non-existing vCPUs (rhbz#1097930) - conf: Make really sure we don't access non-existing vCPUs again (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: capabilities: Drop unused function virQEMUCapsGetMachineTypes (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: caps: Sanitize storage of machine type related data (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: cap: Refactor access to array in virQEMUCapsProbeQMPMachineTypes (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: monitor: Add monitor API for device_add supporting JSON objects (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: monitor: Add do-while block to QEMU_CHECK_MONITOR_FULL (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: Improve error message in virDomainGetVcpus (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: domain: Rename qemuDomainDetectVcpuPids to qemuDomainRefreshVcpuInfo (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: monitor: Rename qemuMonitor(JSON|Text)GetCPUInfo (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: domain: Improve vCPU data checking in qemuDomainRefreshVcpu (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: domain: Simplify return values of qemuDomainRefreshVcpuInfo (rhbz#1097930) - internal: Introduce macro for stealing pointers (rhbz#1097930) - tests: qemucapabilities: Add data for qemu 2.7.0 (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: setcpus: Report better errors (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: setvcpus: Extract setting of maximum vcpu count (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: driver: Extract setting of live vcpu count (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: driver: Split out regular vcpu hotplug code into a function (rhbz#1097930) - conf: Provide error on undefined vcpusched entry (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: monitor: Return structures from qemuMonitorGetCPUInfo (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: monitor: Return struct from qemuMonitor(Text|Json)QueryCPUs (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: Add capability for query-hotpluggable-cpus command (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: Forbid config when topology based cpu count doesn't match the config (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: capabilities: Extract availability of new cpu hotplug for machine types (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: monitor: Extract QOM path from query-cpus reply (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: monitor: Add support for calling query-hotpluggable-cpus (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: monitor: Add algorithm for combining query-(hotpluggable-)-cpus data (rhbz#1097930) - tests: Add test infrastructure for qemuMonitorGetCPUInfo (rhbz#1097930) - tests: cpu-hotplug: Add data for x86 hotplug with 11+ vcpus (rhbz#1097930) - tests: cpu-hotplug: Add data for ppc64 platform including hotplug (rhbz#1097930) - tests: cpu-hotplug: Add data for ppc64 out-of-order hotplug (rhbz#1097930) - tests: cpu-hotplug: Add data for ppc64 without threads enabled (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: domain: Extract cpu-hotplug related data (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: domain: Prepare for VCPUs vanishing while libvirt is not running (rhbz#1097930) - util: Extract and rename qemuDomainDelCgroupForThread to virCgroupDelThread (rhbz#1097930) - conf: Add XML for individual vCPU hotplug (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: migration: Prepare for non-contiguous vcpu configurations (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: command: Add helper to convert vcpu definition to JSON props (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: process: Copy final vcpu order information into the vcpu definition (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: command: Add support for sparse vcpu topologies (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: Use modern vcpu hotplug approach if possible (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: hotplug: Allow marking unplugged devices by alias (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: hotplug: Add support for VCPU unplug (rhbz#1224341) - virsh: vcpuinfo: Report vcpu number from the structure rather than it's position (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: driver: Fix qemuDomainHelperGetVcpus for sparse vcpu topologies (rhbz#1097930) - doc: clarify documentation for vcpu order (rhbz#1097930) - conf: Don't validate vcpu count in XML parser (rhbz#1097930) - qemu: driver: Validate configuration when setting maximum vcpu count (rhbz#1370066) - conf: Fix build with picky GCC (rhbz#1097930)- qemu_command: don't modify heads for graphics device (rhbz#1366119) - virsh: Fix core for cmdSecretGetValue (rhbz#1366611) - conf: report an error message for non-existing USB hubs (rhbz#1367130) - conf: free the ports array of a USB hub (rhbz#1366097) - utils: storage: Fix JSON field name for uri based storage (rhbz#1367260) - qemu: Adjust the cur_ballon on coldplug/unplug of dimms (rhbz#1220702) - conf: Provide error on undefined iothreadsched entry (rhbz#1366484) - qemu: Fix the command line generation for rbd auth using aes secrets (rhbz#1182074) - qemu: Fix crash hot plugging luks volume (rhbz#1367259) - Revert "admin: Fix the default uri for session daemon to libvirtd:///session" (rhbz#1367269) - libvirt: convert to typesafe virConf accessors (rhbz#1367269) - admin: Fix default uri config option name s/admin_uri_default/uri_default (rhbz#1367269) - virt-admin: Properly fix the default session daemon URI to admin server (rhbz#1367269)- qemu: Fix domain state after reset (rhbz#1269575) - rpc: virnetserver: Rename ClientSetProcessingControls to ClientSetLimits (rhbz#1357776) - rpc: virnetserver: Move virNetServerCheckLimits which is static up in the file (rhbz#1357776) - rpc: virnetserver: Add code to CheckLimits to handle suspending of services (rhbz#1357776) - admin: rpc: virnetserver: Fix updating of the client limits (rhbz#1357776) - rpc: virnetserver: Remove dead code checking the client limits (rhbz#1357776) - storage: Fix a NULL ptr dereference in virStorageBackendCreateQemuImg (rhbz#1363636) - qemu: Introduce qemuAliasFromHostdev (rhbz#1289391) - qemu: Use the hostdev alias in qemuDomainAttachHostSCSIDevice error path (rhbz#1289391) - storage: Don't remove the pool for buildPool failure in storagePoolCreate (rhbz#1362349) - lxcDomainCreateXMLWithFiles: Avoid crash (rhbz#1363773) - admin: Fix the default uri for session daemon to libvirtd:///session (rhbz#1356858) - docs: Distribute subsite.xsl (rhbz#1365004) - qemuBuildMachineCommandLine: Follow our pattern (rhbz#1304483) - Introduce SMM feature (rhbz#1304483) - Introduce @secure attribute to os loader element (rhbz#1304483) - qemu: Enable secure boot (rhbz#1304483) - qemu: Advertise OVMF_CODE.secboot.fd (rhbz#1304483) - tests: Fix broken build (rhbz#1304483) - cpu_x86: Introduce x86FeatureIsMigratable (rhbz#1365500) - cpu_x86: Properly drop non-migratable features (rhbz#1365500) - tests: Add a test for host-model CPU with CMT feature (rhbz#1365500) - cpu_x86: Fix host-model CPUs on hosts with CMT (rhbz#1365500) - virt-admin: Fix the error when an invalid URI has been provided (rhbz#1365903) - conf: improve error log when PCI devices don't match requested controller (rhbz#1363627) - conf: don't allow connecting upstream-port directly to pce-expander-bus (rhbz#1361172) - conf: restrict where dmi-to-pci-bridge can be connected (rhbz#1363648) - conf: restrict expander buses to connect only to a root bus (rhbz#1358712) - virNetDevMacVLanCreateWithVPortProfile: Don't mask virNetDevMacVLanTapOpen error (rhbz#1240439)- qemu: hotplug: fix changeable media ejection (rhbz#1359071) - lxc: Don't crash by forgetting to ref transient domains (rhbz#1351057) - Introduce device (rhbz#1235581) - Add QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_INTEL_IOMMU (rhbz#1235581) - qemu: format intel-iommu on the command line (rhbz#1235581) - qemu_monitor_json: add support to search QOM device path by device alias (rhbz#1358728) - hvsupport: Introduce parseSymsFile (rhbz#1286679) - hvsupport: use a regex instead of XML::XPath (rhbz#1286679) - hvsupport: construct the group regex upfront (rhbz#1286679) - hvsupport: skip non-matching lines early (rhbz#1286679) - virconf: Fix config file path construction (rhbz#1357364) - virDomainHostdevDefFree: Don't leak privateData (rhbz#1357346) - virt-admin: Output srv-threadpool-info data as unsigned int rather than signed (rhbz#1356769) - util: Introduce virISCSINodeNew (rhbz#1356436) - iscsi: Establish connection to target via static target login (rhbz#1356436) - storage: Document wiping formatted volume types (rhbz#868771) - admin: Retrieve the SASL context for both local and remote connection (rhbz#1361948) - daemon: sasl: Don't forget to save SASL username to client's identity (rhbz#1361948) - vsh: Make vshInitDebug return int instead of void (rhbz#1357363) - tools: Make use of the correct environment variables (rhbz#1357363) - util: Add 'usage' for encryption (rhbz#1301021) - virStorageEncryptionSecretFree: Don't leak secret lookup definition (rhbz#1301021) - encryption: Add luks parsing for storageencryption (rhbz#1301021) - encryption: Add and to encryption (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Introduce helper qemuDomainSecretDiskCapable (rhbz#1301021) - tests: Adjust LUKS tests to use 'volume' secret type (rhbz#1301021) - docs: Update docs to reflect LUKS secret changes (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Alter error path cleanup for qemuDomainAttachHostSCSIDevice (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Alter error path cleanup for qemuDomainAttachVirtioDiskDevice (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Alter error path cleanup for qemuDomainAttachSCSIDisk (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Move and rename qemuBufferEscapeComma (rhbz#1301021) - storage: Add support to create a luks volume (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Add secinfo for hotplug virtio disk (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Alter the qemuDomainGetSecretAESAlias to add new arg (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Add luks support for domain disk (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Move setting of obj bools for qemuDomainAttachVirtioDiskDevice (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Move setting of encobjAdded for qemuDomainAttachSCSIDisk (rhbz#1301021) - storage: Fix error path (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Disallow usage of luks encryption if aes secret not possible (rhbz#1301021) - storage: Add extra failure condition for luks volume creation (rhbz#1301021) - virstoragefile: refactor virStorageFileMatchesNNN methods (rhbz#1301021) - qemu: Make qemuDomainCheckDiskStartupPolicy self-contained (rhbz#1168453) - qemu: Remove unnecessary label and its only reference (rhbz#1168453) - qemu: Fix support for startupPolicy with volume/pool disks (rhbz#1168453) - virsh: Report error when explicit connection fails (rhbz#1356461) - tests: Add testing of backing store string parser (rhbz#1134878) - util: json: Make first argument of virJSONValueObjectForeachKeyValue const (rhbz#1134878) - util: qemu: Add wrapper for JSON -> commandline conversion (rhbz#1134878) - util: qemu: Add support for user-passed strings in JSON->commandline (rhbz#1134878) - util: qemu: Allow nested objects in JSON -> commandline generator (rhbz#1134878) - util: qemu: Allow for different approaches to format JSON arrays (rhbz#1134878) - util: qemu: Don't generate any extra commas in virQEMUBuildCommandLineJSON (rhbz#1134878) - util: json: Make first argument of virJSONValueCopy const (rhbz#1134878) - util: storage: Add parser for qemu's json backing pseudo-protocol (rhbz#1134878) - util: storage: Add support for host device backing specified via JSON (rhbz#1134878) - util: storage: Add support for URI based backing volumes in qemu's JSON pseudo-protocol (rhbz#1134878) - util: storage: Add json pseudo protocol support for gluster volumes (rhbz#1134878) - util: storage: Add json pseudo protocol support for iSCSI volumes (rhbz#1134878) - util: storage: Add JSON backing volume parser for 'nbd' protocol (rhbz#1134878) - util: storage: Add JSON backing store parser for 'sheepdog' protocol (rhbz#1134878) - util: storage: Add 'ssh' network storage protocol (rhbz#1134878) - util: storage: Add JSON backing volume parser for 'ssh' protocol (rhbz#1134878) - qemu: command: Rename qemuBuildNetworkDriveURI to qemuBuildNetworkDriveStr (rhbz#1247521) - qemu: command: Split out network disk URI building (rhbz#1247521) - qemu: command: Extract drive source command line formatter (rhbz#1247521) - qemu: command: Refactor code extracted to qemuBuildDriveSourceStr (rhbz#1247521) - storage: gluster: Support multiple hosts in backend functions (rhbz#1247521) - util: qemu: Add support for numbered array members (rhbz#1247521) - qemu: command: Add infrastructure for object specified disk sources (rhbz#1247521) - qemu: command: Add support for multi-host gluster disks (rhbz#1247521) - qemu: Need to free fileprops in error path (rhbz#1247521) - storage: remove "luks" storage volume type (rhbz#1301021)- qemu: getAutoDumpPath() return value should be dumpfile not domname. (rhbz#1354238) - qemu: Copy complete domain def in qemuDomainDefFormatBuf (rhbz#1320470) - qemu: Drop default channel path during migration (rhbz#1320470) - qemu: Fix migration from old libvirt (rhbz#1320500) - Add USB addresses to qemuhotplug test cases (rhbz#1215968) - Introduce virDomainUSBDeviceDefForeach (rhbz#1215968) - Allow omitting USB port (rhbz#1215968) - Store USB port path as an array of integers (rhbz#1215968) - Introduce virDomainUSBAddressSet (rhbz#1215968) - Add functions for adding USB controllers to addrs (rhbz#1215968) - Add functions for adding USB hubs to addrs (rhbz#1215968) - Reserve existing USB addresses (rhbz#1215968) - Add tests for USB address assignment (rhbz#1215968) - Assign addresses to USB devices (rhbz#1215968) - Assign addresses on USB device hotplug (rhbz#1215968) - Auto-add one hub if there are too many USB devices (rhbz#1215968)- qemu: Use bootindex whenever possible (rhbz#1323085) - qemu: Properly reset spiceMigration flag (rhbz#1151723) - qemu: Drop useless SPICE migration code (rhbz#1151723) - qemu: Memory locking is only required for KVM guests on ppc64 (rhbz#1350772) - virtlogd: make max file size & number of backups configurable (rhbz#1351209) - virtlogd: increase max file size to 2 MB (rhbz#1351209)- Rebased to libvirt-2.0.0 (rhbz#1286679) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#735385, rhbz#1004602, rhbz#1046833, rhbz#1180092, rhbz#1216281 rhbz#1283207, rhbz#1286679, rhbz#1289288, rhbz#1302373, rhbz#1304222 rhbz#1312188, rhbz#1316370, rhbz#1320893, rhbz#1322210, rhbz#1325072 rhbz#1325080, rhbz#1332446, rhbz#1333248, rhbz#1333404, rhbz#1334237 rhbz#1335617, rhbz#1335832, rhbz#1337869, rhbz#1341415, rhbz#1342342 rhbz#1342874, rhbz#1342962, rhbz#1343442, rhbz#1344892, rhbz#1344897 rhbz#1345743, rhbz#1346723, rhbz#1346724, rhbz#1346730, rhbz#1350688 rhbz#1351473- Rebased to libvirt-1.3.5 (rhbz#1286679) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1139766, rhbz#1182074, rhbz#1209802, rhbz#1265694, rhbz#1286679 rhbz#1286709, rhbz#1318993, rhbz#1319044, rhbz#1320836, rhbz#1326660 rhbz#1327537, rhbz#1328003, rhbz#1328301, rhbz#1329045, rhbz#1336629 rhbz#1337073, rhbz#1339900, rhbz#1341460- Rebased to libvirt-1.3.4 (rhbz#1286679) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1002423, rhbz#1004593, rhbz#1038888, rhbz#1103314, rhbz#1220702 rhbz#1286679, rhbz#1289363, rhbz#1320447, rhbz#1324551, rhbz#1325043 rhbz#1325075, rhbz#1325757, rhbz#1326270, rhbz#1327499, rhbz#1328401 rhbz#1329041, rhbz#1329046, rhbz#1329819, rhbz#1331228- qemu: perf: Fix crash/memory corruption on failed VM start (rhbz#1324757)- Rebased to libvirt-1.3.3 (rhbz#1286679) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#830971, rhbz#986365, rhbz#1151723, rhbz#1195176, rhbz#1249441 rhbz#1260749, rhbz#1264008, rhbz#1269715, rhbz#1278727, rhbz#1281706 rhbz#1282744, rhbz#1286679, rhbz#1288000, rhbz#1289363, rhbz#1293804 rhbz#1306556, rhbz#1308317, rhbz#1313264, rhbz#1313314, rhbz#1314594 rhbz#1315059, rhbz#1316371, rhbz#1316384, rhbz#1316420, rhbz#1316433 rhbz#1316465, rhbz#1317531, rhbz#1318569, rhbz#1321546- Rebased to libvirt-1.3.2 (rhbz#1286679) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1197592, rhbz#1235180, rhbz#1244128, rhbz#1244567, rhbz#1245013 rhbz#1250331, rhbz#1265694, rhbz#1267256, rhbz#1275039, rhbz#1282846 rhbz#1283085, rhbz#1286679, rhbz#1290324, rhbz#1293241, rhbz#1293899 rhbz#1299696, rhbz#1305922- Rebased to libvirt-1.3.1 (rhbz#1286679) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#1207692, rhbz#1233115, rhbz#1245476, rhbz#1298065, rhbz#1026136 rhbz#1207751, rhbz#1210587, rhbz#1250287, rhbz#1253107, rhbz#1254152 rhbz#1257486, rhbz#1266078, rhbz#1271107, rhbz#1159219, rhbz#1163091 rhbz#1196711, rhbz#1263574, rhbz#1270427, rhbz#1245525, rhbz#1247987 rhbz#1248277, rhbz#1249981, rhbz#1251461, rhbz#1256999, rhbz#1264008 rhbz#1265049, rhbz#1265114, rhbz#1270715, rhbz#1272301, rhbz#1273686 rhbz#997561, rhbz#1166452, rhbz#1231114, rhbz#1233003, rhbz#1260576 rhbz#1261432, rhbz#1273480, rhbz#1273491, rhbz#1277781, rhbz#1278404 rhbz#1281707, rhbz#1282288, rhbz#1285665, rhbz#1288690, rhbz#1292984 rhbz#921135, rhbz#1025230, rhbz#1240439, rhbz#1266982, rhbz#1270709 rhbz#1276198, rhbz#1278068, rhbz#1278421, rhbz#1281710, rhbz#1291035 rhbz#1297020, rhbz#1297690 - RHEL: Add rhel machine types to qemuDomainMachineNeedsFDC (rhbz#1227880) - RHEL: qemu: Support vhost-user-multiqueue with QEMU 2.3 (rhbz#1207692)- qemu: Add conditions for qemu-kvm use on ppc64 (rhbz#1267882) - qemu: Move simplification variable to begining of the function (rhbz#1266856) - qemu: Extract -mem-path building into its own function (rhbz#1266856) - qemu: Add -mem-path even with numa (rhbz#1266856) - qemu: Use memory-backing-file only when needed (rhbz#1266856) - qemu: Always update migration times on destination (rhbz#1265902) - qemu: Copy completed migration stats only on success (rhbz#1265902) - qemu: Introduce flags in qemuMigrationCompleted (rhbz#1265902) - qemu: Make updating stats in qemuMigrationCheckJobStatus optional (rhbz#1265902) - qemu: Wait until destination QEMU consumes all migration data (rhbz#1265902)- qemu: Fix dynamic_ownership qemu.conf setting (rhbz#1267154)- domain: Fix migratable XML with graphics/@listen (rhbz#1265111)- virSecuritySELinuxSetSecurityAllLabel: drop useless virFileIsSharedFSType (rhbz#1124841) - security_selinux: Replace SELinuxSCSICallbackData with proper struct (rhbz#1124841) - virSecurityManager: Track if running as privileged (rhbz#1124841) - security_selinux: Take @privileged into account (rhbz#1124841) - qemu: Fix using guest architecture as lookup key (rhbz#1260753) - virfile: Check for existence of dir in virFileDeleteTree (rhbz#1146886) - Revert "qemu: Fix integer/boolean logic in qemuSetUnprivSGIO" (rhbz#1072736) - qemu: migration: Relax enforcement of memory hotplug support (rhbz#1252685) - conf: Add helper to determine whether memory hotplug is enabled for a vm (rhbz#1252685) - qemu: Make memory alignment helper more universal (rhbz#1252685) - conf: Drop VIR_DOMAIN_DEF_PARSE_CLOCK_ADJUST flag (rhbz#1252685) - conf: Document all VIR_DOMAIN_DEF_PARSE_* flags (rhbz#1252685) - conf: Add XML parser flag that will allow us to do incompatible updates (rhbz#1252685) - conf: Split memory related post parse stuff into separate function (rhbz#1252685) - conf: Rename max_balloon to total_memory (rhbz#1252685) - conf: Pre-calculate initial memory size instead of always calculating it (rhbz#1252685) - conf: Don't always recalculate initial memory size from NUMA size totals (rhbz#1252685) - qemu: command: Align memory sizes only on fresh starts (rhbz#1252685) - qemu: ppc64: Align memory sizes to 256MiB blocks (rhbz#1249006) - test: Add test to validate that memory sizes don't get updated on migration (rhbz#1252685) - qemu: Align memory module sizes to 2MiB (rhbz#1252685) - qemu: Refresh memory size only on fresh starts (rhbz#1242940)- conf: fix crash when parsing a unordered NUMA (rhbz#1260846) - vmx: Some whitespace cleanup (rhbz#1172544) - vmx: The virVMXParseDisk deviceType can be NULL, add some missing checks (rhbz#1172544) - vmx: Add handling for CDROM devices with SCSI passthru (rhbz#1172544) - qemu: hotplug: Properly clean up drive backend if frontend hotplug fails (rhbz#1262399) - qemu: Introduce QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_RTL8139 (rhbz#1254044) - qemu: Introduce QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_E1000 (rhbz#1254044) - qemu: Introduce QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_VIRTIO_NET (rhbz#1254044) - qemu: Try several network devices when looking for a default (rhbz#1254044) - qemu: Report error if per-VM directory cannot be created (rhbz#1146886) - qemu: Do not allow others into per-VM subdirectories (rhbz#1146886) - qemu: Allow others to browse /var/lib/libvirt/qemu (rhbz#1146886)- util: make virNetDev(Replace|Restore)MacAddress public functions (rhbz#1257004) - util: don't use netlink to save/set mac for macvtap+passthrough+802.1Qbh (rhbz#1257004) - cpu: Introduce IvyBridge CPU model (rhbz#1254420) - examples: Add example polkit ACL rules (rhbz#1115289) - qemu: don't use initialized ret in qemuRemoveSharedDevice (rhbz#1072736) - qemu: Introduce qemuDomainMachineIsS390CCW (rhbz#1258361) - qemu: Need to check for machine.os when using ADDRESS_TYPE_CCW (rhbz#1258361)- Start daemon only after filesystems are mounted (rhbz#1255228) - virfile: Add error for root squash change mode failure (rhbz#1253609) - virfile: Introduce virFileUnlink (rhbz#1253609) - storage: Correct the 'mode' check (rhbz#1253609) - storage: Handle failure from refreshVol (rhbz#1253609) - util: Add virStringGetFirstWithPrefix (rhbz#1165580) - util: Add virCgroupGetBlockDevString (rhbz#1165580) - util: Add getters for cgroup block device I/O throttling (rhbz#1165580) - lxc: Sync BlkioDevice values when setting them in cgroups (rhbz#1165580) - qemu: Sync BlkioDevice values when setting them in cgroups (rhbz#1165580) - Allow vfio hotplug of a device to the domain which owns the iommu (rhbz#1256486) - hostdev: skip ACS check when using VFIO for device assignment (rhbz#1256486) - docs: Clarify unprivileged sgio feature (rhbz#1072736) - qemu: Introduce qemuIsSharedHostdev (rhbz#1072736) - qemu: Introduce qemuGetHostdevPath (rhbz#1072736) - qemu: Refactor qemuCheckSharedDisk to create qemuCheckUnprivSGIO (rhbz#1072736) - qemu: Inline qemuGetHostdevPath (rhbz#1072736) - qemu: Refactor qemuSetUnprivSGIO return values (rhbz#1072736) - qemu: Fix integer/boolean logic in qemuSetUnprivSGIO (rhbz#1072736) - RHEL: qemu: Add ability to set sgio values for hostdev (rhbz#1072736) - RHEL: qemu: Add check for unpriv sgio for SCSI generic host device (rhbz#1072736) - security_selinux: Use proper structure to access socket data (rhbz#1146886) - security_dac: Label non-listening sockets (rhbz#1146886) - security: Add virSecurityDomainSetDirLabel (rhbz#1146886) - security_stack: Add SetDirLabel support (rhbz#1146886) - security_selinux: Add SetDirLabel support (rhbz#1146886) - security_dac: Add SetDirLabel support (rhbz#1146886) - qemu: Fix access to auto-generated socket paths (rhbz#1146886) - tests: Use qemuProcessPrepareMonitorChr in qemuxmlnstest (rhbz#1146886) - qemu: Label correct per-VM path when starting (rhbz#1146886) - selinux: fix compile errors (rhbz#1146886) - conf: Add ioeventfd option for controllers (rhbz#1150484) - qemu: Enable ioeventfd usage for virtio-scsi controllers (rhbz#1150484)- api: Remove check on iothread_id arg in virDomainPinIOThread (rhbz#1251886) - api: Adjust comment for virDomainAddIOThread (rhbz#1251886) - qemu: Add check for invalid iothread_id in qemuDomainChgIOThread (rhbz#1251886) - conf: Check for attach disk usage of iothread=0 (rhbz#1253108) - virNetDevBandwidthUpdateRate: turn class_id into integer (rhbz#1252473) - bridge_driver: Introduce networkBandwidthChangeAllowed (rhbz#1252473) - bridge_driver: Introduce networkBandwidthUpdate (rhbz#1252473) - qemuDomainSetInterfaceParameters: Use new functions to update bandwidth (rhbz#1252473) - cpu: Don't update host-model guest CPUs on ppc64 (rhbz#1251927) - cpu: Better support for ppc64 compatibility modes (rhbz#1251927) - cpu: Move check for NULL CPU model inside the driver (rhbz#1251927) - tests: Add some compatibility-related cases to the CPU tests (rhbz#1251927)- numa_conf: Introduce virDomainNumaGetMaxCPUID (rhbz#1176020) - virDomainDefParseXML: Check for malicious cpu ids in (rhbz#1176020) - conf: more useful error message when pci function is out of range (rhbz#1004596) - qemu: Fix reporting of physical capacity for block devices (rhbz#1250982) - network: verify proper address family in updates to and (rhbz#1184736) - rpc: Remove keepalive_required option (rhbz#1247087) - virNetDevBandwidthParseRate: Reject negative values (rhbz#1022292) - domain: Fix crash if trying to live update disk (rhbz#1007228) - qemu: fail on attempts to use for non-tap network connections (rhbz#1180011) - network: validate network NAT range (rhbz#985653) - conf: Don't try formating non-existing addresses (rhbz#985653) - cpu: Rename {powerpc, ppc} => ppc64 (filesystem) (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Rename {powerpc, ppc} => ppc64 (exported symbols) (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Rename {powerpc, ppc} => ppc64 (internal symbols) (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Indentation changes in the ppc64 driver (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Mark driver functions in ppc64 driver (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Simplify NULL handling in ppc64 driver (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Simplify ppc64ModelFromCPU() (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Reorder functions in the ppc64 driver (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Remove ISA information from CPU map XML (rhbz#1250977) - tests: Remove unused file (rhbz#1250977) - tests: Improve result handling in cpuTestGuestData() (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Never skip CPU model name check in ppc64 driver (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: CPU model names have to match on ppc64 (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Use ppc64Compute() to implement ppc64DriverCompare() (rhbz#1250977) - tests: Temporarily disable ppc64 cpu tests (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Align ppc64 CPU data with x86 (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Support multiple PVRs in the ppc64 driver (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Simplify ppc64 part of CPU map XML (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Parse and use PVR masks in the ppc64 driver (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Add POWER8NVL information to CPU map XML (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Implement backwards compatibility in the ppc64 driver (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Forbid model fallback in the ppc64 driver (rhbz#1250977) - tests: Re-enable ppc64 cpu tests (rhbz#1250977) - tests: Add a bunch of cpu test case for ppc64 (rhbz#1250977) - cpu: Fix segfault in the ppc64 driver (rhbz#1250977) - qemu: Fix segfault when parsing private domain data (rhbz#1162947) - conf: Pass private data to Parse function of XML options (rhbz#1162947) - qemu: Keep numad hint after daemon restart (rhbz#1162947) - qemu: Use numad information when getting pin information (rhbz#1162947)- qemu: Reject migration with memory-hotplug if destination doesn't support it (rhbz#1248350) - qemu: Properly check for incoming migration job (rhbz#1242904) - qemu: Do not reset labels when migration fails (rhbz#1242904) - qemu: Check for iotune_max support properly (rhbz#1224053) - docs: Add Fibre Channel NPIV supported option for volume lun config (rhbz#1238545) - conf: Allow error reporting in virDomainDiskSourceIsBlockType (rhbz#1238545) - qemu: Forbid image pre-creation for non-shared storage migration (rhbz#1249587) - qemu: remove deadcode in qemuDomain{HelperGetVcpus|GetIOThreadsLive} (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Introduce local linuxGetCPUPresentPath (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Add sysfs_prefix to nodeGetCPUCount (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Add sysfs_prefix to nodeGetPresentCPUBitmap (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Add sysfs_prefix to nodeGetCPUBitmap (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Add sysfs_prefix to nodeGetCPUMap (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Add sysfs_prefix to nodeGetInfo (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Add sysfs_prefix to nodeCapsInitNUMA (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Add sysfs_prefix to nodeGetMemoryStats (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: fix to parse present cpus rather than possible cpus (rhbz#1213713) - tests: Add nodeinfo test for non-present CPUs (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Make sysfs_prefix usage more consistent (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Formatting changes (rhbz#1213713) - tests: Restore links in deconfigured-cpus nodeinfo test (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Add nodeGetPresentCPUBitmap() to libvirt_private.syms (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Fix nodeGetCPUBitmap()'s fallback code path (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Introduce linuxGetCPUGlobalPath() (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Introduce linuxGetCPUOnlinePath() (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Rename linuxParseCPUmax() to linuxParseCPUCount() (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Add old kernel compatibility to nodeGetPresentCPUBitmap() (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Remove out parameter from nodeGetCPUBitmap() (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Rename nodeGetCPUBitmap() to nodeGetOnlineCPUBitmap() (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Phase out cpu_set_t usage (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Use nodeGetOnlineCPUBitmap() when parsing node (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Use a bitmap to keep track of node CPUs (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Calculate present and online CPUs only once (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Check for errors when reading core_id (rhbz#1213713) - Renamed deconfigured-cpus to allow make dist (rhbz#1213713) - tests: Finish rename of the long nodeinfo test case (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Fix output on PPC64 KVM hosts (rhbz#1213713) - tests: Prepare for subcore tests (rhbz#1213713) - tests: Add subcores1 nodeinfo test (rhbz#1213713) - tests: Add subcores2 nodeinfo test (rhbz#1213713) - tests: Add subcores3 nodeinfo test (rhbz#1213713) - nodeinfo: Fix build failure when KVM headers are not available (rhbz#1213713) - qemu: fix some api cannot work when disable cpuset in conf (rhbz#1244664) - qemu: Auto assign pci addresses for shared memory devices (rhbz#1165029) - conf: Add getter for network routes (rhbz#1094205) - network: Add another collision check into networkCheckRouteCollision (rhbz#1094205) - docs: Document how libvirt handles companion controllers (rhbz#1069590) - qemu: Reject updating unsupported disk information (rhbz#1007228)- qemuProcessHandleMigrationStatus: Update migration status more frequently (rhbz#1212077) - qemuDomainSetNumaParamsLive: Check for NUMA mode more wisely (rhbz#1232663) - qemu: process: Improve update of maximum balloon state at startup (rhbz#1242940) - storage: Fix pool building when directory already exists (rhbz#1244080) - virsh: report error if vcpu number exceed the guest maxvcpu number (rhbz#1160559) - cmdVcpuPin: Remove dead code (rhbz#1160559) - rpc: Add virNetDaemonHasClients (rhbz#1240283) - rpc: Rework timerActive logic in daemon (rhbz#1240283) - cgroup: Drop resource partition from virSystemdMakeScopeName (rhbz#1238570) - virsh: blockjob: Extract block job info code into a separate function (rhbz#1227551) - virsh: cmdBlockJob: Switch to declarative flag interlocking (rhbz#1227551) - virsh: blockjob: Split out vshBlockJobSetSpeed from blockJobImpl (rhbz#1227551) - virsh: block job: separate abort from blockJobImpl (rhbz#1227551) - virsh: Split out block pull implementation from blockJobImpl (rhbz#1227551) - virsh: Kill blockJobImpl by moving the final impl into cmdBlockCommit (rhbz#1227551) - virsh: Refactor argument checking in cmdBlockCommit (rhbz#1227551) - virsh: Refactor argument handling in cmdBlockCopy (rhbz#1227551) - virsh: Refactor argument handling in cmdBlockPull (rhbz#1227551) - qemu: Update state of block job to READY only if it actually is ready (rhbz#1227551) - virsh: Refactor block job waiting in cmdBlockPull (rhbz#1227551) - virsh: Refactor block job waiting in cmdBlockCommit (rhbz#1227551) - virsh: Refactor block job waiting in cmdBlockCopy (rhbz#1197592)- util: bitmap: Don't alloc overly large binary bitmaps (rhbz#1238589) - storage: Fix regression in storagePoolUpdateAllState (rhbz#1238610) - Separate isa-fdc options generation (rhbz#1227880) - Explicitly format the isa-fdc controller for newer q35 machines (rhbz#1227880) - Add rhel machine types to qemuDomainMachineNeedsFDC (rhbz#1227880) - conf: Don't allow duplicated target names regardless of bus (rhbz#1142631) - storage: Revert volume obj list updating after volume creation (4749d82a) (rhbz#1241454) - qemu_monitor: Wire up MIGRATION event (rhbz#1212077) - qemu: Enable migration events on QMP monitor (rhbz#1212077) - qemuDomainGetJobStatsInternal: Support migration events (rhbz#1212077) - qemu: Update migration state according to MIGRATION event (rhbz#1212077) - qemu: Wait for migration events on domain condition (rhbz#1212077) - qemu: Check duplicate WWNs also for hotplugged disks (rhbz#1208009) - qemu: move the guest status check before agent config and status check (rhbz#1240979) - qemu: report error for non-existing disk in blockjobinfo (rhbz#1241355) - virCondWaitUntil: add another return value (rhbz#1147471) - virDomainObjSignal: drop this function (rhbz#1147471) - monitor: detect that eject fails because the tray is locked (rhbz#1147471) - qemu_hotplug: try harder to eject media (rhbz#1147471) - qemu: Drop LFs at the end of error from QEMU log (rhbz#1090093) - Introduce virHashAtomic (rhbz#1090093) - Introduce virErrorCopyNew (rhbz#1090093) - RHEL: spec: Require perl-XML-XPath (rhbz#1090093) - qemu: Remember incoming migration errors (rhbz#1090093) - qemu: Don't report false error from MigrateFinish (rhbz#1090093) - qemu: Use error from Finish instead of "unexpectedly failed" (rhbz#1090093) - cpu: Add support for MPX and AVX512 Intel features (rhbz#1076170)- Rebased to libvirt-1.2.17 (rhbz#1194593) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#890648, rhbz#985653, rhbz#1021480, rhbz#1089914, rhbz#1131755 rhbz#1171933, rhbz#1179680, rhbz#1181087, rhbz#1182388, rhbz#1186797 rhbz#1186969, rhbz#1194593, rhbz#1196644, rhbz#1200206, rhbz#1201143 rhbz#1201760, rhbz#1202208, rhbz#1207692, rhbz#1210352, rhbz#1220213 rhbz#1223177, rhbz#1224053, rhbz#1224088, rhbz#1224233, rhbz#1224587 rhbz#1225694, rhbz#1226234, rhbz#1226854, rhbz#1227180, rhbz#1227551 rhbz#1227555, rhbz#1227558, rhbz#1227664, rhbz#1228007, rhbz#1229199 rhbz#1229592, rhbz#1229666, rhbz#1230039, rhbz#1230137, rhbz#1230664 rhbz#1232606, rhbz#1232880, rhbz#1234686, rhbz#1234729, rhbz#1235116 rhbz#1236438, rhbz#1236496, rhbz#1236507, rhbz#1236585, rhbz#1236924 rhbz#1238153, rhbz#1238338- Rebased to libvirt-1.2.16 (rhbz#1194593) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#847198, rhbz#890648, rhbz#893738, rhbz#976387, rhbz#981546 rhbz#998813, rhbz#1066375, rhbz#1073233, rhbz#1073305, rhbz#1076354 rhbz#1131486, rhbz#1143837, rhbz#1146539, rhbz#1159171, rhbz#1159219 rhbz#1161541, rhbz#1164966, rhbz#1171984, rhbz#1174177, rhbz#1174226 rhbz#1176020, rhbz#1176739, rhbz#1177599, rhbz#1181074, rhbz#1183893 rhbz#1191227, rhbz#1194593, rhbz#1195882, rhbz#1197580, rhbz#1204006 rhbz#1204033, rhbz#1206521, rhbz#1207043, rhbz#1211938, rhbz#1213345 rhbz#1218145, rhbz#1218577, rhbz#1220195, rhbz#1220265, rhbz#1220474 rhbz#1220702, rhbz#1220809, rhbz#1221047, rhbz#1221504, rhbz#1223631 rhbz#1223688, rhbz#1224018, rhbz#1226849- RHEL: Relax qemu-kvm dependency from libvirt-daemon-kvm (rhbz#1212642) - caps: Fix regression defaulting to host arch (rhbz#1219191)- Rebased to libvirt-1.2.15 (rhbz#1194593) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#858147, rhbz#890606, rhbz#1043436, rhbz#1073305, rhbz#1076708 rhbz#1084876, rhbz#1147847, rhbz#1161617, rhbz#1165119, rhbz#1168530 rhbz#1171933, rhbz#1177062, rhbz#1177733, rhbz#1181465, rhbz#1192318 rhbz#1200634, rhbz#1202606, rhbz#1202704, rhbz#1203628, rhbz#1203931 rhbz#1206114, rhbz#1206479, rhbz#1206521, rhbz#1206625, rhbz#1207257 rhbz#1208009, rhbz#1208176, rhbz#1208434, rhbz#1208763, rhbz#1209312 rhbz#1209394, rhbz#1209813, rhbz#1210159, rhbz#1210545, rhbz#1210650 rhbz#1210669, rhbz#1211436, rhbz#1211548, rhbz#1211550, rhbz#1213434 rhbz#1213698, rhbz#1215569, rhbz#1216046- Rebased to libvirt-1.2.14 (rhbz#1194593) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#790583, rhbz#853839, rhbz#872424, rhbz#921426, rhbz#952499 rhbz#958510, rhbz#1070695, rhbz#1125755, rhbz#1127045, rhbz#1129198 rhbz#1135491, rhbz#1140958, rhbz#1141119, rhbz#1142631, rhbz#1142636 rhbz#1143832, rhbz#1155887, rhbz#1161461, rhbz#1163553, rhbz#1164053 rhbz#1166024, rhbz#1171484, rhbz#1173468, rhbz#1174147, rhbz#1176050 rhbz#1177219, rhbz#1177237, rhbz#1179533, rhbz#1181062, rhbz#1187012 rhbz#1187533, rhbz#1190590, rhbz#1196185, rhbz#1196644, rhbz#1196934 rhbz#1197600, rhbz#1199036, rhbz#1199182, rhbz#1206365, rhbz#1206406 rhbz#1206987, rhbz#1207122, rhbz#1207937 - RHEL: Hack around changed Broadwell/Haswell CPUs (rhbz#1199446)- Rebased to libvirt-1.2.13 (rhbz#1194593) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#872028, rhbz#907779, rhbz#927252, rhbz#956891, rhbz#1073506 rhbz#1079917, rhbz#1095637, rhbz#1123767, rhbz#1125764, rhbz#1126762 rhbz#1130390, rhbz#1131919, rhbz#1132900, rhbz#1135442, rhbz#1138125 rhbz#1138516, rhbz#1138539, rhbz#1140034, rhbz#1140960, rhbz#1141159 rhbz#1143921, rhbz#1146334, rhbz#1147195, rhbz#1151942, rhbz#1152404 rhbz#1152473, rhbz#1153891, rhbz#1155843, rhbz#1158034, rhbz#1158722 rhbz#1159180, rhbz#1160559, rhbz#1160995, rhbz#1161831, rhbz#1164627 rhbz#1165485, rhbz#1165993, rhbz#1168849, rhbz#1169183, rhbz#1170092 rhbz#1170140, rhbz#1170492, rhbz#1171533, rhbz#1171582, rhbz#1172015 rhbz#1172468, rhbz#1172526, rhbz#1173420, rhbz#1174096, rhbz#1174154 rhbz#1174569, rhbz#1175123, rhbz#1175449, rhbz#1176503, rhbz#1176510 rhbz#1177723, rhbz#1178652, rhbz#1178850, rhbz#1178853, rhbz#1178986 rhbz#1179678, rhbz#1179684, rhbz#1179981, rhbz#1181182, rhbz#1182467 rhbz#1183869, rhbz#1183890, rhbz#1185165, rhbz#1186175, rhbz#1186199 rhbz#1186765, rhbz#1186886, rhbz#1188914, rhbz#1189007, rhbz#1190956 rhbz#1191016, rhbz#1191227, rhbz#1191355, rhbz#1191567, rhbz#1195461 rhbz#1196503, rhbz#1196528, rhbz#1204017- qemu: don't setup cpuset.mems if memory mode in numatune is not 'strict' (rhbz#1186094) - lxc: don't setup cpuset.mems if memory mode in numatune is not 'strict' (rhbz#1186094)- qemu: Add missing goto error in qemuRestoreCgroupState (rhbz#1161540)- virNetworkDefUpdateIPDHCPHost: Don't crash when updating network (rhbz#1182486) - Format CPU features even for host-model (rhbz#1182448) - util: Add function virCgroupHasEmptyTasks (rhbz#1161540) - util: Add virNumaGetHostNodeset (rhbz#1161540) - qemu: Remove unnecessary qemuSetupCgroupPostInit function (rhbz#1161540) - qemu: Save numad advice into qemuDomainObjPrivate (rhbz#1161540) - qemu: Leave cpuset.mems in parent cgroup alone (rhbz#1161540) - qemu: Fix hotplugging cpus with strict memory pinning (rhbz#1161540) - util: Fix possible NULL dereference (rhbz#1161540) - qemu_driver: fix setting vcpus for offline domain (rhbz#1161540) - qemu: migration: Unlock vm on failed ACL check in protocol v2 APIs (CVE-2014-8136) - CVE-2015-0236: qemu: Check ACLs when dumping security info from save image (CVE-2015-0236) - CVE-2015-0236: qemu: Check ACLs when dumping security info from snapshots (CVE-2015-0236) - Check for domain liveness in qemuDomainObjExitMonitor (rhbz#1161024) - Mark the domain as active in qemuhotplugtest (rhbz#1161024) - Fix vmdef usage while in monitor in qemuDomainHotplugVcpus (rhbz#1161024) - Fix vmdef usage while in monitor in BlockStat* APIs (rhbz#1161024) - Fix vmdef usage while in monitor in qemu process (rhbz#1161024) - Fix vmdef usage after domain crash in monitor on device detach (rhbz#1161024) - Fix vmdef usage after domain crash in monitor on device attach (rhbz#1161024)- conf: Fix memory leak when parsing invalid network XML (rhbz#1180136) - qxl: change the default value for vgamem_mb to 16 MiB (rhbz#1181052) - qemuxml2argvtest: Fix test after change of qxl vgamem_mb default (rhbz#1181052) - conf: fix crash when hotplug a channel chr device with no target (rhbz#1181408) - qemu: forbid second blockcommit during active commit (rhbz#1135339) - qemu_monitor: introduce new function to get QOM path (rhbz#1180574) - qemu_process: detect updated video ram size values from QEMU (rhbz#1180574)- Fix hotplugging of block device-backed usb disks (rhbz#1175668) - qemu: Create memory-backend-{ram, file} iff needed (rhbz#1175397) - conf: Don't format actual network definition in migratable XML (rhbz#1177194)- virsh: vol-upload disallow negative offset (rhbz#1087104) - storage: fix crash caused by no check return before set close (rhbz#1087104) - qemu: Fix virsh freeze when blockcopy storage file is removed (rhbz#1139567) - security: Manage SELinux labels on shared/readonly hostdev's (rhbz#1082521) - nwfilter: fix crash when adding non-existing nwfilter (rhbz#1169409) - conf: Fix libvirtd crash matching hostdev XML (rhbz#1174053) - qemu: Resolve Coverity REVERSE_INULL (rhbz#1172570) - CVE-2014-8131: Fix possible deadlock and segfault in qemuConnectGetAllDomainStats() (CVE-2014-8131) - qemu: bulk stats: Fix logic in monitor handling (rhbz#1172570) - qemu: avoid rare race when undefining domain (rhbz#1150505) - Do not format CPU features without a model (rhbz#1151885) - Ignore CPU features without a model for host-passthrough (rhbz#1151885) - Silently ignore MAC in NetworkLoadConfig (rhbz#1156367) - Generate a MAC when loading a config instead of package update (rhbz#1156367) - qemu: move setting emulatorpin ahead of monitor showing up (rhbz#1170484) - util: Introduce flags field for macvtap creation (rhbz#1081461) - network: Bring netdevs online later (rhbz#1081461) - qemu: always call qemuInterfaceStartDevices() when starting CPUs (rhbz#1081461) - qemu: add a qemuInterfaceStopDevices(), called when guest CPUs stop (rhbz#1081461) - conf: replace call to virNetworkFree() with virObjectUnref() (rhbz#1099210) - util: new functions for setting bridge and bridge port attributes (rhbz#1099210) - util: functions to manage bridge fdb (forwarding database) (rhbz#1099210) - conf: new network bridge device attribute macTableManager (rhbz#1099210) - network: save bridge name in ActualNetDef when actualType==network too (rhbz#1099210) - network: store network macTableManager setting in NetDef actual object (rhbz#1099210) - network: setup bridge devices for macTableManager='libvirt' (rhbz#1099210) - qemu: setup tap devices for macTableManager='libvirt' (rhbz#1099210) - qemu: add/remove bridge fdb entries as guest CPUs are started/stopped (rhbz#1099210) - virsh: document block.n.allocation stat (rhbz#1041569) - getstats: avoid memory leak on OOM (rhbz#1041569) - getstats: improve documentation (rhbz#1041569) - getstats: start giving offline block stats (rhbz#1041569) - getstats: add block.n.path stat (rhbz#1041569) - qemuMonitorJSONBlockStatsUpdateCapacity: Don't skip disks (rhbz#1041569) - getstats: prepare monitor collection for recursion (rhbz#1041569) - getstats: perform recursion in monitor collection (rhbz#1041569) - getstats: prepare for dynamic block.count stat (rhbz#1041569) - getstats: add new flag for block backing chain (rhbz#1041569) - getstats: split block stats reporting for easier recursion (rhbz#1041569) - getstats: crawl backing chain for qemu (rhbz#1041569) - logical: Add "--type snapshot" to lvcreate command (rhbz#1166592)- qemu: add the missing jobinfo type in qemuDomainGetJobInfo (rhbz#1167883) - network: Fix upgrade from libvirt older than 1.2.4 (rhbz#1167145) - qemu: fix domain startup failing with 'strict' mode in numatune (rhbz#1168866) - qemu: Don't track quiesced state of FSs (rhbz#1160084) - qemu: fix block{commit,copy} abort handling (rhbz#1135169)- doc: fix mismatched ACL attribute name (rhbz#1161358) - qemu: monitor: Rename and improve qemuMonitorGetPtyPaths (rhbz#1146944) - conf: Add channel state for virtio channels to the XML (rhbz#1146944) - qemu: Add handling for VSERPORT_CHANGE event (rhbz#1146944) - qemu: chardev: Extract more information about character devices (rhbz#1146944) - qemu: process: Refresh virtio channel guest state when connecting to mon (rhbz#1146944) - event: Add guest agent lifecycle event (rhbz#1146944) - examples: Add support for the guest agent lifecycle event (rhbz#1146944) - qemu: Emit the guest agent lifecycle event (rhbz#1146944) - internal: add macro to round value to the next closest power of 2 (rhbz#1076098) - video: cleanup usage of vram attribute and update documentation (rhbz#1076098) - QXL: fix setting ram and vram values for QEMU QXL device (rhbz#1076098) - caps: introduce new QEMU capability for vgamem_mb device property (rhbz#1076098) - qemu-command: use vram attribute for all video devices (rhbz#1076098) - qemu-command: introduce new vgamem attribute for QXL video device (rhbz#1076098)- qemu: Fix crash in tunnelled migration (rhbz#1147331) - qemu: Really fix crash in tunnelled migration (rhbz#1147331) - qemu: Update fsfreeze status on domain state transitions (rhbz#1160084) - qemuPrepareNVRAM: Save domain conf only if domain's persistent (rhbz#1026772) - docs: Document NVRAM behavior on transient domains (rhbz#1026772) - Fix build in qemu_capabilities (rhbz#1165782) - qemu: Support OVMF on armv7l aarch64 guests (rhbz#1165782) - qemu: Drop OVMF whitelist (rhbz#1165782) - storage: Fix issue finding LU's when block doesn't exist (rhbz#1152382) - storage: Add thread to refresh for createVport (rhbz#1152382) - storage: qemu: Fix security labelling of new image chain elements (rhbz#1151718) - virsh: sync domdisplay help and manual (rhbz#997802) - docs: domain: Move docs for storage hosts under the element (rhbz#1164528) - test: virstoragetest: Add testing of network disk details (rhbz#1164528) - util: storage: Copy hosts of a storage file only if they exist (rhbz#1164528) - qemu: Refactor qemuBuildNetworkDriveURI to take a virStorageSourcePtr (rhbz#1164528) - tests: Reflow the expected output from RBD disk test (rhbz#1164528) - util: split out qemuParseRBDString into a common helper (rhbz#1164528) - util: storagefile: Split out parsing of NBD string into a separate func (rhbz#1164528) - storage: Allow parsing of RBD backing strings when building backing chain (rhbz#1164528) - storage: rbd: qemu: Add support for specifying internal RBD snapshots (rhbz#1164528) - storage: rbd: Implement support for passing config file option (rhbz#1164528)- qemu: avoid rare race when undefining domain (rhbz#1150505) - qemu: stop NBD server after successful migration (rhbz#1160212) - Require at least one console for LXC domain (rhbz#1155410) - remote: Fix memory leak in remoteConnectGetAllDomainStats (rhbz#1158715) - CVE-2014-7823: dumpxml: security hole with migratable flag (CVE-2014-7823) - Free job statistics from the migration cookie (rhbz#1161124) - Fix virDomainChrEquals for spicevmc (rhbz#1162097) - network: fix call virNetworkEventLifecycleNew when networkStartNetwork fail (rhbz#1162915) - Do not crash on gluster snapshots with no host name (rhbz#1162974) - nwfilter: fix deadlock caused updating network device and nwfilter (rhbz#1143780) - util: eliminate "use after free" in callers of virNetDevLinkDump (rhbz#1163463) - storage: Check for valid fc_host parent at startup (rhbz#1160565) - storage: Ensure fc_host parent matches wwnn/wwpn (rhbz#1160565) - storage: Don't use a stack copy of the adapter (rhbz#1160926) - storage: Introduce virStoragePoolSaveConfig (rhbz#1160926) - storage: Introduce 'managed' for the fchost parent (rhbz#1160926) - qemu: Always set migration capabilities (rhbz#1163953)- qemu: support nospace reason in io error event (rhbz#1119784) - RHEL: Add support for QMP I/O error reason (rhbz#1119784) - nodeinfo: fix nodeGetFreePages when max node is zero (rhbz#1145048) - nodeGetFreePages: Push forgotten change (rhbz#1145048) - conf: tests: fix virDomainNetDefFormat for vhost-user in client mode (rhbz#1155458) - util: string: Add helper to check whether string is empty (rhbz#1142693) - qemu: restore: Fix restoring of VM when the restore hook returns empty XML (rhbz#1142693) - security_selinux: Don't relabel /dev/net/tun (rhbz#1095636) - qemu: Fix updating bandwidth limits in live XML (rhbz#1146511) - qemu: save domain status after set the blkio parameters (rhbz#1146511) - qemu: call qemuDomainObjBeginJob/qemuDomainObjEndJob in qemuDomainSetInterfaceParameters (rhbz#1146511) - qemu: save domain status after set domain's numa parameters (rhbz#1146511) - qemu: forbid snapshot-delete --children-only on external snapshot (rhbz#956506) - qemu: better error message when block job can't succeed (rhbz#1140981) - Reject live update of offloading options (rhbz#1155441) - virutil: Introduce virGetSCSIHostNumber (rhbz#1146837) - virutil: Introduce virGetSCSIHostNameByParentaddr (rhbz#1146837) - storage_conf: Resolve libvirtd crash matching scsi_host (rhbz#1146837) - Match scsi_host pools by parent address first (rhbz#1146837) - Relax duplicate SCSI host pool checking (rhbz#1146837) - qemu: Remove possible NULL deref in debug output (rhbz#1141621) - virsh: Adjust the text in man page regarding qemu-attach (rhbz#1141621) - hotplug: Check for alias in controller detach (rhbz#1141621) - hotplug: Check for alias in disk detach (rhbz#1141621) - hotplug: Check for alias in hostdev detach (rhbz#1141621) - hotplug: Check for alias in chrdev detach (rhbz#1141621) - hotplug: Check for alias in net detach (rhbz#1141621) - qemu-attach: Assign device aliases (rhbz#1141621) - hotplug: fix char device detach (rhbz#1141621) - storage: Fix crash when parsing backing store URI with schema (rhbz#1156288) - remote: fix jump depends on uninitialised value (rhbz#1158715) - qemu: Release nbd port from migrationPorts instead of remotePorts (rhbz#1159245) - conf: add trustGuestRxFilters attribute to network and domain interface (rhbz#848199) - network: set interface actual trustGuestRxFilters from network/portgroup (rhbz#848199) - util: define virNetDevRxFilter and basic utility functions (rhbz#848199) - qemu: qemuMonitorQueryRxFilter - retrieve guest netdev rx-filter (rhbz#848199) - qemu: add short document on qemu event handlers (rhbz#848199) - qemu: setup infrastructure to handle NIC_RX_FILTER_CHANGED event (rhbz#848199) - qemu: change macvtap device MAC address in response to NIC_RX_FILTER_CHANGED (rhbz#848199) - util: Functions to update host network device's multicast filter (rhbz#848199) - qemu: change macvtap multicast list in response to NIC_RX_FILTER_CHANGED (rhbz#848199) - virnetdev: Resolve Coverity DEADCODE (rhbz#848199) - virnetdev: Resolve Coverity FORWARD_NULL (rhbz#848199) - virnetdev: Resolve Coverity RESOURCE_LEAK (rhbz#848199) - lxc: improve error message for invalid blkiotune settings (rhbz#1131306) - qemu: improve error message for invalid blkiotune settings (rhbz#1131306) - Do not probe for power mgmt capabilities in lxc emulator (rhbz#1159227) - qemu: make advice from numad available when building commandline (rhbz#1138545)- qemuPrepareNVRAM: Save domain after NVRAM path generation (rhbz#1026772) - Fix crash cpu_shares change event crash on domain startup (rhbz#1147494) - Don't verify CPU features with host-passthrough (rhbz#1147584) - Also filter out non-migratable features out of host-passthrough (rhbz#1147584) - selinux: Avoid label reservations for type = none (rhbz#1138487) - qemu: bulk stats: extend internal collection API (rhbz#1113116) - qemu: bulk stats: implement CPU stats group (rhbz#1113116) - qemu: bulk stats: implement balloon group (rhbz#1113116) - qemu: bulk stats: implement VCPU group (rhbz#1113116) - qemu: bulk stats: implement interface group (rhbz#1113116) - qemu: bulk stats: implement block group (rhbz#1113116) - virsh: add options to query bulk stats group (rhbz#1113116) - lib: De-duplicate stats group documentation for all stats functions (rhbz#1113116) - lib: Document that virConnectGetAllDomainStats may omit some stats fields (rhbz#1113116) - man: virsh: Add docs for supported stats groups (rhbz#1113116) - qemu: monitor: return block stats data as a hash to avoid disk mixup (rhbz#1113116) - qemu: monitor: Avoid shadowing variable "devname" on FreeBSD (rhbz#1113116) - qemu: monitor: Add helper function to fill physical/virtual image size (rhbz#1113116) - qemu: bulk stats: add block allocation information (rhbz#1113116) - qemu: json: Fix missing break in error reporting function (rhbz#1113116) - qemu: monitor: Avoid shadowing variable "devname" on FreeBSD. Again. (rhbz#1113116) - docs, conf, schema: add support for shmem device (rhbz#1126991) - qemu: add capability probing for ivshmem device (rhbz#1126991) - qemu: Build command line for ivshmem device (rhbz#1126991) - minor shmem clean-ups (rhbz#1126991) - virSecuritySELinuxSetTapFDLabel: Temporarily revert to old behavior (rhbz#1095636) - domain_conf: fix domain deadlock (CVE-2014-3657) - qemu: support relative backing for RHEL 7.0.z qemu (rhbz#1150322) - qemu: Fix hot unplug of SCSI_HOST device (rhbz#1141732) - qemu: Remove need for virConnectPtr in hotunplug detach host, net (rhbz#1141732)- Fix libvirtd crash when removing metadata (rhbz#1143955) - Fix leak in x86UpdateHostModel (rhbz#1144303) - Move the FIPS detection from capabilities (rhbz#1135431) - qemu: raise an error when trying to use readonly sata disks (rhbz#1112939) - virsh-host: fix pagesize unit of freepages (rhbz#1145048) - nodeinfo: report error when given node is out of range (rhbz#1145050) - Fix typo of virNodeGetFreePages comment (rhbz#1145050) - nodeinfo: Prefer MIN in nodeGetFreePages (rhbz#1145050) - Fix bug with loading bridge name for active domain during libvirtd start (rhbz#1140085) - qemu: save image: Split out user provided XML checker (rhbz#1142693) - qemu: save image: Add possibility to return XML stored in the image (rhbz#1142693) - qemu: save image: Split out new definition check/update (rhbz#1142693) - qemu: save image: Split out checks done only when editing the save img (rhbz#1142693) - qemu: hook: Provide hook when restoring a domain save image (rhbz#1142693) - qemu: Expose additional migration statistics (rhbz#1013055) - qemu: Fix old tcp:host URIs more cleanly (rhbz#1013055) - qemu: Prepare support for arbitrary migration protocol (rhbz#1013055) - qemu: Add RDMA migration capabilities (rhbz#1013055) - qemu: RDMA migration support (rhbz#1013055) - qemu: Memory pre-pinning support for RDMA migration (rhbz#1013055) - qemu: Fix memory leak in RDMA migration code (rhbz#1013055) - schemas: finish virTristate{Bool, Switch} transition (rhbz#1139364) - conf: split out virtio net driver formatting (rhbz#1139364) - conf: remove redundant local variable (rhbz#1139364) - conf: add options for disabling segment offloading (rhbz#1139364) - qemu: wire up virtio-net segment offloading options (rhbz#1139364) - spec: Enable qemu driver for RHEL-7 on aarch64 (rhbz#1142448) - blkdeviotune: fix bug with saving values into live XML (rhbz#1146511) - security: Fix labelling host devices (rhbz#1146550) - qemu: Add missing goto on rawio (rhbz#1103739) - hostdev: Add "rawio" attribute to _virDomainHostdevSubsysSCSI (rhbz#1103739) - qemu: Process the hostdev "rawio" setting (rhbz#1103739) - util: Add function to check if a virStorageSource is "empty" (rhbz#1138231) - util: storage: Allow metadata crawler to report useful errors (rhbz#1138231) - qemu: Sanitize argument names and empty disk check in qemuDomainDetermineDiskChain (rhbz#1138231) - qemu: Report better errors from broken backing chains (rhbz#1138231) - storage: Improve error message when traversing backing chains (rhbz#1138231) - qemu: Always re-detect backing chain (rhbz#1144922) - event: introduce new event for tunable values (rhbz#1115898) - tunable_event: extend debug message and tweak limit for remote message (rhbz#1115898) - add an example how to use tunable event (rhbz#1115898) - Fix MinGW build (rhbz#1115898) - event_example: cleanup example code for tunable event (rhbz#1115898) - cputune_event: queue the event for cputune updates (rhbz#1115898) - blkdeviotune: trigger tunable event for blkdeviotune updates (rhbz#1115898) - Rename tunable event constants (rhbz#1115898) - Fix typo s/EMULATORIN/EMULATORPIN/ (rhbz#1115898) - Check for NULL in qemu monitor event filter (rhbz#1144920)- virsh: Move --completed from resume to domjobinfo (rhbz#1063724) - qemu_driver: Resolve Coverity COPY_PASTE_ERROR (rhbz#1141209) - virfile: Resolve Coverity DEADCODE (rhbz#1141209) - lxc: Resolve Coverity FORWARD_NULL (rhbz#1141209) - qemu: Resolve Coverity FORWARD_NULL (rhbz#1141209) - qemu: Resolve Coverity FORWARD_NULL (rhbz#1141209) - xen: Resolve Coverity NEGATIVE_RETURNS (rhbz#1141209) - qemu: Resolve Coverity NEGATIVE_RETURNS (rhbz#1141209) - qemu: Resolve Coverity NEGATIVE_RETURNS (rhbz#1141209) - virsh: Resolve Coverity NEGATIVE_RETURNS (rhbz#1141209) - daemon: Resolve Coverity RESOURCE_LEAK (rhbz#1141209) - domain_conf: Resolve Coverity COPY_PASTE_ERROR (rhbz#1141209) - storage_conf: Fix libvirtd crash when defining scsi storage pool (rhbz#1141943) - qemu: time: Report errors if agent command fails (rhbz#1142294) - util: storage: Copy driver type when initializing chain element (rhbz#1140984) - docs, conf, schema: add support for shared memory mapping (rhbz#1133144) - qemu: add support for shared memory mapping (rhbz#1133144) - rpc: reformat the flow to make a bit more sense (rhbz#927369) - remove redundant pidfile path constructions (rhbz#927369) - util: fix potential leak in error codepath (rhbz#927369) - util: get rid of unnecessary umask() call (rhbz#927369) - rpc: make daemon spawning a bit more intelligent (rhbz#927369) - conf: add backend element to interfaces (rhbz#1139362) - Wire up the interface backend options (rhbz#1139362) - CVE-2014-3633: qemu: blkiotune: Use correct definition when looking up disk (CVE-2014-3633) - qemu: fix crash with shared disks (rhbz#1142722) - nvram: Fix permissions (rhbz#1026772) - libvirt.spec: Fix permission even for libvirt-driver-qemu (rhbz#1026772) - virDomainUndefineFlags: Allow NVRAM unlinking (rhbz#1026772) - formatdomain: Update example to match the rest (rhbz#1026772) - domaincaps: Expose UEFI capability (rhbz#1026772) - qemu_capabilities: Change virQEMUCapsFillDomainCaps signature (rhbz#1026772) - domaincaps: Expose UEFI binary path, if it exists (rhbz#1026772) - domaincapstest: Run cleanly on systems missing OVMF firmware (rhbz#1026772) - conf: Disallow nonexistent NUMA nodes for hugepages (rhbz#1135396) - qemu: Honor hugepages for UMA domains (rhbz#1135396) - RHEL: Fix maxvcpus output (rhbz#1092363) - virsh: Add iothread to 'attach-disk' (rhbz#1101574) - qemu: Issue query-iothreads and to get list of active IOThreads (rhbz#1101574) - vircgroup: Introduce virCgroupNewIOThread (rhbz#1101574) - qemu_domain: Add niothreadpids and iothreadpids (rhbz#1101574) - qemu_cgroup: Introduce cgroup functions for IOThreads (rhbz#1101574) - qemu: Allow pinning specific IOThreads to a CPU (rhbz#1101574) - domain_conf: Add iothreadpin to cputune (rhbz#1101574) - vircgroup: Fix broken builds without cgroups (rhbz#1101574) - cputune: allow interleaved xml (rhbz#1101574) - qemu: Fix iothreads issue (rhbz#1101574) - qemu_cgroup: Adjust spacing around incrementor (rhbz#1101574) - qemu: Fix call in qemuDomainSetNumaParamsLive for virCgroupNewIOThread (rhbz#1101574) - qemu: Need to check for capability before query (rhbz#1101574) - qemu: Don't fail startup/attach for IOThreads if no JSON (rhbz#1101574) - Fixes for domains with no iothreads (rhbz#1101574)- remote: Fix memory leak on error path when deserializing bulk stats (rhbz#1136350) - spec: Fix preun script for daemon (rhbz#1136736) - security: fix DH key generation when FIPS mode is on (rhbz#1128497) - tests: force FIPS testing mode with new enough GNU TLS versions (rhbz#1128497) - Don't include non-migratable features in host-model (rhbz#1138221) - qemu: Rename DEFAULT_JOB_MASK to QEMU_DEFAULT_JOB_MASK (rhbz#1134154) - qemu: snapshot: Fix job handling when creating snapshots (rhbz#1134154) - qemu: snapshot: Acquire job earlier on snapshot revert/delete (rhbz#1134154) - qemu: snapshot: Fix snapshot function header formatting and spacing (rhbz#1134154) - qemu: snapshot: Simplify error paths (rhbz#1134154) - qemu: Propagate QEMU errors during incoming migrations (rhbz#1090093) - Refactor job statistics (rhbz#1063724) - qemu: Avoid incrementing jobs_queued if virTimeMillisNow fails (rhbz#1063724) - Add support for fetching statistics of completed jobs (rhbz#1063724) - qemu: Silence coverity on optional migration stats (rhbz#1063724) - virsh: Add support for completed job stats (rhbz#1063724) - qemu: Transfer migration statistics to destination (rhbz#1063724) - qemu: Recompute downtime and total time when migration completes (rhbz#1063724) - qemu: Transfer recomputed stats back to source (rhbz#1063724) - conf: Extend and introduce (rhbz#1112257) - qemu: Implement extended loader and nvram (rhbz#1112257) - qemu: Automatically create NVRAM store (rhbz#1112257)- Rebased to libvirt-1.2.8 (rhbz#1035158) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#927369, rhbz#957293, rhbz#999926, rhbz#1021703, rhbz#1043735 rhbz#1047818, rhbz#1062142, rhbz#1064770, rhbz#1072653, rhbz#1078126 rhbz#1095636, rhbz#1103245, rhbz#1119215, rhbz#1121837, rhbz#1121955 rhbz#1122455, rhbz#1126329, rhbz#1126721, rhbz#1126909, rhbz#1128097 rhbz#1128751, rhbz#1129207, rhbz#1129372, rhbz#1129998, rhbz#1130089 rhbz#1130379, rhbz#1131306, rhbz#1131445, rhbz#1131788, rhbz#1131811 rhbz#1131819, rhbz#1131876, rhbz#1132301, rhbz#1132305, rhbz#1132347- Rebased to libvirt-1.2.7 (rhbz#1035158) - The rebase also fixes the following bugs: rhbz#823535, rhbz#872628, rhbz#874418, rhbz#878394, rhbz#880483 rhbz#921094, rhbz#963817, rhbz#964177, rhbz#967493, rhbz#967494 rhbz#972964, rhbz#983350, rhbz#985782, rhbz#985980, rhbz#990319 rhbz#990418, rhbz#991290, rhbz#992980, rhbz#994731, rhbz#995377 rhbz#997627, rhbz#997802, rhbz#1006700, rhbz#1007698, rhbz#1007759 rhbz#1010885, rhbz#1022874, rhbz#1023366, rhbz#1025407, rhbz#1027076 rhbz#1029266, rhbz#1029732, rhbz#1032363, rhbz#1033020, rhbz#1033398 rhbz#1033704, rhbz#1035128, rhbz#1046192, rhbz#1049038, rhbz#1052114 rhbz#1056902, rhbz#1062142, rhbz#1063837, rhbz#1066280, rhbz#1066894 rhbz#1067338, rhbz#1069552, rhbz#1069784, rhbz#1070680, rhbz#1072141 rhbz#1072677, rhbz#1073368, rhbz#1073506, rhbz#1074086, rhbz#1075290 rhbz#1075299, rhbz#1076957, rhbz#1076959, rhbz#1076960, rhbz#1076962 rhbz#1077009, rhbz#1077572, rhbz#1078590, rhbz#1079162, rhbz#1079173 rhbz#1080859, rhbz#1081881, rhbz#1081932, rhbz#1082124, rhbz#1083345 rhbz#1084360, rhbz#1085706, rhbz#1085769, rhbz#1086121, rhbz#1086331 rhbz#1086704, rhbz#1087104, rhbz#1087671, rhbz#1088293, rhbz#1088667 rhbz#1088787, rhbz#1088864, rhbz#1089179, rhbz#1089378, rhbz#1091132 rhbz#1091866, rhbz#1092038, rhbz#1092253, rhbz#1093127, rhbz#1095035 rhbz#1097028, rhbz#1097503, rhbz#1097677, rhbz#1097968, rhbz#1098659 rhbz#1099978, rhbz#1100086, rhbz#1100769, rhbz#1101059, rhbz#1101510 rhbz#1101987, rhbz#1101999, rhbz#1102426, rhbz#1102457, rhbz#1102611 rhbz#1104992, rhbz#1104993, rhbz#1105939, rhbz#1108593, rhbz#1110198 rhbz#1110212, rhbz#1110673, rhbz#1111044, rhbz#1112939, rhbz#1113332 rhbz#1113668, rhbz#1113751, rhbz#1113868, rhbz#1118710, rhbz#1119206 rhbz#1119387, rhbz#1119592, rhbz#1120474, rhbz#1122255, rhbz#1122973 - spec: Enable qemu driver for RHEL-7 on ppc64 (rhbz#1120474)- Rebased to libvirt-1.2.6 (rhbz#1035158)- nwfilter: Increase buffer size for libpcap (rhbz#1078347) - nwfilter: Display pcap's error message when pcap setup fails (rhbz#1078347) - nwfilter: Fix double free of pointer (rhbz#1071181)- qemu: Forbid "sgio" support for SCSI generic host device (rhbz#957292) - qemu: monitor: Fix invalid parentheses (rhbz#1075973) - qemu: Introduce qemuDomainDefCheckABIStability (rhbz#1076503)- spec: Let translations be properly updated (rhbz#1030368) - Update translation to supported languages (rhbz#1030368) - Add a mutex to serialize updates to firewall (rhbz#1074003)- virNetDevVethCreate: Serialize callers (rhbz#1014604) - qemuBuildNicDevStr: Adapt to new advisory on multiqueue (rhbz#1071888)- maint: fix comma style issues: conf (rhbz#1032370) - Allow for type=block to have no dev (rhbz#1032370) - Allow LUN type disks to have no source (rhbz#1032370) - virsh-volume: Unify strigification of volume type (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Refactor virDomainDiskSourcePoolDefParse (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Split out code to parse the source of a disk definition (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Rename virDomainDiskHostDefFree to virDomainDiskHostDefClear (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Refactor virDomainDiskSourceDefParse (rhbz#1032370) - storage: fix RNG validation of gluster via netfs (rhbz#1032370) - maint: fix comment typos. (rhbz#1032370) - storage: use valid XML for awkward volume names (rhbz#1032370) - build: Don't fail on '< ' or '> ' with old xmllint (rhbz#1032370) - storage: allow interleave in volume XML (rhbz#1032370) - storage: expose volume meta-type in XML (rhbz#1032370) - storage: initial support for linking with libgfapi (rhbz#1032370) - storage: document existing pools (rhbz#1032370) - storage: document gluster pool (rhbz#1032370) - storage: implement rudimentary glusterfs pool refresh (rhbz#1032370) - storage: add network-dir as new storage volume type (rhbz#1032370) - storage: improve directory support in gluster pool (rhbz#1032370) - storage: improve allocation stats reported on gluster files (rhbz#1032370) - storage: improve handling of symlinks in gluster (rhbz#1032370) - storage: probe qcow2 volumes in gluster pool (rhbz#1032370) - storage: fix typo in previous patch (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Export virStorageVolType enum helper functions (rhbz#1032370) - test: Implement fake storage pool driver in qemuxml2argv test (rhbz#1032370) - storage: reduce number of stat calls (rhbz#1032370) - storage: use simpler 'char *' (rhbz#1032370) - storage: refactor backing chain division of labor (rhbz#1032370) - storage: always probe type with buffer (rhbz#1032370) - storage: don't read storage volumes in nonblock mode (rhbz#1032370) - storage: skip selinux cleanup when fd not available (rhbz#1032370) - storage: use correct type for array count (rhbz#1032370) - storage: allow interleave in pool XML (rhbz#1032370) - qemuxml2argv: Add test to verify correct usage of disk type="volume" (rhbz#1032370) - qemuxml2argv: Add test for disk type='volume' with iSCSI pools (rhbz#1032370) - tests: Fix comment for fake storage pool driver (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Support disk source formatting without needing a virDomainDiskDefPtr (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Clean up virDomainDiskSourceDefFormatInternal (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Split out seclabel formating code for disk source (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Export disk source formatter and parser (rhbz#1032370) - snapshot: conf: Use common parsing and formatting functions for source (rhbz#1032370) - snapshot: conf: Fix NULL dereference when element is empty (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Add functions to copy and free network disk source definitions (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: snapshot: Detect internal snapshots also for sheepdog and RBD (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Add helper do clear disk source authentication struct (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: snapshot: Touch up error message (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: snapshot: Add functions similar to disk source pool translation (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: Refactor qemuTranslateDiskSourcePool (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: Split out formatting of network disk source URI (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: Simplify call pattern of qemuBuildDriveURIString (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: Use qemuBuildNetworkDriveURI to handle http/ftp and friends (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: Migrate sheepdog source generation into common function (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: Split out NBD command generation (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: Unify formatting of RBD sources (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: Refactor disk source string formatting (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: Clear old translated pool source (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: snapshots: Declare supported and unsupported snapshot configs (rhbz#1032370) - domainsnapshotxml2xmltest: Clean up labels and use bool instead of int (rhbz#1032370) - domainsnapshotxml2xmltest: Allow for better testing of snapshots (rhbz#1032370) - domainsnapshotxml2xml: Move files with conflicting names (rhbz#1032370) - domainsnapshotxml2xmltest: Add existing files as new tests (rhbz#1032370) - domainsnapshotxml2xmltest: Add test case for empty driver element (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: Fix indentation in qemuTranslateDiskSourcePool (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: snapshot: Fix incorrect disk type for auto-generated disks (rhbz#1032370) - storage: fix omitted slash in gluster volume URI (rhbz#1032370) - virsh: domain: Fix undefine with storage of 'volume' disks (rhbz#1032370) - snapshot: schema: Split out snapshot disk driver definition (rhbz#1032370) - storage: Add gluster pool filter and fix virsh pool listing (rhbz#1032370) - storage: fix bogus target in gluster volume xml (rhbz#1032370) - storage: Improve error message when a storage backend is missing (rhbz#1032370) - storage: Break long lines and clean up spaces in storage backend header (rhbz#1032370) - storage: Support deletion of volumes on gluster pools (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: snapshot: Avoid libvirtd crash when qemu crashes while snapshotting (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: snapshot: Forbid snapshots when backing is a scsi passthrough disk (rhbz#1034993) - qemu: Avoid crash in qemuDiskGetActualType (rhbz#1032370) - snapshot: Add support for specifying snapshot disk backing type (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Move qemuDiskGetActualType to virDomainDiskGetActualType (rhbz#1032370) - conf: Move qemuSnapshotDiskGetActualType to virDomainSnapshotDiskGetActualType (rhbz#1032370) - storage: Add file storage APIs in the default storage driver (rhbz#1032370) - storage: add file functions for local and block files (rhbz#1032370) - storage: Add storage file backends for gluster (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: Switch snapshot deletion to the new API functions (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: snapshot: Use new APIs to detect presence of existing storage files (rhbz#1032370) - qemu: snapshot: Add support for external active snapshots on gluster (rhbz#1032370) - storage: Fix build with older compilers afeter gluster snapshot series (rhbz#1032370) - storage: gluster: Don't leak private data when storage file init fails (rhbz#1032370) - spec: Use correct versions of libgfapi in RHEL builds (rhbz#1032370) - spec: Fix braces around macros (rhbz#1032370) - build: use --with-systemd-daemon as configure option (rhbz#1032695) - spec: require device-mapper-devel for storage-disk (rhbz#1032695) - spec: make systemd_daemon usage configurable (rhbz#1032695)- Block info query: Add check for transient domain (rhbz#1065531) - Fix minor typos in messages and docs (rhbz#1045643) - LXC: Free variable vroot in lxcDomainDetachDeviceHostdevUSBLive() (rhbz#1045643) - LXC: free dst before lxcDomainAttachDeviceDiskLive returns (rhbz#1045643) - maint: fix comment typos (rhbz#1045643) - storage: avoid short reads while chasing backing chain (rhbz#1045643) - Don't block use of USB with containers (rhbz#1045643) - Fix path used for USB device attach with LXC (rhbz#1045643) - Record hotplugged USB device in LXC live guest config (rhbz#1045643) - Fix reset of cgroup when detaching USB device from LXC guests (rhbz#1045643) - Disks are always block devices, never character devices (rhbz#1045643) - Move check for cgroup devices ACL upfront in LXC hotplug (rhbz#1045643) - Add virFileMakeParentPath helper function (rhbz#1045643) - Add helper for running code in separate namespaces (rhbz#1045643) - CVE-2013-6456: Avoid unsafe use of /proc/$PID/root in LXC shutdown/reboot code (CVE-2013-6456) - CVE-2013-6456: Avoid unsafe use of /proc/$PID/root in LXC disk hotplug (CVE-2013-6456) - CVE-2013-6456: Avoid unsafe use of /proc/$PID/root in LXC USB hotplug (CVE-2013-6456) - CVE-2013-6456: Avoid unsafe use of /proc/$PID/root in LXC block hostdev hotplug (CVE-2013-6456) - CVE-2013-6456: Avoid unsafe use of /proc/$PID/root in LXC chardev hostdev hotplug (CVE-2013-6456) - CVE-2013-6456: Avoid unsafe use of /proc/$PID/root in LXC hotunplug code (CVE-2013-6456) - Ignore additional fields in iscsiadm output (rhbz#1067173) - qemuBuildNicDevStr: Set vectors= on Multiqueue (rhbz#1066209) - Don't depend on syslog.service (rhbz#1032695) - libvirt-guests: Run only after libvirtd (rhbz#1032695) - virSystemdCreateMachine: Set dependencies for slices (rhbz#1032695) - libvirt-guests: Wait for libvirtd to initialize (rhbz#1032695) - virNetServerRun: Notify systemd that we're accepting clients (rhbz#1032695)- Generate a valid imagelabel even for type 'none' (rhbz#1061657) - qemu: keep pre-migration domain state after failed migration (rhbz#1057407) - schema: Fix guest timer specification schema according to the docs (rhbz#1056205) - conf: Enforce supported options for certain timers (rhbz#1056205) - qemu: hyperv: Add support for timer enlightenments (rhbz#1056205) - build: correctly check for SOICGIFVLAN GET_VLAN_VID_CMD command (rhbz#1062665) - util: Add "shareable" field for virSCSIDevice struct (rhbz#957292) - util: Fix the indention (rhbz#957292) - qemu: Don't fail if the SCSI host device is shareable between domains (rhbz#957292) - util: Add one argument for several scsi utils (rhbz#957292) - tests: Add tests for scsi utils (rhbz#957292) - qemu: Fix the error message for scsi host device's shareable checking (rhbz#957292) - util: Accept test data path for scsi device's sg_path (rhbz#957292) - tests: Modify the scsi util tests (rhbz#957292) - event: move event filtering to daemon (regression fix) (rhbz#1047964)- Add a read/write lock implementation (rhbz#1034807) - Push nwfilter update locking up to top level (rhbz#1034807) - utils: Introduce functions for kernel module manipulation (rhbz#1045124) - virCommand: Introduce virCommandSetDryRun (rhbz#1045124) - tests: Add test for new virkmod functions (rhbz#1045124) - Honor blacklist for modprobe command (rhbz#1045124) - qemu: Be sure we're using the updated value of backend during hotplug (rhbz#1056360) - network: Permit upstream forwarding of unqualified DNS names (rhbz#1061099) - network: Only prevent forwarding of DNS requests for unqualified names (rhbz#1061099) - network: Change default of forwardPlainNames to 'yes' (rhbz#1061099)- util: Correct the NUMA node range checking (rhbz#1045958) - storage: Add document for possible problem on volume detection (rhbz#726797) - storage: Fix autostart of pool with "fc_host" type adapter (rhbz#726797)- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- CVE-2013-6436: Fix crash in lxcDomainGetMemoryParameters (rhbz#1049137) - Fix crash in lxcDomainSetMemoryParameters (rhbz#1052062) - Don't crash if a connection closes early (CVE-2014-1447) - Really don't crash if a connection closes early (CVE-2014-1447) - qemu: Change the default unix monitor timeout (rhbz#892273) - virSecuritySELinuxSetFileconHelper: Don't fail on read-only NFS (rhbz#996543) - qemu: Avoid operations on NULL monitor if VM fails early (rhbz#1054785) - virt-login-shell: Fix regressions in behavior (rhbz#1015247) - pci: Make reattach work for unbound devices (rhbz#1046919) - pci: Fix failure paths in detach (rhbz#1046919) - qemu: Don't detach devices if passthrough doesn't work (rhbz#1046919) - Fix migration with QEMU 1.6 (rhbz#1053405) - build: More workarounds for if_bridge.h (rhbz#1042937) - build: Fix build with latest rawhide kernel headers (rhbz#1042937) - aarch64: Disable -fstack-protector. (rhbz#1042937) - AArch64: Parse cputopology from /proc/cpuinfo. (rhbz#1042937) - virDomainEventCallbackListFree: Don't leak @list->callbacks (rhbz#1047964) - Fix memory leak in virObjectEventCallbackListRemoveID() (rhbz#1047964) - event: Filter global events by domain:getattr ACL (CVE-2014-0028) - Doc: Improve the document for nodesuspend (rhbz#1045089) - Doc: Add "note" for node-memory-tune (rhbz#1045089)- qemu: Ask for -enable-fips when FIPS is required (rhbz#1035474) - qemu: Properly set MaxMemLock when hotplugging with VFIO (rhbz#1035490) - qemu: Avoid duplicate security label restore on hostdev attach failure (rhbz#1035490) - qemu: Re-add hostdev interfaces to hostdev array on libvirtd restart (rhbz#1045002) - domain: Don't try to interpret as virtio config for hostdev interfaces (rhbz#1046337) - virBitmapParse: Fix behavior in case of error and fix up callers (rhbz#1047234) - qemu: Fix live pinning to memory node on NUMA system (rhbz#1047234) - qemu: Clean up qemuDomainSetNumaParameters (rhbz#1047234) - qemu: Range check numa memory placement mode (rhbz#1047234) - virkeycode: Allow ANSI_A (rhbz#1044806) - Fix argument order of qemuMigrationPerformJob(). (rhbz#1049338) - qemu: Do not access stale data in virDomainBlockStats (CVE-2013-6458) - qemu: Avoid using stale data in virDomainGetBlockInfo (CVE-2013-6458) - qemu: Fix job usage in qemuDomainBlockJobImpl (CVE-2013-6458) - qemu: Fix job usage in qemuDomainBlockCopy (rhbz#1048643) - qemu: Fix job usage in virDomainGetBlockIoTune (CVE-2013-6458) - PanicCheckABIStability: Need to check for existence (rhbz#996520) - virsh: Improve usability of '--print-xml' flag for attach-disk command (rhbz#1049529) - virsh: Don't use legacy API if --current is used on device hot(un)plug (rhbz#1049529) - virsh: Use inactive definition when removing disk from config (rhbz#1049529)- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- qemu: Check for reboot-timeout on monitor (rhbz#1042690) - virsh: Fix return value error of cpu-stats (rhbz#1043388) - tools: Fix virsh connect man page (rhbz#1043260) - conf: Introduce generic ISA address (rhbz#996520) - conf: Add support for panic device (rhbz#996520) - qemu: Add support for -device pvpanic (rhbz#996520) - Fix invalid read in virNetSASLSessionClientStep debug log (rhbz#1043864) - virsh: man: Mention that volumes need to be in storage pool for undefine (rhbz#1044445)- spec: Don't save/restore running VMs on libvirt-client update (rhbz#1033626) - qemu: hotplug: Only label hostdev after checking device conflicts (rhbz#1025108) - qemu: hotplug: Fix double free on USB collision (rhbz#1025108) - qemu: hotplug: Fix adding USB devices to the driver list (rhbz#1025108) - docs: Enhance memoryBacking/locked documentation (rhbz#1035954) - util: Fix two virCompareLimitUlong bugs (rhbz#1024272) - cgroups: Redefine what "unlimited" means wrt memory limits (rhbz#1024272) - qemu: Report VIR_DOMAIN_MEMORY_PARAM_UNLIMITED properly (rhbz#1024272) - qemu: Fix minor inconsistency in error message (rhbz#1024272) - conf: Don't format memtune with unlimited values (rhbz#1024272) - qemu_process: Read errors from child (rhbz#1035955) - network: Properly update iptables rules during net-update (rhbz#1035336) - Tie SASL callbacks lifecycle to virNetSessionSASLContext (rhbz#1039991) - screenshot: Implement multiple screen support (rhbz#1026966) - Switch to private redhat namespace for QMP I/O error reason (rhbz#1026966) - Support virtio disk hotplug in JSON mode (rhbz#1026966)- nodedev: Resolve Relax-NG validity error (rhbz#1035792) - test-lib: Make case skipping possible (rhbz#1034380) - tests: Don't test user config file if ran as root (rhbz#1034380) - Improve cgroups docs to cover systemd integration (rhbz#1004340) - Fix busy wait loop in LXC container I/O handling (rhbz#1032705) - tests: Guarantee abs_srcdir in all C tests (rhbz#1035403) - Introduce standard methods for sorting strings with qsort (rhbz#1035403) - Add virFileIsMountPoint function (rhbz#1035403) - Pull lxcContainerGetSubtree out into shared virfile module (rhbz#1035403) - Fix bug in identifying sub-mounts (rhbz#1035403) - LXC: Ensure security context is set when mounting images (rhbz#923903) - Ensure to zero out the virDomainBlockJobInfo arg (rhbz#1028846) - qemu: Default to vfio for nodedev-detach (rhbz#1035188) - daemon: Run virStateCleanup conditionally (rhbz#1033061) - qemu: Add "-boot strict" to commandline whenever possible (rhbz#1037593) - tests: Add forgotten boot-strict test files (rhbz#1037593) - conf: Fix XML formatting of RNG device info (rhbz#1035118) - qemu: Improve error when setting invalid count of vcpus via agent (rhbz#1035108) - Add qxl ram size to ABI stability check (rhbz#1035123)- virsh-domain: Mark --live and --config mutually exclusive in vcpucount (rhbz#1024245) - virSecurityLabelDefParseXML: Don't parse label on model='none' (rhbz#1028962) - qemuMonitorIO: Don't use @mon after it's unrefed (rhbz#1018267) - qemu: Allow hotplug of multiple SCSI devices (rhbz#1031062) - qemu: Call qemuSetupHostdevCGroup later during hotplug (rhbz#1025108) - virscsi: Hostdev SCSI AdapterId retrieval fix (rhbz#1031079) - storage: Returns earlier if source adapter of the scsi pool is a HBA (rhbz#1027680) - spec: Restrict virt-login-shell usage (rhbz#1033614) - spec: Don't save/restore running VMs on libvirt-client update (rhbz#1033626) - Don't start a nested job in qemuMigrationPrepareAny (rhbz#1018267)- virpci: Don't error on unbinded devices (rhbz#1019387) - network: Fix connections count in case of allocate failure (rhbz#1020135) - qemu: Clean up migration ports when migration cancelled (rhbz#1019237) - qemuMigrationBeginPhase: Check for 'drive-mirror' for NBD (rhbz#1022393) - Allow root directory in filesystem source dir schema (rhbz#1028107) - Use a port from the migration range for NBD as well (rhbz#1025699) - qemu: Avoid double free of VM (rhbz#1018267) - util: Use size_t instead of unsigned int for num_virtual_functions (rhbz#1025397) - pci: Properly handle out-of-order SRIOV virtual functions (rhbz#1025397) - conf: Do better job when comparing features ABI compatibility (rhbz#1008989) - schema: Rename option 'hypervtristate' to 'featurestate' (rhbz#1008989) - conf: Mark user provided strings in error messages when parsing XML (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: Add support for loading and storing CPU data (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: x86: Rename struct cpuX86cpuid as virCPUx86CPUID (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: x86: Rename struct cpuX86Data as virCPUx86Data (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: x86: Rename x86DataFree() as virCPUx86DataFree() (rhbz#1008989) - Ensure 'arch' is always set in cpuArchNodeData (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: x86: Rename x86MakeCPUData as virCPUx86MakeData (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: x86: Rename x86DataAddCpuid as virCPUx86DataAddCPUID (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: x86: Rename data_iterator and DATA_ITERATOR_INIT (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: x86: Fix return types of x86cpuidMatch and x86cpuidMatchMasked (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: x86: Use whitespace to clarify context and use consistent labels (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: x86: Clean up error messages in x86VendorLoad() (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: Export few x86-specific APIs (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: x86: Parse the CPU feature map only once (rhbz#1008989) - cpu_x86: Refactor storage of CPUID data to add support for KVM features (rhbz#1008989) - qemu: Add monitor APIs to fetch CPUID data from QEMU (rhbz#1008989) - cpu: x86: Add internal CPUID features support and KVM feature bits (rhbz#1008989) - conf: Refactor storing and usage of feature flags (rhbz#1008989) - qemu: Add support for paravirtual spinlocks in the guest (rhbz#1008989) - qemu: process: Validate specific CPUID flags of a guest (rhbz#1008989)- Add helpers for getting env vars in a setuid environment (rhbz#1015247) - Only allow 'stderr' log output when running setuid (CVE-2013-4400) - Close all non-stdio FDs in virt-login-shell (CVE-2013-4400) - Don't link virt-login-shell against (CVE-2013-4400) - build: Fix linking virt-login-shell (rhbz#1015247) - build: Fix build of virt-login-shell on systems with older gnutls (rhbz#1015247) - Set a sane $PATH for virt-login-shell (rhbz#1015247) - spec: Fix rpm build when lxc disabled (rhbz#1015247) - Move virt-login-shell into libvirt-login-shell sub-RPM (rhbz#1015247) - Make virCommand env handling robust in setuid env (rhbz#1015247) - Remove all direct use of getenv (rhbz#1015247) - Block all use of getenv with syntax-check (rhbz#1015247) - Only allow the UNIX transport in remote driver when setuid (rhbz#1015247) - Don't allow remote driver daemon autostart when running setuid (rhbz#1015247) - Add stub getegid impl for platforms lacking it (rhbz#1015247) - Remove (nearly) all use of getuid()/getgid() (rhbz#1015247) - Block all use of in setuid programs (rhbz#1015247) - spec: Clean up distribution of ChangeLog (and others) (rhbz#1024393) - Push RPM deps down into libvirt-daemon-driver-XXXX sub-RPMs (rhbz#1024393)- qemu_process: Make qemuProcessReadLog() more versatile and reusable (rhbz#1001738) - qemu: monitor: Add infrastructure to access VM logs for better err msgs (rhbz#1001738) - qemu: monitor: Produce better errors on monitor hangup (rhbz#1001738) - qemu: Wire up better early error reporting (rhbz#1001738) - qemu: process: Silence coverity warning when rewinding log file (rhbz#1001738) - qemu: hostdev: Refactor PCI passhrough handling (rhbz#1001738) - qemu: hostdev: Fix function spacing and header formatting (rhbz#1001738) - qemu: hostdev: Add checks if PCI passthrough is available in the host (rhbz#1001738) - qemu: Prefer VFIO for PCI device passthrough (rhbz#1001738) - qemu: Init @pcidevs in qemuPrepareHostdevPCIDevices (rhbz#1001738) - Fix max stream packet size for old clients (rhbz#950416) - Adjust legacy max payload size to account for header information (rhbz#950416) - rpc: Correct the wrong payload size checking (rhbz#950416) - qemu: Simplify calling qemuDomainHostdevNetConfigRestore (rhbz#1005682) - qemu: Move qemuDomainRemoveNetDevice to avoid forward reference (rhbz#1005682) - qemu: Fix removal of (rhbz#1005682) - remote: Fix regression in event deregistration (rhbz#1020376) - qemu: managedsave: Add support for compressing managed save images (rhbz#1017227) - qemu: snapshot: Add support for compressing external snapshot memory (rhbz#1017227) - Migration: Introduce VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_LISTEN_ADDRESS (rhbz#1015215) - virsocket: Introduce virSocketAddrIsWildcard (rhbz#1015215) - qemu: Implement support for VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_LISTEN_ADDRESS (rhbz#1015215) - qemu_conf: Introduce "migration_address" (rhbz#1015215) - qemu: Include listenAddress in debug prints (rhbz#1015215) - docs: Expand description of host-model CPU mode (rhbz#1014682) - qemu: Avoid assigning unavailable migration ports (rhbz#1019237) - qemu: Make migration port range configurable (rhbz#1019237) - qemu: Fix augeas support for migration ports (rhbz#1019237) - Fix perms for virConnectDomainXML{To, From}Native (CVE-2013-4401)- virNetDevBandwidthEqual: Make it more robust (rhbz#1014503) - qemu_hotplug: Allow QoS update in qemuDomainChangeNet (rhbz#1014503) - qemu: Check actual netdev type rather than config netdev type during init (rhbz#1012824) - Fix crash in libvirtd when events are registered & ACLs active (CVE-2013-4399) (rhbz#1011429) - Remove virConnectPtr arg from virNWFilterDefParse* (rhbz#1015108) - Don't pass virConnectPtr in nwfilter 'struct domUpdateCBStruct' (rhbz#1015108) - Remove use of virConnectPtr from all remaining nwfilter code (rhbz#1015108) - Don't set netdev offline in container cleanup (rhbz#1014604) - Avoid reporting an error if veth device is already deleted (rhbz#1014604) - Avoid deleting NULL veth device name (rhbz#1014604) - Retry veth device creation on failure (rhbz#1014604) - Use 'vnet' as prefix for veth devices (rhbz#1014604) - Free cmd in virNetDevVethDelete (rhbz#1014604) - Free cmd in virNetDevVethCreate (rhbz#1014604) - LXC: Fix handling of RAM filesystem size units (rhbz#1015689) - build: Add lxc testcase to dist list (rhbz#1015689) - tests: Work with older dbus (rhbz#1018730) - virdbus: Add virDBusHasSystemBus() (rhbz#1018730) - virsystemd: Don't fail to start VM if DBus isn't available or compiled in (rhbz#1018730) - DBus: Introduce virDBusIsServiceEnabled (rhbz#1018730) - Change way we fake dbus method calls (rhbz#1018730) - Fix virsystemdtest for previous commit (rhbz#1018730) - LXC: Workaround machined uncleaned data with containers running systemd. (rhbz#1018730) - Allow use of a private dbus bus connection (rhbz#998365) - Add a method for closing the dbus system bus connection (rhbz#998365) - Make LXC controller use a private dbus connection & close it (rhbz#998365) - Fix flaw in detecting log format (rhbz#927072) - Fix exit status of lxc controller (rhbz#927072) - Improve error reporting with LXC controller (rhbz#927072) - nwfilter: Don't fail to start if DBus isn't available (rhbz#927072) - Don't ignore all dbus connection errors (rhbz#927072) - LXC: Check the existence of dir before resolving symlinks (rhbz#927072) - Ensure lxcContainerMain reports errors on stderr (rhbz#927072) - Ensure lxcContainerResolveSymlinks reports errors (rhbz#927072) - Improve log filtering in virLXCProcessReadLogOutputData (rhbz#927072) - Initialize threading & error layer in LXC controller (rhbz#1018725) - qemu_migration: Avoid crashing if domain dies too quickly (rhbz#1018267) - Convert uuid to a string before printing it (rhbz#1019023)- conf: Don't crash on invalid chardev source definition of RNGs and other (rhbz#1012196) - rpc: Increase bound limit for virDomainGetJobStats (rhbz#1012818) - qemu: Free all driver data in qemuStateCleanup (rhbz#1011330) - qemu: Don't leak reference to virQEMUDriverConfigPtr (rhbz#1011330) - qemu: Eliminate redundant if clauses in qemuCollectPCIAddress (rhbz#1003983) - qemu: Allow some PCI devices to be attached to PCIe slots (rhbz#1003983) - qemu: Replace multiple strcmps with a switch on an enum (rhbz#1003983) - qemu: Support ich9-intel-hda audio device (rhbz#1003983) - qemu: Turn if into switch in qemuDomainValidateDevicePCISlotsQ35 (rhbz#1003983) - qemu: Prefer to put a Q35 machine's dmi-to-pci-bridge at 00:1E.0 (rhbz#1003983)- Fix crash in remoteDispatchDomainMemoryStats (CVE-2013-4296) - LXC: Don't mount securityfs when user namespace enabled (rhbz#872648) - Move array of mounts out of lxcContainerMountBasicFS (rhbz#872648) - Ensure root filesystem is recursively mounted readonly (rhbz#872648) - qemu: Fix seamless SPICE migration (rhbz#1010861) - qemu: Use "ide" as device name for implicit SATA controller on Q35 (rhbz#1008903) - qemu: Only parse basename when determining emulator properties (rhbz#1010617) - qemu: Recognize -machine accel=kvm when parsing native (rhbz#1010617) - qemu: Don't leave shutdown inhibited on attach failure (rhbz#1010617) - qemu: Don't leak vm on failure (rhbz#1010617) - Fix typo in identity code which is pre-requisite for CVE-2013-4311 (rhbz#1006272)- Also store user & group ID values in virIdentity (rhbz#1006272) - Ensure system identity includes process start time (rhbz#1006272) - Add support for using 3-arg pkcheck syntax for process (CVE-2013-4311) - Free slicename in virSystemdCreateMachine (rhbz#1008619) - qemu: Fix checking of ABI stability when restoring external checkpoints (rhbz#1008340) - qemu: Use "migratable" XML definition when doing external checkpoints (rhbz#1008340) - qemu: Fix memleak after commit 59898a88ce8431bd3ea249b8789edc2ef9985827 (rhbz#1008340) - qemu: Avoid dangling job in qemuDomainSetBlockIoTune (rhbz#700443)- Pass AM_LDFLAGS to driver modules too (rhbz#1006299) - virsh domjobinfo: Do not return 1 if job is NONE (rhbz#1006864) - Fix polkit permission names for storage pools, vols & node devices (rhbz#700443) - Fix naming of permission for detecting storage pools (rhbz#700443) - security: Provide supplemental groups even when parsing label (CVE-2013-4291) (rhbz#1006513) - virFileNBDDeviceAssociate: Avoid use of uninitialized variable (CVE-2013-4297) - Rename "struct interface_driver" to virNetcfDriverState (rhbz#983026) - netcf driver: Use a single netcf handle for all connections (rhbz#983026) - virDomainDefParseXML: Set the argument of virBitmapFree to NULL after calling virBitmapFree (rhbz#1006722) - Add test for the nodemask double free crash (rhbz#1006722) - qemu: Fix checking of guest ABI compatibility when reverting snapshots (rhbz#1006886)- Don't crash in qemuBuildDeviceAddressStr (rhbz#1003526) - Fix leaks in python bindings (rhbz#1003828) - Process virtlockd.conf instead of libvirtd.conf (rhbz#1003685) - Use the correct file (rhbz#1003685) - qemu: Make domain renaming work during migration (rhbz#999352) - qemu: Handle huge number of queues correctly (rhbz#651941) - conf: Remove the actual hostdev when removing a network (rhbz#1003537) - conf: Don't deref NULL actual network in virDomainNetGetActualHostdev() (rhbz#1003537) - python: Fix a PyList usage mistake (rhbz#1002558) - Add '' element to '' network schemas (rhbz#1004364) - Always specify qcow2 compat level on qemu-img command line (rhbz#997977) - selinux: Distinguish failure to label from request to avoid label (rhbz#924153) - selinux: Enhance test to cover nfs label failure (rhbz#924153)- RPC: Don't accept client if it would overcommit max_clients (rhbz#981729) - Introduce max_queued_clients (rhbz#981729) - conf: Add default USB controller in qemu post-parse callback (rhbz#819968) - qemu: Rename some functions in qemu_command.c (rhbz#819968) - qemu: Eliminate almost-duplicate code in qemu_command.c (rhbz#819968) - qemu: Enable auto-allocate of all PCI addresses (rhbz#819968) - qemu: Add pcie-root controller (rhbz#819968) - qemu: Add dmi-to-pci-bridge controller (rhbz#819968) - qemu: Fix handling of default/implicit devices for q35 (rhbz#819968) - qemu: Properly set/use device alias for pci controllers (rhbz#819968) - qemu: Enable using implicit sata controller in q35 machines (rhbz#819968) - qemu: Improve error reporting during PCI address validation (rhbz#819968) - qemu: Refactor qemuDomainCheckDiskPresence for only disk presence check (rhbz#910171) - qemu: Add helper functions for diskchain checking (rhbz#910171) - qemu: Check presence of each disk and its backing file as well (rhbz#910171) - conf: Add startupPolicy attribute for harddisk (rhbz#910171) - qemu: Support to drop disk with 'optional' startupPolicy (rhbz#910171) - Split TLS test into two separate tests (rhbz#994158) - Avoid re-generating certs every time (rhbz#994158) - Change data passed into TLS test cases (rhbz#994158) - Fix validation of CA certificate chains (rhbz#994158) - Fix parallel runs of TLS test suites (rhbz#994158) - tests: Fix parallel runs of TLS test suites (rhbz#994158) - Add a man page for virtlockd daemon (rhbz#991494) - Add an example config file for virtlockd (rhbz#991494) - Properly handle -h / -V for --help/--version aliases in virtlockd/libvirtd (rhbz#991494) - Make check for /dev/loop device names stricter to avoid /dev/loop-control (rhbz#924815) - Ensure securityfs is mounted readonly in container (rhbz#872642) - Add info about access control checks into API reference (rhbz#700443) - Record the where the auto-generated data comes from (rhbz#700443) - Add documentation for access control system (rhbz#700443) - virsh-domain: Flip logic in cmdSetvcpus (rhbz#996552) - Honour root prefix in lxcContainerMountFSBlockAuto (rhbz#924815) - util: Add virGetUserDirectoryByUID (rhbz#988491) - Introduce a virt-login-shell binary (rhbz#988491) - build: Fix compilation of virt-login-shell.c (rhbz#988491) - Fix double-free and broken logic in virt-login-shell (rhbz#988491) - Address missed feedback from review of virt-login-shell (rhbz#988491) - Ensure that /dev exists in the container root filesystem (rhbz#924815) - remote: Fix a segfault in remoteDomainCreateWithFlags (rhbz#994855) - build: Avoid -lgcrypt with newer gnutls (rhbz#951637) - virnettlscontext: Resolve Coverity warnings (UNINIT) (rhbz#994158) - build: Fix missing max_queued_clients in augeas test file for libvirtd.conf (rhbz#981729) - virsh-domain: Fix memleak in cmdCPUBaseline (rhbz#997798) - Fix typo in domain name in polkit acl example (rhbz#700443) - Update polkit examples to use 'lookup' method (rhbz#700443) - Add bounds checking on virDomainMigrate*Params RPC calls (CVE-2013-4292) (rhbz#1002667) - Add bounds checking on virDomainGetJobStats RPC call (rhbz#1002667) - Add bounds checking on virDomain{SnapshotListAllChildren, ListAllSnapshots} RPC calls (rhbz#1002667) - Add bounds checking on virConnectListAllDomains RPC call (rhbz#1002667) - Add bounds checking on virConnectListAllStoragePools RPC call (rhbz#1002667) - Add bounds checking on virStoragePoolListAllVolumes RPC call (rhbz#1002667) - Add bounds checking on virConnectListAllNetworks RPC call (rhbz#1002667) - Add bounds checking on virConnectListAllInterfaces RPC call (rhbz#1002667) - Add bounds checking on virConnectListAllNodeDevices RPC call (rhbz#1002667) - Add bounds checking on virConnectListAllNWFilters RPC call (rhbz#1002667) - Add bounds checking on virConnectListAllSecrets RPC call (rhbz#1002667) - Prohibit unbounded arrays in XDR protocols (rhbz#1002667) - virbitmap: Refactor virBitmapParse to avoid access beyond bounds of array (rhbz#997906) - virbitmaptest: Fix function header formatting (rhbz#997906) - virbitmaptest: Add test for out of bounds condition (rhbz#997906) - virsh-domain: Fix memleak in cmdUndefine with storage (rhbz#999057) - virsh: Modify vshStringToArray to duplicate the elements too (rhbz#999057) - virsh: Don't leak list of volumes when undefining domain with storage (rhbz#999057) - Fix URI connect precedence (rhbz#999323) - tests: Add URI precedence checking (rhbz#999323) - Don't free NULL network in cmdNetworkUpdate (rhbz#1001094) - virsh: Fix debugging (rhbz#1001628) - qemu: Remove hostdev entry when freeing the depending network entry (rhbz#1002669) - Set security label on FD for virDomainOpenGraphics (rhbz#999925) - virsh: Free the caps list properly if one of them is invalid (rhbz#1001957) - virsh: Free the formatting string when listing pool details (rhbz#1001957) - virsh-pool.c: Don't jump over variable declaration (rhbz#1001957) - virsh: Free the list from ListAll APIs even for 0 items (rhbz#1001957) - virsh: Free messages after logging them to a file (rhbz#1001957) - Reverse logic allowing partial DHCP host XML (rhbz#1001078) - virsh: Print cephx and iscsi usage (rhbz#1000155) - qemu_conf: Fix broken logic for adding passthrough iscsi lun (rhbz#1000159) - Report secret usage error message similarly (rhbz#1000168) - docs: Update the formatdomain disk examples (rhbz#1000169) - docs: Update formatsecrets to include more examples of each type (rhbz#1000169) - docs: Update iSCSI storage pool example (rhbz#1000169) - docs: Reformat attribute description in formatdomain (rhbz#1000169) - qemuBuildNicDevStr: Add mq=on for multiqueue networking (rhbz#651941) - migration: Do not restore labels on failed migration (rhbz#822052) - qemu: Drop qemuDomainMemoryLimit (rhbz#1001143) - docs: Discourage users to set hard_limit (rhbz#1001143) - docs: Clean 09adfdc62de2b up (rhbz#1001143) - qemuSetupMemoryCgroup: Handle hard_limit properly (rhbz#1001143) - qemuBuildCommandLine: Fall back to mem balloon if there's no hard_limit (rhbz#1001143) - qemuDomainAttachHostPciDevice: Fall back to mem balloon if there's no hard_limit (rhbz#1001143)- spec: Change --enable-werror handling to match upstream - Delete obsolete / unused python test files (rhbz#884103) - Remove reference to python/tests from RPM %doc (rhbz#884103) - spec: Explicitly claim ownership of channel subdir (rhbz#884103) - Add APIs for formatting systemd slice/scope names (rhbz#980929) - Add support for systemd cgroup mount (rhbz#980929) - Cope with races while killing processes (rhbz#980929) - Enable support for systemd-machined in cgroups creation (rhbz#980929) - Ensure LXC/QEMU APIs set the filename for errors (rhbz#991348) - Avoid crash if NULL is passed for filename/funcname in logging (rhbz#991348)- Rebased to libvirt-1.1.1- qemu: Fix double free in qemuMigrationPrepareDirect (rhbz#977961) - Fix crash when multiple event callbacks were registered (CVE-2013-2230) - Paused domain should remain paused after migration (rhbz#981139)- Rebased to libvirt-1.1.0- Rebased to libvirt-1.0.6- virInitctlRequest: Don't hardcode 384 bytes size - network: Fix network driver startup for qemu:///session - virInitctlRequest: Unbreak make syntax check - virInitctlRequest: Unbreak make syntax check - build: Always include sanitytest in tarball - qemu: Fix stupid typos in VFIO cgroup setup/teardown - build: Always include libvirt_lxc.syms in tarball - build: Clean up stray files found by 'make distcheck' - spec: Proper soft static allocation of qemu uid - Fix F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC operation args - build: Fix mingw build of virprocess.c - Fix potential use of undefined variable in remote dispatch code - build: Avoid non-portable cast of pthread_t - Fix release of resources with lockd plugin - Fixup rpcgen code on kFreeBSD too - Make detect_scsi_host_caps a function on all architectures - qemu: Allocate network connections sooner during domain startup - tests: Files named '.*-invalid.xml' should fail validation - conf: Don't crash on a tpm device with no backends - Don't mention disk controllers in generic controller errors - iscsi: Don't leak portal string when starting a pool - util: Fix virFileOpenAs return value and resulting error logs- Rebased to libvirt-1.0.5- Rebuild for cyrus-sasl- Rebased to libvirt-1.0.4- Rebuild against gnutls 3.- Rebased to libvirt-1.0.3- Rebased to libvirt-1.0.2- Rebased to libvirt-1.0.1- Rebased to libvirt-1.0.0- Disable libxl on F18 too- Rebased to version - Fix lvm volume creation when alloc=0 (bz #866481) - Clarify virsh send-keys man page example (bz #860004) - Fix occasional deadlock via virDomainDestroy (bz #859009) - Fix LXC deadlock from ctrl-c (bz #848119) - Fix occasional selinux denials with macvtap (bz #798605) - Fix multilib conflict with systemtap files (bz #831425) - Don't trigger keytab warning in system logs (bz #745203) - Fix qemu domxml-2-native NIC model out (bz #636832) - Fix error message if not enough space for lvm vol (bz #609104)- Disable libxl driver, since it doesn't build with xen 4.2 in rawhide- Re-add Use-qemu-system-i386-as-binary-instead-of-qemu.patch NB: This patch is Fedora-specific and not upstream. - Add upstream patches: don't duplicate environment variables (RHBZ#859596).- Upstream release 0.10.2 - network: define new API virNetworkUpdate - add support for QEmu sandbox support - blockjob: add virDomainBlockCommit - New APIs to get/set Node memory parameters - new API virConnectListAllSecrets - new API virConnectListAllNWFilters - new API virConnectListAllNodeDevices - parallels: add support of containers to the driver - new API virConnectListAllInterfaces - new API virConnectListAllNetworks - new API virStoragePoolListAllVolumes - Add PMSUSPENDED life cycle event - new API virStorageListAllStoragePools - Add per-guest S3/S4 state configuration - qemu: Support for Block Device IO Limits - a lot of bug fixes, improvements and portability work- Add (upstream) patches to label sockets for SELinux (RHBZ#853393).- Fix for 32 bit qemu renamed to qemu-system-i386 (RHBZ#857026).- Fix libvirtd segfault with old netcf-libs (bz 853381) - Drop unneeded dnsmasq --filterwin2k - Fix unwanted connection closing, needed for boxes- Remove dep on ceph RPM (rhbz #854360)- upstream release of 0.10.1 - many fixes from 0.10.0- upstream release of 0.10.0 - agent: add qemuAgentArbitraryCommand() for general qemu agent command - Introduce virDomainPinEmulator and virDomainGetEmulatorPinInfo functions - network: use firewalld instead of iptables, when available - network: make network driver vlan-aware - esx: Implement network driver - driver for parallels hypervisor - Various LXC improvements - Add virDomainGetHostname - a lot of bug fixes, improvements and portability work- release candidate 1 of 0.10.0- Enable autotools to make previous patch work- fix security driver missing from the daemon- snapshot before 0.10.0 in a few weeks - adds the parallel driver support- Add upstream patch to fix RHBZ#842114.- Rebuilt for S390: support for s390(x) - snapshot: implement new APIs for esx and vbox - snapshot: new query APIs and many improvements - virsh: Allow users to reedit rejected XML - nwfilter: add DHCP snooping - Enable driver modules in libvirt RPM - Default to enable driver modules for libvirtd - storage backend: Add RBD (RADOS Block Device) support - sVirt support for LXC domains inprovement - a lot of bug fixes, improvements and portability work- qemu: allow snapshotting of sheepdog and rbd disks - blockjob: add new APIs - a lot of bug fixes, improvements and portability work- Rebased to version - Abide URI username when connecting to hypervisor (bz 811397) - Fix managed USB mode (bz 814866) - Fix crash connecting to ESX host (bz 811891)- Update to 0.9.11 release- Revert previous change- Refactor RPM spec to allow install without default configs- Rebuild for libparted soname break- Update to 0.9.10- Fix LXC I/O handling- Add API virDomain{S,G}etInterfaceParameters - Add API virDomain{G, S}etNumaParameters - Add support for ppc64 qemu - Support Xen domctl v8 - many improvements and bug fixes- Fix install of libvirt-guests.service & libvirtd.service- Add support for QEMU 1.0 - Add preliminary PPC cpu driver - Add new API virDomain{Set, Get}BlockIoTune - block_resize: Define the new API - Add a public API to invoke suspend/resume on the host - various improvements for LXC containers - Define keepalive protocol and add virConnectIsAlive API - Add support for STP and VLAN filtering - many improvements and bug fixes- Remove versioned buildreq for yajl as 2.0.x features are not required.- Rebuild for yajl 2.0.1- Update to 0.9.7 release- xenlight available only on Xen arches (#745020)- Make PCI multifunction support more manual - Bug 742836 - F15 build still uses cgconfig - Bug 738725- Fix the qemu reboot bug and a few others bug fixes- many snapshot improvements (Eric Blake) - latency: Define new public API and structure (Osier Yang) - USB2 and various USB improvements (Marc-André Lureau) - storage: Add fs pool formatting (Osier Yang) - Add public API for getting migration speed (Jim Fehlig) - Add basic driver for Microsoft Hyper-V (Matthias Bolte) - many improvements and bug fixes- network bandwidth QoS control - Add new API virDomainBlockPull* - save: new API to manipulate save file images - CPU bandwidth limits support - allow to send NMI and key event to guests - new API virDomainUndefineFlags - Implement code to attach to external QEMU instances - bios: Add support for SGA - various missing python binding - many improvements and bug fixes- xenlight available only on Xen arches- Add ARM to NUMA platform excludes- new API virDomainGetVcpupinInfo - Add TXT record support for virtual DNS service - Support reboots with the QEMU driver - New API virDomainGetControlInfo API - New API virNodeGetMemoryStats - New API virNodeGetCPUTime - New API for send-key - New API virDomainPinVcpuFlags - support multifunction PCI device - lxc: various improvements - many improvements and bug fixes- Rebuild because of libparted soname bump ( -> add rule to require netcf-0.1.8 during build so that new transactional network change APIs are included. - document that CVE-2011-2178 has been fixed (by virtue of rebase to 0.9.2 - see Framework for lock manager plugins - API for network config change transactions - flags for setting memory parameters - virDomainGetState public API - qemu: allow blkstat/blkinfo calls during migration - Introduce migration v3 API - Defining the Screenshot public API - public API for NMI injection - Various improvements and bug fixes- Add upstream patches: 0001-json-Avoid-passing-large-positive-64-bit-integers-to.patch 0001-qemudDomainMemoryPeek-change-ownership-selinux-label.patch 0002-remote-remove-bogus-virDomainFree.patch so that users can try out virt-dmesg. - Change /var/cache mode to 0711.- support various persistent domain updates - improvements on memory APIs - Add virDomainEventRebootNew - various improvements to libxl driver - Spice: support audio, images and stream compression - Various improvements and bug fixes- Support cputune cpu usage tuning - Add public APIs for storage volume upload/download - Add public API for setting migration speed on the fly - Add libxenlight driver - qemu: support migration to fd - libvirt: add virDomain{Get,Set}BlkioParameters - setmem: introduce a new libvirt API (virDomainSetMemoryFlags) - Expose event loop implementation as a public API - Dump the debug buffer to libvirtd.log on fatal signal - Audit support - Various improvements and bug fixes- fix a lack of API check on read-only connections - CVE-2011-1146- Fix kernel boot with latest QEMU- expose new API for sysinfo extraction - cgroup blkio weight support - smartcard device support - qemu: Support per-device boot ordering - Various improvements and bug fixes- Rebuilt for Preliminary support for VirtualBox 4.0 - IPv6 support - Add VMware Workstation and Player driver driver - Add network disk support - Various improvements and bug fixes - from 0.8.6: - Add support for iSCSI target auto-discovery - QED: Basic support for QED images - remote console support - support for SPICE graphics - sysinfo and VMBIOS support - virsh qemu-monitor-command - various improvements and bug fixes- Enable JSON and netdev features in QEMU >= 0.13 - framework for auditing integration - framework DTrace/SystemTap integration - Setting the number of vcpu at boot - Enable support for nested SVM - Virtio plan9fs filesystem QEMU - Memory parameter controls - various improvements and bug fixes- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- disable the nwfilterxml2xmltest also on s390(x)- Upstream release 0.8.4- Fix potential overflow in boot menu code- Upstream release 0.8.3- Rebuilt for CVE-2010-2237 ignoring defined main disk format when looking up disk backing stores - CVE-2010-2238 ignoring defined disk backing store format when recursing into disk image backing stores - CVE-2010-2239 not setting user defined backing store format when creating new image - CVE-2010-2242 libvirt: improperly mapped source privileged ports may allow for obtaining privileged resources on the host- Upstream release 0.8.2 - phyp: adding support for IVM - libvirt: introduce domainCreateWithFlags API - add 802.1Qbh and 802.1Qbg switches handling - Support for VirtualBox version 3.2 - Init script for handling guests on shutdown/boot - qemu: live migration with non-shared storage for kvm- Upstream release 0.8.1 - Starts dnsmasq from libvirtd with --dhcp-hostsfile - Add virDomainGetBlockInfo API to query disk sizing - a lot of bug fixes and cleanups- Upstream release 0.8.0 - Snapshotting support (QEmu/VBox/ESX) - Network filtering API - XenAPI driver - new APIs for domain events - Libvirt managed save API - timer subselection for domain clock - synchronous hooks - API to update guest CPU to host CPU - virDomainUpdateDeviceFlags new API - migrate max downtime API - volume wiping API - and many bug fixes- No change, just rebuild against new libparted with bumped soname.- Fix USB devices by product with security enabled (bz 574136) - Set kernel/initrd in security driver, fixes some URL installs (bz 566425)- macvtap support - async job handling - virtio channel - computing baseline CPU - virDomain{Attach,Detach}DeviceFlags - assorted bug fixes and lots of cleanups- libvirt-0.7.6-add-needed.patch: Fix FTBFS from --no-add-needed - Add BuildRequires: xmlrpc-c-client for upstream release of 0.7.6 - Use QEmu new device adressing when possible - Implement CPU topology support for QEMU driver - Implement SCSI controller hotplug/unplug for QEMU - Implement support for multi IQN - a lot of fixes and improvements- bump for libssh2 rebuild- Rebuild for libparted soname change- Add new API virDomainMemoryStats - Public API and domain extension for CPU flags - vbox: Add support for version 3.1 - Support QEMU's virtual FAT block device driver - a lot of fixes- upstream release of 0.7.4 - udev node device backend - API to check object properties - better QEmu monitor processing - MAC address based port filtering for qemu - support IPv6 and multiple addresses per interfaces - a lot of fixes- Really fix restore file labelling this time- Disable numactl on s390[x]. Again.- Fix QEMU save/restore permissions / labelling- Avoid compressing small log files (#531030)- Make libvirt-devel require libvirt-client, not libvirt - Fix qemu machine types handling- Upstream release of 0.7.2 - Allow to define ESX domains - Allows suspend and resulme of LXC domains - API for data streams - many bug fixes- Fix restore of qemu guest using raw save format (#523158)- Fix libvirtd memory leak during error reply sending (#528162) - Add several PCI hot-unplug typo fixes from upstream- Create /var/log/libvirt/{lxc,uml} dirs for logrotate - Make libvirt-python dependon on libvirt-client - Sync misc minor changes from upstream spec- Change logrotate config to weekly (#526769)- Disable sound backend, even when selinux is disabled (#524499) - Re-label qcow2 backing files (#497131)- Fix USB device passthrough (#522683)- rebuild for libssh2 1.2- Don't set a bogus error in virDrvSupportsFeature() - Fix raw save format- A couple of hot-unplug memory handling fixes (#523953)- disable numactl on s390[x]- revamp of spec file for modularity and RHELs- Upstream release of 0.7.1 - ESX, VBox driver updates - mutipath support - support for encrypted (qcow) volume - compressed save image format for Qemu/KVM - QEmu host PCI device hotplug support - configuration of huge pages in guests - a lot of fixes- Update to newer snapshot of 0.7.1 - Stop libvirt using untrusted 'info vcpus' PID data (#520864) - Support relabelling of USB and PCI devices - Enable multipath storage support - Restart libvirtd upon RPM upgrade- Update to pre-release git snapshot of 0.7.1 - Drop upstreamed patches- Fix migration completion with newer versions of qemu (#516187)- Add PCI host device hotplug support - Allow PCI bus reset to reset other devices (#499678) - Fix stupid PCI reset error message (bug #499678) - Allow PM reset on multi-function PCI devices (bug #515689) - Re-attach PCI host devices after guest shuts down (bug #499561) - Fix list corruption after disk hot-unplug - Fix minor 'virsh nodedev-list --tree' annoyance- Rewrite policykit support (rhbz #499970) - Log and ignore NUMA topology problems (rhbz #506590)- Don't fail to start network if ipv6 modules is not loaded (#516497)- Make sure qemu can access kernel/initrd (bug #516034) - Set perms on /var/lib/libvirt/boot to 0711 (bug #516034)- ESX, VBox3, Power Hypervisor drivers - new net filesystem glusterfs - Storage cloning for LVM and Disk backends - interface implementation based on netcf - Support cgroups in QEMU driver - QEmu hotplug NIC support - a lot of fixes- release of 0.6.5- release of 0.6.4 - various new APIs- release of 0.6.3 - VirtualBox driver- release of 0.6.2- release of 0.6.1- release of 0.6.0- release of 0.5.0- release of 0.4.6- release of 0.4.5- release of 0.4.4 - mostly a few bug fixes from 0.4.3- release of 0.4.3 - lots of bug fixes and small improvements- release of 0.4.2 - lots of bug fixes and small improvements- Release of 0.4.1 - Storage APIs - xenner support - lots of assorted improvements, bugfixes and cleanups - documentation and localization improvements- Release of 0.4.0 - SASL based authentication - PolicyKit authentication - improved NUMA and statistics support - lots of assorted improvements, bugfixes and cleanups - documentation and localization improvements- Release of 0.3.3 - Avahi support - NUMA support - lots of assorted improvements, bugfixes and cleanups - documentation and localization improvements- Release of 0.3.2 - API for domains migration - APIs for collecting statistics on disks and interfaces - lots of assorted bugfixes and cleanups - documentation and localization improvements- Release of 0.3.1 - localtime clock support - PS/2 and USB input devices - lots of assorted bugfixes and cleanups - documentation and localization improvements- Release of 0.3.0 - Secure remote access support - unification of daemons - lots of assorted bugfixes and cleanups - documentation and localization improvements- Release of 0.2.3 - lot of assorted bugfixes and cleanups - support for Xen-3.1 - new scheduler API- Release of 0.2.2 - lot of assorted bugfixes and cleanups - preparing for Xen-3.0.5- don't require xen; we don't need the daemon and can control non-xen now - fix scriptlet error (need to own more directories) - update description text- Release of 0.2.1 - lot of bug and portability fixes - Add support for network autostart and init scripts - New API to detect the virtualization capabilities of a host - Documentation updates- Fix loading of guest & network configs- Disable kqemu support since its not in Fedora qemu binary - Fix for -vnc arg syntax change in 0.9.0 QEMU- Fixed path to qemu daemon for autostart - Fixed generation of block in XML - Pre-create config directory at startup- support for KVM and QEmu - support for network configuration - assorted fixes- finish inactive Xen domains support - memory leak fix - RelaxNG schemas for XML configs- support for inactive Xen domains - improved support for Xen display and vnc - a few bug fixes - localization updates- rebuild against python 2.5- better error reporting - python bindings fixes and extensions - add support for shareable drives - add support for non-bridge style networking - hot plug device support - added support for inactive domains - API to dump core of domains - various bug fixes, cleanups and improvements - updated the localization- it's pkgconfig not pgkconfig !- fixing spec file, added %dist, -devel requires pkgconfig and xen-devel - Resolves: rhbz#202320- fix missing page size detection code for ia64 - fix mlock size when getting domain info list from hypervisor - vcpu number initialization - don't label crashed domains as shut off - fix virsh man page - blktapdd support for alternate drivers like blktap - memory leak fixes (xend interface and XML parsing) - compile fix - mlock/munlock size fixes- Fix bug when running against xen-3.0.3 hypercalls - Fix memory bug when getting vcpus info from xend- Support for localization - Support for new Xen-3.0.3 cdrom and disk configuration - Support for setting VNC port - Fix bug when running against xen-3.0.2 hypercalls - Fix reconnection problem when talking directly to http xend- patch from danpb to support new-format cd devices for HVM guests- reactivating ia64 support- new release - bug fixes - support for new hypervisor calls - early code for config files and defined domains- add patch to address dom0_ops API breakage in Xen 3.0.3 tree- add patch to support paravirt framebuffer in Xen- another patch to fix network handling in non-HVM guests- patch to fix virParseUUID()- vCPUs and affinity support - more complete XML, console and boot options - specific features support - enforced read-only connections - various improvements, bug fixes- add patch from pvetere to allow getting uuid from libvirt- build on ia64 now- don't BR xen, we just need xen-devel- need rebuild since libxenstore is now versionned- Add BuildRequires: xen-devel- rebuild- support for HVM Xen guests - various bugfixes- added a proxy mechanism for read only access using httpu - fixed header includes paths- extend and cleanup the driver infrastructure and code - python examples - extend uuid support - bug fixes, buffer handling cleanups - support for new Xen hypervisor API - test driver for unit testing - virsh --conect argument- various fixes - new APIs: for Node information and Reboot - virsh improvements and extensions - documentation updates and man page - enhancement and fixes of the XML description format- added error handling APIs - small bug fixes - improve python bindings - augment documentation and regression tests- new domain creation API - new UUID based APIs - more tests, documentation, devhelp - bug fixes- fixes some problems in 0.0.3 due to the change of names- changed library name to libvirt from libvir, complete and test the python bindings- upstream release of 0.0.2, use xend, save and restore added, python bindings fixed- created  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~afamanparasastbalbebgbnbnbobrbrxbscacscydadedeeleneoeseteufafifilfrfurgaglguhehihrhuiaidiloisitjakakkkmknkokwkw@kkcorkw@uccorkwkyltlvmaimkmlmnmrmsmynbndsnenlnnnsoorpaplptptrorusiskslsqsrsr@latinsvtatetgthtrtwukurviwbayozhzhzhzu4.5.0-10.el7_6.94.5.0-10.el7_6.94.5.0-10.el7_6.9  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tablesdrpmxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnu ASCII textELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0abb60e9c7b2f995b8dbf028b783732c949ac48c, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3c02720f8e5816da7813f32fee2ae871d1d5a030, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=78b551230421cf242a4761db12b2ecffae51da8f, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=31f935df9c824dad98b45d3921a2fe8930e5c58c, strippeddirectoryexported SGML document, ASCII textXML 1.0 document, ASCII text, with very long linesXML 1.0 document, ASCII textPNG image data, 1120 x 832, 8-bit grayscale, non-interlaced @_ PPPPRR RR R9R8R:R7R*R(RR+R4RRRRR5RR@RR;R3R$R!R.RREPP P PR/R:R8RRRR R7RR@R*R(RRR+R;R3R4RRRR$RR5R!R.RREP PP PP R:R8RRR R7RR@R*R(RRR+R;R3R4RRRR$RR5R!R.RREPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P!P"P#P$P%P&P'P(P)P*P+P,P-P.P/P0P1P2P3P4P5P9P:P;PP?P6P7P8PPP@PAPBPCPDPEPFPGPHPIPQPRPSPTPUPVPJPKPLPMPNPOPPPWPXPYPZP[P\P]P^P_P`PaPbPR,R-R"R#R)R6RR>R=R?R|AD`Ĝ@ rbli&. 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