389-ds-base-$> qbЉMԎOH>>DI?Hd  ; *E^dk F  0yy y y y xy yytyy.Ty87b<@T(Z8dW9W:'W>p?x@̀B̈G̔yHxyI\yX7Yڴ7Z[ \,y]y^"bed*e/f2l4tLyu0yv :w&yx,hyy2LHC389-ds-base1.3.8.423.el7_6389 Directory Server (base)389 Directory Server is an LDAPv3 compliant server. The base package includes the LDAP server and command line utilities for server administration.\*x86-02.bsys.centos.orgTyrCentOSGPLv3+CentOS BuildSystem System Environment/Daemonshttps://www.port389.org/linuxx86_64output=/dev/null output2=/dev/null # reload to pick up any changes to systemd files /bin/systemctl daemon-reload >$output 2>&1 || : # find all instances instances="" # instances that require a restart after upgrade ninst=0 # number of instances found in total if [ -n "$DEBUGPOSTTRANS" ] ; then output=$DEBUGPOSTTRANS output2=${DEBUGPOSTTRANS}.upgrade fi # Create dirsrv user and group (if needed) USERNAME="dirsrv" GROUPNAME="dirsrv" HOMEDIR="/usr/share/dirsrv" if ! getent group $GROUPNAME >/dev/null ; then /usr/sbin/groupadd -f -r $GROUPNAME fi if ! getent passwd $USERNAME >/dev/null ; then /usr/sbin/useradd -r -g $GROUPNAME -d $HOMEDIR -s /sbin/nologin -c "user for 389-ds-base" $USERNAME fi # Reload our sysctl before we restart (if we can) sysctl --system &> $output; true echo looking for instances in /etc/dirsrv > $output 2>&1 || : instbase="/etc/dirsrv" for dir in $instbase/slapd-* ; do echo dir = $dir >> $output 2>&1 || : if [ ! -d "$dir" ] ; then continue ; fi case "$dir" in *.removed) continue ;; esac basename=`basename $dir` inst="dirsrv@`echo $basename | sed -e 's/slapd-//g'`" echo found instance $inst - getting status >> $output 2>&1 || : if /bin/systemctl -q is-active $inst ; then echo instance $inst is running >> $output 2>&1 || : instances="$instances $inst" else echo instance $inst is not running >> $output 2>&1 || : fi ninst=`expr $ninst + 1` done if [ $ninst -eq 0 ] ; then echo no instances to upgrade >> $output 2>&1 || : exit 0 # have no instances to upgrade - just skip the rest fi # shutdown all instances echo shutting down all instances . . . >> $output 2>&1 || : for inst in $instances ; do echo stopping instance $inst >> $output 2>&1 || : /bin/systemctl stop $inst >> $output 2>&1 || : done echo remove pid files . . . >> $output 2>&1 || : /bin/rm -f /var/run/dirsrv*.pid /var/run/dirsrv*.startpid # do the upgrade echo upgrading instances . . . >> $output 2>&1 || : DEBUGPOSTSETUPOPT=`/usr/bin/echo $DEBUGPOSTSETUP | /usr/bin/sed -e "s/[^d]//g"` if [ -n "$DEBUGPOSTSETUPOPT" ] ; then /usr/sbin/setup-ds.pl -l $output2 -$DEBUGPOSTSETUPOPT -u -s General.UpdateMode=offline >> $output 2>&1 || : else /usr/sbin/setup-ds.pl -l $output2 -u -s General.UpdateMode=offline >> $output 2>&1 || : fi # restart instances that require it for inst in $instances ; do echo restarting instance $inst >> $output 2>&1 || : /bin/systemctl start $inst >> $output 2>&1 || : done exit 0if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then # Final removal # remove instance specific service files/links rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/dirsrv.target.wants/* > /dev/null 2>&1 || : fiif [ $1 = 0 ]; then # Final removal rm -rf /var/run/dirsrv fi;&# n"]9 ŋ\]h@,8mm,8mXLX 5e~`_I.a*-.H To==0X ,(pN(+oP ^(N8xh0 @PMP=H=hoP_,@|3g# b#,l j i|\TG3 6y 7w2') o <G~ 1A%: &.] *OG HH=n=+IMTJl 7md GEYhm}(  l|r #7A" 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1.2.8-0.4.a3Rich Megginson - 1.2.8-0.3.a3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.2.8-0.2.a2.1Rich Megginson - 1.2.8-0.2.a2Nathan Kinder - 1.2.8-0.1.a1Rich Megginson - Megginson - Megginson - Megginson - Megginson - Megginson - Megginson - Kinder - 1.2.7-2Nathan Kinder - 1.2.7-1Rich Megginson - 1.2.7-0.6.a5Rich Megginson - 1.2.7-0.5.a4Rich Megginson - 1.2.7-0.4.a3Rich Megginson - 1.2.7-0.3.a3Rich Megginson - 1.2.7-0.2.a2Rich Megginson - 1.2.7-0.1.a1Rich Megginson - Megginson - Megginson - Megginson - 1.2.6-1Rich Megginson - 1.2.6-0.11.rc7Rich Megginson - 1.2.6-0.10.rc6Rich Megginson - 1.2.6-0.9.rc3Rich Megginson - 1.2.6-0.8.rc3Rich Megginson - 1.2.6-0.7.rc2Nathan Kinder - 1.2.6-0.6.rc1Rich Megginson - 1.2.6-0.5.rc1Marcela Maslanova - 1.2.6-0.4.a4.1Rich Megginson - 1.2.6-0.4.a4Nathan Kinder - 1.2.6-0.4.a3Caolán McNamara - 1.2.6-0.3.a2Rich Megginson - 1.2.6-0.2.a2Nathan Kinder - 1.2.6-0.1.a1Rich Megginson - 1.2.5-1Rich Megginson - 1.2.5-0.5.rc4Rich Megginson - 1.2.5-0.4.rc3Rich Megginson - 1.2.5-0.3.rc2Rich Megginson - 1.2.5-0.2.rc1Rich Megginson - 1.2.5-0.1.a1Rich Megginson - 1.2.4-1Rich Megginson - 1.2.3-1Caolán McNamara - 1.2.2-2Rich Megginson - 1.2.2-1Tomas Mraz - 1.2.1-5Noriko Hosoi - 1.2.1-4Rich Megginson - 1.2.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.2.1-2Rich Megginson - 1.2.1-1Rich Megginson - 1.2.0-4Rich Megginson - 1.2.0-3Rich Megginson - 1.2.0-2Rich Megginson - 1.2.0-1Noriko Hosoi - 1.1.3-7Noriko Hosoi - 1.1.3-6Rich Megginson - 1.1.3-5Rich Megginson - 1.1.3-4Rich Megginson - 1.1.3-3Rich Megginson - 1.1.3-2Rich Megginson - 1.1.3-1Rich Megginson - 1.1.2-1Rich Megginson - 1.1.1-2Rich Megginson - 1.1.1-1Rich Megginson - "spot" Callaway - "spot" Callaway - Megginson - Megginson - Release Engineering - 1.1.0-5Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-4Release Engineering - 1.1.0-3Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-2.0Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-1.2Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-1.1Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-0.3.20070720Nathan Kinder - 1.1.0-0.2.20070320Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-0.1.20070320Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-0.1.20070223Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-0.1.20070213Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-1.el4.20070209Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-1.el4.20070207Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-1.el4.20070129Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-8.el4.20070125Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-7.el4.20070125Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-6.el4.20070125Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-5.el4.20070125Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-4.el4.20070119Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-3.el4.20070119Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-2.el4.20070119Rich Megginson - 1.1.0-1.el4.cvs20070119Rich Megginson - 1.1-0.1.cvs20070115Dennis Gilmore - 1.1-0.1.cvs20070108Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-16Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-15Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-14Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-13Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-12Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-11Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-10Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-9Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-8Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-7Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-6Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-5Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-4Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-3Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-2Rich Megginson - 1.0.99-1- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1672173 - import task should not be deleted after import finishes to be able to query the status - Resolves: Bug 1672177 - after certain failed import operation, impossible to replay an import operation. - Resolves: Bug 1672179 - cannot add cenotaph in read only consumer- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1660120 - certmap fails when Issuer DN has comma in name- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1659510 - during MODRDN referential integrity can fail erronously while updating large groups - Resolves: Bug 1659936 - After RHEL 7.6 HTB update, unable to set nsslapd-cachememsize (RHDS 10) to custom value- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1645197 - Fix compiler warnings- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1653820 - PassSync not setting pwdLastSet attribute in Active Directory after Pw update from LDAP sync for normal user - Resolves: Bug 1645197 - on-line re-initialization hangs- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1638516 - CRIT - list_candidates - NULL idl was recieved from filter_candidates_ex- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1643875 - ns-slapd: crash in entrycache_add_int- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1638513 - Message: "CRIT - list_candidates - NULL idl was recieved from filter_candidates_ext." should not be critical- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1624004 - Fix regression in last patch- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1624004 - potential denial of service attack- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1623949 - Crash in delete_passwdPolicy when persistent search connections are terminated unexpectedly- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1616412 - filter optimization fix causes regression(fix reverted)- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1614820 - Server crash through modify command with large DN- Bump verison to - Resolves: Bug 1614501 - Disable nunc-stans by default - Resolves: Bug 1607078 - ldapsearch with server side sort crashes the ldap server- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1594484 - setup-ds.pl not able to handle/create the user "dirsrv" if there is an already existing user with the UID/GID 389 on the machine.- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1594484 - setup-ds.pl not able to handle/create the user "dirsrv" if there is an already existing user with the UID/GID 389 on the machine.- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1595766 - backout this fix for now because it breaks FreeIPA (removed patch file all together)- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1595766 - backout this fix for now because it breaks FreeIPA- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1595766 - CVE-2018-10871 389-ds-base: replication and the Retro Changelog plugin store plaintext password by default- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1597384 - Async operations can hang when the server is running nunc-stans - Resolves: Bug 1598186 - A search with the scope "one" returns a non-matching entry - Resolves: Bug 1598718 - import fails if backend name is "default" - Resolves: Bug 1598478 - If a replica is created with a bindDNGroup, this group is taken into account only after bindDNGroupCheckInterval seconds - Resolves: Bug 1525256 - Invalid SNMP MIB for 389 DS - Resolves: Bug 1597518 - ds-replcheck command returns traceback errors against ldif files having garbage content when run in offline mode- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1594484 - setup-ds.pl not able to handle/create the user "dirsrv" if there is an already existing user with the UID/GID 389 on the machine.- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1594484 - setup-ds.pl not able to handle/create the user "dirsrv" if there is an already existing user with the UID/GID 389 on the machine.- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1560653 - Rebase 389-ds-base in RHEL 7.6 to 1.3.8- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1560653 - Rebase 389-ds-base in RHEL 7.6 to 1.3.8- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1539082 - Fix memory leak- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1539082 - Child entry cenotaphs should not prevent the deletion of the parent - Resolves: Bug 1540106 - CVE-2018-1054 - remote Denial of Service (DoS) via search filters in SetUnicodeStringFromUTF_8 - Resolves: Bug 1535538 - CVE-2017-15135 - Authentication bypass due to lack of size check in slapi_ct_memcmp- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1542645 - Outgoing secure connection is failing with recent OpenLDAP- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1533828 - Server allows to set nsds5replicaid=65535 in the existing replica entry - Resolves: Bug 1535515 - local password policies should use the same defaults as the global policy - Resolves: Bug 1541108 - Allow CRL handling to be configurable for outgoing connections- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1519406 - New defects found in 389-ds-base- (fix regression in -13)- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1533828 - Server allows to set nsds5replicaid=65535 in the existing replica entry - Resolves: Bug 1519406 - New defects found in 389-ds-base- - Resolves: Bug 1534379 - CVE-2017-15134: Remote DoS via search filters in slapi_filter_sprintf in slapd/util.c - Resolves: Bug 1533571 - memberof: schema violation error message is confusing as memberof will likely repair target entry - Resolves: Bug 1535515 - local password policies should use the same defaults as the global policy- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1459946 - GetEffectiveRights gives false-negative with ACIs containing targetfilter - Resolves: Bug 1507194 - cleanallruv could break replication if anchor csn in ruv originated in deleted replica - Resolves: Bug 1517788 - password policy: minimum token length fails when the token length is equal to attribute length - Resolves: Bug 1518287 - heap-use-after-free in csn_as - Resolves: Bug 1531153 - Indexing of internationalized matching rules is failing - Resolves: Bug 1517383 - ns-slapd segfaults with ERR - connection_release_nolock_ext - conn=0 fd=0 Attempt to release connection that is not acquired - Resolves: Bug 1523183 - search with CoS attribute is getting slower after modifying/adding CosTemplate - Resolves: Bug 1457315 - cmocka tests are not executed during rpm build - Resolves: Bug 1516309 - After cleanALLruv, replication is looping on keep alive DEL- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1518069 - heap-buffer-overflow in ss_unescape - Resolves: Bug 1516676 - gssapi authentication fails after upgrading 389-ds-base - Resolves: Bug 1511885 - Automatically load /usr/lib/sysctl.d/70-dirsrv.conf after installing 389-ds-base - Resolves: Bug 1517980 - stack-buffer-overflow in slapi_pblock_get- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1464463 - Replication fails to start with CBCA (Certificate-Based Client Authentication) while FIPS mode is enabled. - Resolves: Bug 1465383 - Segmentation fault in valueset_array_to_sorted_quick - Resolves: Bug 1510865 - python-ldap is not a dependency of 389-ds-base - Resolves: Bug 1513467 - IPA upgrade fails for latest ipa package - Resolves: Bug 1192099 - IPA server replication broken, after DS stop-start, due to changelog reset - Resolves: Bug 1445188 - Misleading error message - Incoming BER Element was 3 bytes - Resolves: Bug 1498980 - heap corruption during import - Resolves: Bug 1511462 - scope one searches give incorrect results - Resolves: Bug 1514033 - opened connection are hanging, no longer poll- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1271208 - Fix copy and paste error- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1509016 - cleanallruv task is not logging any information- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1474100 - Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /usr/bin/logconv.pl - Resolves: Bug 1506425 - Improve valueset sort performance during valueset purging - Resolves: Bug 1505046 - [abrt] 389-ds-base: SLL_Next(): ns-slapd killed by SIGSEGV - Resolves: Bug 1271208 - nsds5ReplicaProtocolTimeout attribute accepts negative values- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1488836 - directory server fails to start because maxdisksize - Resolves: Bug 1474100 - Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /usr/bin/logconv.pl - Resolves: Bug 1447308 - Add option to show full un-ellipsized output in status-dirsrv - Resolves: Bug 1438526 - Server allows to set any nsds5replicaid in the existing replica entry - Resolves: Bug 1185774 - Missing warning for invalid replica backoff configuration- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1476207 - Enabling instance service doesn't work - Resolves: Bug 1434335 - Errors log filled with attrlist_replace - attr_replace - Resolves: Bug 1453155 - unable to retrieve specific cosAttribute when subtree password policy is configured - Resolves: Bug 1459965 - repl-monitor - matches null string many times in regex - Resolves: Bug 1463204 - Adding a database entry fails if the same database was deleted after an import - Resolves: Bug 1469567 - Activating roles returns error 16 - Resolves: Bug 1498773 - Installation of ipa fails with crash in topology plugin - Resolves: Bug 1501058 - [memberOf Plugin] bulk deleting users causes deadlock when there are multiple backends - Resolves: Bug 1352121 - [RFE] allow to enable MemberOf plugin in dedicated consumer- Bump version to - Fix coverity warnings from convscan - Improve atomics- Bump version to - specfile remove cap_net_bind_service+ep from ns-slapd- Bump version to - specfile updates: add asan support, make nunc-stans default, and general cleanup- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1470169 - Rebase 389-ds-base in RHEL 7.5 to 1.3.7- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1444938 - nsslapd-allowed-sasl-mechanisms doesn't reset to default values without a restart - Resolves: Bug 1447015 - Adjust db2bak.pl help and man page to reflect changes introduced to the script - Resolves: Bug 1450896 - Manual resetting of nsslapd-dbcachesize using ldapmodify - Resolves: Bug 1454921 - Fixup memberof task throws error "memberof_fix_memberof_callback: Weird - Resolves: Bug 1456774 - ipa-replica server fails to upgrade- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1429770 - ds-logpipe.py crashes for non-existing users - Resolves: Bug 1444938 - nsslapd-allowed-sasl-mechanisms doesn't reset to default values without a restart - Resolves: Bug 1450896 - Manual resetting of nsslapd-dbcachesize using ldapmodify - Resolves: Bug 1357682 - RHDS fails to start with message: "Failed to delete old semaphore for stats file" - Resolves: Bug 1452739 - Zero value of nsslapd-cache-autosize-split makes dbcache to be equal 0- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1450910 - Modifying "nsslapd-cache-autosize" parameter using ldapmodify command is failing. - Resolves: Bug 1450893 - When nsslapd-cache-autosize is not set in dse.ldif, ldapsearch does not show the default value - Resolves: Bug 1449098 - ns-slapd crashes in role cache creation - Resolves: Bug 1441522 - AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free in libreplication-plugin.so - Resolves: Bug 1437492 - "ERR - cos-plugin - cos_cache_query_attr - cos attribute krbPwdPolicyReference failed schema check" in error log - Resolves: Bug 1429770 - ds-logpipe.py crashes for non-existing users - Resolves: Bug 1451657 - -v option is not working for db2ldif.pl- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1444938 - Fix backport issue from build (part 2)- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1444938 - Fix backport issue from build Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1410207 - Utility command had better use INFO log level for the output - Resolves: Bug 1049190 - Better input argument validation and error messages for db2index and db2index.pl- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1444938 - nsslapd-allowed-sasl-mechanisms doesn't reset to default val - Resolves: Bug 1111400 - logconv.pl lists sasl binds with no dn as anonymous - Resolves: Bug 1377452 - Integer overflow in performance counters - Resolves: Bug 1441790 - ldapserch for nsslapd-errorlog-level returns incorrect values - Resolves: Bug 1444431 - ERR - symload_report_error - Netscape Portable Runtime error -5975 - Resolves: Bug 1447015 - Adjust db2bak.pl help and man page to reflect changes introduced to the script- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1442880 - setup-ds-admin.pl -u with nsslapd-localhost changed - Resolves: Bug 1443682 - util_info_sys_pages should be able to detect memory restrictions in a cgroup- Bump version to - Resolves: Bug 1432016 - Possible deadlock while installing an ipa replica - Resolves: Bug 1438029 - Overflow in memberof- Bump version to - Resolves: bug 1394899 - RHDS should ignore passwordMinAge if "password must reset" is set(fix crash regression) - Resolves: bug 1381326 - dirsrv-snmp.service is provided by 389-ds-base instead of 389-ds-base-snmp - Resolves: bug 1049190 - Better input argument validation and error messages for db2index and db2index.pl.- Bump version to - Resolves: bug 1437006 - EMBARGOED CVE-2017-2668 389-ds-base: Remote crash via crafted LDAP messages - Resolves: bug 1341689 - dbmon.sh / cn=monitor] nsslapd-db-pages-in-use is increasing - Resolves: bug 1394899 - RHDS should ignore passwordMinAge if "password must reset" is set - Resolves: bug 1397288 - typo in logconv.pl man page - Resolves: bug 1436994 - incorrect pathes in pkg-config files - Resolves: bug 1396448 - Add a hard dependency for >=selinux-policy-3.13.1-75- Bump version to - Resolves: bug 1377452 - Integer overflow in counters and monitor - Resolves: bug 1425907 - Harden password storage scheme - Resolves: bug 1431207 - ns-slapd killed by SIGABRT- Bump version to - Resolves: bug 1379424 - Reset-agmt-update-staus-and-total-init - Resolves: bug 1394000 - dbmon.sh-fails-if-you-have-nsslapd-requi.patch - Resolves: bug 1417344 - targetattr-wildcard-evaluation-is-incorr.patch - Resolves: bug 1429770 - ds-logpipe.py-crashes-for-non-existing-u.patch - Resolves: bug 1433697 - Fix-double-free-in-_cl5NewDBFile-error-path.patch - Resolves: bug 1433996 - retrocl-can-crash-server-at-shutdown.patch - Resolves: bug 1434967 - rpm-would-not-create-valid-pkgconfig-fi.patch - Resolves: bug 1417338 - To-debug-DB_DEADLOCK-condition-allow-to.patch - Resolves: bug 1433850 - Deleting-suffix-can-hang-server.patch- Bump version to - Fix spec file to include the tests- Bump version to - Resolves: bug 1431877 - 389- covscan errors - Resolves: bug 1432206 - content sync plugin can hang server shutdown - Resolves: bug 1432149 - sasl external binds fail in Bump version to - Resolves: bug 1388567 - Rebase 389-ds-base to 1.3.6 in RHEL-7.4- Release - Resolves: bug 1384785 - Replica install fails with old IPA master sometimes during replication process (DS 48992) - Resolves: bug 1388501 - 389-ds-base is missing runtime dependency - bind-utils (DS 48328) - Resolves: bug 1388581 - Replication stops working only when fips mode is set to true (DS 48909) - Resolves: bug 1390342 - ns-accountstatus.pl shows wrong status for accounts inactivated by Account policy plugin (DS 49014) - Resolves: bug 1390343 - trace args debug logging must be more restrictive (DS 49009)- Release - Resolves: bug 1321124 - Replication changelog can incorrectly skip over updates- Release - Resolves: bug 1370300 - set proper update status to replication agreement in case of failure (DS 48957) - Resolves: bug 1209094 - Allow logging of rejected changes (DS 48969)- Release - Resolves: bug 1364190 - Change example in /etc/sysconfig/dirsrv to use tcmalloc (DS 48950) - Resolves: bug 1366828 - audit on failure doesn't work if attribute nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled is NOT enabled (DS 48958) - Resolves: bug 1368520 - Crash in import_wait_for_space_in_fifo() (DS 48960) - Resolves: bug 1368956 - man page of ns-accountstatus.pl shows redundant entries for -p port option - Resolves: bug 1369537 - passwordMinAge attribute doesn't limit the minimum age of the password (DS 48967) - Resolves: bug 1369570 - cleanallruv changelog cleaning incorrectly impacts all backends (DS 48964) - Resolves: bug 1369425 - ACI behaves erratically (DS 48972) - Resolves: bug 1370300 - set proper update status to replication agreement in case of failure (DS 48957) - Resolves: bug 1209094 - Allow logging of rejected changes (DS 48969) - Resolves: bug 1371283 - Server Side Sorting crashes the server. (DS 48970) - Resolves: bug 1371284 - Disabling CLEAR password storage scheme will crash server when setting a password (DS 48975)- Release - Resolves: bug 1321124 - Replication changelog can incorrectly skip over updates (DS 48954) - Resolves: bug 1364190 - Change example in /etc/sysconfig/dirsrv to use tcmalloc (DS 48950) - Resolves: bug 1366561 - ns-accountstatus.pl giving error even "No such object (32)" (DS 48956)- Release - Resolves: bug 1316580 - dirsrv service doesn't ask for pin when pin.txt is missing (DS 48450) - Resolves: bug 1360976 - fixing a compiler warning- Release - Resolves: bug 1326077 - Page result search should return empty cookie if there is no returned entry (DS 48928) - Resolves: bug 1360447 - nsslapd-workingdir is empty when ns-slapd is started by systemd (DS 48939) - Resolves: bug 1360327 - remove-ds.pl deletes an instance even if wrong prefix was specified (DS 48934) - Resolves: bug 1349815 - DS logs have warning:ancestorid not indexed for all CS subsystems (DS 48940) - Resolves: bug 1329061 - 389-ds-base- "hang" (DS 48882) - Resolves: bug 1360976 - EMBARGOED CVE-2016-5405 389-ds-base: Password verification vulnerable to timing attack - Resolves: bug 1361134 - When fine-grained policy is applied, a sub-tree has a priority over a user while changing password (DS 48943) - Resolves: bug 1361321 - Duplicate collation entries (DS 48936) - Resolves: bug 1316580 - dirsrv service doesn't ask for pin when pin.txt is missing (DS 48450) - Resolves: bug 1350799 - CVE-2016-4992 389-ds-base: Information disclosure via repeat- Release - Resolves: bug 1333184 - (389-ds-base-1.3.5) Fixing coverity issues. (DS 48919)- Release - Resolves: bug 1209128 - [RFE] Add a utility to get the status of Directory Server instances (DS 48144) - Resolves: bug 1333184 - (389-ds-base-1.3.5) Fixing coverity issues. (DS 48919) - Resolves: bug 1350799 - CVE-2016-4992 389-ds-base: Information disclosure via repeat - Resolves: bug 1354660 - flow control in replication also blocks receiving results (DS 48767) - Resolves: bug 1356261 - Fixup tombstone task needs to set proper flag when updating (DS 48924) - Resolves: bug 1355760 - ns-slapd crashes during the deletion of backend (DS 48922) - Resolves: bug 1353629 - DS shuts down automatically if dnaThreshold is set to 0 in a MMR setup (DS 48916) - Resolves: bug 1355879 - nunc-stans: ns-slapd crashes during startup with SIGILL on AMD Opteron 280 (DS 48925)- Release - Resolves: bug 1354374 - Fixing the tarball version in the sources file.- Release - Resolves: bug 1353714 - If a cipher is disabled do not attempt to look it up (DS 48743) - Resolves: bug 1353592 - Setup-ds.pl --update fails - regression (DS 48755) - Resolves: bug 1353544 - db2bak.pl task enters infinitive loop when bak fs is almost full (DS 48914) - Resolves: bug 1354374 - Upgrade to 389-ds-base >= doesn't install 389-ds-base-snmp (DS 48918)- Release - Resolves: bug 1333184 - (389-ds-base-1.3.5) Fixing coverity issues. (DS 48905)- Release - Resolves: bug 1349571 - Improve MMR replication convergence (DS 48636) - Resolves: bug 1304682 - "stale" automember rule (associated to a removed group) causes discrepancies in the database (DS 48637) - Resolves: bug 1314956 - moving an entry cause next on-line init to skip entry has no parent, ending at line 0 of file "(bulk import)" (DS 48755) - Resolves: bug 1316731 - syncrepl search returning error 329; plugin sending a bad error code (DS 48904) - Resolves: bug 1346741 - ns-slapd crashes during the shutdown after adding attribute with a matching rule (DS 48891) - Resolves: bug 1349577 - Values of dbcachetries/dbcachehits in cn=monitor could overflow. (DS 48899) - Resolves: bug 1272682 - nunc-stans: ns-slapd killed by SIGABRT (DS 48898) - Resolves: bug 1346043 - repl-monitor displays colors incorrectly for the time lag > 60 min (DS 47538) - Resolves: bug 1350632 - ns-slapd shutdown crashes if pwdstorageschema name is from stack. (DS 48902)- Release - Resolves: bug 1290101 - proxyauth support does not work when bound as directory manager (DS 48366)- Release - Resolves: bug 1196282 - substring index with nssubstrbegin: 1 is not being used with filters like (attr=x*) (DS 48109) - Resolves: bug 1303794 - Import readNSState.py from RichM's repo (DS 48449) - Resolves: bug 1290101 - proxyauth support does not work when bound as directory manager (DS 48366) - Resolves: bug 1338872 - Wrong result code display in audit-failure log (DS 48892) - Resolves: bug 1346043 - repl-monitor displays colors incorrectly for the time lag > 60 min (DS 47538) - Resolves: bug 1346741 - ns-slapd crashes during the shutdown after adding attribute with a matching rule (DS 48891) - Resolves: bug 1347407 - By default aci can be read by anonymous (DS 48354) - Resolves: bug 1347412 - cn=SNMP,cn=config entry can be read by anonymous (DS 48893)- Release - Resolves: bug 1273549 - [RFE] Improve timestamp resolution in logs (DS 47982) - Resolves: bug 1321124 - Replication changelog can incorrectly skip over updates (DS 48766, DS 48636) - Resolves: bug 1233926 - "matching rules" in ACI's "bind rules not fully evaluated (DS 48234) - Resolves: bug 1346165 - 389-ds-base- requires policycoreutils-py- Release - Resolves: bug 1018944 - [RFE] Enhance password change tracking (DS 48833) - Resolves: bug 1344414 - [RFE] adding pre/post extop ability (DS 48880) - Resolves: bug 1303794 - Import readNSState.py from RichM's repo (DS 48449) - Resolves: bug 1257568 - /usr/lib64/dirsrv/libnunc-stans.so is owned by both -libs and -devel (DS 48404) - Resolves: bug 1314956 - moving an entry cause next on-line init to skip entry has no parent, ending at line 0 of file "(bulk import)" (DS 48755) - Resolves: bug 1342609 - At startup DES to AES password conversion causes timeout in start script (DS 48862) - Resolves: bug 1316328 - search returns no entry when OR filter component contains non readable attribute (DS 48275) - Resolves: bug 1280456 - setup-ds should detect if port is already defined (DS 48336) - Resolves: bug 1312557 - dirsrv service fails to start when nsslapd-listenhost is configured (DS 48747) - Resolves: bug 1326077 - Page result search should return empty cookie if there is no returned entry (DS 48752) - Resolves: bug 1340307 - Running db2index with no options breaks replication (DS 48854) - Resolves: bug 1337195 - Regression introduced in matching rules by DS 48746 (DS 48844) - Resolves: bug 1335492 - Modifier's name is not recorded in the audit log with modrdn and moddn operations (DS 48834) - Resolves: bug 1316741 - ldctl should support -H with ldap uris (DS 48754)- release - Resolves: bug 1334455 - db2ldif is not taking into account multiple suffixes or backends (DS 48828) - Resolves: bug 1241563 - The "repl-monitor" web page does not display "year" in date. (DS 48220) - Resolves: bug 1335618 - Server ram sanity checks work in isolation (DS 48617) - Resolves: bug 1333184 - (389-ds-base-1.3.5) Fixing coverity issues. (DS 48837)- release - Resolves: bug 1209128 - [RFE] Add a utility to get the status of Directory Server instances (DS 48144) - Resolves: bug 1332533 - ns-accountstatus.pl gives error message on execution along with results. (DS 48815) - Resolves: bug 1332709 - password history is not updated when an admin resets the password (DS 48813) - Resolves: bug 1333184 - (389-ds-base-1.3.5) Fixing coverity issues. (DS 48822) - Resolves: bug 1333515 - Enable DS to offer weaker DH params in NSS (DS 48798)- release - Resolves: bug 1270020 - Rebase 389-ds-base to 1.3.5 in RHEL-7.3 - Resolves: bug 1288229 - many attrlist_replace errors in connection with cleanallruv (DS 48283) - Resolves: bug 1315893 - License tag does not match actual license of code (DS 48757) - Resolves: bug 1320715 - DES to AES password conversion fails if a backend is empty (DS 48777) - Resolves: bug 190862 - [RFE] Default password syntax settings don't work with fine-grained policies (DS 142) - Resolves: bug 1018944 - [RFE] Enhance password change tracking (DS 548) - Resolves: bug 1143066 - The dirsrv user/group should be created in rpm %pre, and ideally with fixed uid/gid (DS 48285) - Resolves: bug 1153758 - [RFE] Support SASL/GSSAPI when ns-slapd is behind a load-balancer (DS 48332) - Resolves: bug 1160902 - search, matching rules and filter error "unsupported type 0xA9" (DS 48016) - Resolves: bug 1186512 - High memory fragmentation observed in ns-slapd; OOM-Killer invoked (DS 48377, 48129) - Resolves: bug 1196282 - substring index with nssubstrbegin: 1 is not being used with filters like (attr=x*) (DS 48109) - Resolves: bug 1209094 - [RFE] Allow logging of rejected changes (DS 48145, 48280) - Resolves: bug 1209128 - [RFE] Add a utility to get the status of Directory Server instances (DS 48144) - Resolves: bug 1210842 - [RFE] Add PIDFile option to systemd service file (DS 47951) - Resolves: bug 1223510 - [RFE] it could be nice to have nsslapd-maxbersize default to bigger than 2Mb (DS 48326) - Resolves: bug 1229799 - ldclt-bin killed by SIGSEGV (DS 48289) - Resolves: bug 1249908 - No validation check for the value for nsslapd-db-locks. (DS 48244) - Resolves: bug 1254887 - No man page entry for - option '-u' of dbgen.pl for adding group entries with uniquemembers (DS 48290) - Resolves: bug 1255557 - db2index creates index entry from deleted records (DS 48252) - Resolves: bug 1258610 - total update request must not be lost (DS 48255) - Resolves: bug 1258611 - dna plugin needs to handle binddn groups for authorization (DS 48258) - Resolves: bug 1259624 - [RFE] Provide a utility to detect accounts locked due to inactivity (DS 48269) - Resolves: bug 1259950 - Add config setting to MemberOf Plugin to add required objectclass got memberOf attribute (DS 48267) - Resolves: bug 1266510 - Linked Attributes plug-in - wrong behaviour when adding valid and broken links (DS 48295) - Resolves: bug 1266532 - Linked Attributes plug-in - won't update links after MODRDN operation (DS 48294) - Resolves: bug 1267750 - pagedresults - when timed out, search results could have been already freed. (DS 48299) - Resolves: bug 1269378 - ds-logpipe.py with wrong arguments - python exception in the output (DS 48302) - Resolves: bug 1271330 - nunc-stans: Attempt to release connection that is not acquired (DS 48311) - Resolves: bug 1272677 - nunc stans: ns-slapd killed by SIGTERM - Resolves: bug 1272682 - nunc-stans: ns-slapd killed by SIGABRT - Resolves: bug 1273142 - crash in Managed Entry plugin (DS 48312) - Resolves: bug 1273549 - [RFE] Improve timestamp resolution in logs (DS 47982) - Resolves: bug 1273550 - Deadlock between two MODs on the same entry between entry cache and backend lock (DS 47978) - Resolves: bug 1273555 - deadlock in mep delete post op (DS 47976) - Resolves: bug 1273584 - lower password history minimum to 1 (DS 48394) - Resolves: bug 1275763 - [RFE] add setup-ds.pl option to disable instance specific scripts (DS 47840) - Resolves: bug 1276072 - [RFE] Allow RHDS to be setup using a DNS CNAME alias for General.FullMachineName (DS 48328) - Resolves: bug 1278567 - SimplePagedResults -- abandon could happen between the abandon check and sending results (DS 48338) - Resolves: bug 1278584 - Share nsslapd-threadnumber in the case nunc-stans is enabled, as well. (DS 48339) - Resolves: bug 1278755 - deadlock on connection mutex (DS 48341) - Resolves: bug 1278987 - Cannot upgrade a consumer to supplier in a multimaster environment (DS 48325) - Resolves: bug 1280123 - acl - regression - trailing ', (comma)' in macro matched value is not removed. (DS 48344) - Resolves: bug 1290111 - [RFE] Support for rfc3673 '+' to return operational attributes (DS 48363) - Resolves: bug 1290141 - With exhausted range, part of DNA shared configuration is deleted after server restart (DS 48362) - Resolves: bug 1290242 - SimplePagedResults -- in the search error case, simple paged results slot was not released. (DS 48375) - Resolves: bug 1290600 - The 'eq' index does not get updated properly when deleting and re-adding attributes in the same ldapmodify operation (DS 48370) - Resolves: bug 1295947 - 389-ds hanging after a few minutes of operation (DS 48406, revert 48338) - Resolves: bug 1296310 - ldclt - segmentation fault error while binding (DS 48400) - Resolves: bug 1299758 - CVE-2016-0741 389-ds-base: Worker threads do not detect abnormally closed connections causing DoS [rhel-7.3] - Resolves: bug 1301097 - logconv.pl displays negative operation speeds (DS 48446) - Resolves: bug 1302823 - Crash in slapi_get_object_extension (DS 48536) - Resolves: bug 1303641 - heap corruption at schema replication. (DS 48492) - Resolves: bug 1307151 - keep alive entries can break replication (DS 48445) - Resolves: bug 1310848 - Supplier can skip a failing update, although it should retry. (DS 47788) - Resolves: bug 1314557 - change severity of some messages related to "keep alive" enties (DS 48420) - Resolves: bug 1316580 - dirsrv service doesn't ask for pin when pin.txt is missing (DS 48450) - Resolves: bug 1316742 - no plugin calls in tombstone purging (DS 48759) - Resolves: bug 1319329 - [RFE] add nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled: off to template-dse.ldif (DS 48145) - Resolves: bug 1320295 - If nsSSL3 is on, even if SSL v3 is not really enabled, a confusing message is logged. (DS 48775) - Resolves: bug 1326520 - db2index uses a buffer size derived from dbcachesize (DS 48383) - Resolves: bug 1328936 - objectclass values could be dropped on the consumer (DS 48799) - Resolves: bug 1287475 - [RFE] response control for password age should be sent by default by RHDS (DS 48369) - Resolves: bug 1331343 - Paged results search returns the blank list of entries (DS 48808)- release - Resolves: bug 1228823 - async simple paged results issue (DS 48299, DS 48192) - Resolves: bug 1266944 - ns-slapd crash during ipa-replica-manage del (DS 48298)- release - Resolves: bug 1259949 - Fractional replication evaluates several times the same CSN (DS 48266, DS 48284)- release - Resolves: bug 1259949 - A backport error (coverity -- unused variable 'init_retry')- release - Resolves: bug 1243970 - In MMR, double free coould occur under some special condition (DS 48276, DS 48226) - Resolves: bug 1259949 - Fractional replication evaluates several times the same CSN (DS 48266) - Resolves: bug 1241723 - cleanallruv - fix regression with server shutdown (DS 48217) - Resolves: bug 1264224 - segfault in ns-slapd due to accessing Slapi_DN freed in pre bind plug-in (DS 48188)- release - Resolves: bug 1258996 - Complex filter in a search request doen't work as expected. (regression) (DS 48265) - Resolves: bug 1179370 - COS cache doesn't properly mark vattr cache as invalid when there are multiple suffixes (DS 47981)- release - Resolves: bug 1246389 - wrong password check if passwordInHistory is decreased. (DS 48228) - Resolves: bug 1255851 - Shell CLI fails with usage errors if an argument containing white spaces is given (DS 48254) - Resolves: bug 1256938 - Unable to dereference unqiemember attribute because it is dn [#UID] not dn syntax (DS 47757)- release - Resolves: bug 1245519 - remove debug logging from retro cl (DS 47831)- release - Resolves: bug 1252133 - replica upgrade failed in starting dirsrv service (DS 48243) - Resolves: bug 1254344 - Server crashes in ACL_LasFindFlush during shutdown if ACIs contain IP addresss restrictions (DS 48233)- release - Resolves: bug 1249784 - ipa-dnskeysyncd unhandled exception on named-pkcs11 start (DS 48249) - Resolves: bug 1252082 - removing chaining database links trigger valgrind read error (DS 47686) - Resolves: bug 1252207 - bashisms in 389-ds-base admin scripts (DS 47511) - Resolves: bug 1252533 - Man pages and help for remove-ds.pl doesn't display "-a" option (DS 48245) - Resolves: bug 1252781 - Slapd crashes reported from latest builds (DS 48250)- release - Resolves: bug 1245519 - Fix coverity issues (DS 47931)- release - Resolves: bug 1240876 - verify_db.pl doesn't verify DB specified by -a option. (DS 48215) - Resolves: bug 1245235 - winsync lastlogon attribute not syncing between IPA & Windows 2008. (DS 48232) - Resolves: bug 1245519 - Deadlock with retrochangelog, memberof plugin (DS 47931) - Resolves: bug 1246389 - wrong password check if passwordInHistory is decreased. (DS 48228) - Resolves: bug 1247811 - logconv autobind handling regression caused by 47446 (DS 48231) - Resolves: bug 1250177 - Investigate betxn plugins to ensure they return the correct error code (DS 47810)- release - Resolves: bug 1160243 - [RFE] allow logconv.pl -S/-E switches to work even when exact/same timestamps are not present in access log file (DS 47910) - Resolves: bug 1172037 - winsync range retrieval gets only 5000 values upon initialization (DS 48010) - Resolves: bug 1242531 - logconv.pl should handle *.tar.xz, *.txz, *.xz log files (DS 48224) - Resolves: bug 1243950 - When starting a replica agreement a deadlock can occur with an op updating nsuniqueid index (DS 48179) - Resolves: bug 1243970 - In MMR, double free coould occur under some special condition (DS 48226) - Resolves: bug 1244926 - Crash while triming the retro changelog (DS 48206)- release - Resolves: bug 1235060 - Fix coverity issues - 07/14/2015 (DS 48203) - Resolves: bug 1242531 - redux - logconv.pl should handle *.tar.xz, *.txz, *.xz log files (DS 48224)- release - Resolves: bug 1240845 - cleanallruv should completely clean changelog (DS 48208) - Resolves: bug 1095603 - Any negative LDAP error code number reported as Illegal error by ldclt. (DS 47799) - Resolves: bug 1168675 - Inconsistent behaviour of DS when LDAP Sync is used with an invalid cookie (DS 48013) - Resolves: bug 1241723 - cleanAllRUV hangs shutdown if not all of the replicas are online (DS 48217) - Resolves: bug 1241497 - crash in ns-slapd when deleting winSyncSubtreePair from sync agreement (DS 48216) - Resolves: bug 1240404 - Silent install needs to properly exit when INF file is missing (DS 48119) - Resolves: bug 1240406 - Remove warning suppression in 1.3.4 (DS 47878) - Resolves: bug 1242683 - Winsync fails when AD users have multiple spaces (two)inside the value of the rdn attribute (DS 48223) - Resolves: bug 1160243 - logconv.pl - validate start and end time args (DS 47910) - Resolves: bug 1242531 - logconv.pl should handle *.tar.xz, *.txz, *.xz log files (DS 48224) - Resolves: bug 1230996 - CI test: fixing test cases for ticket 48194 (DS 48194)- release - Resolves: bug 1235060 - Fix coverity issues (DS 48203)- release - Resolves: bug 1240404 - setup-ds.pl does not log invalid --file path errors the same (DS 48119) - Resolves: bug 1240406 - setup -u stops after first failure (DS 47878)- release - Resolves: bug 1228823 - async simple paged results issue (DS 48192) - Resolves: bug 1237325 - reindex off-line twice could provoke index corruption (DS 48212) - Resolves: bug 1238790 - ldapsearch on nsslapd-maxbersize returns 0 instead of current value (DS 48214)- release - Resolves: bug 1235060 - Fix coverity issues - Resolves: bug 1235387 - Slow replication when deleting large quantities of multi-valued attributes (DS 48195)- Release (rebase) - Enable nunc-stans for x86_64. - Resolves: bug 1034325 - Linked attributes betxnpreoperation - transaction not aborted when linked entry does not exit (DS 47640) - Resolves: bug 1052755 - Retro Changelog Plugin accepts invalid value in nsslapd-changelogmaxage attribute (DS 47669) - Resolves: bug 1096409 - RHDS keeps on logging write_changelog_and_ruv: failed to update RUV for unknown (DS 47801) - Resolves: bug 1145378 - Adding an entry with an invalid password as rootDN is incorrectly rejected (DS 47900) - Resolves: bug 1145382 - Bad manipulation of passwordhistory (DS 47905) - Resolves: bug 1154147 - Uniqueness plugin: should allow to exclude some subtrees from its scope (DS 47927) - Resolves: bug 1171358 - Make ReplicaWaitForAsyncResults configurable (DS 47957) - Resolves: bug 1171663 - MODDN fails when entry doesn't have memberOf attribute and new DN is in the scope of memberOfExcludeSubtree (DS 47526) - Resolves: bug 1174457 - [RFE] memberOf - add option to skip nested group lookups during delete operations (DS 47963) - Resolves: bug 1178640 - db2bak.pl man page should be improved. (DS 48008) - Resolves: bug 1179370 - COS cache doesn't properly mark vattr cache as invalid when there are multiple suffixes (DS 47981) - Resolves: bug 1180331 - Local Password Policies for Nested OU's not honoured (DS 47980) - Resolves: bug 1180776 - nsslapd-db-locks modify not taking into account (DS 47934) - Resolves: bug 1181341 - nsslapd-changelogtrim-interval and nsslapd-changelogcompactdb-interval are not validated (DS 47617) - Resolves: bug 1185882 - ns-activate.pl fails to activate account if it was disabled on AD (DS 48001) - Resolves: bug 1186548 - ns-slapd crash in shutdown phase (DS 48005) - Resolves: bug 1189154 - DNS errors after IPA upgrade due to broken ReplSync (DS 48030) - Resolves: bug 1206309 - winsync sets AccountUserControl in AD to 544 (DS 47723) - Resolves: bug 1210845 - slapd crashes during Dogtag clone reinstallation (DS 47966) - Resolves: bug 1210850 - add an option '-u' to dbgen.pl for adding group entries with (DS 48025) - Resolves: bug 1210852 - aci with wildcard and macro not correctly evaluated (DS 48141)- release - Resolves: bug 1230996 - nsSSL3Ciphers preference not enforced server side (DS 48194)- release - Resolves: bug 1228823 - async simple paged results issue (DS 48146, DS 48192)- release - Resolves: bug 1226510 - idm/ipa 389-ds-base entry cache converges to 500 KB in dblayer_is_cachesize_sane (DS 48190)- release - Resolves: bug 1212894 - CVE-2015-1854 389ds-base: access control bypass with modrdn- release - Setting correct build tag 'rhel-7.1-z-candidate'- release - Resolves: bug 1189154 - DNS errors after IPA upgrade due to broken ReplSync (DS 48030) Fixes spec file to make sure all the server instances are stopped before upgrade - Resolves: bug 1186548 - ns-slapd crash in shutdown phase (DS 48005)- release - Resolves: bug 1183655 - Fixed Covscan FORWARD_NULL defects (DS 47988)- release - Resolves: bug 1182477 - Windows Sync accidentally cleared raw_entry (DS 47989) - Resolves: bug 1180325 - upgrade script fails if /etc and /var are on different file systems (DS 47991 ) - Resolves: bug 1183655 - Schema learning mechanism, in replication, unable to extend an existing definition (DS 47988)- release - Resolves: bug 1080186 - During delete operation do not refresh cache entry if it is a tombstone (DS 47750)- release - Resolves: bug 1172731 - CVE-2014-8112 password hashing bypassed when "nsslapd-unhashed-pw-switch" is set to off - Resolves: bug 1166265 - DS hangs during online total update (DS 47942) - Resolves: bug 1168151 - CVE-2014-8105 information disclosure through 'cn=changelog' subtree - Resolves: bug 1044170 - Allow memberOf suffixes to be configurable (DS 47526) - Resolves: bug 1171356 - Bind DN tracking unable to write to internalModifiersName without special permissions (DS 47950) - Resolves: bug 1153737 - logconv.pl -- support parsing/showing/reporting different protocol versions (DS 47949) - Resolves: bug 1171355 - start dirsrv after chrony on RHEL7 and Fedora (DS 47947) - Resolves: bug 1170707 - cos_cache_build_definition_list does not stop during server shutdown (DS 47967) - Resolves: bug 1170708 - COS memory leak when rebuilding the cache (DS - Ticket 47969) - Resolves: bug 1170709 - Account lockout attributes incorrectly updated after failed SASL Bind (DS 47970) - Resolves: bug 1166260 - cookie_change_info returns random negative number if there was no change in a tree (DS 47960) - Resolves: bug 1012991 - Error log levels not displayed correctly (DS 47636) - Resolves: bug 1108881 - rsearch filter error on any search filter (DS 47722) - Resolves: bug 994690 - Allow dynamically adding/enabling/disabling/removing plugins without requiring a server restart (DS 47451) - Resolves: bug 1162997 - Running a plugin task can crash the server (DS 47451) - Resolves: bug 1166252 - RHEL7.1 ns-slapd segfault when ipa-replica-install restarts (DS 47451) - Resolves: bug 1172597 - Crash if setting invalid plugin config area for MemberOf Plugin (DS 47525) - Resolves: bug 1139882 - coverity defects found in 1.3.3.x (DS 47965)- release - Resolves: bug 1153737 - Disable SSL v3, by default. (DS 47928) - Resolves: bug 1163461 - Should not check aci syntax when deleting an aci (DS 47953)- release - Resolves: bug 1156607 - Crash in entry_add_present_values_wsi_multi_valued (DS 47937) - Resolves: bug 1153737 - Disable SSL v3, by default (DS 47928, DS 47945, DS 47948) - Resolves: bug 1158804 - Malformed cookie for LDAP Sync makes DS crash (DS 47939)- release - Resolves: bug 1153737 - Disable SSL v3, by default (DS 47928)- release - Resolves: bug 1151287 - dynamically added macro aci is not evaluated on the fly (DS 47922) - Resolves: bug 1080186 - Need to move slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_MODRDN_EXISTING_ENTRY, original_entry->ep_entry) prior to original_entry overwritten (DS 47897) - Resolves: bug 1150694 - Encoding of SearchResultEntry is missing tag (DS 47920) - Resolves: bug 1150695 - ldbm_back_modify SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_MODIFY_FN does not return even if one of the preop plugins fails. (DS 47919) - Resolves: bug 1139882 - Fix remaining compiler warnings (DS 47892) - Resolves: bug 1150206 - result of dna_dn_is_shared_config is incorrectly used (DS 47918)- release - Resolves: bug 1139882 - coverity defects found in 1.3.3.x (DS 47892)- release - Resolves: bug 1080186 - Creating a glue fails if one above level is a conflict or missing (DS 47750) - Resolves: bug 1145846 - 389-ds does not adjust cipher suite configuration on upgrade, breaks itself and pki-server (DS 47908) - Resolves: bug 1117979 - harden the list of ciphers available by default (phase 2) (DS 47838) - provide enabled ciphers as search result (DS 47880)- release - Resolves: bug 1139882 - coverity defects found in release - Resolves: bug 1079099 - Simultaneous adding a user and binding as the user could fail in the password policy check (DS 47748) - Resolves: bug 1080186 - Creating a glue fails if one above level is a conflict or missing (DS 47834) - Resolves: bug 1139882 - coverity defects found in (DS 47890) - Resolves: bug 1112702 - Broken dereference control with the FreeIPA 4.0 ACIs (DS 47885 - deref plugin should not return references with noc access rights) - Resolves: bug 1117979 - harden the list of ciphers available by default (DS 47838, DS 47895) - Resolves: bug 1080186 - Creating a glue fails if one above level is a conflict or missing (DS 47889 - DS crashed during ipa-server-install on test_ava_filter)- release - Resolves: bug 746646 - RFE: easy way to configure which users and groups to sync with winsync - Resolves: bug 881372 - nsDS5BeginReplicaRefresh attribute accepts any value and it doesn't throw any error when server restarts. - Resolves: bug 920597 - Possible to add invalid ACI value - Resolves: bug 921162 - Possible to add nonexistent target to ACI - Resolves: bug 923799 - if nsslapd-cachememsize set to the number larger than the RAM available, should result in proper error message. - Resolves: bug 924937 - Attribute "dsOnlyMemberUid" not allowed when syncing nested posix groups from AD with posixWinsync - Resolves: bug 951754 - Self entry access ACI not working properly - Resolves: bug 952517 - Dirsrv instance failed to start with Segmentation fault (core dump) after modifying 7-bit check plugin - Resolves: bug 952682 - nsslapd-db-transaction-batch-val turns to -1 - Resolves: bug 966443 - Plugin library path validation - Resolves: bug 975176 - Non-directory manager can change the individual userPassword's storage scheme - Resolves: bug 979465 - IPA replica's - "SASL encrypted packet length exceeds maximum allowed limit" - Resolves: bug 982597 - Some attributes in cn=config should not be multivalued - Resolves: bug 987009 - 389-ds-base - shebang with /usr/bin/env - Resolves: bug 994690 - RFE: Allow dynamically adding/enabling/disabling/removing plugins without requiring a server restart - Resolves: bug 1012991 - errorlog-level 16384 is listed as 0 in cn=config - Resolves: bug 1013736 - Enabling/Disabling DNA plug-in throws "ldap_modify: Server Unwilling to Perform (53)" error - Resolves: bug 1014380 - setup-ds.pl doesn't lookup the "root" group correctly - Resolves: bug 1020459 - rsa_null_sha should not be enabled by default - Resolves: bug 1024541 - start dirsrv after ntpd - Resolves: bug 1029959 - Managed Entries betxnpreoperation - transaction not aborted upon failure to create managed entry - Resolves: bug 1031216 - add dbmon.sh - Resolves: bug 1044133 - Indexed search with filter containing '&' and "!" with attribute subtypes gives wrong result - Resolves: bug 1044134 - should set LDAP_OPT_X_SASL_NOCANON to LDAP_OPT_ON by default - Resolves: bug 1044135 - make connection buffer size adjustable - Resolves: bug 1044137 - posix winsync should support ADD user/group entries from DS to AD - Resolves: bug 1044138 - mep_pre_op: Unable to fetch origin entry - Resolves: bug 1044139 - [RFE] Support RFC 4527 Read Entry Controls - Resolves: bug 1044140 - Allow search to look up 'in memory RUV' - Resolves: bug 1044141 - MMR stress test with dna enabled causes a deadlock - Resolves: bug 1044142 - winsync doesn't sync DN valued attributes if DS DN value doesn't exist - Resolves: bug 1044143 - modrdn + NSMMReplicationPlugin - Consumer failed to replay change - Resolves: bug 1044144 - resurrected entry is not correctly indexed - Resolves: bug 1044146 - Add a warning message when a connection hits the max number of threads - Resolves: bug 1044147 - 7-bit check plugin does not work for userpassword attribute - Resolves: bug 1044148 - The backend name provided to bak2db is not validated - Resolves: bug 1044149 - Winsync should support range retrieval - Resolves: bug 1044150 - 7-bit checking is not necessary for userPassword - Resolves: bug 1044151 - With SeLinux, ports can be labelled per range. setup-ds.pl or setup-ds-admin.pl fail to detect already ranged labelled ports - Resolves: bug 1044152 - ChainOnUpdate: "cn=directory manager" can modify userRoot on consumer without changes being chained or replicated. Directory integrity compromised. - Resolves: bug 1044153 - mods optimizer - Resolves: bug 1044154 - multi master replication allows schema violation - Resolves: bug 1044156 - DS crashes with some 7-bit check plugin configurations - Resolves: bug 1044157 - Some updates of "passwordgraceusertime" are useless when updating "userpassword" - Resolves: bug 1044159 - [RFE] Support 'Content Synchronization Operation' (SyncRepl) - RFC 4533 - Resolves: bug 1044160 - remove-ds.pl should remove /var/lock/dirsrv - Resolves: bug 1044162 - enhance retro changelog - Resolves: bug 1044163 - updates to ruv entry are written to retro changelog - Resolves: bug 1044164 - Password administrators should be able to violate password policy - Resolves: bug 1044168 - Schema replication between DS versions may overwrite newer base schema - Resolves: bug 1044169 - ACIs do not allow attribute subtypes in targetattr keyword - Resolves: bug 1044170 - Allow memberOf suffixes to be configurable - Resolves: bug 1044171 - Allow referential integrity suffixes to be configurable - Resolves: bug 1044172 - Plugin library path validation prevents intentional loading of out-of-tree modules - Resolves: bug 1044173 - make referential integrity configuration more flexible - Resolves: bug 1044177 - allow configuring changelog trim interval - Resolves: bug 1044179 - objectclass may, must lists skip rest of objectclass once first is found in sup - Resolves: bug 1044180 - memberOf on a user is converted to lowercase - Resolves: bug 1044181 - report unindexed internal searches - Resolves: bug 1044183 - With 1.3.04 and subtree-renaming OFF, when a user is deleted after restarting the server, the same entry can't be added - Resolves: bug 1044185 - dbscan on entryrdn should show all matching values - Resolves: bug 1044187 - logconv.pl - RFE - add on option for a minimum etime for unindexed search stats - Resolves: bug 1044188 - Recognize compressed log files - Resolves: bug 1044191 - support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2, if supported by NSS - Resolves: bug 1044193 - default nsslapd-sasl-max-buffer-size should be 2MB - Resolves: bug 1044194 - Complex filter in a search request doen't work as expected. - Resolves: bug 1044196 - Automember plug-in should treat MODRDN operations as ADD operations - Resolves: bug 1044198 - Replication of the schema may overwrite consumer 'attributetypes' even if consumer definition is a superset - Resolves: bug 1044202 - db2bak.pl issue when specifying non-default directory - Resolves: bug 1044203 - Allow referint plugin to use an alternate config area - Resolves: bug 1044205 - Allow memberOf to use an alternate config area - Resolves: bug 1044210 - idl switch does not work - Resolves: bug 1044211 - make old-idl tunable - Resolves: bug 1044212 - IDL-style can become mismatched during partial restoration - Resolves: bug 1044213 - backend performance - introduce optimization levels - Resolves: bug 1044215 - using transaction batchval violates durability - Resolves: bug 1044216 - examine replication code to reduce amount of stored state information - Resolves: bug 1048980 - 7-bit check plugin not checking MODRDN operation - Resolves: bug 1049030 - Windows Sync group issues - Resolves: bug 1052751 - Page control does not work if effective rights control is specified - Resolves: bug 1052754 - Allow nsDS5ReplicaBindDN to be a group DN - Resolves: bug 1057803 - logconv errors when search has invalid bind dn - Resolves: bug 1060032 - [RFE] Update lastLoginTime also in Account Policy plugin if account lockout is based on passwordExpirationTime. - Resolves: bug 1061060 - betxn: retro changelog broken after cancelled transaction - Resolves: bug 1061572 - improve dbgen rdn generation, output and man page. - Resolves: bug 1063990 - single valued attribute replicated ADD does not work - Resolves: bug 1064006 - Size returned by slapi_entry_size is not accurate - Resolves: bug 1064986 - Replication retry time attributes cannot be added - Resolves: bug 1067090 - Missing warning for invalid replica backoff configuration - Resolves: bug 1072032 - Updating nsds5ReplicaHost attribute in a replication agreement fails with error 53 - Resolves: bug 1074306 - Under heavy stress, failure of turning a tombstone into glue makes the server hung - Resolves: bug 1074447 - Part of DNA shared configuration is deleted after server restart - Resolves: bug 1076729 - Continuous add/delete of an entry in MMR setup causes entryrdn-index conflict - Resolves: bug 1077884 - ldap/servers/slapd/back-ldbm/dblayer.c: possible minor problem with sscanf - Resolves: bug 1077897 - Memory leak with proxy auth control - Resolves: bug 1079099 - Simultaneous adding a user and binding as the user could fail in the password policy check - Resolves: bug 1080186 - Creating a glue fails if one above level is a conflict or missing - Resolves: bug 1082967 - attribute uniqueness plugin fails when set as a chaining component - Resolves: bug 1085011 - Directory Server crash reported from reliab15 execution - Resolves: bug 1086890 - empty modify returns LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX - Resolves: bug 1086902 - mem leak in do_bind when there is an error - Resolves: bug 1086904 - mem leak in do_search - rawbase not freed upon certain errors - Resolves: bug 1086908 - Performing deletes during tombstone purging results in operation errors - Resolves: bug 1090178 - #481 breaks possibility to reassemble memberuid list - Resolves: bug 1092099 - A replicated MOD fails (Unwilling to perform) if it targets a tombstone - Resolves: bug 1092342 - nsslapd-ndn-cache-max-size accepts any invalid value. - Resolves: bug 1092648 - Negative value of nsSaslMapPriority is not reset to lowest priority - Resolves: bug 1097004 - Problem with deletion while replicated - Resolves: bug 1098654 - db2bak.pl error with changelogdb - Resolves: bug 1099654 - Normalization from old DN format to New DN format doesnt handel condition properly when there is space in a suffix after the seperator operator. - Resolves: bug 1108405 - find a way to remove replication plugin errors messages "changelog iteration code returned a dummy entry with csn %s, skipping ..." - Resolves: bug 1108407 - managed entry plugin fails to update managed entry pointer on modrdn operation - Resolves: bug 1108865 - memory leak in ldapsearch filter objectclass=* - Resolves: bug 1108870 - ACI warnings in error log - Resolves: bug 1108872 - Logconv.pl with an empty access log gives lots of errors - Resolves: bug 1108874 - logconv.pl memory continually grows - Resolves: bug 1108881 - rsearch filter error on any search filter - Resolves: bug 1108895 - [RFE - RHDS9] CLI report to monitor replication - Resolves: bug 1108902 - rhds91 389-ds-base- crash in db4 __dbc_get_pp env = 0x0 ? - Resolves: bug 1108909 - single valued attribute replicated ADD does not work - Resolves: bug 1109334 - 389 Server crashes if uniqueMember is invalid syntax and memberOf plugin is enabled. - Resolves: bug 1109336 - Parent numsubordinate count can be incorrectly updated if an error occurs - Resolves: bug 1109339 - Nested tombstones become orphaned after purge - Resolves: bug 1109354 - Tombstone purging can crash the server if the backend is stopped/disabled - Resolves: bug 1109357 - Coverity issue in 1.3.3 - Resolves: bug 1109364 - valgrind - value mem leaks, uninit mem usage - Resolves: bug 1109375 - provide default syntax plugin - Resolves: bug 1109378 - Environment variables are not passed when DS is started via service - Resolves: bug 1111364 - Updating winsync one-way sync does not affect the behaviour dynamically - Resolves: bug 1112824 - Broken dereference control with the FreeIPA 4.0 ACIs - Resolves: bug 1113605 - server restart wipes out index config if there is a default index - Resolves: bug 1115177 - attrcrypt_generate_key calls slapd_pk11_TokenKeyGenWithFlags with improper macro - Resolves: bug 1117021 - Server deadlock if online import started while server is under load - Resolves: bug 1117975 - paged results control is not working in some cases when we have a subsuffix. - Resolves: bug 1117979 - harden the list of ciphers available by default - Resolves: bug 1117981 - Fix various typos in manpages & code - Resolves: bug 1117982 - Fix hyphens used as minus signed and other manpage mistakes - Resolves: bug 1118002 - server crashes deleting a replication agreement - Resolves: bug 1118006 - RFE - forcing passwordmustchange attribute by non-cn=directory manager - Resolves: bug 1118007 - [RFE] Make it possible for privileges to be provided to an admin user to import an LDIF file containing hashed passwords - Resolves: bug 1118014 - Enhance ACIs to have more control over MODRDN operations - Resolves: bug 1118021 - Return all attributes in rootdse without explicit request - Resolves: bug 1118025 - Slow ldapmodify operation time for large quantities of multi-valued attribute values - Resolves: bug 1118032 - Schema Replication Issue - Resolves: bug 1118034 - 389 DS Server crashes and dies while handles paged searches from clients - Resolves: bug 1118043 - Failed deletion of aci: no such attribute - Resolves: bug 1118048 - If be_txn plugin fails in ldbm_back_add, adding entry is double freed. - Resolves: bug 1118051 - Add switch to disable pre-hashed password checking - Resolves: bug 1118054 - Make ldbm_back_seq independently support transactions - Resolves: bug 1118055 - Add operations rejected by betxn plugins remain in cache - Resolves: bug 1118057 - online import crashes server if using verbose error logging - Resolves: bug 1118059 - add fixup-memberuid.pl script - Resolves: bug 1118060 - winsync plugin modify is broken - Resolves: bug 1118066 - memberof scope: allow to exclude subtrees - Resolves: bug 1118069 - 389-ds production segfault: __memcpy_sse2_unaligned () at ../sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/memcpy-sse2-unaligned.S:144 - Resolves: bug 1118074_DELETE_FN - plugin returned error" messages - Resolves: bug 1118076 - ds logs many "Operation error fetching Null DN" messages - Resolves: bug 1118077 - Improve import logging and abort handling - Resolves: bug 1118079 - Multi master replication initialization incomplete after restore of one master - Resolves: bug 1118080 - Don't add unhashed password mod if we don't have an unhashed value - Resolves: bug 1118081 - Investigate betxn plugins to ensure they return the correct error code - Resolves: bug 1118082 - The error result text message should be obtained just prior to sending result - Resolves: bug 1123865 - CVE-2014-3562 389-ds-base: 389-ds: unauthenticated information disclosure [rhel-7.1]- release - Resolves: bug 1085011 - Directory Server crash reported from reliab15 execution (Ticket 346)- release - Resolves: bug 1082740 - ns-slapd crash in reliability 15- release - Resolves: bug 1074084 - e_uniqueid fails to set if an entry is a conflict entry (Ticket 47735); regression - sub-type length in attribute type was mistakenly subtracted.- Resolves: bug 1074850 - EMBARGOED CVE-2014-0132 389-ds-base: 389-ds: flaw in parsing authzid can lead to privilege escalation [rhel-7.0] (Ticket 47739 - directory server is insecurely misinterpreting authzid on a SASL/GSSAPI bind) (Added 0095-Ticket-47739-directory-server-is-insecurely-misinter.patch) Tue Mar 11 2014 Noriko Hosoi - - release - Resolves: bug 1074850 - EMBARGOED CVE-2014-0132 389-ds-base: 389-ds: flaw in parsing authzid can lead to privilege escalation [rhel-7.0] (Ticket 47739 - directory server is insecurely misinterpreting authzid on a SASL/GSSAPI bind)- release - Resolves: bug 1074084 - e_uniqueid fails to set if an entry is a conflict entry (Ticket 47735)- release - Resolves: bug 918694 - Fix covscan defect FORWARD_NULL (Ticket 408) - Resolves: bug 918717 - Fix covscan defect COMPILER WARNINGS (Ticket 571)- release - Resolves: bug 1065242 - 389-ds-base, conflict occurs at yum installation if multilib_policy=all. (Ticket 47709)- release - Resolves: bug 1065971 - Enrolling a host into IdM/IPA always takes two attempts (Ticket 47704)- release - Resolves: bug 838656 - logconv.pl tool removes the access logs contents if "-M" is not correctly used (Ticket 471) - Resolves: bug 922538 - improve dbgen rdn generation, output (Ticket 47374) - Resolves: bug 970750 - flush.pl is not included in perl5 (Ticket 47374) - Resolves: bug 1013898 - Fix various issues with logconv.pl (Ticket 471)- release - Resolves: bug 853106 - Deleting attribute present in nsslapd-allowed-to-delete-attrs returns Operations error (Ticket 443) - Resolves: bug 1049525 - Server hangs in cos_cache when adding a user entry (Ticket 47649)- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- release - Resolves: bug 918702 - better error message when cache overflows (Ticket 342) - Resolves: bug 1009679 - replication stops with excessive clock skew (Ticket 47516) - Resolves: bug 1042855 - Unable to delete protocol timeout attribute (Ticket 47620) - Resolves: bug 918694 - Fix crash when disabling/enabling the setting (Ticket 408) - Resolves: bug 853355 - config_set_allowed_to_delete_attrs: Valgrind reports Invalid read (Ticket 47660)- release - Resolves: bug 853355 - Possible to add invalid attribute to nsslapd-allowed-to-delete-attrs (Ticket 447) - Resolves: bug 1034739 - Impossible to configure nsslapd-allowed-sasl-mechanisms (Ticket 47613) - Resolves: bug 1038639 - 389-ds rejects nsds5ReplicaProtocolTimeout attribut; Fix logically dead code; Fix dereferenced NULL pointer in agmtlist_modify_callback(); Fix missing left brackete (Ticket 47620) - Resolves: bug 1042855 - nsds5ReplicaProtocolTimeout attribute is not validated when added to replication agreement; Config value validation improvement (Ticket 47620) - Resolves: bug 918717 - server does not accept 0 length LDAP Control sequence (Ticket 571) - Resolves: bug 1034902 - replica init/bulk import errors should be more verbose (Ticket 47606) - Resolves: bug 1044219 - fix memleak caused by 47347 (Ticket 47623) - Resolves: bug 1049522 - Crash after replica is installed; Fix cherry-pick error for 1.3.2 and 1.3.1 (Ticket 47620) - Resolves: bug 1049568 - changelog iteration should ignore cleaned rids when getting the minCSN (Ticket 47627)- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- release - Resolves: bug 1038639 - 389-ds rejects nsds5ReplicaProtocolTimeout attribute (Ticket 47620) - Resolves: bug 1034898 - automember plugin task memory leaks (Ticket 47592) - Resolves: bug 1034451 - Possible to specify invalid SASL mechanism in nsslapd-allowed-sasl-mechanisms (Ticket 47614) - Resolves: bug 1032318 - entries with empty objectclass attribute value can be hidden (Ticket 47591) - Resolves: bug 1032316 - attrcrypt fails to find unlocked key (Ticket 47596) - Resolves: bug 1031227 - Reduce lock scope in retro changelog plug-in (Ticket 47599) - Resolves: bug 1031226 - Convert ldbm_back_seq code to be transaction aware (Ticket 47598) - Resolves: bug 1031225 - Convert retro changelog plug-in to betxn (Ticket 47597) - Resolves: bug 1031223 - hard coded limit of 64 masters in agreement and changelog code (Ticket 47587) - Resolves: bug 1034739 - Impossible to configure nsslapd-allowed-sasl-mechanisms (Ticket 47613) - Resolves: bug 1035824 - Automember betxnpreoperation - transaction not aborted when group entry does not exist (Ticket 47622)- Resolves: bug 1024979 - CVE-2013-4485 389-ds-base: DoS due to improper handling of ger attr searches- release - Resolves: bug 1018893 DS91: ns-slapd stuck in DS_Sleep - had to revert earlier change - does not work and breaks ipa- release - Resolves: bug 1028440 - Winsync replica initialization and incremental updates from DS to AD fails on RHEL - Resolves: bug 1027502 - Replication Failures related to skipped entries due to cleaned rids - Resolves: bug 1027047 - Winsync plugin segfault during incremental backoff- release - Resolves: bug 971111 - DNA plugin failed to fetch replication agreement - Resolves: bug 1026931 - crash when removing entries from cache- Resolves: bug 1018893 DS91: ns-slapd stuck in DS_Sleep - Resolves: bug 1018914 fixup memberof task does not work: task entry not added- Resolves: bug 1013900 - logconv: some stats do not work across server restarts - previous patch introduced regressions - fixed by c2eced0 ticket #47550 and e2a880b Ticket #47550 and 8b10f83 Ticket #47551 - Resolves: bug 1008610 - tmpfiles.d references /var/lock when they should reference /run/lock - previous patch not complete, fixed by a11be5c Ticket 47513 - Resolves: bug 1016749 - DS crashes when "cn=Directory Manager" is changing it's password - cherry picked upstream f786600 Ticket 47329 and b67e230 Coverity Fixes - Resolves: bug 1015252 locale "nl" not supported by collation plugin - Resolves: bug 1016317 Need to update supported locales - Resolves: bug 1016722 memory leak in range searches- Resolves: bug 1013896 - logconv.pl - Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated - Resolves: bug 1008256 - backend txn plugin fixup tasks should be done in a txn - Resolves: bug 1013738 - CLEANALLRUV doesnt run across all replicas - Resolves: bug 1011220 - PassSync removes User must change password flag on the Windows side - Resolves: bug 1008610 - tmpfiles.d references /var/lock when they should reference /run/lock - Resolves: bug 1012125 - Set up replcation/agreement before initializing the sub suffix, the sub suffix is not found by ldapsearch - Resolves: bug 1013063 - RUV tombstone search with scope "one" doesn`t work - Resolves: bug 1013893 - Indexed search are logged with 'notes=U' in the access logs - Resolves: bug 1013894 - improve logconv.pl performance with large access logs - Resolves: bug 1013898 - Fix various issues with logconv.pl - Resolves: bug 1013897 - logconv.pl uses /var/tmp for BDB temp files - Resolves: bug 1013900 - logconv: some stats do not work across server restarts - Resolves: bug 1014354 - Coverity fixes - 12023, 12024, and 12025- bump version to - Resolves Bug 1007988 - Under specific values of nsDS5ReplicaName, replication may get broken or updates missing (Ticket 47489) - Resolves Bug 853931 - Allow macro aci keywords to be case-insensitive (Ticket 449) - Resolves Bug 1006563 - automember rebuild task not working as expected (Ticket 47507)- Ticket #47455 - valgrind - value mem leaks, uninit mem usage - Ticket 47500 - start-dirsrv/restart-dirsrv/stop-disrv do not register with systemd correctly- bump version to - Resolves Bug 1000633 - ns-slapd crash due to bogus DN - Ticket #47488 - Users from AD sub OU does not sync to IPA- bump version to - Ticket 47455 - valgrind - value mem leaks, uninit mem usage - fix coverity 11915 - dead code - introduced with fix for ticket 346 - fix coverity 11895 - null deref - caused by fix to ticket 47392 - fix compiler warning in posix winsync code for posix_group_del_memberuid_callback - Fix compiler warnings for Ticket 47395 and 47397 - fix compiler warning (cherry picked from commit 904416f4631d842a105851b4a9931ae17822a107) - Ticket 47450 - Fix compiler formatting warning errors for 32/64 bit arch - fix compiler warnings - Fix compiler warning (cherry picked from commit ec6ebc0b0f085a82041d993ab2450a3922ef5502)- bump version to - Ticket 47456 - delete present values should append values to deleted values - Ticket 47455 - valgrind - value mem leaks, uninit mem usage - Ticket 47448 - Segfault in 389-ds-base- when setting up FreeIPA replication - Ticket 47440 - Fix runtime errors caused by last patch. - Ticket 47440 - Fix compilation warnings and header files - Ticket 47405 - CVE-2013-2219 ACLs inoperative in some search scenarios - Ticket 47447 - logconv.pl man page missing -m,-M,-B,-D - Ticket 47378 - fix recent compiler warnings - Ticket 47427 - Overflow in nsslapd-disk-monitoring-threshold - Ticket 47449 - deadlock after adding and deleting entries - Ticket 47441 - Disk Monitoring not checking filesystem with logs - Ticket 47427 - Overflow in nsslapd-disk-monitoring-threshold- bump version to - Ticket 47435 - Very large entryusn values after enabling the USN plugin and the lastusn value is negat - Ticket 47424 - Replication problem with add-delete requests on single-valued attributes - Ticket 47367 - (phase 2) ldapdelete returns non-leaf entry error while trying to remove a leaf entry - Ticket 47367 - (phase 1) ldapdelete returns non-leaf entry error while trying to remove a leaf entry - Ticket 47421 - memory leaks in set_krb5_creds - Ticket 346 - version 4 Slow ldapmodify operation time for large quantities of multi-valued attribute v - Ticket 47369 version2 - provide default syntax plugin - Ticket 47427 - Overflow in nsslapd-disk-monitoring-threshold - Ticket 47339 - RHDS denies MODRDN access if ACI list contains any DENY rule - Ticket 47427 - Overflow in nsslapd-disk-monitoring-threshold - Ticket 47428 - Memory leak in 389-ds-base - Ticket 47392 - ldbm errors when adding/modifying/deleting entries - Ticket 47385 - Disk Monitoring is not triggered as expected. - Ticket 47410 - changelog db deadlocks with DNA and replication- bump version to - Ticket 47374 - flush.pl is not included in perl5 - Ticket 47391 - deleting and adding userpassword fails to update the password (additional fix) - Ticket 47393 - Attribute are not encrypted on a consumer after a full initialization - Ticket 47395 47397 - v2 correct behaviour of account policy if only stateattr is configured or no alternate attr is configured - Ticket 47396 - crash on modrdn of tombstone - Ticket 47400 - MMR stress test with dna enabled causes a deadlock - Ticket 47409 - allow setting db deadlock rejection policy - Ticket 47419 - Unhashed userpassword can accidentally get removed from mods - Ticket 47420 - An upgrade script 80upgradednformat.pl fails to handle a server instance name incuding '-'- Rebuilt for new net-snmp- bump version to - Ticket 47391 - deleting and adding userpassword fails to update the password - Coverity Fixes (Part 7)- bump version to - Ticket 402 - nhashed#user#password in entry extension - Ticket 511 - Revision - allow turning off vattr lookup in search entry return - Ticket 580 - Wrong error code return when using EXTERNAL SASL and no client certificate - Ticket 47327 - error syncing group if group member user is not synced - Ticket 47355 - dse.ldif doesn't replicate update to nsslapd-sasl-mapping-fallback - Ticket 47359 - new ldap connections can block ldaps and ldapi connections - Ticket 47362 - ipa upgrade selinuxusermap data not replicating - Ticket 47375 - flush_ber error sending back start_tls response will deadlock - Ticket 47376 - DESC should not be empty as per RFC 2252 (ldapv3) - Ticket 47377 - make listen backlog size configurable - Ticket 47378 - fix recent compiler warnings - Ticket 47383 - connections attribute in cn=snmp,cn=monitor is counted twice - Ticket 47385 - DS not shutting down when disk monitoring threshold is reached - Coverity Fixes (part 1) - Coverity Fixes (Part 2) - Coverity Fixes (Part 3) - Coverity Fixes (Part 4) - Coverity Fixes (Part 5)- bump version to - Ticket 332 - Command line perl scripts should attempt most secure connection type first - Ticket 342 - better error message when cache overflows - Ticket 417 - RFE - forcing passwordmustchange attribute by non-cn=directory manager - Ticket 419 - logconv.pl - improve memory management - Ticket 422 - 389-ds-base - Can't call method "getText" - Ticket 433 - multiple bugs in start-dirsrv, stop-dirsrv, restart-dirsrv scripts - Ticket 458 - RFE - Make it possible for privileges to be provided to an admin user to import an LDIF file containing hashed passwords - Ticket 471 - logconv.pl tool removes the access logs contents if "-M" is not correctly used - Ticket 487 - Possible to add invalid attribute values to PAM PTA plugin configuration - Ticket 502 - setup-ds.pl script should wait if "semanage.trans.LOCK" presen - Ticket 505 - use lock-free access name2asi and oid2asi tables (additional) - Ticket 508 - lock-free access to FrontendConfig structure - Ticket 511 - allow turning off vattr lookup in search entry return - Ticket 525 - Introducing a user visible configuration variable for controlling replication retry time - Ticket 528 - RFE - get rid of instance specific scripts - Ticket 529 - dn normalization must handle multiple space characters in attributes - Ticket 532 - RUV is not getting updated for both Master and consumer - Ticket 533 - only scan for attributes to decrypt if there are encrypted attrs configured - Ticket 534 - RFE: Add SASL mappings fallback - Ticket 537 - Improvement of range search - Ticket 539 - logconv.pl should handle microsecond timing - Ticket 543 - Sorting with attributes in ldapsearch gives incorrect result - Ticket 545 - Segfault during initial LDIF import: str2entry_dupcheck() - Ticket 547 - Incorrect assumption in ndn cache - Ticket 550 - posix winsync will not create memberuid values if group entry become posix group in the same sync interval - Ticket 551 - Multivalued rootdn-days-allowed in RootDN Access Control plugin always results in access control violation - Ticket 552 - Adding rootdn-open-time without rootdn-close-time to RootDN Acess Control results in inconsistent configuration - Ticket 558 - Replication - make timeout for protocol shutdown configurable - Ticket 561 - disable writing unhashed#user#password to changelog - Ticket 563 - DSCreate.pm: Error messages cannot be used in the if expression since they could be localized. - Ticket 565 - turbo mode and replication - allow disable of turbo mode - Ticket 571 - server does not accept 0 length LDAP Control sequence - Ticket 574 - problems with dbcachesize disk space calculation - Ticket 583 - dirsrv fails to start on reboot due to /var/run/dirsrv permissions - Ticket 585 - Behaviours of "db2ldif -a " and "db2ldif.pl -a " are inconsistent - Ticket 587 - Replication error messages in the DS error logs - Ticket 588 - Create MAN pages for command line scripts - Ticket 600 - Server should return unavailableCriticalExtension when processing a badly formed critical control - Ticket 603 - A logic error in str2simple - Ticket 604 - Required attribute not checked during search operation - Ticket 608 - Posix Winsync plugin throws "posix_winsync_end_update_cb: failed to add task entry" error message - Ticket 611 - logconv.pl missing stats for StartTLS, LDAPI, and AUTOBIND - Ticket 612 - improve dbgen rdn generation, output - Ticket 613 - ldclt: add timestamp, interval, nozeropad, other improvements - Ticket 616 - High contention on computed attribute lock - Ticket 618 - Crash at shutdown while stopping replica agreements - Ticket 620 - Better logging of error messages for 389-ds-base - Ticket 621 - modify operations without values need to be written to the changelog - Ticket 622 - DS logging errors "libdb: BDB0171 seek: 2147483648: (262144 * 8192) + 0: No such file or directory - Ticket 631 - Replication: "Incremental update started" status message without consumer initialized - Ticket 633 - allow nsslapd-nagle to be disabled, and also tcp cork - Ticket 47299 - allow cmdline scripts to work with non-root user - Ticket 47302 - get rid of sbindir start/stop/restart slapd scripts - Ticket 47303 - start/stop/restart dirsrv scripts should report and error if no instances - Ticket 47304 - reinitialization of a master with a disabled agreement hangs - Ticket 47311 - segfault in db2ldif(trigger by a cleanallruv task) - Ticket 47312 - replace PR_GetFileInfo with PR_GetFileInfo64 - Ticket 47315 - filter option in fixup-memberof requires more clarification - Ticket 47325 - Crash at shutdown on a replica aggrement - Ticket 47330 - changelog db extension / upgrade is obsolete - Ticket 47336 - logconv.pl -m not working for all stats - Ticket 47341 - logconv.pl -m time calculation is wrong - Ticket 47343 - 389-ds-base: Does not support aarch64 in f19 and rawhide - Ticket 47347 - Simple paged results should support async search - Ticket 47348 - add etimes to per second/minute stats - Ticket 47349 - DS instance crashes under a high load- bump version to - Ticket 47308 - unintended information exposure when anonymous access is set to rootdse - Ticket 628 - crash in aci evaluation - Ticket 627 - ns-slapd crashes sporadically with segmentation fault in libslapd.so - Ticket 634 - Deadlock in DNA plug-in Ticket #576 - DNA: use event queue for config update only at the start up - Ticket 632 - 389-ds-base cannot handle Kerberos tickets with PAC - Ticket 623 - cleanAllRUV task fails to cleanup config upon completion- e53d691 bump version to - Bug 912964 - CVE-2013-0312 389-ds: unauthenticated denial of service vulnerability in handling of LDAPv3 control data - Ticket 570 - DS returns error 20 when replacing values of a multi-valued attribute (only when replication is enabled) - Ticket 490 - Slow role performance when using a lot of roles - Ticket 590 - ns-slapd segfaults while trying to delete a tombstone entry- bump version to - Ticket #584 - Existence of an entry is not checked when its password is to be deleted - Ticket 562 - Crash when deleting suffix- Rebuild for icu 50- bump version to - Ticket #542 - Cannot dynamically set nsslapd-maxbersize- bump version to - Ticket 556 - Don't overwrite certmap.conf during upgrade- bump version to bump version to 1.3.0.rc3 - Ticket 549 - DNA plugin no longer reports additional info when range is depleted - Ticket 541 - need to set plugin as off in ldif template - Ticket 541 - RootDN Access Control plugin is missing after upgrade- bump version to 1.3.0.rc2 - Trac Ticket #497 - Escaped character cannot be used in the substring search filter - Ticket 509 - lock-free access to be->be_suffixlock - Trac Ticket #522 - betxn: upgrade is not implemented yet- bump version to 1.3.0.rc1 - Ticket #322 - Create DOAP description for the 389 Directory Server project - Trac Ticket #499 - Handling URP results is not corrrect - Ticket 509 - lock-free access to be->be_suffixlock - Ticket 456 - improve entry cache sizing - Trac Ticket #531 - loading an entry from the database should use str2entry_f - Trac Ticket #536 - Clean up compiler warnings for 1.3 - Trac Ticket #531 - loading an entry from the database should use str2entry_fast - Ticket 509 - lock-free access to be->be_suffixlock - Ticket 527 - ns-slapd segfaults if it cannot rename the logs - Ticket 395 - RFE: 389-ds shouldn't advertise in the rootDSE that we can handle a sasl mech if we really can't - Ticket 216 - disable replication agreements - Ticket 518 - dse.ldif is 0 length after server kill or machine kill - Ticket 393 - Change in winSyncInterval does not take immediate effect - Ticket 20 - Allow automember to work on entries that have already been added - Coverity Fixes - Ticket 349 - nsViewFilter syntax issue in 389DS 1.2.5 - Ticket 337 - improve CLEANRUV functionality - Fix for ticket 504 - Ticket 394 - modify-delete userpassword - minor fixes for bdb 4.2/4.3 and mozldap - Trac Ticket #276 - Multiple threads simultaneously working on connection's private buffer causes ns-slapd to abort - Fix for ticket 465: cn=monitor showing stats for other db instances - Ticket 507 - use mutex for FrontendConfig lock instead of rwlock - Fix for ticket 510 Avoid creating an attribute just to determine the syntax for a type, look up the syntax directly by type - Coverity defect: Resource leak 13110 - Ticket 517 - crash in DNA if no dnaMagicRegen is specified - Trac Ticket #520 - RedHat Directory Server crashes (segfaults) when moving ldap entry - Trac Ticket #519 - Search with a complex filter including range search is slow - Trac Ticket #500 - Newly created users with organizationalPerson objectClass fails to sync from AD to DS with missing attribute error - Trac Ticket #311 - IP lookup failing with multiple DNS entries - Trac Ticket #447 - Possible to add invalid attribute to nsslapd-allowed-to-delete-attrs - Trac Ticket #443 - Deleting attribute present in nsslapd-allowed-to-delete-attrs returns Operations error - Ticket #503 - Improve AD version in winsync log message - Trac Ticket #190 - Un-resolvable server in replication agreement produces unclear error message - Coverity fixes - Trac Ticket #391 - Slapd crashes when deleting backends while operations are still in progress - Trac Ticket #448 - Possible to set invalid macros in Macro ACIs - Trac Ticket #498 - Cannot abaondon simple paged result search - Coverity defects - Trac Ticket #494 - slapd entered to infinite loop during new index addition - Fixing compiler warnings in the posix-winsync plugin - Coverity defects - Ticket 147 - Internal Password Policy usage very inefficient - Ticket 495 - internalModifiersname not updated by DNA plugin - Revert "Ticket 495 - internalModifiersname not updated by DNA plugin" - Ticket 495 - internalModifiersname not updated by DNA plugin - Ticket 468 - if pam_passthru is enabled, need to AC_CHECK_HEADERS([security/pam_appl.h]) - Ticket 486 - nsslapd-enablePlugin should not be multivalued - Ticket 488 - Doc: DS error log messages with typo - Trac Ticket #451 - Allow db2ldif to be quiet - Ticket #491 - multimaster_extop_cleanruv returns wrong error codes - Ticket #481 - expand nested posix groups - Trac Ticket #455 - Insufficient rights to unhashed#user#password when user deletes his password - Ticket #446 - anonymous limits are being applied to directory managerTicket #28 MOD operations with chained delete/add get back error 53 on backend config Ticket #173 ds-logpipe.py script's man page and script help should be updated for -t option. Ticket #196 RFE: Interpret IPV6 addresses for ACIs, replication, and chaining Ticket #218 RFE - Make RIP working with Replicated Entries Ticket #328 make sure all internal search filters are properly escaped Ticket #329 389-admin build fails on F-18 with new apache Ticket #344 deadlock in replica_write_ruv Ticket #351 use betxn plugins by default Ticket #352 make cos, roles, views betxn aware Ticket #356 logconv.pl - RFE - track bind info Ticket #365 Audit log - clear text password in user changes Ticket #370 Opening merge qualifier CoS entry using RHDS console changes the entry. Ticket #372 Setting nsslapd-listenhost or nsslapd-securelistenhost breaks ACI processing Ticket #386 Overconsumption of memory with large cachememsize and heavy use of ldapmodify Ticket #402 unhashedTicket #userTicket #password in entry extension Ticket #408 Create a normalized dn cache Ticket #453 db2index with -tattrname:type,type fails Ticket #461 fix build problem with mozldap c sdk Ticket #462 add test for include file mntent.h Ticket #463 different parameters of getmntent in Solaris- Trac Ticket #470 - 389 prevents from adding a posixaccount with userpassword after schema reload - Ticket 477 - CLEANALLRUV if there are only winsync agmts task will hang - Ticket 457 - dirsrv init script returns 0 even when few or all instances fail to start - Ticket 473 - change VERSION.sh to have console version be major.minor - Ticket 475 - Root DN Access Control - improve value checking for config - Trac Ticket #466 - entry_apply_mod - ADD: Failed to set unhashed#user#password to extension - Ticket 474 - Root DN Access Control - days allowed not working correctly - Ticket 467 - CLEANALLRUV abort task should be able to ignore down replicas - 0b79915 fix compiler warnings in ticket 374 code - Ticket 452 - automember rebuild task adds users to groups that do not match the configuration scope- Ticket 450 - CLEANALLRUV task gets stuck on winsync replication agreement - Ticket 386 - large memory growth with ldapmodify(heap fragmentation) - this patch doesn't fix the bug - it allows us to experiment with - different values of mxfast - Ticket #374 - consumer can go into total update mode for no reason- Ticket #426 - support posix schema for user and group sync - 1) plugin config ldif must contain pluginid, etc. during upgrade or it - will fail due to schema errors - 2) posix winsync should have a lower precedence (25) than the default (50) - so that it will be run first - 3) posix winsync should support the Winsync API v3 - the v2 functions are - just stubs for now - but the precedence cb is active- 8e5087a Coverity defects - 13089: Dereference after null check ldbm_back_delete - Trac Ticket #437 - variable dn should not be used in ldbm_back_delete - ba1f5b2 fix coverity resource leak in windows_plugin_add - e3e81db Simplify program flow: change while loops to for - a0d5dc0 Fix logic errors: del_mod should be latched (might not be last mod), and avoid skipping add-mods (int value 0) - 0808f7e Simplify program flow: make adduids/moduids/deluids action blocks all similar - 77eb760 Simplify program flow: eliminate unnecessary continue - c9e9db7 Memory leaks: unmatched slapi_attr_get_valueset and slapi_value_new - a4ca0cc Change "return"s in modGroupMembership to "break"s to avoid leaking - d49035c Factorize into new isPosixGroup function - 3b61c03 coverity - posix winsync mem leaks, null check, deadcode, null ref, use after free - 33ce2a9 fix mem leaks with parent dn log message, setting winsync windows domain - Ticket #440 - periodic dirsync timed event causes server to loop repeatedly - Ticket #355 - winsync should not delete entry that appears to be out of scope - Ticket 436 - nsds5ReplicaEnabled can be set with any invalid values. - 487932d coverity - mbo dead code - winsync leaks, deadcode, null check, test code - 2734a71 CLEANALLRUV coverity fixes - Ticket #426 - support posix schema for user and group sync - Ticket #430 - server to server ssl client auth broken with latest openldap6c0778f bumped version to Ticket 429 - added nsslapd-readonly to DS schema Ticket 403 - fix CLEANALLRUV regression from last commit Trac Ticket #346 - Slow ldapmodify operation time for large quantities of multi-valued attribute valuesdb6b354 bumped version to Ticket 403 - CLEANALLRUV revisionsea05e69 Bumped version to Ticket 407 - dna memory leak - fix crash from prev fixddcf669 bump version to for offical release Ticket #425 - support multiple winsync plugins Ticket 403 - cleanallruv coverity fixes Ticket 407 - memory leak in dna plugin Ticket 403 - CLEANALLRUV feature Ticket 413 - "Server is unwilling to perform" when running ldapmodify on nsds5ReplicaStripAttrs 3168f04 Coverity defects 5ff0a02 COVERITY FIXES Ticket #388 - Improve replication agreement status messages 0760116 Update the slapi-plugin documentation on new slapi functions, and added a slapi function for checking on shutdowns Ticket #369 - restore of replica ldif file on second master after deleting two records shows only 1 deletion Ticket #409 - Report during startup if nsslapd-cachememsize is too small Ticket #412 - memberof performance enhancement 12813: Uninitialized pointer read string_values2keys Ticket #346 - Slow ldapmodify operation time for large quantities of multi-valued attribute values Ticket #346 - Slow ldapmodify operation time for large quantities of multi-valued attribute values Ticket #410 - Referential integrity plug-in does not work when update interval is not zero Ticket #406 - Impossible to rename entry (modrdn) with Attribute Uniqueness plugin enabled Ticket #405 - referint modrdn not working if case is different Ticket 399 - slapi_ldap_bind() doesn't check bind results- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- Perl 5.16 rebuild- Ticket 378 - unhashed#user#password visible after changing password - fix func declaration from previous patch - Ticket 366 - Change DS to purge ticket from krb cache in case of authentication error- Trac Ticket 396 - Account Usability Control Not Working- Ticket #378 - audit log does not log unhashed password: enabled, by default. - Ticket #378 - unhashed#user#password visible after changing password - Ticket #365 - passwords in clear text in the audit log- workaround for https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=833529- Ticket #387 - managed entry sometimes doesn't delete the managed entry - 5903815 improve txn test index handling - Ticket #360 - ldapmodify returns Operations error - fix delete caching - bcfa9e3 Coverity Fix for CLEANALLRUV - Trac Ticket #335 - transaction retries need to be cache aware - Ticket #389 - ADD operations not in audit log - 44cdc84 fix coverity issues with uninit vals, no return checking - Ticket 368 - Make the cleanAllRUV task one step - Ticket #110 - RFE limiting root DN by host, IP, time of day, day of week- Perl 5.16 rebuild- Ticket #360 - ldapmodify returns Operations error - Ticket #321 - krbExtraData is being null modified and replicated on each ssh login - Trac Ticket #359 - Database RUV could mismatch the one in changelog under the stress - Ticket #361: Bad DNs in ACIs can segfault ns-slapd - Trac Ticket #338 - letters in object's cn get converted to lowercase when renaming object - Ticket #337 - Improve CLEANRUV task- Ticket #358 - managed entry doesn't delete linked entry- Ticket #351 - use betxn plugins by default - revert - make no plugins betxn by default - too great a risk - for deadlocks until we can test this better - Ticket #348 - crash in ldap_initialize with multiple threads - fixes PR_Init problem in ldclt- f227f11 Suppress alert on unavailable port with forced setup - Ticket #353 - coverity 12625-12629 - leaks, dead code, unchecked return - Ticket #351 - use betxn plugins by default - Trac Ticket #345 - db deadlock return should not log error - Ticket #348 - crash in ldap_initialize with multiple threads - Ticket #214 - Adding Replication agreement should complain if required nsds5ReplicaCredentials not supplied - Ticket #207 - [RFE] enable attribute that tracks when a password was last set - Ticket #216 - RFE - Disable replication agreements - Ticket #337 - RFE - Improve CLEANRUV functionality - Ticket #326 - MemberOf plugin should work on all backends - Trac Ticket #19 - Convert entryUSN plugin to transaction aware type - Ticket #347 - IPA dirsvr seg-fault during system longevity test - Trac Ticket #310 - Avoid calling escape_string() for logged DNs - Trac Ticket #338 - letters in object's cn get converted to lowercase when renaming object - Ticket #183 - passwordMaxFailure should lockout password one sooner - Trac Ticket #335 - transaction retries need to be cache aware - Ticket #336 - [abrt] 389-ds-base- index_range_read_ext: Process /usr/sbin/ns-slapd was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV) - Ticket #325 - logconv.pl : use of getopts to parse command line options - Ticket #336 - [abrt] 389-ds-base- index_range_read_ext: Process /usr/sbin/ns-slapd was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV) - 554e29d Coverity Fixes - Trac Ticket #46 - (additional 2) setup-ds-admin.pl does not like ipv6 only hostnames - Ticket #183 - passwordMaxFailure should lockout password one sooner - and should be configurable to avoid regressions - Ticket #315 - small fix to libglobs - Ticket #315 - ns-slapd exits/crashes if /var fills up - Ticket #20 - Allow automember to work on entries that have already been added - Trac Ticket #45 - Fine Grained Password policy: if passwordHistory is on, deleting the password fails.- 453eb97 schema def must have DESC '' - close paren must be preceded by space - Trac Ticket #46 - (additional) setup-ds-admin.pl does not like ipv6 only hostnames - Ticket #331 - transaction errors with db 4.3 and db 4.2 - Ticket #261 - Add Solaris i386 - Ticket #316 and Ticket #70 - add post add/mod and AD add callback hooks - Ticket #324 - Sync with group attribute containing () fails - Ticket #319 - ldap-agent crashes on start with signal SIGSEGV - 77cacd9 coverity 12606 Logically dead code - Trac Ticket #303 - make DNA range requests work with transactions - Ticket #320 - allow most plugins to be betxn plugins - Ticket #24 - Add nsTLS1 to the DS schema - Ticket #271 - Slow shutdown when you have 100+ replication agreements - TIcket #285 - compilation fixes for '--format-security' - Ticket 211 - Avoid preop range requests non-DNA operations - Ticket #271 - replication code cleanup - Ticket 317 - RHDS fractional replication with excluded password policy attributes leads to wrong error messages. - Ticket #308 - Automembership plugin fails if data and config area mixed in the plugin configuration - Ticket #292 - logconv.pl reporting unindexed search with different search base than shown in access logs - 6f8680a coverity 12563 Read from pointer after free (fix 2) - e6a9b22 coverity 12563 Read from pointer after free - 245d494 Config changes fail because of unknown attribute "internalModifiersname" - Ticket #191 - Implement SO_KEEPALIVE in network calls - Ticket #289 - allow betxn plugin config changes - 93adf5f destroy the entry cache and dn cache in the dse post op delete callback - e2532d8 init txn thread private data for all database modes - Ticket #291 - cannot use & in a sasl map search filter - 6bf6e79 Schema Reload crash fix - 60b2d12 Fixing compiler warnings - Trac Ticket #260 - 389 DS does not support multiple paging controls on a single connection - Ticket #302 - use thread local storage for internalModifiersName & internalCreatorsName - fdcc256 Minor bug fix introcuded by commit 69c9f3bf7dd9fe2cadd5eae0ab72ce218b78820e - Ticket #306 - void function cannot return value - ticket 181 - Allow PAM passthru plug-in to have multiple config entries - ticket 211 - Use of uninitialized variables in ldbm_back_modify() - Ticket #74 - Add schema for DNA plugin (RFE) - Ticket #301 - implement transaction support using thread local storage - Ticket #211 - dnaNextValue gets incremented even if the user addition fails - 144af59 coverity uninit var and resource leak - Trac Ticket #34 - remove-ds.pl does not remove everything - Trac Ticket #169 - allow 389 to use db5 - bc78101 fix compiler warning in acct policy plugin - Trac Ticket #84 - 389 Directory Server Unnecessary Checkpoints - Trac Ticket #27 - SASL/PLAIN binds do not work - Ticket #129 - Should only update modifyTimestamp/modifiersName on MODIFYops - Ticket #17 - new replication optimizations- Ticket #46 - (revised) setup-ds-admin.pl does not like ipv6 only hostnames - Ticket #66 - 389-ds-base spec file does not have a BuildRequires on gcc-c++- Ticket #46 - setup-ds-admin.pl does not like ipv6 only hostnames- get rid of posttrans - move update code to post- Ticket #305 - Certain CMP operations hang or cause ns-slapd to crash- b05139b memleak in normalize_mods2bvals - c0eea24 memleak in mep_parse_config_entry - 90bc9eb handle null smods - Ticket #305 - Certain CMP operations hang or cause ns-slapd to crash - Ticket #306 - void function cannot return value - ticket 304 - Fix kernel version checking in dsktune- Trac Ticket #298 - crash when replicating orphaned tombstone entry - Ticket #281 - TLS not working with latest openldap - Trac Ticket #290 - server hangs during shutdown if betxn pre/post op fails - Trac Ticket #26 - Please support setting defaultNamingContext in the rootdse- Ticket #124 - add Provides: ldif2ldbm to rpm- Ticket #294 - 389 DS Segfaults during replica install in FreeIPA- Ticket 284 - Remove unnecessary SNMP MIB files - Ticket 51 - memory leaks in 389-ds-base- - Ticket 175 - logconv.pl improvements- Introducing use_db4 macro to support db5 (libdb).- Rebuild against PCRE 8.30- ad9dd30 coverity 12488 Resource leak In attr_index_config(): Leak of memory or pointers to system resources - Ticket #281 - TLS not working with latest openldap - Ticket #280 - extensible binary filters do not work - Ticket #279 - filter normalization does not use matching rules - Trac Ticket #275 - Invalid read reported by valgrind - Ticket #277 - cannot set repl referrals or state - Ticket #278 - Schema replication update failed: Invalid syntax - Ticket #39 - Account Policy Plugin does not work for simple binds when PAM Pass Through Auth plugin is enabled - Ticket #13 - slapd process exits when put the database on read only mode while updates are coming to the server - Ticket #87 - Manpages fixes - c493fb4 fix a couple of minor coverity issues - Ticket #55 - Limit of 1024 characters for nsMatchingRule - Trac Ticket #274 - Reindexing entryrdn fails if ancestors are also tombstoned - Ticket #6 - protocol error from proxied auth operation - Ticket #38 - nisDomain schema is incorrect - Ticket #273 - ruv tombstone searches don't work after reindex entryrdn - Ticket #29 - Samba3-schema is missing sambaTrustedDomainPassword - Ticket #22 - RFE: Support sendmail LDAP routing schema - Ticket #161 - Review and address latest Coverity issues - Ticket #140 - incorrect memset parameters - Trac Ticket 35 - Log not clear enough on schema errors - Trac Ticket 139 - eliminate the use of char *dn in favor of Slapi_DN *dn - Trac Ticket #52 - FQDN set to nsslapd-listenhost makes the server start fail if IPv4-mapped-IPv6 address is given- Ticket #272 - add tombstonenumsubordinates to schema- fixes for systemd - remove .pid files after shutting down servers - Ticket #263 - add systemd include directive - Ticket #264 - upgrade needs better check for "server is running"- Ticket #262 - pid file not removed with systemd - Ticket #50 - server should not call a plugin after the plugin close function is called - Ticket #18 - Data inconsitency during replication - Ticket #49 - better handling for server shutdown while long running tasks are active - Ticket #15 - Get rid of rwlock.h/rwlock.c and just use slapi_rwlock instead - Ticket #257 - repl-monitor doesn't work if leftmost hostnames are the same - Ticket #12 - 389 DS DNA Plugin / Replication failing on GSSAPI - 6aaeb77 add a hack to disable sasl hostname canonicalization - Ticket 168 - minssf should not apply to rootdse - Ticket #177 - logconv.pl doesn't detect restarts - Ticket #159 - Managed Entry Plugin runs against managed entries upon any update without validating - Ticket 75 - Unconfigure plugin opperations are being called. - Ticket 26 - Please support setting defaultNamingContext in the rootdse. - Ticket #71 - unable to delete managed entry config - Ticket #167 - Mixing transaction and non-transaction plugins can cause deadlock - Ticket #256 - debug build assertion in ACL_EvalDestroy() - Ticket #4 - bak2db gets stuck in infinite loop - Ticket #162 - Infinite loop / spin inside strcmpi_fast, acl_read_access_allowed_on_attr, server DoS - Ticket #3: acl cache overflown problem - Ticket 1 - pre-normalize filter and pre-compile substring regex - and other optimizations - Ticket 2 - If node entries are tombstone'd, subordinate entries fail to get the full DN.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- Bug 755725 - 389 programs linked against openldap crash during shutdown - Bug 755754 - Unable to start dirsrv service using systemd - Bug 745259 - Incorrect entryUSN index under high load in replicated environment - d439e3a use slapi_hexchar2int and slapi_str_to_u8 everywhere - 5910551 csn_init_as_string should not use sscanf - b53ba00 reduce calls to csn_as_string and slapi_log_error - c897267 fix member variable name error in slapi_uniqueIDFormat - 66808e5 uniqueid formatting - use slapi_u8_to_hex instead of sprintf - 580a875 csn_as_string - use slapi_uN_to_hex instead of sprintf - Bug 751645 - crash when simple paged fails to send entry to client - Bug 752155 - Use restorecon after creating init script lock file- Bug 751495 - 'setup-ds.pl -u' fails with undefined routine 'updateSystemD' - Bug 750625 750624 750622 744946 Coverity issues - Bug 748575 - part 2 - rhds81 modrdn operation and 100% cpu use in replication - Bug 748575 - rhds81 modrn operation and 100% cpu use in replication - Bug 745259 - Incorrect entryUSN index under high load in replicated environment - f639711 Reduce the number of DN normalization - c06a8fa Keep unhashed password psuedo-attribute in the adding entry - Bug 744945 - nsslapd-counters attribute value cannot be set to "off" - 8d3b921 Use new PLUGIN_CONFIG_ENTRY feature to allow switching between txn and regular - d316a67 Change referential integrity to be a betxnpostoperation plugin- Bug 741744 - part3 - MOD operations with chained delete/add get back error 53 - 1d2f5a0 make memberof transaction aware and able to be a betxnpostoperation plug in - b6d3ba7 pass the plugin config entry to the plugin init function - 28f7bfb set the ENTRY_POST_OP for modrdn betxnpostoperation plugins - Bug 743966 - Compiler warnings in account usability plugin- 498c42b fix transaction support in ldbm_delete- Bug 740942 - allow resource limits to be set for paged searches independently of limits for other searches/operations - Bug 741744 - MOD operations with chained delete/add get back error 53 on backend config - Bug 742324 - allow nsslapd-idlistscanlimit to be set dynamically and per-user- Bug 695736 - Providing native systemd file- corrected source- Bug 735114 - renaming a managed entry does not update mepmanagedby- Bug 735121 - simple paged search + ip/dns based ACI hangs server - Bug 722292 - (cov#11030) Leak of mapped_sdn in winsync rename code - Bug 703990 - cross-platform - Support upgrade from Red Hat Directory Server - Introducing an environment variable USE_VALGRIND to clean up the entry cache and dn cache on exit.- Bug 732153 - subtree and user account lockout policies implemented? - Bug 722292 - Entries in DS are not updated properly when using WinSync API- Bug 733103 - large targetattr list with syntax errors cause server to crash or hang - Bug 633803 - passwordisglobalpolicy attribute brakes TLS chaining - Bug 732541 - Ignore error 32 when adding automember config - Bug 728592 - Allow ns-slapd to start with an invalid server cert- Bug 728510 - Run dirsync after sending updates to AD - Bug 729717 - Fatal error messages when syncing deletes from AD - Bug 729369 - upgrade DB to upgrade from entrydn to entryrdn format is not working. - Bug 729378 - delete user subtree container in AD + modify password in DS == DS crash - Bug 723937 - Slapi_Counter API broken on 32-bit F15 - fixed again - separate tests for atomic ops and atomic bool cas- Bug 727511 - ldclt SSL search requests are failing with "illegal error number -1" error - Fix another coverity NULL deref in previous patch- Bug 727511 - ldclt SSL search requests are failing with "illegal error number -1" error - Fix coverity NULL deref in previous patch- Bug 727511 - ldclt SSL search requests are failing with "illegal error number -1" error - previous patch broke build on el5- Bug 727511 - ldclt SSL search requests are failing with "illegal error number -1" error- Bug 723937 - Slapi_Counter API broken on 32-bit F15 - fixed to use configure test for GCC provided 64-bit atomic functions- Bug 663752 - Cert renewal for attrcrypt and encchangelog - this was "re-fixed" due to a deadlock condition with cl2ldif task cancel - Bug 725953 - Winsync: DS entries fail to sync to AD, if the User's CN entry contains a comma - Bug 725743 - Make memberOf use PRMonitor for it's operation lock - Bug 725542 - Instance upgrade fails when upgrading 389-ds-base package - Bug 723937 - Slapi_Counter API broken on 32-bit F15- Perl mass rebuild- Perl mass rebuild- Bug 720059 - RDN with % can cause crashes or missing entries - Bug 709468 - RSA Authentication Server timeouts when using simple paged results on RHDS 8.2. - Bug 691313 - Need TLS/SSL error messages in repl status and errors log - Bug 712855 - Directory Server 8.2 logs "Netscape Portable Runtime error -5961 (TCP connection reset by peer.)" to error log whereas Directory Server 8.1 did not - Bug 713209 - Update sudo schema - Bug 719069 - clean up compiler warnings in 389-ds-base 1.2.9 - Bug 718303 - Intensive updates on masters could break the consumer's cache - Bug 711679 - unresponsive LDAP service when deleting vlv on replica- 389-ds-base-1.2.9.a2 - look for separate openldap ldif library - Split automember regex rules into separate entries - writing Inf file shows SchemaFile = ARRAY(0xhexnum) - add support for ldif files with changetype: add - Bug 716980 - winsync uses old AD entry if new one not found - Bug 697694 - rhds82 - incr update state stop_fatal_error "requires administrator action", with extop_result: 9 - bump console version to 1.2.6 - Bug 711679 - unresponsive LDAP service when deleting vlv on replica - Bug 703703 - setup-ds-admin.pl asks for legal agreement to a non-existant file - Bug 706209 - LEGAL: RHEL6.1 License issue for 389-ds-base package - Bug 663752 - Cert renewal for attrcrypt and encchangelog - Bug 706179 - DS can not restart after create a new objectClass has entryusn attribute - Bug 711906 - ns-slapd segfaults using suffix referrals - Bug 707384 - only allow FIPS approved cipher suites in FIPS mode - Bug 710377 - Import with chain-on-update crashes ns-slapd - Bug 709826 - Memory leak: when extra referrals configured- Perl mass rebuild- Perl 5.14 mass rebuild- 389-ds-base-1.2.9.a1 - Auto Membership - More Coverity fixes- 389-ds-base- - Bug 700145 - userpasswd not replicating - Bug 700557 - Linked attrs callbacks access free'd pointers after close - Bug 694336 - Group sync hangs Windows initial Sync - Bug 700215 - ldclt core dumps - Bug 695779 - windows sync can lose old values when a new value is added - Bug 697027 - 12 - minor memory leaks found by Valgrind + TET- 389-ds-base- - Bug 696407 - If an entry with a mixed case RDN is turned to be - a tombstone, it fails to assemble DN from entryrdn- 389-ds-base- - Bug 693962 - Full replica push loses some entries with multi-valued RDNs- 389-ds-base- - Bug 693473 - rhds82 rfe - windows_tot_run to log Sizelimit exceeded instead of LDAP error - -1 - Bug 692991 - rhds82 - windows_tot_run: failed to obtain data to send to the consumer; LDAP error - -1 - Bug 693466 - Unable to change schema online - Bug 693503 - matching rules do not inherit from superior attribute type - Bug 693455 - nsMatchingRule does not work with multiple values - Bug 693451 - cannot use localized matching rules - Bug 692331 - Segfault on index update during full replication push on 389-ds-base-1.2.8.rc5 - Bug 692469 - Replica install fails after step for "enable GSSAPI for replication"- 389-ds-base-1.2.8.rc4 - Bug 668385 - DS pipe log script is executed as many times as the dirsrv serv ice is restarted - 389-ds-base-1.2.8.rc3 - Bug 690955 - Mrclone fails due to the replica generation id mismatch- 389-ds-base-1.2.8 release candidate 2 - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.8.rc2 - Bug 689537 - (cov#10610) Fix Coverity NULL pointer dereferences - Bug 689866 - ns-newpwpolicy.pl needs to use the new DN format - Bug 681015 - RFE: allow fine grained password policy duration attributes - in days, hours, minutes, as well - Bug 684996 - Exported tombstone cannot be imported correctly - Bug 683250 - slapd crashing when traffic replayed - Bug 668909 - Can't modify replication agreement in some cases - Bug 504803 - Allow maxlogsize to be set if logmaxdiskspace is -1 - Bug 644784 - Memory leak in "testbind.c" plugin - Bug 680558 - Winsync plugin fails to restrain itself to the configured subtree- rebuild for icu 4.6- 389-ds-base-1.2.8 release candidate 1 - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.8.rc1 - Bug 518890 - setup-ds-admin.pl - improve hostname validation - Bug 681015 - RFE: allow fine grained password policy duration attributes in - days, hours, minutes, as well - Bug 514190 - setup-ds-admin.pl --debug does not log to file - Bug 680555 - ns-slapd segfaults if I have more than 100 DBs - Bug 681345 - setup-ds.pl should set SuiteSpotGroup automatically - Bug 674852 - crash in ldap-agent when using OpenLDAP - Bug 679978 - modifying attr value crashes the server, which is supposed to - be indexed as substring type, but has octetstring syntax - Bug 676655 - winsync stops working after server restart - Bug 677705 - ds-logpipe.py script is failing to validate "-s" and - "--serverpid" options with "-t". - Bug 625424 - repl-monitor.pl doesn't work in hub node- Bug 676598 - 389-ds-base multilib: file conflicts - split off libs into a separate -libs package- do not create /var/run/dirsrv - setup will create it instead - remove the fedora-ds initscript upgrade stuff - we do not support that anymore - convert the remaining lua stuff to plain old shell script- 1.2.8.a3 release - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.8.a3 - Bug 675320 - empty modify operation with repl on or lastmod off will crash server - Bug 675265 - preventryusn gets added to entries on a failed delete - Bug 677774 - added support for tmpfiles.d - Bug 666076 - dirsrv crash ( with multiple simple paged result search es - Bug 672468 - Don't use empty path elements in LD_LIBRARY_PATH - Bug 671199 - Don't allow other to write to rundir - Bug 678646 - Ignore tombstone operations in managed entry plug-in - Bug 676053 - export task followed by import task causes cache assertion - Bug 677440 - clean up compiler warnings in 389-ds-base 1.2.8 - Bug 675113 - ns-slapd core dump in windows_tot_run if oneway sync is used - Bug 676689 - crash while adding a new user to be synced to windows - Bug 604881 - admin server log files have incorrect permissions/ownerships - Bug 668385 - DS pipe log script is executed as many times as the dirsrv serv ice is restarted - Bug 675853 - dirsrv crash segfault in need_new_pw()- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- 1.2.8.a2 release - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.8.a2 - Bug 674430 - Improve error messages for attribute uniqueness - Bug 616213 - insufficient stack size for HP-UX on PA-RISC - Bug 615052 - intrinsics and 64-bit atomics code fails to compile - on PA-RISC - Bug 151705 - Need to update Console Cipher Preferences with new ciphers - Bug 668862 - init scripts return wrong error code - Bug 670616 - Allow SSF to be set for local (ldapi) connections - Bug 667935 - DS pipe log script's logregex.py plugin is not redirecting the - log output to the text file - Bug 668619 - slapd stops responding - Bug 624547 - attrcrypt should query the given slot/token for - supported ciphers - Bug 646381 - Faulty password for nsmultiplexorcredentials does not give any - error message in logs- 1.2.8-0.1.a1 release - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.8.a1 - many bug fixes- release - git tag 389-ds-base- - Bug 663597 - Memory leaks in normalization code- Resolves: bug 656541 - use %ghost on files in /var/lock- release - git tag 389-ds-base- - Bug 661792 - Valid managed entry config rejected- release - git tag 389-ds-base- - Bug 658312 - Invalid free in Managed Entry plug-in - Bug 641944 - Don't normalize non-DN RDN values- release - git tag 389-ds-base- - Bug 659456 - Incorrect usage of ber_printf() in winsync code - Bug 658309 - Process escaped characters in managed entry mappings - Bug 197886 - Initialize return value for UUID generation code - Bug 658312 - Allow mapped attribute types to be quoted - Bug 197886 - Avoid overflow of UUID generator- last commit had bogus commit log- release - git tag 389-ds-base- - Bug 656515 - Allow Name and Optional UID syntax for grouping attributes - Bug 656392 - Remove calls to ber_err_print() - Bug 625950 - hash nsslapd-rootpw changes in audit log- 1.2.7 release - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.7- Bug 648949 - Merge dirsrv and dirsrv-admin policy modules into base policy- 1.2.7.a5 release - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.7.a5 - Bug 643979 - Strange byte sequence for attribute with no values (nsslapd-ref erral) - Bug 635009 - Add one-way AD sync capability - Bug 572018 - Upgrading from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6.a2 deletes userRoot - put replication config entries in separate file - Bug 567282 - server can not abandon searchRequest of "simple paged results" - Bug 329751 - "nested" filtered roles searches candidates more than needed - Bug 521088 - DNA should check ACLs before getting a value from the range- 1.2.7.a4 release - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.7.a4 - Bug 647932 - multiple memberOf configuration adding memberOf where there is no member - Bug 491733 - dbtest crashes - Bug 606545 - core schema should include numSubordinates - Bug 638773 - permissions too loose on pid and lock files - Bug 189985 - Improve attribute uniqueness error message - Bug 619623 - attr-unique-plugin ignores requiredObjectClass on modrdn operat ions - Bug 619633 - Make attribute uniqueness obey requiredObjectClass- 1.2.7.a3 release - a2 was never released - this is a rebuild to pick up - Bug 644608 - RHDS 8.1->8.2 upgrade fails to properly migrate ACIs - Adding the ancestorid fix code to ##upgradednformat.pl.- 1.2.7.a3 release - a2 was never released - Bug 644608 - RHDS 8.1->8.2 upgrade fails to properly migrate ACIs - Bug 629681 - Retro Changelog trimming does not behave as expected - Bug 645061 - Upgrade: 06inetorgperson.ldif and 05rfc4524.ldif - are not upgraded in the server instance schema dir- 1.2.7.a2 release - a1 was the OpenLDAP testday release - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.7.a2 - added openldap support on platforms that use openldap with moznss - for crypto (F-14 and later) - many bug fixes - Account Policy Plugin (keep track of last login, disable old accounts)- added openldap support- bump rel to rebuild again- bump rel to rebuild- This is the release - git tag 389-ds-base- - Bug 634561 - Server crushes when using Windows Sync Agreement - Bug 635987 - Incorrect sub scope search result with ACL containing ldap:///self - Bug 612264 - ACI issue with (targetattr='userPassword') - Bug 606920 - anonymous resource limit- nstimelimit - also applied to "cn=directory manager" - Bug 631862 - crash - delete entries not in cache + referint- This is the final 1.2.6 release- 1.2.6 release candidate 7 - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.6.rc7 - Bug 621928 - Unable to enable replica (rdn problem?) on 1.2.6 rc6- 1.2.6 release candidate 6 - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.6.rc6 - Bug 617013 - repl-monitor.pl use cpu upto 90% - Bug 616618 - 389 v1.2.5 accepts 2 identical entries with different DN formats - Bug 547503 - replication broken again, with 389 MMR replication and TCP errors - Bug 613833 - Allow dirsrv_t to bind to rpc ports - Bug 612242 - membership change on DS does not show on AD - Bug 617629 - Missing aliases in new schema files - Bug 619595 - Upgrading sub suffix under non-normalized suffix disappears - Bug 616608 - SIGBUS in RDN index reads on platforms with strict alignments - Bug 617862 - Replication: Unable to delete tombstone errors - Bug 594745 - Get rid of dirsrv_lib_t label- make selinux-devel explicit Require the base package in order - to comply with Fedora Licensing Guidelines- 1.2.6 release candidate 3 - git tag 389-ds-base-1.2.6.rc3 - Bug 603942 - null deref in _ger_parse_control() for subjectdn - 609256 - Selinux: pwdhash fails if called via Admin Server CGI - 578296 - Attribute type entrydn needs to be added when subtree rename switch is on - 605827 - In-place upgrade: upgrade dn format should not run in setup-ds-admin.pl - Bug 604453 - SASL Stress and Server crash: Program quits with the assertion failure in PR_Poll - Bug 604453 - SASL Stress and Server crash: Program quits with the assertion failure in PR_Poll - 606920 - anonymous resource limit - nstimelimit - also applied to "cn=directory manager"- 1.2.6 release candidate 2- install replication session plugin header with devel package- 1.2.6 release candidate 1- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0- 1.2.6.a4 release- 1.2.6.a3 release - add managed entries plug-in - many bug fixes - moved selinux subpackage into base package- rebuild for icu 4.4- 1.2.6.a2 release - add support for matching rules - many bug fixes- 1.2.6.a1 release - Added SELinux policy and subpackages- 1.2.5 final release- 1.2.5.rc4 release- 1.2.5.rc3 release- 1.2.5.rc2 release- 1.2.5.rc1 release- 1.2.5.a1 release- 1.2.4 release - resolves bug 221905 - added support for Salted MD5 (SMD5) passwords - primarily for migration - resolves bug 529258 - Make upgrade remove obsolete schema from 99user.ldif- 1.2.3 release - added template-initconfig to %files - %posttrans now runs update to update the server instances - servers are shutdown, then restarted if running before install - scriptlets mostly use lua now to pass data among scriptlet phases- rebuild with new openssl to fix dependencies- backed out - added template-initconfig to %files - this change is for the next major release - bump version to 1.2.2 - fix reopened 509472 db2index all does not reindex all the db backends correctly - fix 518520 - pre hashed salted passwords do not work - see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=518519 for the list of - bugs fixed in 1.2.2- rebuilt with new openssl- added template-initconfig to %files- added BuildRequires pcre- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- change name to 389 - change version to 1.2.1 - added initial support for numeric string syntax - added initial support for syntax validation - added initial support for paged results including sorting- final release 1.2.0 - Resolves: bug 475338 - LOG: the intenal type of maxlogsize, maxdiskspace and minfreespace should be 64-bit integer - Resolves: bug 496836 - SNMP ldap-agent on Solaris: Unable to open semaphore for server: 389 - CVS tag: FedoraDirSvr_1_2_0 FedoraDirSvr_1_2_0_20090428- re-enable ppc builds- exclude ppc builds - needs extensive porting work- new release 1.2.0 - Made devel package depend on mozldap-devel - only create run dir if it does not exist - CVS tag: FedoraDirSvr_1_2_0_RC1 FedoraDirSvr_1_2_0_RC1_20090330- added db4-utils to Requires for verify-db.pl- Enabled LDAPI autobind- updated update to patch bug463991-bdb47.patch- updated patch bug463991-bdb47.patch- added patch bug463991-bdb47.patch - make ds work with bdb 4.7- rolled back bogus winsync memory leak fix- winsync api improvements for modify operations- This is the 1.1.2 release. The bugs fixed can be found here - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=452721 - Added winsync-plugin.h to the devel subpackage- bump rev to rebuild and pick up new version of ICU- 1.1.1 release candidate - several bug fixes- fix bugzilla 439829 - patch to allow working with NSS 3.11.99 and later- add patch to allow server to work with NSS 3.11.99 and later - do NSS_Init after fork but before detaching from console- add Requires for versioned perl (libperl.so)- previous fix for 434403 used the wrong patch - this is the right one- Resolves bug 434403 - GCC 4.3 build fails - Rolled new source tarball which includes Nathan's fix for the struct ucred - NOTE: Change version back to 1.1.1 for next release - this release was pulled from CVS tag FedoraDirSvr110_gcc43- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- This is the GA release of Fedora DS 1.1 - Removed version numbers for BuildRequires and Requires - Added full URL to source tarball- Rebuild for deps- This is the beta2 release - new file added to package - /etc/sysconfig/dirsrv - for setting - daemon environment as is usual in other linux daemons- fix build breakage due to open() - mock could not find BuildRequires: db4-devel >= 4.2.52 - mock works if >= version is removed - it correctly finds db4.6- Change pathnames to use the pkgname macro which is dirsrv - get rid of cvsdate in source name- Added Requires for perldap, cyrus sasl plugins - Removed template-migrate* files - Added perl module directory - Removed install.inf - setup-ds.pl can now easily generate one- added requires for mozldap-tools- update to latest sources - added migrateTo11 to allow migrating instances from 1.0.x to 1.1 - ldapi support - fixed pam passthru plugin ENTRY method- Renamed package to fedora-ds-base, but keep names of paths/files/services the same - use the shortname macro (fedora-ds) for names of paths, files, and services instead - of name, so that way we can continue to use e.g. /etc/fedora-ds instead of /etc/fedora-ds-base - updated to latest sources- More cleanup suggested by Dennis Gilmore - This is the fedora extras candidate based on cvs tag FedoraDirSvr110a1- latest sources - added init scripts - use /etc as instconfigdir- latest sources - moved all executables to _bindir- latest sources - added /var/tmp/fedora-ds to dirs- added logconv.pl - added slapi-plugin.h to devel package - added explicit dirs for /var/log/fedora-ds et. al.- just move all .so files into the base package from the devel package- Move the plugin *.so files into the main package instead of the devel - package because they are loaded directly by name via dlopen- Move the script-templates directory to datadir/fedora-ds- change mozldap to mozldap6- remove . from cvsdate define- Having a problem building in Brew - may be Release format- Changed version to 1.1.0 and added Release 1.el4.cvs20070119 - merged in changes from Fedora Extras candidate spec file- Bump component versions (nspr, nss, svrcore, mozldap) to their latest - remove unneeded patches- update to a cvs snapshot - fedorafy the spec - create -devel subpackage - apply a patch to use mozldap not mozldap6 - apply a patch to allow --prefix to work correctly- Fixed the problem where the server would crash upon shutdown in dblayer - due to a race condition among the database housekeeping threads - Fix a problem with normalized absolute paths for db directories- Touch all of the ldap/admin/src/scripts/*.in files so that they - will be newer than their corresponding script template files, so - that make will rebuild them.- Chown new schema files when copying during instance creation- Configure will get ldapsdk_bindir from pkg-config, or $libdir/mozldap6- use eval to sed ./configure into ../configure- jump through hoops to be able to run ../configure- Need to make built dir in setup section- The template scripts needed to use @libdir@ instead of hardcoding - /usr/lib - Use make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install instead of % makeinstall - do the actual build in a "built" subdirectory, until we remove - the old script templates- Make replication plugin link with libdb- Have make define LIBDIR, BINDIR, etc. for C code to use - especially for create_instance.h- Forgot to checkin new config.h.in for AC_CONFIG_HEADERS- Add perldap as a Requires; update sources- Fix ds_newinst.pl - Remove obsolete #defines- Update sources; rebuild to populate brew yum repo with dirsec-nss- Update sources- initial revision/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh389-ds-base !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYY[\\^_`abcdefghijklmnpqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !dirsrvconfigcertmap.confslapd-collations.conftemplate-initconfigschema99user.ldifdirsrvdirsrv.systemddirsrv.target.wantscl-dumpcl-dump.pldbgen.pldbscands-logpipe.pyds-replcheckdsktuneinfaddldcltldiflogconv.plmigratecredmmldifpwdhashreadnsstaterepl-monitorrepl-monitor.plrsearch70-dirsrv.confsystemdirsrv.targetdirsrv@.serviceperlDSCreate.pmDSDialogs.pmDSMigration.pmDSUpdate.pmDSUpdateDialogs.pmDSUtil.pmDialog.pmDialogManager.pmFileConn.pmInf.pmMigration.pmResource.pmSetup.pmSetupDialogs.pmSetupLog.pmpluginslibacctpolicy-plugin.solibacctusability-plugin.solibacl-plugin.solibaddn-plugin.solibattr-unique-plugin.solibautomember-plugin.solibback-ldbm.solibbitwise-plugin.solibchainingdb-plugin.solibcollation-plugin.solibcontentsync-plugin.solibcos-plugin.solibderef-plugin.solibdistrib-plugin.solibdna-plugin.solibhttp-client-plugin.soliblinkedattrs-plugin.solibmanagedentries-plugin.solibmemberof-plugin.solibpam-passthru-plugin.solibpassthru-plugin.solibpbe-plugin.solibposix-winsync-plugin.solibpwdstorage-plugin.solibreferint-plugin.solibreplication-plugin.solibretrocl-plugin.solibroles-plugin.solibrootdn-access-plugin.solibschemareload-plugin.solibstatechange-plugin.solibsyntax-plugin.solibusn-plugin.solibviews-plugin.solibwhoami-plugin.sopythonfailedbinds.pyfailedbinds.pycfailedbinds.pyologregex.pylogregex.pyclogregex.pyobak2dbbak2db.plcleanallruv.pldb2bakdb2bak.pldb2indexdb2index.pldb2ldifdb2ldif.pldbmon.shdbverifydn2rdnds_selinux_enabledds_selinux_port_queryds_systemd_ask_password_aclfixup-linkedattrs.plfixup-memberof.plldif2dbldif2db.plldif2ldapmigrate-ds.plmonitorns-accountstatus.plns-activate.plns-inactivate.plns-newpwpolicy.plns-slapdremove-ds.plrestart-dirsrvrestoreconfigsaveconfigschema-reload.plsetup-ds.plstart-dirsrvstatus-dirsrvstop-dirsrvsuffix2instancesyntax-validate.plupgradedbupgradednformatusn-tombstone-cleanup.plverify-db.plvlvindexdirsrvdata10rfc2307bis.ldif60changelog.ldif60inetmail.ldif60kerberos.ldif60krb5kdc.ldif60nis.ldif60qmail.ldif60radius.ldif60rfc4876.ldif60samba.ldif60samba3.ldif60sendmail.ldifAce.ldifDSSharedLibEuropean.ldifEurosuffix.ldifExample-roles.ldifExample-views.ldifExample.ldifdbgen-FamilyNamesdbgen-GivenNamesdbgen-OrgUnitstemplate-baseacis.ldiftemplate-country.ldiftemplate-domain.ldiftemplate-dse-minimal.ldiftemplate-dse.ldiftemplate-ldapi-autobind.ldiftemplate-ldapi-default.ldiftemplate-ldapi.ldiftemplate-locality.ldiftemplate-org.ldiftemplate-orgunit.ldiftemplate-sasl.ldiftemplate-state.ldiftemplate-suffix-db.ldiftemplate.ldifinfdefaults.infdscreate.mapdsorgentries.mapdsupdate.mapslapd.infmibsredhat-directory.mibpropertiesmigrate-ds.resns-slapd.propertiessetup-ds.resschema00core.ldif01core389.ldif02common.ldif05rfc2927.ldif05rfc4523.ldif05rfc4524.ldif06inetorgperson.ldif10automember-plugin.ldif10dna-plugin.ldif10mep-plugin.ldif10rfc2307.ldif20subscriber.ldif25java-object.ldif28pilot.ldif30ns-common.ldif50ns-admin.ldif50ns-certificate.ldif50ns-directory.ldif50ns-mail.ldif50ns-value.ldif50ns-web.ldif60acctpolicy.ldif60autofs.ldif60eduperson.ldif60mozilla.ldif60nss-ldap.ldif60pam-plugin.ldif60posix-winsync-plugin.ldif60pureftpd.ldif60rfc2739.ldif60rfc3712.ldif60sabayon.ldif60sudo.ldif60trust.ldifscript-templatestemplate-bak2dbtemplate-bak2db.pltemplate-cleanallruv.pltemplate-db2baktemplate-db2bak.pltemplate-db2indextemplate-db2index.pltemplate-db2ldiftemplate-db2ldif.pltemplate-dbverifytemplate-dn2rdntemplate-fixup-linkedattrs.pltemplate-fixup-memberof.pltemplate-fixup-memberuid.pltemplate-ldif2dbtemplate-ldif2db.pltemplate-ldif2ldaptemplate-monitortemplate-ns-accountstatus.pltemplate-ns-activate.pltemplate-ns-inactivate.pltemplate-ns-newpwpolicy.pltemplate-restart-slapdtemplate-restoreconfigtemplate-saveconfigtemplate-schema-reload.pltemplate-start-slapdtemplate-stop-slapdtemplate-suffix2instancetemplate-syntax-validate.pltemplate-upgradednformattemplate-usn-tombstone-cleanup.pltemplate-verify-db.pltemplate-vlvindexupdates10cleanupldapi.pl10delautodnsuffix.pl10fixrundir.pl20betxn.pl50AES-pbe-plugin.ldif50acctusabilityplugin.ldif50addchainingsaslpwroles.ldif50automemberplugin.ldif50bitstringsyntaxplugin.ldif50contentsync.ldif50cryptpwdstorageplugin.ldif50deliverymethodsyntaxplugin.ldif50derefplugin.ldif50disableurisyntaxplugin.ldif50enhancedguidesyntaxplugin.ldif50entryusnindex.ldif50faxnumbersyntaxplugin.ldif50faxsyntaxplugin.ldif50fixNsState.pl50guidesyntaxplugin.ldif50linkedattrsplugin.ldif50managedentriesplugin.ldif50memberofindex.ldif50memberofplugin.ldif50nameuidsyntaxplugin.ldif50nstombstonecsn.ldif50numericstringsyntaxplugin.ldif50pbkdf2pwdstorageplugin.ldif50printablestringsyntaxplugin.ldif50refintprecedence.ldif50retroclprecedence.ldif50rootdnaccesscontrolplugin.ldif50schemareloadplugin.ldif50smd5pwdstorageplugin.ldif50syntaxvalidplugin.ldif50targetuniqueid.ldif50teletexterminalidsyntaxplugin.ldif50telexnumbersyntaxplugin.ldif50updateconfig.ldif50usnplugin.ldif52updateAESplugin.pl60removeLegacyReplication.ldif60upgradeconfigfiles.pl60upgradeschemafiles.pl70upgradefromldif.pl80upgradednformat.pl81changelog.pl82targetuniqueidindex.pl90subtreerename.pl91reindex.pl91subtreereindex.pldnaplugindepends.ldifexampleupdate.ldifexampleupdate.plexampleupdate.sh389-ds-base- -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu   !"#$%&'()*+,-./012333345556657555555555555588899888888888888888888888888899888888888888898888888889directoryASCII textPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executablePerl script, ASCII text executablePerl script, ASCII text executable, with very long linesELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=928dfa24779d59322c8daebc59f18d16c35bcb65, strippedPython script, ASCII text executableELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=d21a649e1945b4aa253ccaee95c5103bb280f4e2, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=111660c7945835bc273afa9bda3f9f92bde89a9e, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=97eeaffc2977141c485961dd7efe2ea2616cc870, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=71f1489850310dfad586f7c37668201499b80f73, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=dd29dac164bcbf590b4937e4a82b81da2b174eee, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=fbae587ba463a5779f3b7632942d929fd1a6fba5, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=79104cd0def6bbc41acc44d476ef2dbea9cb8cbe, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=7df0e5ffda3ecb70c6d40ab6ec2221e20841d73c, strippedPerl5 module source textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=136ca5cd94fedfd34097b2085e88a638ef278c37, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=73ae772206eef14077effd94cc10a771d1082fa1, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c55efb9dd29c0ce38da842b82c64694bc8ca05ec, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8ec33fab871a753c9cc216674f60296c8ad76bbf, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c36529ddc1d123eb7306e29fa800b676c1d9e8c6, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c279eae9446da8ffcb2cfdc3c02f4b41e06fcbdd, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b6a5ad2965fbd2ba8b99a7902c729ea76789b8e2, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b1da25b207b223e89bba244bd199c2d8c7ed8d97, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=bf419eb47c80ec49c5176cb4b6113a5fa736e966, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c8d86c22bcdaf0888379f252a5f5482e1bbfcd1d, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ba28c95abf16b32a923ef9823a5e2eb7fdc85430, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=baafe5d43073660a2a1678f22db17e889dc17fd7, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=316d6324d6ce385045af4fa7ec135b523aa8212b, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=94e2cb6d47fd250f724107fd518c4f5ba61d1d74, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a4f29f735b206fc107bf0cfdfb4c95c8958319af, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=273bc3e3d55d5b7fc171542ab7f5963a6367133e, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c7d3062def12228b2d3d78bd35cd4666492e8c0e, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8ee82c9183ccaf55a192695f44cd7305755f6686, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=35a273c57b9d23faa53aa26c730ab45b614495ef, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a24109b8e45749fc4161ffbdab380b536205aaa9, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=be4f237095ec1edba4aaa7bdd4a1412dcd7c8b12, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5a5e2637070646e2ba8a2451556b8afd7813cf33, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=bf6c4b16481e78033725aa7c68e1c9266befa882, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=094a27775d1ba9193ef73055b4ab248f382d4357, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=2df014137d1397dfaf57fc288f8b94b681075f69, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c76f838b15a11c5ee2c0234fcb6efa8cde4d3ce0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=2065e98b14b66ebc680f94773bf2e9dddf873782, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=689d5c71314aa9dc289b5b8810f9e1e0754279e0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=067e8da501cf603f3d6e06b06badc057f12032c6, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4e1b48c40ffbd85dd7324d45fba2620fffa0536e, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=65fccebe432bb0b74df5f2ba3eb98622997aa14d, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=52dc8194060e0f1350c3906f6ee0a67bcd2f3231, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f91e046a0fe6c789eb178a450b4347c080550c30, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ef6c7c889b60456d6749ceb127a43012c314d456, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0a1388b8e823576491ba5b1e6a6f546def439079, strippedpython 2.7 byte-compiledELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=587fe1632999b9efc5c400395f0455a6baf229f8, strippedASCII text, with very long linesUTF-8 Unicode textHTML document, ASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)  /EUay#&13@GKd|4Rk5Qj)BZr =CDEFITUVWX[\]`cdehklopstxyz}      !!# RR^RbRdReRgRR]RRRRRRRCR4R5R)RRRRRRRRRRRCRRRRRRRCR4R5R)RR=R,R7RRRRRRCR4R5R)RR,R;R&R$R8R@R#R"RR3R6RAR9RCRRRRRRR0R;R#R"RR3R9R'RCR&R$R>WڨY`E.>ˍԪfLK'}#6}k˙olJ Vz_>LuUZU JNS~.Юh<`_%%\ыNnQ_ | Xe}NA{ B1 { Dϊf+ 8E:si:4UcFaC i0ŮtCs;sdq~pl!=^&{}лQXRa 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